Emotional Intelligence: Group Members Roll No

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Emotional Intelligence


Reena Dingarkar 8
Omkar Kadve 12
Neha Kazare 17
Rohan Malusare 21
Affaan Shaikh 27
Paresh Shinde 30
the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate
among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions.

Charles Darwins In 1900s
E.L. Thorndike 1920
David Wechsler in 1940
Howard Gardners in 1983
5. Wayne Payne's in 1985
Daniel Golman in 1990 (Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness)

Ability model:
Perceiving emotions
Using emotions
Understanding emotions
Managing emotions

Aspects of Emotional intelligence
Knowing ones emotions
Managing emotions
Motivating oneself
Recognizing emotion in others
Handling relationships

Why Emotional Intelligence needed at work?

Unmet emotional needs cause the majority of problems at work
EI competencies at work
Social Competencies
Personal competencies

Personal Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
Professional Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
Effective leadership skills
Improved communication skills
Less workplace conflict
Better problem solving skills
Increased likelihood of promotion
Greater career success
Stronger personal relationships
Better health
Increased optimism and confidence
Fundamentals Of EQ
Keep a journal
Use a programmed relaxation response
Write yourself a Positive Script
Pre plan how you will respond to stressful situations
Look at the situation from a different perspective: (Reframe)
Make a Mental video of yourself
Developing EQ through five key skills
Quickly reduce stress
Recognize and manage your emotions
Connect with others using nonverbal communication
Use humor and play to deal with challenges
Resolve conflicts positively and with confidence

Attributes of Emotional Intelligence
Self Awareness
Self Management
Social Awareness
Relationship Management

Emotional intelligence examples

Two people had a fight with their boss at work. One of them
was emotionally intelligent and the other wasn't.
On returning to their homes the first, who wasn't emotionally
intelligent, started shouting at his children. This guy acted
based on his emotions without thinking about them in an
emotionally intelligent way.
when the second person returned home and found that the kids
were noisy he just told himself, well, why should I shout at
the kids, they are not the ones to blame for my feelings, they
always make that loud noise while playing. The main reason i
am feeling bad is because of my boss.
That person recognized his emotions, thought about them, then
acted in an emotionally intelligent way

The person those who have the quality of
Emotional intelligence should be able to:-

To recognize and manage your emotions
To recognize and effectively deal with others
To motivate yourself and maintain successful

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