Water Rocket
Water Rocket
Water Rocket
Water Rocket
Parachute Trajectory
Newtons Third Law of Motion Action force follow by a reaction force which is same in magnitude but opposite in direction.
Pressure F (Impulsive force) P= A (Area) A refers to the area of nozzle (the mouth of the bottle)
Impulsive Force
t refers to the reaction time when the water eject out until it starts to release.
F = PA
( is the thrust, nozzle) is the pressure and A is area of the
Larger diameter nozzles provide faster acceleration with a shorter thrust phase, while smaller nozzles provide lower acceleration with a longer thrust phase.
An arrow dynamic fin or wing will allow the air to move smoothly around the rocket. The fin is made according to the Bernoullis Principle. This will cause the rocket to appear in a water droplet-like shape.
2. Parachute
Size of parachute depends on the size of the cap. A big parachute requires a big cap and vice versa. A good parachute will open at the moment when the rocket reaches its maximum height. A suitable mass of plasticine is added to enable the cap drops at the moment when the rocket starts to topple.
Where V is the volume of air displaced, is the density of the air and g is the gravitational acceleration
The length of strings is adjusted so that the shape of the parachute will approach in a hemisphere shape. Length of the strings are usually about four over three or five over four of the parachutes radius.
Fin is important because it will control the height of the parachute rocket. The nearer the position of the fin to the nozzle, the higher the parachute rocket will achieve.
( = peak height reached, = Initial mass of water, = Rocket mass when empty, = Initial gauge pressure inside rocket, = air density, = acceleration due to gravity)
3. Trajectory
Manipulate Variables
For launching, two manipulated variables exist. The first variable is angle which is 45 degrees allowing the distance travelled to be maximize. Second variable is pressure which value depends on the suitability of the rocket.
Graph Range of Trajectory versus launching angle
Conclusion In a nut shell, we need to test through experiment even though the theory is there.