Computer Architecture
Computer Architecture
Computer Architecture
Load-store FP
Instruction registers
operations Queue
Address Unit
Store buffers Load buffers Floating-point Operand
operations buses
Operation bus
3 2
2 1
Reservation Stations
Data Address
6. ADD.D F6,F8,F2
Instruction Status
Instruction Issue Execute Write Result
L.D F6,34(R2)
L.D F2,45(R3)
MUL.D F0,F2,F4
SUB.D F8,F2,F6
DIV.D F10,F0,F6
ADD.D F6,F8,F2
Reservation Station
Name Busy Op Vj Vk Qj Qk A
Load1 no
Load2 yes Load 45+Regs[R3]]
Add1 yes SUB Mem[34+Regs[R2]] Load2
Add2 yes ADD Add1 Load2
Add3 no
Mult1 yes MUL Regs[F4] Load2
Mult2 yes DIV Mem[34+Regs[R2]] Mult1
Register Status
Field F0 F2 F4 F6 F8 F10 F12 … F30
Qi Mult1 Load2 Add2 Add1 Mult2
Steps in Algorithm
• To understand the full power of eliminating WAW and WAR hazards
through dynamic renaming of registers, We must look at a loop. Consider
the following simple sequence for multiplying the elements of an array by
a scalar in F2:
LOOP: L . D F0 , 0 ( R1 )
MUL . D F4 , F0 , F2
S.D F4 , 0 ( R1 )
DADDUI R1 , R1 , #- 8
BNE R1 , R2 , LOOP: branches if R1 # R2
Steps in Algorithm
Instruction State Wait until Action or bookkeeping
Issue Sation r empty RS[r].Busy<-yes;RegisterStat[rd],Qi=r;
FP Operation
else{RS[r].Vj<-Regs[rs]; RS[r].Qj<-0};
Load or Store Buffer r empty RS[r].A<-imm;RS[r].Busy<-yes;
Branch or
Not Not taken
Address Predict taken Predict taken
11 10
baddr1 1 Taken
Not taken
baddr3 1 Predict untaken Predict untaken
01 00
1 bit Taken
Not taken
Static Branch Prediction
• Useful when branch behavior is highly
predictable at compile time
• It can also assist dynamic predictors
• Loop unrolling is an example of this
Branch Causing 3-Cycle Stall
Untaken Branch instruction IF ID EX MEM WB
Branch delay instruction j + 1 IF ID EX MEM WB
Branch target IF ID EX MEM WB
Branch target + 1 IF ID EX MEM WB
Branch target + 2 IF ID EX MEM WB
Scheduling the branch delay slot
From before From target From fall-through
becomes becomes
DSUB R4, R5, R6
If R2 = 0 then DADD R1, R2, R3
DADD R1, R2, R3 DADD R1, R2, R3 If R1 = 0 then
If R1 = 0 then OR R7, R8, R9
DSUB R4, R5, R6
DSUB R4 , R5, R6
Best choice
Branch Prediction – Correlating
• Prediction based on correlation
SUB R3, R1, #2
BNEZ R3, L1 ; branch b1 (aa != 2)
if (aa == 2) ADD R1, R0, 0 ;aa=0
aa = 0; L1: SUB R3, R2, #2
BNEZ R3, L2 ;branch b2 (bb != 2)
if (bb == 2)
ADD R2, R0, R0 :bb=0
bb = 0; L2: SUB R3, R1, R2 ; R3=aa-bb
if (aa != bb) { BEQZ R3, L3 ; branch b3 (aa == bb)
With Scheduling
Instruction Producing
Result Instruction Using Result Latency in Clock Cycles
FP ALU op Another FP ALU op 3
FP ALU op Store double 2
Load Double FP ALU op 1
Load Double Store double 0
The Basic VLIW Approach
• There is no fundamental difference in two approaches.
• The instructions to be issued simultaneously falls on the
complier, the hardware in a superscalar to make these issue
decisions is unneeded.
