Solid materials may be classified according to the regularity with which atoms or ions are arranged with respect to one another. A crystalline material is one in which the atoms are situated in a repeating or periodic array over large atomic distances; that is, long-range order exists, such that upon solidification, the atoms will position themselves in a repetitive three-dimensional pattern, in which each atom is bonded to its nearestneighbor atoms. All metals, many ceramic materials, and certain polymers form crystalline structures under normal solidification conditions. For those that do not crystallize, this long-range atomic order is absent.
Some of the properties of crystalline solids depend on the crystal structure of the material, the manner in which atoms, ions, or molecules are spatially arranged. There is an extremely large number of different crystal structures all having long range atomic order; these vary from relatively simple structures for metals to exceedingly complex ones, as displayed by some of the ceramic and polymeric materials.
When describing crystalline structures, atoms (or ions) are thought of as being solid spheres having welldefined diameters. This is termed the atomic hard sphere model in which spheres representing nearest-neighbor atoms touch one another. An example of the hard sphere model for the atomic arrangement found in some of the common elemental metals is displayed in Figure 3.1c. In this particular case all the atoms are identical. Sometimes the term lattice is used in the context of crystal structures; in this sense lattice means a threedimensional array of points coinciding with atom positions (or sphere centers).
The atomic order in crystalline solids indicates that small groups of atoms form a repetitive pattern. Thus, in describing crystal structures, it is often convenient to subdivide the structure into small repeat entities called unit cells. Unit cells for most crystal structures are parallelepipeds or prisms having three sets of parallel faces; one is drawn within the aggregate of spheres, which in this case happens to be a cube. A unit cell is chosen to represent the symmetry of the crystal structure, wherein all the atom positions in the crystal may be generated by translations of the unit cell integral distances along each of its edges. Thus, the unit cell is the basic structural unit or building block of the crystal structure and defines the crystal structure by virtue of its geometry and the atom positions within.
The Face-Centered Cubic Crystal Structure The crystal structure found for many metals has a unit cell of cubic geometry, with atoms located at each of the corners and the centers of all the cube faces. It is called the facecentered cubic (FCC) crystal structure. Some of the familiar metals having this crystal structure are copper, aluminum, silver, and gold.
For the FCC crystal structure, each corner atom is shared among eight unit cells, whereas a face-centered atom belongs to only two. Therefore, one-eighth of each of the eight corner atoms and one-half of each of the six face atoms, or a total of four whole atoms, may be assigned to a given unit cell. The atomic packing factor (APF) is the sum of the sphere volumes of all atoms within a unit cell (assuming the atomic hard sphere model) divided by the unit cell volume.
For the FCC structure, the atomic packing factor is 0.74, which is the maximum packing possible for spheres all having the same diameter. Computation of this APF is also included as an example problem. Metals typically have relatively large atomic packing factors to maximize the shielding provided by the free electron cloud.
The Body-Centered Cubic Crystal Structure Another common metallic crystal structure also has a cubic unit cell with atoms located at all eight corners and a single atom at the cube center. This is called a body-centered cubic (BCC) crystal structure. Center and corner atoms touch one another along cube diagonals, and unit cell length a and atomic radius R are related through
Two atoms are associated with each BCC unit cell: the equivalent of one atom from the eight corners, each of which is shared among eight unit cells, and the single center atom, which is wholly contained within its cell. In addition, corner and center atom positions are equivalent. The coordination number for the BCC crystal structure is 8; each center atom has as nearest neighbors its eight corner atoms. Since the coordination number is less for BCC than FCC, so also is the atomic packing factor for BCC lower0.68 versus 0.74. *Coordination number of an atom is the number of other atoms that it touches.
The Hexagonal Close-Packed Crystal Structure Not all metals have unit cells with cubic symmetry; the final common metallic crystal structure to be discussed has a unit cell that is hexagonal. Figure 3.3a shows a reduced-sphere unit cell for this structure, which is termed hexagonal closepacked (HCP). The top and bottom faces of the unit cell consist of six atoms that form regular hexagons and surround a single atom in the center. Another plane that provides three additional atoms to the unit cell is situated between the top and bottom planes. The atoms in this midplane have as nearest neighbors atoms in both of the adjacent two planes. The equivalent of six atoms is contained in each unit cell; one-sixth of each of the 12 top and bottom face corner atoms, one-half of each of the 2 center face atoms, and all 3 midplane interior atoms.
The coordination number and the atomic packing factor for the HCP crystal structure are the same as for FCC: 12 and 0.74, respectively. The HCP metals include cadmium, magnesium, titanium, and zinc.
Determination of FCC Unit Cell Volume Calculate the volume of an FCC unit cell in terms of the atomic radius R.
