Group Therapy Seminar 08-04-13
Group Therapy Seminar 08-04-13
Group Therapy Seminar 08-04-13
Presentee: Priya Puri Chairperson: Ms. Rudrani Chatterjee
focuses on interpersonal interactions Aims to help with solving the emotional difficulties encourages the personal development Members feel that (s) he is not alone with her/his problem and
times of stress
Feedback from the group can make one become aware of maladaptive patterns of behaviour, and thus change ones point of view and help one adopt more constructive and effective
meeting other people with problems can give a wider perspective of ones own problems
Other people can give encouragement and emotional support: "We are all in the same boat."
Group therapy is useful in treating problems involving communication with other people
Problem of confidentiality of secrets In group therapy the therapist needs to cater to each member
currently group therapy is in its fourth phase. The four phases of group therapy:
The four phases of group therapy: third phase came in the 1990s which was the age of health care reform
Important contributors to the field of group therapy: Joseph Pratt (1905) Edward W. Lazell (1921)
Nathan Ackerman
Slavson (1955) sets four general criteria for inclusion into groups: The patient must have experienced minimal satisfaction in
Ability to withstand frustration (Horowitz, 1976) ability to maintain tolerance for others (Corsini, 1957)
2. Acceptance
3. Altruism 4. Catharsis 5. Cohesion 6. Consensual validation
10. Identification
11. Imitation 12. Insight 13. Inspiration 14. Interaction
18. Transference
19. Universalization 20. Ventilation
Jacobs et al. (2010) have categorised groups into 7 types that are as follows: Education groups Discussion groups
Task groups
Growth and experiential groups Counselling and therapy groups Support groups Self-help groups
The beginning stage: the time period used for introductions and for discussion of such topics as the purpose of the group, what to expect, fears, group rules, comfort levels, and the content of the
In this stage, members are checking out other members and their own level of comfort with sharing in the group. members determine the focus of the group May take more than two sessions to feel enough trust and
The middle, or working, stage: the members focus on the purpose. learn new material, thoroughly discuss various topics, complete tasks, or engage in personal sharing and
therapeutic work.
This stage is the core of the group process it is the time when members benefit from being in a group
The closing, or ending, stage devoted to terminating the group members share what they have learned, how they have
changed, and how they plan to use what they have learned.
May be an emotional experience Most groups need only one session for this stage
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: efficient form of treatment for a wide range of specific problems for diverse client populations (Bieling, McCabe, & Antony, 2006).
learn to engage in more realistic thinking trained to test these automatic thoughts against reality.
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: founded by Albert Ellis Ellis developed an ABC model of understanding feelings
and behaviours.
The theory is based on the premise that thoughts cause feelings, the leader helps members to focus on changing their feelings by looking at what they are telling themselves
Transactional analysis: developed by Eric Berne everyone has three ego states: the Parent, Adult, and Child
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: originally developed by Marsha M. Linehan, to treat people with borderline personality disorder(BPD). Combines standard cognitive behavioural techniques
For DBT in group settings the group ordinarily meets once weekly for two to two-and-a-half hours and learns to use specific skills that are broken down into four skill modules: core mindfulness
interpersonal effectiveness
emotion regulation distress tolerance.
chronic talker:
other strategy involves seeking feedback from the members. Another method could be to ask a question to the group and encouraging members who have not spoken yet to speak up.
believe that the group will not be helpful, and therefore, they
refuse to participate cooperatively Leader should let the member share his feelings in the group or to talk to him in a dyad or after the session and try to help him work through his resistance. Do not to spend too much time with the resistant member if it takes productive time away from the other group members.
shift the focus away from that member and then seek
him/her out after the group.
Groups for Mood Disorder: When one looks at the interpersonal sphere of depressed and
bipolar patients, one sees that their histories are riddled with
interpersonal problems. depressed patients are invariably withdrawn from social contact and/or show signs of irritability as a prominent symptom. Bauer and McBride (2003) created a life goals group program for bipolar disorder
Groups for personality disorders: personality disorders owing to the predominant affective disturbance and disturbance in the interpersonal sphere seen
in PDs.
In a group set-up, the therapist has more leverage to induce change in maladaptive behaviour, negative attitudinal
Groups for Anxiety Disorders: The CBT group aims to empower patients to engage with
their anxieties by supplying them with a set of anxietyreducing skills. The advantages of a CBT group are having greater
Contemplation and Preparation (P/C/P) stages while the final 15 meetings focus on Action and Maintenance (A/M).
Decisional Balance Environmental Re-evaluation Efficacy Self-liberation
Reinforcement Management
Social Liberation Helping Relationships
Parent training groups for behaviour management: focuses on helping the parent help a child learn new behaviours that he is having difficult time learning focus on helping parents reduce and eliminate undesirable or
Parent training programs are based on the following principles: Behaviours are learned. These behaviours become habits and they keep happening
Parental training groups are usually of two types: Parent support group Special training groups
The goal of parent training groups is to make the parents experts and this cannot happen unless parents devote enough time to practicing the skills at home.
Very few studies based on group psychotherapy in India A study by Bhaduri et al. (1967) suggested a positive relation between group therapy activities and intellectual, emotional
Bastani in 1974 conducted a study on group psychotherapy with 6 male exhibitionists. The study suggested that a group setting offered the male exhibitionists opportunities for support, introspection, coping adaptively with the environment
(2005) conducted a
study to assess the perceived benefits and difficulties of group meetings among caregivers of persons with Schizophrenia and
Hovland et al. (2012) conducted a study to compare physical exercise in groups to group cognitive behaviour therapy for the treatment of panic disorder and found that Group CBT is
effects of Group CBT for early psychosis lasted even after one
year, it was found that there were Significant improvements at 12 months for social support and insight. Negative symptoms
A study by Huntley, Araya, and Salisbury (2012) revealed that Group CBT confers benefit for individuals who are clinically depressed over that of usual care alone. Individually delivered CBT is more effective than group CBT immediately
Group psychotherapy is suitable for a large variety of problems and difficulties, beginning with people who would
More research needs to be done in this area especially in a collectivistic and developing country like India.