The Basic VLIW Approach
• Scheduling Techniques
– Local Scheduling
– Global Scheduling
• Suppose we have a VLIW that could issue two memory
references, two FP operations, and one integer operation or
branch in every clock cycle. Show an unrolled version of the
loop x[I]=x[I]+s for such a processor. Unroll as many times as
necessary to eliminate any stalls. Ignore the branch delay slot.
loop and replace the unrolled
Memory reference 1 Memory reference 2 FP operation 1 FP operation 2 operation/branch
L.D F0,0(R1) L.D F6,-8(R1)
L.D F10,-16(R1) L.D F14,24(R1)
L.D F18,-32(R1) L.D F22,-40(R1) ADD.D F4,F0,F2 ADD.D F8,F6,F2
L.D F26,-48R1) ADD.D F12,F10,F2 ADD.D F16,F14,F2
ADD.D F20,F18,F2 ADD.D F24,F22,F2
S.D F4,0(R1) S.D F8,-8(R1) ADD.D F28,F26,F2
S.D F12,-16(R1) S.D F16,-24(R1) DADDUI R1,R1,#-56
S.D F2024(R1) S.D F24,16(R1)
S.D F28,8(R1) BNE R1,R2,Loop
Problems of VLIW Model
• They are:
– Technical problems
– Logistical Problems
Technical Problems
• Increase in code size and the limitations of lockstep.
• Two different elements combine to increase code size
substantially for a VLIW.
– Generating enough operations in a straight-line code
fragment requires ambitiously unrolling loops, thereby
increasing code size.
– Whenever instructions are not full, the unused functional
units translate to wasted bits in the instruction encoding.
Logistical Problems And Solution
• Logistical Problems
– Binary code compatibility has been a major problem.
– The different numbers of functional units and unit latencies require different versions of
the code.
– Migration problems
• Solution
• Approach:
– Use object-code translation or emulation.This technology is developing quickly
and could play a significant role in future migration schemes.
– To tamper the strictness of the approach so that binary compatibility is still
Advantages of multiple-issue
versus vector processor
• Twofold.
– A multiple-issue processor has the potential to extract
some amount of parallelism from less regularly structured
– It has the ability to use a more conventional, and typically
less expensive, cache-based memory system.
Advanced complier support for
exposing and exploiting ILP
• Complier technology for increasing the amount of
parallelism .
• Defining when a loop is parallel and how dependence can
prevent a loop from being parallel.
• Eliminating some types of dependences
Detecting and Enhancing Loop-
level Parallelism
• Loop-level parallelism is normally analyzed at the source level
or close to it.
• while most analysis of ILP is done once instructions have been
generated by the complier.
• It involves determining what dependences exist among the
operand in a loop across the iterations of that loop.
Detecting and Enhancing Loop-
level Parallelism
• The analysis of loop-level parallelism focuses on determining
whether data accesses in later iterations are dependent on
the data values produced in earlier iterations is called a loop-
• Loop-level parallel at the source representation:
x[i] = x[i] + s;
Example 1
• Consider a loop:
for (i= 1; i <= 100; i = i + 1)
A [ i + 1] = A [ i ] + C [ i ] ;
B [ i + 1] = B [ i ] + A [ i + 1 ] ;
• Loop-carried dependence : execution of an instance
of a loop requires the execution of a previous
Example 2
• Consider a loop:
for (i= 1; i <= 100; i = i + 1)
A [ i ] = A [ i ] + B [ i ] ; /* S1 */
B [ i + 1] = C [ i ] + D [ i ] ;/* S2 */
ooo ooo
99 A[99] = A[99] + B[99] 99 A[99] = A[99] + B[99]
99 B[100] = C[99] + D[99] 99 B[100] = C[99] + D[99]
A = 2, B = 3, C= 2, D = 0
Since 2 (GCD(A,C)) does not divide –3 (D-B), no dependence
is possible
GCD – Greatest Common Divisor
Example 2
• The loop has multiple types of dependences. Find all the true
dependences , and antidependences , and eliminate the
output dependences and antidependences by renaming.
for ( i = 1 , i <= 100 ; i = i + 1)
y [ i ] = x [ i ] / c ; /* S1 */
x [ i ] = x [ i ] + c ; /* S2 */
z [ i ] = y [ i ] + c ; /* S3 */
y [ i ] = c - y [ i ] ; /* S4 */
Dependence Analysis
• There are a wide variety of situations in which array-oriented dependence
analysis cannot tell us we might want to know , including
– When objects are referenced via pointers rather than array indices .