Computation of the Atomic Packing Factor for FCC Show that the atomic packing factor for the FCC crystal structure is 0.74.
Density Computations
Density Computations
n = number of atoms associated with each unit cell A = atomic weight Vc = volume of the unit cell NA = Avogadros number (6.023 x 1023 atoms/mol)
Theoretical Density Computation for Copper Copper has an atomic radius of 0.128 nm, an FCC crystal structure, and an atomic weight of 63.5 g/mol. Compute its theoretical density and compare the answer with its measured density.
Seatwork 1. If the atomic radius of lead is 0.175 nm, calculate the volume of its unit cell in cubic meters. 2. Show for the body-centered cubic crystal structure that the unit cell 4 edge length a and the atomic radius R are related through a = . 3 3. Show that the atomic packing factor for BCC is 0.68. 4. Show that the atomic packing factor for HCP is 0.74. 5. Calculate the radius of a palladium atom, given that Pd has an FCC crystal structure, a density of 12.0 g/cm3, and an atomic weight of 106.4 g/mol. 6. Calculate the radius of a tantalum atom, given that Ta has a BCC crystal structure, a density of 16.6 g/cm3, and an atomic weight of 180.9 g/mol.
Crystal Systems
Since there are many different possible crystal structures, it is sometimes convenient to divide them into groups according to unit cell configurations and/or atomic arrangements. One such scheme is based on the unit cell geometry, that is, the shape of the appropriate unit cell parallelepiped without regard to the atomic positions in the cell. Within this framework, an x, y, z coordinate system is established with its origin at one of the unit cell corners; each of the x, y, and z axes coincides with one of the three parallelepiped edges that extend from this corner.
The unit cell geometry is completely defined in terms of six parameters: the three edge lengths a, b, and c, and the three interaxial angles , , and . These are sometimes termed the lattice parameters of a crystal structure.
On this basis there are seven different possible combinations of a, b, and c, and , , and each of which represents a distinct crystal system. These seven crystal systems are cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, orthorhombic, rhombohedral,2 monoclinic, and triclinic. The lattice parameter relationships and unit cell sketches for each are represented in Table 3.2. The cubic system, for which a=b=c and == the greatest degree of symmetry. Least symmetry is displayed by the triclinic system, since. a b c and .
From the discussion of metallic crystal structures, it should be apparent that both FCC and BCC structures belong to the cubic crystal system, whereas HCP falls within hexagonal. The conventional hexagonal unit cell really consists of three parallelepipeds
Crystallographic Directions
A crystallographic direction is defined as a line between two points, or a vector. The following steps are utilized in the determination of the three directional indices: 1. A vector of convenient length is positioned such that it passes through the origin of the coordinate system. Any vector may be translated throughout the crystal lattice without alteration, if parallelism is maintained. 2. The length of the vector projection on each of the three axes is determined; these are measured in terms of the unit cell dimensions a, b, and c. 3. These three numbers are multiplied or divided by a common factor to reduce them to the smallest integer values. 4. The three indices, not separated by commas, are enclosed in square brackets, thus: [uvw]. The u, v, and w integers correspond to the reduced projections along the x, y, and z axes, respectively.
For each of the three axes, there will exist both positive and negative coordinates. Thus negative indices are also possible, which are represented by a bar over the appropriate index. For example, the direction would have a component in the -y direction. Also, changing the signs of all indices produces an antiparallel direction; that is, is directly opposite to . If more than one direction (or plane) is to be specified for a particular crystal structure, it is imperative for the maintaining of consistency that a positivenegative convention, once established, not be changed.
Hexagonal Crystals A problem arises for crystals having hexagonal symmetry in that some crystallographic equivalent directions will not have the same set of indices. This is circumvented by utilizing a four-axis, or MillerBravais, coordinate system. The three a1, a2, and a3 axes are all contained within a single plane (called the basal plane) and are at 120 degrees angles to one another. The z axis is perpendicular to this basal plane.
Crystallographic Planes
The orientations of planes for a crystal structure are represented in a similar manner. Again, the unit cell is the basis, with the threeaxis coordinate system. In all but the hexagonal crystal system, crystallographic planes are specified by three Miller indices as (hkl).Any two planes parallel to each other are equivalent and have identical indices. The procedure employed in determination of the h, k, and l index numbers is as follows:
1. If the plane passes through the selected origin, either another parallel plane must be constructed within the unit cell by an appropriate translation, or a new origin must be established at the corner of another unit cell. 2. At this point the crystallographic plane either intersects or parallels each of the three axes; the length of the planar intercept for each axis is determined in terms of the lattice parameters a, b, and c. 3. The reciprocals of these numbers are taken. A plane that parallels an axis may be considered to have an infinite intercept, and, therefore, a zero index. 4. If necessary, these three numbers are changed to the set of smallest integers by multiplication or division by a common factor.3 5. Finally, the integer indices, not separated by commas, are enclosed within parentheses, thus: (hkl).
