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A Speech Act Analysis on Video Advertisement in Instagram

Vivia Agarta Febriati


This research examines the used of speech act on video advertisement in Instagram by
analyze the three aspects of speech act found in the advertisements. The data were
taken from video advertisements in Instagram randomly and in the form of words,
phrases, clauses or sentences. The main data were comments on the advertisements
and will be collected. The theory used in analyzing was from Austin. The analysis of
the data found that almost advertisement consist of three aspects of speech act
(locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary).


In daily activities, people can easily find any kinds of advertisement in a daytime
when they are watching television. But in this digital era advertisement not only found
in television but also in many social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Advertising become the big chance for enterpreneurs to advertise their products in
order to keep moving their business in a community. Advertising has served a purpose
in business world by enabling sellers to get buyers attention. Many enterpreneurs
create their advertisement’s context in a form of illustration or video. In Instagram,
there are many kinds of advertisements such as poster, illustration, or video.
Advertisements in a form of video become the most attractive and interesting
advertisement. People not only shown a good design or illustration and persuading
sentences but can also feel the experience of the products. An video advertisement
mostly has big chance in persuading the readers. Advertisement become a way of
communication and it uses language as the connector to convey the message.
However, there is still a miscommunication between the advertisers and the readers.
In this way, the researcher try to find the hidden meaning and the response that might
be found in some advertisements.

Speech act is a part of pragmatics since pragmatic is learn about relationship

between the users and the linguistic forms (Yule, 1996:4). From the definition,
pragmatic has many aspect that being studied. Pragmatic is not only about linguistic
form, it is also related with communication context. That context can is known as
speech act. According to Austin (1962) that cited from Faulker (2014) state that the
term speech act refers to speaker’s aim in uttering a preposition, the intention behind
their behavior. There are three aspect of speech act, first locutionary act, illocutionary
act, and the last is perlocutionary act. Austin then describe those three aspect:

1. Locutionary act is the production of the utterance for example, the physical act of
spoken or written language and the framework of the utterance.
2. Illocutionary act is the purpose of the speaker in producing the sentence for
example, apologizing, joking, refusing, promising.
3. Perlocutionary act is the effect of the utterances or illocutionary to the hearer.
Those three aspects cannot be separated from the context since it is the things that
create the speech act itself.

The researcher use 5 random video advertisement from Instagram. The data
are 125 comments from 5 different advertisements. Each advertisement consist of
First, the researcher found 5 different advertisements and collect all the
comments. There are several commands used Bahasa Indonesia, then the
researcher change it into English. All comments were collected based on each
kind of advertisements. Then the data were analyzed by the three aspects of
speech act (locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary). The researcher take
three random commands from different advertisements for each speech act’s
No. Speech act Comment Meaning
1. Locutionary @juliananabila6192 “aku suka Itmeans
bgt blnja di lazada” @juliananabila6192 ever
shopping through
@juliananabila6192 “i like Lazada
shopping in lazada”
@loveyourskinxx Ada Means that
spfnya? (does it contain spf?) @loveyourskinxx was
interesting with the
@Monikakalejova (love) dark Means that
chocolate @Monikakajelova like
the product.
2. @Staceb23 @shan1790 we Means that @Stacen23
should try this! Might b as commands his friend
good as the buttons! @shan1790 to try the
Illocutionary Makeoverid @eben_rice Hi, Means that
digunakan setelah sunblock @makeoverid reply the
ya (Hi, it is applied after question by @eben_rice
sunblock) by gave a statement
@Sarahbentley5696 Yummy Means that she like and
:p already taste the
3. Perlocutionar @Emir_sahin_111 Yum :p Means that he wants to
I’m gonna but that thing buy the product

@Thrillersue I tried #Cadbury means that he gave his

#Darkmilk for the first time first impression after buy
today, it’s absolutely dreamy the product
dDreamCoat #Neighbours
#JasonDonovan so if
@cadburyuk could send me a
lorry load I would be very

I have chance to see this angel Means that she is very

live back in 94, dressed in a happy to see her again
pink Chanel coat … the most
beautiful lady I ever saw.


