Intro Bpat
Intro Bpat
Intro Bpat
Order of Presentation
INTRODUCTION Background Policy Guidelines Issues and Concerns Expected Outcome CONCEPT O OPER!TION Task" Our Role BP!T#s Organi$ation unction Components OPER!TION!% RE&UIRE'ENT( BP!T#s !cti)ities EN*!NCE'ENT TR!INING 'ODU%E
The Barangay Peacekeeping Operations is a comprehensive, and catch-all anti-crime strategy that seeks to empower all stakeholders to share the responsibility of peacekeeping and order maintenance towards self-policing. It aims to draw the strong support and active participation of key players and stakeholders in the field of intelligence gathering and some operational aspects of policing. It is firmly anchored on the belief that sound policing germinates in an effective and efficient policing at the barangay level. It is a means to ensure the effective prevention, control and suppression of crime and efficient management of disasters and emergencies.
istorical Background
Need to esta+lis, an e--ecti)e community policing mac,inery. De)elop crime pre)ention strategies t,at are responsi)e to peace and order conditions peculiar in t,e country. and
istorical Background
PNP recogni$es t,e )ital role o- -orce multipliers in t,e -ig,t against criminality/ insurgency and terrorism0 Pre)ious anti1criminality strategies are re)ised )ersions o- t,e crime pre)ention concepts -rom ot,er countries0
Policy !uidelines
(ection 2 o- R0!0 3445 6 PNP Re-orm !ct 7 It is declared/ t,at t,e PNP s,all +e a community and ser)ice oriented agency responsi+le -or maintenance o- peace and order as 8ell as pu+lic sa-ety0
Policy !uidelines
T,e PNP s,all en-orce t,e la8/ pre)ent and control crimes/ maintain peace and order and ensure pu+lic with the sa-ety and internal security active support of the community 0
Policy !uidelines
"OI #$P$!P$"$%$ &'T& (O)T T ' OP')$TIO*$" ()$#'+O),, -O*-'PT O( OP')$TIO*&, !.I/'"I*'& $*/ $-TI0ITI'& TO B' .*/')T$,'* B% T ' P*P /.)I*! T ' P $&'-I* $*/ $*/-O0') O( $(P--"'$)'/ $)'$& TO T ' P'$-' $*/ O)/') -O.*-I"& 1PO-s2.
Policy !uidelines
'P!#$3s command guidance during the P*P command conference held at #alacanang on (ebruary 45, 4556.
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9Inade;uate personnel 9"ack on mobility 9"ack on communication e;uipment 9&addled with a motley activities and concerns which are not direct crime-fighting police operations but e;ually important in the pursuit of national and regional interests.
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-oncept of Operation
The general concept of Barangay Peacekeeping is to involve the Barangay Officials, Tanods and other Force multipliers in the task of crime prevention, control and suppression in partnership with the P*P from the Provincial down to the -ommunity Precincts level and the "ocal !overnment '<ecutives and eads of -oncerned $gencies. Toward this end, Barangay Peacekeeping Desks (BPDs) are established at the )egional, Provincial, #unicipal and Barangay levels.
-oncept of Operation
Are organized to ser e as the main operators of Barangay Peacekeeping in their respecti e localities! They shall ser e as the primary force multipliers of the police in controlling, suppressing and pre enting crime and criminality at the Barangay le el
9Barangay Peacekeeping /esks shall be established with proper signages and markings in the )egional, Provincial, -ity and #unicipal Police Offices 9The P*P unit concerned, in the spirit of cooperation and partnership, provides OP')$TIO*$", $/#I*I&T)$TI0' &.P')0I&IO* and T'- *I-$" &.PPO)T to the Brgy Tanod, -0Os, Bantay Bayan and other community volunteers in their brgy peacekeeping operations.