An intercept on the negative side of the origin is indicated by a bar or minus sign positioned over the appropriate index. Furthermore, reversing the directions of all indices specifies another plane parallel to, on the opposite side of and equidistant from, the origin. One interesting and unique characteristic of cubic crystals is that planes and directions having the same indices are perpendicular to one another; however, for other crystal systems there are no simple geometrical relationships between planes and directions having the same indices.
Atomic Arrangements The atomic arrangement for a crystallographic plane, which is often of interest, depends on the crystal structure. The (110) atomic planes for FCC and BCC crystal structures are represented in the figure; reduced-sphere unit cells are also included. Note that the atomic packing is different for each case. The circles represent atoms lying in the crystallographic planes as would be obtained from a slice taken through the centers of the full-sized hard spheres. A family of planes contains all those planes that are crystallographically equivalentthat is, having the same atomic packing; and a family is designated by indices that are enclosed in bracessuch as {100}.
Hexagonal Crystals For crystals having hexagonal symmetry, it is desirable that equivalent planes have the same indices; as with directions, this is accomplished by the MillerBravais system. This convention leads to the four-index (hkil) scheme, which is favored in most instances, since it more clearly identifies the orientation of a plane in a hexagonal crystal. There is some redundancy in that i is determined by the sum of h and k through
Planar density (PD) is taken as the number of atoms per unit area that are centered on a particular crystallographic plane, or
Linear and planar densities are important considerations relative to the process of slip that is, the mechanism by which metals plastically deform. Slip occurs on the most densely packed crystallographic planes and, in those planes, along directions having the greatest atomic packing.
Let the centers of all the atoms in one close-packed plane be labeled A. Associated with this plane are two sets of equivalent triangular depressions formed by three adjacent atoms, into which the next closepacked plane of atoms may rest. Those having the triangle vertex pointing up are arbitrarily designated as B positions, while the remaining depressions are those with the down vertices, which are marked C in the figure. A second close-packed plane may be positioned with the centers of its atoms over either B or C sites; at this point both are equivalent. Suppose that the B positions are arbitrarily chosen; the stacking sequence is termed AB, which is illustrated in the second figure. The real distinction between FCC and HCP lies in where the third close-packed layer is positioned. For HCP, the centers of this layer are aligned directly above the original A positions. This stacking sequence, ABABAB . . . , is repeated over and over. Of course, the ACACAC . . . Arrangement would be equivalent. These close-packed planes for HCP are (0001)-type planes, and the correspondence between this and the unit cell representation is shown in the next figure.
For the face-centered crystal structure, the centers of the third plane are situated over the C sites of the first plane. This yields an ABCABCABC stacking sequence; that is, the atomic alignment repeats every third plane.
It is more difficult to correlate the stacking of closepacked planes to the FCC unit cell. However, this relationship is demonstrated below. These planes are of the (111) type; an FCC unit cell is outlined on the upper left-hand front face of the figure below, in order to provide a perspective.
Single Crystals
For a crystalline solid, when the periodic and repeated arrangement of atoms is perfect or extends throughout the entirety of the specimen without interruption, the result is a single crystal. All unit cells interlock in the same way and have the same orientation. Single crystals exist in nature, but they may also be produced artificially. They are ordinarily difficult to grow, because the environment must be carefully controlled. If the extremities of a single crystal are permitted to grow without any external constraint, the crystal will assume a regular geometric shape having flat faces, as with some of the gem stones; the shape is indicative of the crystal structure. A photograph of a garnet single crystal is shown in Figure 3.16.Within the past few years, single crystals have become extremely important in many of our modern technologies, in particular electronic microcircuits, which employ single crystals of silicon and other semiconductors.
Polycrystalline Materials
Most crystalline solids are composed of a collection of many small crystals or grains; such materials are termed polycrystalline. Various stages in the solidification of a polycrystalline specimen are represented schematically in Figure 3.17. Initially, small crystals or nuclei form at various positions. These have random crystallographic orientations, as indicated by the square grids. The small grains grow by the successive addition from the surrounding liquid of atoms to the structure of each. The extremities of adjacent grains impinge on one another as the solidification process approaches completion. As indicated in Figure 3.17, the crystallographic orientation varies from grain to grain. Also, there exists some atomic mismatch within the region where two grains meet; this area, called a grain boundary.