From the analysis above, there are some aspects of speech act that can be found.
Type of speech act in advertisements
a. Locutionary Acts
The first comment was about Lazada’s advertisement that she like to shopping
in Lazada. It means that she has already shop there for several times and in the
form of statement. The second command was about MakeOver mosturizer,
the commentator gavea question to MakeOver about the ingredients of the
product, it means that she was interested with the product. The last comment
was about Cadbury Chocolate. The commentator gave the comment in the
form of statement that she likes the darkmilk chocolate very much.
b. Illocutonary Acts
The first comment was about someone who asked her friend to try the
chocolate (Cadbury) in the form of comment. The second comment was about
someone who asked about the product, it meants that she interesting with the
product (MakeOver). The last comment was about someone who like the
product (Cadbury). The comment was in the form of statement.
c. Perlocutionary Acts
The first comment was in the form of statement, that the commentator want to
buy the product (Cadbury). The second comment was in the form of statement,
that he has already bought the chocolate and his feeling about it (Cadbury).
The last comment was about her feeling or emotionally happy to see her
favorite actris wearing new watch from Channel (Channel ‘The new J12’).

In our daily activities, advertisement can easily found. The purpose is to
promote something to gain people attention. The use of language in advertisement
has relation with part of lingusitic which pragmatic and in pragmatic itself the
comments can be concluded as part of speech act. Speech acts has three aspect
that help us to recognize what type of comment used in the advertisements. Most
of the advertisement consist of those three aspect (locutionary, illocutionary and


Video Advertisement 1 (Make Over)

Transcription :

Make Over Multi Matte Blush Fix Up

Swipe that blush up fix up. Make over multi matte blusher in five multi fix shades.
Start with the blush
With powder shifter technology changing your checks face to perfect fresh
Touch, touch, blush
Also with high impact soft bland formula for that powdery
Matte natural, color lasting for am to pm
Can’t stop looking perfect
Make over multi blusher the blush fix up
Make over, beauty beyond rules
Comments :

1. larasita_okta : Make over tolong jangan menyebarkan racun lageww! (Make over,
please don’t spread poison again.)
2. ingesilvia_ : Mau nangis suka semuanya (Wanna cry, I like all)
3. nimasayuapriliana : oke fix, note lah ini (Okay fix, note this one.)
4. saftrm : Ya Allah Gemesnyah (YaAllah, that’s adorable.)
5. levanarif : Lucu semua warnanyaaa. Pengen semuaaa. (All the shade are cute. I want
all of them.)
6. chyntiadaenk : racun baru (New poison)
7. ni_hanifah : Yakin sih gak bakal mengecewakan. (I’m sure that it will not dissapoint.)
8. It seems interesting.
9. Barang_bagusii : gak pd pake blush on
10. niluhdara : Menyebalkan, selalu ada yang baru dan bikin pengen beli (Sucks, there is
always new and make want to buy.)
11. maudindj : mesti beli ini @bugapramudita (Should buy this one.)
12. indah_windiyani : di tegal ada kah ? (Does this is available in Tegal ?)
13. astinfdh : Wow, new product.
14. Raishakimcom : love it. Must have item !
15. ashaamw : akhirnya (Finally.)
16. Please, make the bb cushion.
17. nurul_08 : Di malaysia ada store nya ? Does the store is available in Malaysia ?
18. miapesekkk : cantik banget warna2nya (The shades are beautifu)l
19. fozia_245 : Price ?
20. elya.rinda : kulit saya gelap. Cocokya pake warna yang apa ya ? (My skin is dark.
What shades I should us ?)
21. igustiamanda : Yang paling recommended yang shades berapa ? (What is shade which
is recommended ?)
22. hevy_dian_kurniasari : pengen coba (Want to try.)
23. fachruisnaeni : @sukmaanjar95beli beli beli (Buy buy buy)
24. moniquegracia : Keren banget! Go local product! (It’s really impresive. Go local
25. carolyngds : giveaway pleaseeee

Video Advertisement 2 (Channel ‘The new J12’)

Transcription :

It is 2.30. A watch is to tell a time of course. But also it is an expression of

what you like and fashion accessory. So, who you are? I time all my meetings,
because I don’t like to be late, because I am German. It is now nearly 3 o’clock. I love
the time after dinner when everyone is in front of the fireplace with family and
friends. Time today is much faster and every year it becomes faster to slow time
down. Strangely is to do loads of things. It is 10 past 3. Trois Heures Dix. I don’t
have time to do everythings that I want to do. I keep trying, but I think that is called
living. A decisive second in my life would have been the moment when a modeling
scout came to me and ask me. If I want to be a model and I nearly said no. Thank god
I said yes. That was in a discotheque in Dusseldorf in 1987. A long time ago, it is all
about seconds.