– When array indexing is indirect through another array, which happens
with many representations of sparse arrays.
– When a dependence may exist for some value of the inputs, but does
not exist in actuality when the code is run since the inputs never take
on those values.
– When an optimization depends on knowing more than just the
possibility of a dependence, but needs to know on which write of a
variable does a read of than variable depend.
Basic Approach used in points-to
• The basic approach used in points-to analysis relies on information from
three major sources:
– Type information, which restricts what a pointer can point to.
– Information derived when an object is allocated or when the address
of an object is taken, which can be used to restrict what a pointer can
point to.
– For example if p always points to an object allocated in a given source
line and q never points to that object, then p and q can never point to
the same object.
– Information derived from pointer assignments.
– For example , if p may be assigned the value of q, then p may point to
anything q points to.
Analyzing pointers
• There are several cases where analyzing pointers has been successfully
applied and is extremely useful:
– When pointers are used to pass the address of an object as a
parameter, it is possible to use points-to analysis to determine the
possible set of objects referenced by a pointer. One important use is to
determine if two pointer parameters may designate the same object.
– When a pointer can point to one of several types , it is sometimes
possible to determine the type of the data object that a pointer
designates at different parts of of the program.
– It is often to separate out pointers that may only point to local object
versus a global one.
Different types of limitations
• There are two different types of limitations that affect our
ability to do accurate dependence analysis for large programs.
– Limitations arises from restrictions in the analysis
algorithms . Often , we are limited by the lack of
applicability of the analysis rather tan a shortcoming in
dependence analysis per se.
– Limitation is the need to analyze behavior across
procedure boundaries to get accurate information.
Eliminating dependent
• Compilers can reduce the impact of dependent computations
so as to achieve more ILP.
• The key technique is to eliminate or reduce a dependent
computation by back substitution, which increase the amount
of parallelism and sometimes increases the amount of
computation required. These techniques can be applied both
within a basic block and within loops.
Copy propagation
• Within a basic block, algebraic simplifications of expressions
and an optimization called copy propagation which eliminates
operations that copy values can be used to simplify
DADDUI R1,R2, #4
DADDUI R1,R2, #8
• Consider the code sequences:
ADD R1,R2,R3
ADD R4,R1,R6
ADD R8,R4,R7
• Notice that this sequence requires at least three execution cycles, since
all the instructions depend on the immediate predecessor. By taking
advantage of associativity, transform the code and rewrite:
ADD R1,R2,R3
ADD R4,R6,R7
ADD R8,R1,R4
• This sequence can be computed in two execution cycles. When loop
unrolling is used , opportunities for these types of optimizations occur
• Recurrences are expressions whose value on one iteration is
Sum = Sum + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 ;
• Optimized: with 3 dependent operations:
– Reading Assignment
• Trace Scheduling
• Software Pipelining versus Loop Unrolling
Software Pipelining
• This is a technique for reorganizing loops such that each
iteration in the software-pipelined code is made from
instruction chosen from different iterations of the original
• This loop interleaves instructions from different iterations
without unrolling the loop.
• This technique is the software counterpart to what Tomasulo’s
algorithm does in hardware.
Software Pipelined Iteration
Iteration 0
Iteration 1
Iteration 2
Iteration 3
Iteration 4
a) Software pipelining
to number
of unrolls
Number of
b) Loop unrolling
Software Pipelining Difficulty
• In practice, complication using software pipelining is quite difficult for
several reasons:
– Many loops require significant transformation before they can be
software pipelined, the trade-offs in terms of overhead versus
efficiency of the software-pipelined loop are complex, and the issue of
register management creates additional complexities.
– To help deal with the two of these issues, the IA-64 added extensive
hardware support for software pipelining
– Although this hardware can make it more efficient to apply software
pipelining , it does not eliminate the need for complex complier
support, or the need to make difficult decisions about the best way to
compile a loop.
