Nano Technology
Nano Technology
Nano Technology
Nano Technology
What is Nano Technology
How the idea took up
Nano Materials: Structures and Properties
Molecular Assembly
Super Computing
Nano Computer Dream Team(NCDT)
Nano Technology MEMS
Nano technology in India
Nano technology Applications
Nano technology Advantages
• From converting sunlight into power to clean oceans, to
monitor thermal environment, and to sensors in the form
of biochips built into the human body performing as
lifesavers by self-monitoring and guarding,
nanotechnology assures us a lot more!Stone Age,
Bronze Age, Iron Age, Silicon Age, and next what?
nevertheless to say, we are well in to the Nanotech Age,
where materials are just getting smarter day by day.
There would be sensors embedded in almost all walks
of life. Each element would be smart enough to repair
itself as and when required. All this would be possible
by manipulating matter at the molecular scale..
How the idea took up
Greek philosophers, 2500 years ago were first to
worry about divisibility of matter. They enquired
whether one can go on dividing material into
smaller and smaller parts and reached to a
conclusion that there is no limit beyond which
one can go. The atoms were assumed to be
indivisible particles. It was found out that the
properties of materials made of clusters of a few
tens to a few thousand atoms are drastically
different than normal materials. This conclusion
resulted in evolution of Nanoworld.
Nanotechnology was conceived in southern
California in 1959, when Nobel Laureate
physicist Richard P.Feynman gave a famous
lecture at the California Institute of technology in
Nanomaterials: Structures and
Properties of materials depend critically on the size of atoms
constituting the material. The constituents, nanoparticles can
vary from few tens of atom clusters to hundreds to tens of
thousands of atoms. If one can control the sizes of
nanoparticles constituting the material , there are possibilities
to assemble new nanostructured materials with unique or
improved properties.
The trick is to manipulate atoms individually and place them
exactly where needed, to produce the desired structure. It is
challenge for scientists to understand the size, shape, strength,
force, motion and other properties while designing
nanomachines. The idea of nanotechnology is therefore to
master over the characteristics of matter in an intelligent
manner to develop highly efficient systems.
For a layman it can be described as follows : if we properly
arrange the atoms in coal we can make diamond. If we
rearrange the atoms in sand and add a few trace elements we
can make silicon chip.
Molecular Assembler
The goal of nanotechnology was to produce fhe first
nano size robotic arm capable of manipulating atoms
and molecules either into a useful product or copies
into itself. One nano –assembler working atom by
atom would rather slow because most desirable
products are made of trillions and trillions of atoms.
However, such an assembler robot arm is designed
to make copies of it and those copies are capable of
making furthur copies. This would soon result in a
situation where objects would be assembled quickly
by trillions of such nano supercomputer controlled
assemblers working in parallel.
Molecular technology has obvious application to storage
and processing of information. In the computer industry,
the ability to shrink the size of transistors on silicon
microprocessors is already reaching the limits.
Nanotechnology will be needed to create a new
generation of computer components. Molecular
computers could contain storage of devices capable of
storing trillions bytes of information in a structure the size
of sugar cube.
Moore’s law: Holding ground:
Gordon Moore made a prediction in 1965 that computer
processing power or the number of transistors on an
integrated chip would double every 18 months. The
visionary ‘Moore’s Law,’ as we call it has managed to
hold its ground to date.
NanoComputer Dream Team
• The nano –computer dream team(NCDT) is a non –profit
international organization, utilizing the “WWW”, with the
objective of fostering a collaborative environment for the
creative development of nanotechnology. The prime
objective of the NCDT is to provide a neutral ground on
which the evolution of nanotechnology can occur without
the obstacle of proprietary and other vested interests.
• Simulation of nano devices will require an
astonishing number of calculations, and as the scale of
the devices modeled increase and the precision of the
Nanotechnology has the potential to substantially benefit the
environment through pollution prevention, treatment and
remediation. This would include improved detection and sensing,
removal of the finest containmants from air, water and soil, and
creation of new industrial processes that reduce waste products
and are ‘green’(environment -friendly).
Nano technology has the potential to have a positive effect on the
environment. For instance , airborne nano robots could be
programmed to rebuild the thinning ozone layer. Contaminants
could be automatically removed from water sources, and oil spills
could be cleaned instantly. Manufacturing materials using the
bottom up method nanotechnology also creates less pollution
than conventional manufacturing process.
Nano Technology MEMS
Nano Technology IT field
Tiny, molecular computers are becoming more and more
feasible, and may do to silicon what transistors did to
vacuum tubes. Across the world, universities and institutions
are making advances in nanotechnology that could shatter
today's concept of electronics.
Most computerchip manufacturers are trying to build
processors and other components at 100 billionths of a
meter, or 100 nanometers i.e 100 nanometers being the
distance between each transistor.
While some labs, are working under top secret conditions and
have supposedly made several prototypes of working
nanotechnology. One such rumor is of a molecular device
capable of functioning as RAM in a nanocomputer.