Comments :

1. That is a gorgeous and suitable Channel imgae, not the vulgar excuse for an image
that represents now the brand.
2. I am loving this campaign, so smart … seconds count
3. She looks amazing! I love hearing her speak too!
4. Still very beautiful a true beauty even close to 50!!
5. J12 … the mother of all
6. This is so aesthetically pleasing
7. Woah she is had some face work done!!!
8. That is a fabulous add. She is amazing and sweet. Lovely really
9. Lose the watch and drop some acid
10. Timeless beauty
11. Sad that the only thing we have in common is this watch
12. The queen of chanel
13. Good Lord she looks amazing!
14. She is absolutely stunning
15. That the way things should be done
16. Now this is what you call a supermodel.
17. Damn you look perfect … are you immortal?
18. Claudia is the best. But please speak German.
19. Welcome back to Chanel official Claudia!! You are the ultimate Chanel muse &
ambassador . so classy and timeless.
20. Young girl at the age of fifty
21. Chanel muse!
22. Chanel deap
23. Wouahouu amazing photoshop
24. Mind blowing
25. Just one word: beautyness
26. I have chance to see this angel live back in 94, dressed in a pink Chanel coat … the
most beautiful lady I ever saw.

Video Advertisement 3 (Cadbury Dairymilk)

Transcription :
If you remember me, than this has been made especially for you. Cadbury darkmilk.
It’s a bit grown up.

Comments :

1. Chloebrown1983 :p :p
2. Mcphersonalistair Remember you? Never forget
3. Monikakalejova (love) dark chocolate
4. Braddavies93 this was at my office today for free. Lots of complaints about it not
being vegan so no one had it. Stupid really in this day of age.
5. __hayley_c__ shocking ad, nice chocolate!
6. Tinamartinalou Love Jason Donovan Love Cadbury’s chocolate x (love)
7. Sarahhussey1906 never forget you
8. Melissaivy84 (love) (love) (love)
9. Freedairychocolate Get a free box of Creme eggs here ->
10. Emir_sahin_111 Yum :p I’m gonna but that thing
11. Abluha need to try :p
12. Dazzy.x
13. Sarahbentley5696 Yummy :p
14. Kate_wa11 @laura.jane.gray
15. Icklelaura @nixiewatt88
16. Staceb23 @shan1790 we should try this! Might b as good as the buttons!
17. Chloe.axo @haruphotographics :DXxx
18. Lorraineholder @karenthorn
19. Thrillersue I tried #Cadbury #Darkmilk for the first time today, it’s absolutely dreamy
#JosephAndHisTechnicolouredDreamCoat #Neighbours
#JasonDonovan so if @cadburyuk could send me a lorry load I would be very grateful
20. Teamlh.thescript I’m huge Dark chocolate fan and although this is quite nice it’s not
for me. #darkchocolate rules :p @cadburyuk
21. Shauneestratton @jjbeano2

Advertisement 4 (Lazada_id)

Transcription :

Ini cerita berkahku di bulan ramadhan. Di mulai dari naksir sepatu tapi harus
di tahan untuk sandal ayah, beliin ibu mukenah, dan mainan untuk adik, tapi yang
namanya berkah pasti datang. Karna bulan ini ada berkah di lazada.