Global Code Scheduling
• Global code scheduling aims to compact a code fragment
with internal control structure into the shortest possible
sequence that preserves the data and control dependence .
• Data Dependence:
– This force a partial order on operations and overcome by
unrolling and, in case of memory operations , using
dependence analysis to determine if two references refer
to the same address.
– Finding the shortest possible sequence for a piece of
code means finding the shortest sequence for the critical
path, which is the longest sequence of dependent
Global Code Scheduling ….
• Control dependence
– It dictate instructions across which code cannot be easily
– It arising from loop branches are reduce by unrolling.
– Global code scheduling can reduce the effect of control
dependences arising from conditional nonloop branches
by moving code.
– Since moving code across branches will often affect the
frequency of execution of such code, effectively using
global code motion requires estimates of the relatively
frequency of different paths.
Global Code Scheduling ….
– Although global code motion cannot guarantee faster
code, if the frequency information is accurate, the
compiler can determine whether such code movement is
likely to lead to faster code.
– Global code motion is important since many inner loops
contain conditional statements.
– Global code scheduling also requires complex trade-offs to
make code motion decisions.
A Typical Code Fragment
AA[[i i]]==AA[i]
B [i] = X
C [i] =
LD R4,0(R1) ; load A
LD R5,0(R2) ; load B
DADDU R4,R4,R5 ; ADD to A
SD R4,0(R1) ; Store A
BNEZ R4,elsepart ; Test A
…. ; then part
SD ….,0(R2) ;Stores to B
J join ; jump over else
elsepart: …. ; else part
X ; Code for X
join: …. ; after if
SD ….,0(R3) ; Store C[i]
Factors of the complier
• Consider the factors that the complier would have to consider in moving
the computation and assignment of B:
– What are the relative execution frequencies of the then case and the
else case in the branch? If the then case is
much more frequent, the code motion may be beneficial. If not, it is
likely, although not impossible, to consider moving the code.
– What is the cost of executing the computation and assignment to B on
the branch? It may be that there are
a number of empty instruction issue slots in the code on the branch
and that the instructions for B can be placed into slots that would
otherwise go empty. This opportunity makes the computation of B
“free” at least to the first order.
Factors of the complier …
– How will the movement of B change the execution time for
the then case? If B is at the start
of the critical path for the then case, moving it may be
highly beneficial.
– Is B the best code fragment that can be moved above the
branch? How does it compare with moving C or other
statements within the then case?
– What is the cost of the compensation code that may be
necessary for the else case? How effectively can this code
be scheduled, and what is its impact on execution time?
Global code principle
• The two methods on a two principle:
– Focus on the attention of the compiler on a straight-line
code segment representing what is estimated to be most
frequently executed code path.
– Unrolling is used to generate the straight-line code but,of
course, the complexity arises in how conditional branches
are handled.
• In both cases, they are effectively straightened by choosing
and scheduling the most frequent path.
Trace Scheduling : focusing on the
critical path
• It useful for processors with a large number of issues per
clock, where conditional or predicated with a large number of
issues per clock, where conditional or predicated execution is
inappropriate or unsupported, and where simple loop
unrolling may not be sufficient by itself to uncover enough ILP
to keep the processor busy.
• It is away to organize the global code motion process, so as to
simplify the code scheduling by incurring the costs of possible
code motion on the less frequent paths.
Steps to Trace Scheduling
• There are two steps to trace scheduling:
– Trace selection: It
tries to find likely sequence of basic blocks whose
operations will be put together into a smaller number of
instructions: this sequence is called a trace.
– Trace compaction: It
tries squeeze the trace into a small number of wide
instructions. Trace compaction is code scheduling; hence ,
it attempts to move operations as early as it can in a
sequence (trace), packing the operations into a few wide
instructions (or issue packets) as possible
Advantage of Trace Scheduling
• It approach is that it simplifies the decisions concerning global
code motion.
• In particular , branches are viewed as jumps into or out of the
selected trace, which is assumed to be the most probable
• When the code is moved across such trace entry and exit
points, additional book-keeping code will often be needed on
entry or exit point.