The physical properties of single crystals of some substances depend on the crystallographic direction in which measurements are taken. For example, the elastic modulus, the electrical conductivity, and the index of refraction may have different values in the [100] and [111] directions. This directionality of properties is termed anisotropy, and it is associated with the variance of atomic or ionic spacing with crystallographic direction. Substances in which measured properties are independent of the direction of measurement are isotropic. The extent and magnitude of anisotropic effects in crystalline materials are functions of the symmetry of the crystal structure; the degree of anisotropy increases with decreasing structural symmetrytriclinic structures normally are highly anisotropic. The modulus of elasticity values at [100], [110], and [111] orientations for several materials are presented in Table
For many polycrystalline materials, the crystallographic orientations of the individual grains are totally random. Under these circumstances, even though each grain may be anisotropic, a specimen composed of the grain aggregate behaves isotropically. Also, the magnitude of a measured property represents some average of the directional values. Sometimes the grains in polycrystalline materials have a preferential crystallographic orientation, in which case the material is said to have a texture. The magnetic properties of some iron alloys used in transformer cores are anisotropicthat is, grains (or single crystals) magnetize in a (100) type direction easier than any other crystallographic direction. Energy losses in transformer cores are minimized by utilizing polycrystalline sheets of these alloys into which have been introduced a magnetic texture: most of the grains in each sheet have a type crystallographic direction that is aligned (or almost aligned) in the same (100) type direction, which direction is oriented parallel to the direction of the applied magnetic field.
The Diffraction Phenomenon Diffraction occurs when a wave encounters a series of regularly spaced obstacles that (1) are capable of scattering the wave, and (2) have spacings that are comparable in magnitude to the wavelength. Furthermore, diffraction is a consequence of specific phase relationships established between two or more waves that have been scattered by the obstacles.
Demonstration of how two waves (labeled 1 and 2) that have the same wavelength and remain in phase after a scattering event (waves 1 and 2) constructively interfere with one another.
Other phase relationships are possible between scattered waves that will not lead to this mutual reinforcement. The other extreme is that demonstrated in the next figure, wherein the path length difference after scattering is some integral number of half wavelengths. The scattered waves are out of phasethat is, corresponding amplitudes cancel or annul one another, or destructively interfere (i.e., the resultant wave has zero amplitude), as indicated on the extreme right side of the figure. Of course, phase relationships intermediate
Demonstration of how two waves (labeled 3 and 4) that have the same wavelength and become out of phase after a scattering event (waves 3and 4 ) destructively interfere with one another. The amplitudes of the two scattered
X-Ray Diffraction and Braggs Law X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that have high energies and short wavelengths wavelengths on the order of the atomic spacings for solids. When a beam of x-rays impinges on a solid material, a portion of this beam will be scattered in all directions by the electrons associated with each atom or ion that lies within the beams path. Braggs law is the relationship among x-ray wavelength, interatomic spacing, and angle of diffraction for constructive interference. If Braggs law is not satisfied, then the interference will be
Braggs law is a necessary but not sufficient condition for diffraction by real crystals. It specifies when diffraction will occur for unit cells having atoms positioned only at cell corners. However, atoms situated at other sites (e.g., face and interior unit cell positions as with FCC and BCC) act as extra scattering centers, which can produce out-of-phase scattering at certain Bragg angles. The net result is the absence of some diffracted beams that
Diffraction Techniques One common diffraction technique employs a powdered or polycrystalline specimen consisting of many fine and randomly oriented particles that are exposed to monochromatic x-radiation. Each powder particle (or grain) is a crystal, and having a large number of them with random orientations ensures that some particles are properly oriented such that every possible set of crystallographic planes will be available for diffraction. The diffractometer is an apparatus used to determine the angles at which diffraction occurs for powdered
Schematic diagram of an x-ray diffractometer; T = x-ray source, S = specimen, C = detector, and O = he axis around which the
A specimen S in the form of a flat plate is supported so that rotations about the axis labeled O are possible; this axis is perpendicular to the plane of the page. The monochromatic xray beam is generated at point T, and the intensities of diffracted beams are detected with a counter labeled C in the figure. The specimen, x-ray source, and counter are all coplanar. Collimators are incorporated within the beam path to produce a well-defined and focused beam. Utilization of a filter provides a
One of the primary uses of x-ray diffractometry is for the determination of crystal structure. The unit cell size and geometry may be resolved from the angular positions of the diffraction peaks, whereas arrangement of atoms within the unit cell is associated with the relative intensities of these peaks. X-rays, as well as electron and neutron beams, are also used in other types of material investigations. For example, crystallographic orientations of single crystals are possible using
X-ray diffractometry is used for crystal structure and interplanar spacing determinations. A beam of x-rays directed on a crystalline material may experience diffraction (constructive interference) as a result of its interaction with a series of parallel atomic planes according to Braggs law. Interplanar spacing is a function of the Miller indices and lattice parameter(s) as well as the crystal structure.