This is the story of my blessing in the month of Ramadan. Starting from the
crush of shoes but must be held for father's sandals, buy the mukenah for mother, and
toys for the younger siblings, but the blessing must come. Because this month there is
a blessing in lazada.
1. @budiman.fatin1717 “ngirim skrng semau nya dan seenak nya ajh,, mentang mentang
sdh nama besar dan perusahaan besar, kepuasan castumer di abaikan,, sungguh
sungguh kecewa berat”
@budiman.fatin1717 “ sending now whatever they want, as the big name and big
company. The customer satisfication be ignore. So very dissapointed
2. @juliananabila6192 “aku suka bgt blnja di lazada”
@juliananabila6192 “i like shopping in lazada”
3. @jasmine0894_ “di lazada enaknya itu COD’nya tapi soal harga kosmetik jauhh lebih
murah dudududu itu :*”
@jasmine0894_ “one thing that i like using lazada is because the COD but about the
price is more cheap in dudududu”
4. @widaendang “☹pengirimannya lama....”
@widaendang “☹late delivery”
5. @muhammadaliasfar “kenapa ya rata-rata gak real pict. Seperti ada penipuan publik.”
@muhammadaliasfar “why almost not real picture. there is like a public fraud”
6. @aepamalind “sekarang pengirimannya lamaaa bangett”
@aepamalind “now, the delivery is very late”
7. @arhy_yamato “ongkir nya gak naik kan kalau pas ramadhan?”
@arhy_yamato “the shipping cost doesn't increase if it's ramadan?”
8. @putriwl “belanja di lazada baru sekali tapi kepikiran terus. Barang gak dikirm2.
Maklum pesenan orang”
@putriwl “shopping at lazada just once but keep thinking. items have not been
shipped. This is the people order”
9. @astuti4092 “pertama belanja di lazada, kecewaaaaa. Pengiriman lamaaaaaa.. blnja
bareng di shopee, yg d d shopeee udah dtang semua.. yg dr lazada ntahlah nyangkut
dmn.. sebel”
@astuti4092 “the first time shopping in lazada. Long shipping. Shopping together at
shopee, in shopee all has come, but in lazada i don’t know where. So annoyed”
10. @merryanitasari “ Lazada bener2 penipu. Kita pesan apa pas dikonfirm g ada
tanggapan. Mending belanja di toko sebelah aja”
@merryanitasari “Lazada is really a cheater. What item that we order when it is
confirmed, there is no response. Just shop at the other store”
11. @prayogi82 “iklan nya gak seindah realitanya”
@prayogi82 “advertising is not as beautiful as reality”
12. @arifnandar23 “saya beli barang dr lazada sudah mampir 2 minggu gak nyampe
tangan saya. Katanya barang udah terkirim tpi blum nyampe ke tangan saya”
@arifnandar23 “I bought items from Lazada, it stopped by 2 weeks, but I have not
received it. He said the item had been sent but it hadn't arrived in my hands”
13. @khoiriah4918 “sangat kecewa ma lazada.. kapok bin nyeselllllllll”
@khoiriah4918 “very disappointed with lazada. dissapointed and regret”
14. @denisyahera “banyak nipu nya lazada.. tidak mementingkan kepuasan
pelanggan..cari untung dengan nipu..”
@denisyahera “a lot of fraud in lazada. Not concerned with customer satisfaction.
Look for profit by cheating”
15. @septiyanidc “kecewa banget pesen barang lewat lazada mah...banyak kekecewaan
mulai barang nelat sampe, respon penjual maupun dari lazada banyak barang yg
dipesan tdk sesuai dg jumlah yg dipesan...”
@septiyanidc “very disappointed order the item in lazada. Many disappointments
from late items arrived, the seller's response and from lazada many items ordered
were not in accordance with the amount ordered”
16. @boboho_manjah “ahhh lazada kurang bgus, bju yg di pesan tidak sesuai dgn yg di
inginkan, bahan nyah jelek gerah kagak adem.”
@boboho_manjah “lazada is not good enough, the clothes ordered are not same with
what you want, the bad material, hot, not comfortable.”
17. @karyana.karyana “aku belanja di lazada sangat kecewa barang gak sampai terus
uang gak kembali,udah di isi data formulir dana uang kembali tapi gak ada respon 200
lebih, sangat kecewa”
@karyana.karyana “I was shopping at lazada, i am very disappointed with the item
did not come and the money can not return, i am try to fill in the data form the money
back fund but no response 200 more, very disappointed”
@mdede.buldani “my money was 5 days didn’t return, so make me angry. So, I prefer
shopping at tokped, shopee, bukalapak and it's guaranteed security”
19. @yosep_saputra “udh mw 1 minggu blm jga datang”
@yosep_saputra “it's almost a week but the item hasn't arrived yet”
20. @boby_sumbar “terakhir belanja di lazada tdk jelas, padahal saya udh bayar lunas
tetapi barang pesanan saya tdk datang juga, dan udah hampir 5 hari pesanan saya
tidak kunjung datang..dan,saya sudah lama berlanganan di lazada,dan saya pun sangat
kecewa dengan pelayanan di lazada”
@boby_sumbar “The last time shopping at lazada is not clear, even though i have full
paid but my ordered items do not come too, and almost 5 days my order has not
arrived and I have spent a lot of time in lazada, and I am very disappointed with the
service at lazada”
21. @nida_surynsyh “lajada lagi rusak ya pembayarannya gak bisa bisa”
@nida_surynsyh “Is lazada error again. I can’t do payment”
22. @littha_harahab “ga lagi2 beli d.sini.... walaupun sistemnya cod tp tokonya gk pda
bertanggung jawab.. beli sepatu merek A d.kirimnya merek B... kecewa bgtt.. mna gk
bisa d,kembalikan.. harus pke laptop cara ngembaliinnya.. kecewaa bgtt mudah2 gk
pda laku tu tko yg bertanngung jwb”
@litth_harahab “not buying here again. even though the system is cod but the store is
not responsible. I was bought brand A shoes but the store sent me the brand B. Really
disappointed and can't be returned. Mus be use laptop to return. very disappointed. I
hope an unresponsible store bangkrupt”
23. @yudha0402 “gambar sama sepatu yang di antar beda plus kita pesan no 42 di kasi no
41. Hmmmm kecewa saya”
@yudha0402 “the picture with the shoes that deliver is different, in addition the item
what we order is number 42 but they sent number 41. I am so dissapointed”
24. @albet_diantara “enak belanja di JD.ID murah, dari pada lazada mahal banget”
@albet_”i like shopping in JD.ID is more cheap than lazada”
25. @zulekoefly “mahal banget sepatunya. Apalah dayaku yang miskin ini”
@zulekoefly “the shoes is so expensive. How poor me”