Key Assumption:
• The key assumption is that the trace is so much more probable than the
alternatives that the cost of the book-keeping code need not be a deciding
– If an instruction can be moved and thereby make the main trace
execute faster; it is moved.
• Although trace scheduling has been successfully applied to scientific code
with its intensive loops and accurate profile data, it remains unclear
whether this approach is suitable for programs that are less simply
characterized and less loop-intensive.
• In such programs,the significant overheads of compensation code may
make trace scheduling an unattractive approach, or, best , its effective use
will be extremely complex for the complier.
Trace in theA program
[ i ] = A [i] + B[i]
A [ i ] = A [i] + B[i]
0? Trace exit
B [i] =
0? Trace exit
B [i] =
C [i] =
Drawback of trace scheduling
• One of the major drawbacks of trace scheduling is that the
entries and exits into the middle of the trace cause significant
complications, requiring the complier to generate and track
the compensation code and often making it difficult to asses
the cost of such code.
• Superblocks are formed by a process similar to that used for
traces, but are a form of extended basic blocks, which are
restricted to a single entry point but allow multiple exits.
• How can a superblock with only one entrance be constructed?
The answer is to use tail
duplication to create a separate block that corresponds to the
portion of the trace after the entry.
• The superblock approach reduces the complexity of book-
keeping and scheduling versus the more general trace
generation approach, but may enlarge code size more than a
trace- based approach.
Superblock results from unrolling
A [ i ] = A [i] + B[i]
A [ i ] = A [i] + B[i]
Superblock exit
B [i] = Wit n=2 AA[[i i]]==AA[i]
C [i] =
AA[[i i]]==AA[i]
B [i] = X
Superblock exit
B [i] =
Wit n=1
C [i] =
C [i] =
Exploited of ILP
• Loop unrolling, software pipelining , trace scheduling , and
superblock scheduling all aim at trying to increases the
amount of ILP that can be exploited by a processor issuing
more than one instruction on every clock cycle.
• The effectiveness of each of these techniques and their
suitability for various architectural approaches are among the
hottest topics being pursed by researches and designers of
high-speed processors.
Hardware Support for Exposing
More Parallelism at Compile Time
• Techniques such as loop unrolling, software pipelining , and
trace scheduling can be used to increase the amount of
parallelism available when the behavior of branches is fairly
predictable at compile time.
• The first is an extension of the instruction set to include
conditional or predicated instructions.
• Such instructions can be used to eliminate branches,
converting a control dependence into a data dependence and
potentially improving performances.
• Such approaches are useful with either the hardware-
intensive schemes , predication can be used to eliminate
Conditional or Predicated
• The concept behind instructions is quite simple:
– An instruction refers to a condition, which is evaluated as
part of the instruction execution.
– If the condition is true, the instruction is executed
– If the condition is false, the execution continues as if the
instruction were a no-op.
– Many newer architectures include some form of
conditional instructions.
• Consider the following code:
if (A==0) {S=T;}
Assuming that registers R1,R2 and R3 hold the values of A,S and
T respectively, show the code for this statement with the
branch and with the conditional move.
Conditional and Predictions
• Conditional moves are the simplest form of conditional or predicted
instructions, and although useful for short sequences, have limitations.
• In particular, using conditional move to eliminate branches that guard the
execution of large blocks of code can be efficient, since many conditional
moves may need to be introduced.
• To remedy the inefficiency of using conditional moves, some architectures
support full predication, whereby the execution of all instructions is
controlled by a predicate.
• When the predicate is false, the instruction becomes a no-op. Full
predication allows us to simply convert large blocks of code that are
branch dependent.
• Predicated instructions can also be used to speculatively move an
instruction that is time critical, but may cause an exception if moved
before a guarding branch.
• Here is a code sequence for a two-issue superscalar that can
issue a combination of one memory reference and one ALU
operation, or a branch by itself, every cycle:
First Instruction Se t Se cond Instruction Set
LW R1,40(R2) ADD R3,R4,R5
ADD R6,R3,R7
LW R8,0(R10)
LW R9,0(R8)
• This sequence wastes a memory operation slot in the second
cycle and will incur a data dependence stall if the branch is
not taken, since the second LW after the branch depends on
the prior load. Show how the code can be improved using a
predicated form of LW.
