Pesent Simple

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Use Present Simple For

She usually plays tennis at the weekend.
She watches TVevery Sunday.
Routines and Habits
Jenny drinks coffee every morning.
They go to university everyday.
Permanent States, facts
He comes from France.
They work in a bank.
I dont speak Chinese.
Fernando speaks Chinese.
Facts or Things that always happens.
Water boils at 100^C.
The sun goes down in the west.
The Moon goes around the Earth
Law of nature.
Time Table Events.
When does the plane leave? It leaves at 5 .00 a.m.
The movie starts at 19:45 p.m.
The train doesnt arrive at 13.00 p.m.
The lesson finishes at 9 a.m
How do we form Present Simple
I know
you know
he / she / it knows
we know
you know
they know
In the third person singular Affirmative (he / she / it ),
we add s to the Verb.
I work in a bank.
She starts work at 9.30.

I start he starts.
I live she lives.
If a verb ends in ss , -sh , -ch , -x , -o ,
In the third person singular affirmative,
We add -
Miss misses
Crash crashes
Match matches
Mix mixes
Go goes
I watch He watches We wash She washes
They go It goes You fix He fixes
Have Has
When a verb ends in a consonant + ,
We replace
And add - in the third person singular affirmative
Fly flies

Carry carries
I study He studies.
They fly It flies
Consonants (b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,tv,w,x,y,z)
When a verb ends in a vowel + - y ,
We just add s
in the third person singular affirmative.
I buy She buys.
They play He plays
Vowels ( a , e , i , o , u )
Negative and forms,
We use the Auxilary verb do / does
She doesnt like David.
He doesnt listen to his teacher.
We dont go out at the weekend.
I dont know the answer..
I dont
We dont
They dont
She doesnt.
He doesnt.
It doesnt.
Third Person Singular
And the Main Verb in its infinitive form.
We use the Auxilary verb do / does
And the Main Verb in its infinitive form.

Does Jane live in London?
Do I play? / Do you play?
Do we play? / Do they play?
Does she play? / Does he play? / Does it play?
Third Person Singular
Do they play football?
Question forms
Where does she work?
What do you do?

In short answers,
We only use do / does.
We dont use the Main Verb.
Do they enjoy classical music? Yes, they do.
Does she play the guitar? No, she doesnt.
Time Expressions- Adverbs Of Frequency
When we talk about habits or we want to say
how often something happens,
We often use the Present Simple with
Adverbs of frequency usually come before the Main Verb,
They dont forget their homework.
I always at school before 8.00 am.
BUT after the Verb To Be.
He plays tennis.
We go to the cinema.
She watches TV after school.
Math not always difficult.
He never late to work.
Other Time Expressions such as
Every day
Every week
Once a week
Twice a week
Five times a week
On Mondays
On Sundays we watch DVDs.
She drives to work every day.
Usually go at the beginning
The end of a sentence.
April june september december
Once every three months
Activity verbs talk about activities and actions.
We can use Activity Verbs in the
Present simple and Present continuous:
He plays football everyday.
Hes playing football now.
Typical activity verbs are
play, work, write, eat, run and do.

State Verbs talk about
States, Feelings , Opinions and Senses .
We dont usually use state verbs in the Present
Continuous form (or other continuous forms)
I like him. Not Im liking him.
I think its great. Not Im thinking its great.
I understand it now. Not Im understanding now.

Common State Verbs
I think shes rich. (I believe)
I see you are in trouble. (I understand)
He has three children (state)
I love holidays. (in general)
This picture looks nice. (It appears)

He comes from Spain (he was born in)

Im thinking about your plan. (considering)
Im seeing my boss today. (visiting)
Im having a shower. (activity)
Im loving this holiday. (Im enjoying specific)
Shes looking at some old photographs.
(shes examining)
Hes coming from Spain. (hes travelling from)

Tip: Some verbs can be both activity verbs and state verbs:

STATE means something staying the same.
An ACTION means something happening

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