Advertisement 5 (Make Over)

Transcription :
Always be prepared for perfection by doing the next step towards gorgeous skin. For
natural looking skin please use a pump make over Radiant Tinted Moisturizer on the
tip of your finger. Apply gently. See how your skin is evenly refine. Congratulation
for stepping forward towards gorgeous skin. Skin gorgeously prepared for perfection
with make over Powerskin series. Make over, beauty beyond the rules.
Comments :
1. @stazzhns price ?
2. Makeoverid @stazzhns 139k
3. Merahbeauty @stazzhns ready dikami kak, bisa order via shopee ( We are
available, you can order via shopee )
4. Azzam_geraimuslimah ini apa kak? (what is this?)
5. @loveyourskinxx Ada spf nya? (does it contain spf?)
6. Makeoverid @loveyourskinxx Hi, SPF 30 ya (Hi, it contains SPF 30 )
7. @eben_rice Ini diaplikasikan setelah atau sebelum pakai sunblock? (is it applied after
or before using sunblock?)
8. Makeoverid @eben_rice Hi, digunakan setelah sunblock ya (Hi, it is applied after
sunblock )
9. Eben_rice @makeoverid saya pakai make over powerstay weightless liquid
foundation yg shade W41, untuk yg radiant tinted moisturizer bagusnya pake yg shade
berapa? ( I use make over powerstay weightless liquid foundation with shade W41, for
the radiant tinted moisturizer, what shade should I use ?)
10. Makeoverid @eben_rice no 30 Beige ya (Beige number 30 )
11. @riskaradifa Ini buat apa lg ya?? (What is it for?)
12. Makeoverid @ riskaradifa Hi, Radiant Tinted Moisturizer adalah pelembab yang
dapat emberikan kelembaban pada kulit dan menghasilkan tampilan kulit sehat, dewy,
dan natural coverage (Hi, Radiant Tinted Moisturizer is a moisturizer which can give
moistness for skin and produce healthy skin, dewy, and natural coverage )
13. @fachelyna Ini bisa dipake bebarengan dgn foundie gak?? (can it be used in the same
time with foundie? )
14. Makeoverid @ fachelyna Hi, untuk extra coverage bisa digunakan foundation setelah
itu (Hi, for the extra coverage it can be used after foundation )
15. Azzam_geraimuslimah @makeoverid ini di pakai sebelum foundation ya apa masih
perlu pakai serum (is it used before foundation? Is it still necessary to use serum? )
16. @chairulnikmahkhaliza8 Uuhh ahirnya make over punya tinted moisturizer
cocok bgt sama aku yg suka natural coverage (Uuhh finally, makeover has tinted
moisturizer, suitable with me who likes natural coverage )
17. @jr.janeskye Bisa dipake tiap hari? ( can it be used in daily?)
18. @kosmetikashopsinar1 Ready di kita (available on us)
19. @citra_sohani Saya sudah pakai dan hasilnya wow….Mntpp (I have already used and
the results is wow….great)
20. @nunungnurhaeni Shade mana yang cocok kl two way cake pake yg honey beige dan
desert @makeoverid? (which shade that suitable for me if I use two way cake with shade
honey and desert @makeoverid?)
21. Makeoverid @nunungnurhaeni Hi,bisa coba di no 30 Beige ( you can try number
30 Beige )
22. byagustina@makeoverid hi..klo utk kulit seperti saya yg sedikit gelap.. seperti coklat2
sawo matang yg cocok pakai yg no brapa ya?? (hi.. if I have a little dark skin tone.. such a
brown skin tone, which shade that suitable for me??)
23. makeoverid @byagustina Hi, bisa gunakan no 30 Beige juga ya (Hi, you can use also
number 30 Beige )
24. @vieblessing apa ini sudah ada diindependen store? Makasih @makeoverid (has it
been available in independent store? Thank you @makeoverid)
25. makeoverid@vieblessing Hi, saat ini hanya tersedia di Sociolla ya (Hi, for now it is
only available on Sociolla )

Faulkner, T.C. 2014. The development of speech act. John Benjamin Publishing
Yule, G. 1996. Pragmatics. New York : Oxford University Press.
Naufalina, L. 2017. A speech act analysis of bon appetite food advertisements.
retrived from

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