Predicate instructions
• When we convert an entire code segment to predicated
execution or speculatively move an instruction and make it
predicated, we remove a control dependence.
• Correct code generation and the conditional execution of
predicated instructions ensure that we maintain the data flow
enforced by the branch.
• To ensure that the exception behavior is also maintained, a
predicated instruction must not generate an exception if the
predicate is false.
Complication and Disadvantage
• The major complication in implementing predicated
instructions is deciding when to annul an instruction.
• Predicated instructions may either be annulled during
instruction issue or later in the pipeline before they commit
any results or raise an exception.
• Each choice has a disadvantage.
• If predicated instructions are annulled in pipeline, the value of
the controlling condition must be known early to prevent a
stall for a data hazard.
• Since data-dependent branch conditions, which tends to be
less predictable, are candidates for conversion to predicated
execution, this choice can lead to more pipeline stalls.
Complication of Predication
• Because of this potential for data hazard stalls, no design with
predicated execution (or conditional move) annuls
instructions early.
• Instead , all existing processors annul instructions later in the
pipeline , which means that annulled instructions will
consume functional unit resources and potentially have
negative impact on performance .
• A variety of other pipeline implementation techniques, such
as forwarding, interact with predicated instructions, further
complicating the implementation.
Factors Predicated or Conditional
• Predicated or conditional instructions are extremely useful for
implementing short alternative control flows, for eliminating some
unpredictable branches, and for reducing the overhead of global code
scheduling. Nonetheless, the usefulness of conditional instructions is
limited by several factors:
– Predicated instructions that are annulled (I.e., whose conditions are
false) still take some processor resources.
– An annulled predicated instruction requires fetch resources at a
minimum, and in most processors functional unit execution time.
– Therefore, moving an instruction across a branch and making it
conditional will slow the program down whenever the moved
instruction would not have been normally executed.
Factors Predicated or Conditional
– Likewise, predicating a control-dependent portion of code and
eliminating a branch may slow down the processor if that code would
not have been executed.
– An important execution to these situations occurs when the cycles
used by the moved instruction when it is not performed would have
been idle anyway.
– Moving an instruction across a branch or converting a code segment
to predicated execution is essentially speculating on the outcome of
the branch.
– Conditional instructions make this easier but do not eliminate the
execution time taken by an incorrect guess.
– In simple cases,where we trade a conditional move for a branch and a
move, using conditional moves or predication is almost always better.
Factors Predicated or Conditional
– When longer code sequences are made conditional, the
benefits are more limited.
– Predicated instructions are most useful when the predicate
can be evaluated early.
– If the condition evaluation and predicated instructions
cannot be separated (because of data dependence in
determining the condition) , then a conditional instruction
may result in a stall for a data hazard.
– With branch prediction and speculation, such stalls can be
avoided, at least when the branches are predicted
Factors Predicated or Conditional
– The use of conditional instructions can be limited when the control
flow involves more than a simple alternative sequence.
– For example, moving an instruction across multiple branches requires
making it conditional on both branches, which requires two conditions
to be specified or requires additional instructions to compute the
controlling predicate.
– If such capabilities are not present, the overhead of if conversion will
be larger, reduce its advantage.
– Conditional instructions may have some speed penalty compared with
unconditional instructions.
– This may show up as a higher cycle count for such instructions or a
slower clock rate overall.
– If conditional instructions are more expensive, they will need to be
used judiciously.
Compiler Speculation With
Hardware Support
• Many programs have branches that can be accurately
predicted at compile time either from the program structure
or by using a profile.
• In such cases, the compiler may want to speculate either to
improve the scheduling or to increase the issue rate.
• Predicated instructions provide one method to speculate, but
they are really more useful when control dependences can be
completely eliminated by if conversion.
• In many cases,we would like to move speculated instructions
not only before the branch, but before the condition
evaluation cannot achieve this.