Barangay Peacekeeping /esks shall be built around the following civil-police organi@ational relationship in line with the -OP &trategy:
=. The BP/s at the Provincial>-ity POs shall be established through coordination>collaboration between the Provincial>-ity !overnments and the counterpart P*P Provincial>-ity Offices, supervised ?ointly by the Provincial !overnor>-ity #ayor and concerned P*P Provincial>-ity /irectors 4 .The BP/s at the -ity>#unicipal Police &tations shall be supervised ?ointly by the -ity>#unicipal #ayors and the -ity>#unicipal -hiefs of Police
9 Operationali@e BP$T3s > BP/3s for a more effective and efficient implementation of holistic Barangay Public &afety (orce Program anchored on shared peacekeeping effort between the police and the community 9 Organi@e and train the Tanods>-0Os to be effective police peacekeeping partners 9#obili@e the Barangay Tanods and other (orce #ultipliers for crime prevention, control and suppression.
9 T ' )/, P/ and -OP3s & $"" I#P"'#'*T T ' B$)$*!$% P'$-',''PI*! OP')$TIO*& I*-"./I*! T ' PO-3s. 9 B$)$*!$% P'$-',''PI*! $-TIO* T'$#& 1BP$T&2 & $"" B' O)!$*I8'/, T)$I*'/ $*/ /'P"O%'/ I* -"'$)'/ $)'$&. 9 #$*.'0') (O)-'& & $"" $//)'&& T ' &'-.)IT% -O*-')*& I* A!)$% $)'$&B TO P$0' T ' +$% (O) T ' '&T$B"I& #'*T O( BP$Ts.
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U !C
'a1 +nforcement > 8ill per-orm +eat patrol operations/ anti1 illegal drug operations/ tra--ic direction and control/ street crime pre)ention/ control and suppression/ and pu+lic in-ormation and assistance0 It is composed o- Barangay tanods/ tra--ic aides/ security guards/ mem+ers o- Barangay !nti1Drug !+use Councils and anti1crime groups0
Disaster *ontrol > 8ill assist in rescue/ relie- and re,a+ilitation operations during calamities and emergencies0 It is composed o- Barangay tanods/ non1go)ernment organi$ations and )olunteer groups0 *ase Tracking and .onitoring > 8ill monitor t,e present status and current de)elopments o- cases -iled against arrested suspects0 It is composed o- non1go)ernment organi$ations/ )olunteer groups and t,e academe0
OP+"AT%O$A' "+3)%"+.+$T(
Office 1 BP!Ts s,all maintain t,eir o--ices at t,e Barangay ,alls 8it, appropriate directories conspicuous to t,e pu+lic0 Basic Office +4uipment 1 T,eir o--ices must +e e?uipped 8it, type8riters and"or computers/ log+ooks/ -ingerprinting kits and cameras0 "ogue/s #allery > T,ey s,all maintain t,eir o8n rogue#s gallery and a li+rary o- criminal elements and 8anted persons in t,eir respecti)e areas0 Daily 2ournal > T,ey s,all also maintain a daily @ournal re-lecting important incidents/ unto8ard"unusual occurrences/ instructions recei)ed/ in-ormation gat,ered or pro+lems encountered0
OP+"AT%O$A' "+3)%"+.+$T(
.o0ility > (er)ice )e,icles issued to t,e Barangay s,all +e made a)aila+le to BP!T mem+ers0 Bicycles may also +e issued to t,em -or added mo+ility0 )niform and %dentification > BP!T mem+ers s,all +e in uni-orm 8it, appropriate identi-ication issued +y proper aut,orities0 Peacekeeping #adgets > T,ey s,all also +e e?uipped 8it, communication e?uipments suc, as radios/ pro1+atons/ -las,lig,ts/ ,andcu--s and ot,er peacekeeping gadgets t,ey can use in t,eir regular ArondasB or +eat patrol operations0
=. (unction of the patrol force 4. Principal activity of the patroller 6. !eneral classes of activity of patrol D. #ethods of patrol> /isadvantages>advantages E. Techni;ue of patrol F. -omponents of the integrated patrol system of the +P/ G. The Tactical Operation -enter H. Pre-deployment, /eployment 9 Post /eployment I. )esponding to calls for assistance =. 4. 6. D. Intelligence Target ardening Incident #anagement "egal Offensive
'nd of Presentation