Rape Slide
Rape Slide
Rape Slide
Women often cry rape falsely. When a woman says no to a man, he has no right to have sex with her. When a woman accepts drinks and dinner from a man, it is reasonable for him to force sex on her. When a man forces a woman he knows to have sex on a date, it should be considered rape. The legal system is biased against men in rape cases.
In U.S. 1 sexual assault every 2.5 min 1 in 10 men is raped (sodomized) 91% of victims are F, 9% are M Among F rape victims, 61% are under age 18 99% of offenders are M. 70% of rapes are committed by someone known to the person raped. 1 in 4 F college students - rape or attempted rape 1 in 12 M students surveyed had committed acts that met the legal definition of rape or attempted rape. 1 in 4 women had been victims of rape or attempted rape. 84% knew the attacker: 57% happened on dates Only 27% of victims thought of themselves as rape victims Only 5% reported it to police 75% of men had been drinking or taking drugs 43% of college men admit that they coerced sex
Reported own RMAcceptance & RProclivity Others RMA & own RMA --> RP (Fig #1)
Study #2: 158 Men 19-39 First reported own RMAcceptance Recd info about other students RMA Very High, High, Low, or No Info Reported own RP Increases in Others RMAcceptance --> Increases Own RP Own RMAcceptance -->Own RProclivity (Fig #2)
2.49 3.42
2.94 4.25
If a girl engages in necking or petting and she 2.88 lets things get out of hand, it is her own fault if her partner forces sex on her.
V. Rapists Speak
(Scully, 1991)
Denied being rapists. Admitted that their behavior was rape Gave justifications.
Denied being rapists. Denied that their behavior was rape Gave justifications.
(not rape) Women seduced him Women mean yes when they say no. Women eventually relax and enjoy it. Nice girls dont get raped. Only a minor wrong doing. Macho Man no need to rape.
Revenge, Punish, Collective Liability Added Bonus Entitlement, Conquest Dominance Recreation Felt Good like I had just ridden the bull at Gilleys
Gang Rape -- military spoils of war Frat and Athlete Rape Hidden code Lack of guilt Support for each other Alcohol/Drugs
Explanations from Team Rapists Team sport experience Male Bonding - part of group experience Conquest Not really hurt Not human like other women Willing: nice-girl vs. party-girl Rules do not apply
IX. Prevention?
B. Outward Adjustment Stage: Wks - Yrs Later Attempt to put assault behind, resume normal lifestyle. Internal turmoil may continue to create: denial-attempts to block thoughts of the assault continued anxiety, helplessness withdrawal from family and friends deterioration of normal routine - not wanting to go out or be involved change in sexual behaviors, attitudes misdirected or self-directed anger depression, substance abuse, eating disorders