FOCUS ON LINUS THE LITERACY AND NUMERACY PROGRAM What is LINUS? Why is LINUS being implemented? How is LINUS being implementation?
Linus is an acronym for Literacy and Numeracy Screening, a remedial programme designed to ensure students to acquire basic literacy (Bahasa Malaysia) and numeracy skills at the end of 3 years of primary education.LINUS is the ability to read, write and understand words, simple and complex sentences (using conjunctions) in Bahasa Malaysia and be able to apply such knowledge in learning and everyday communication.
Definition of LINUS
Basic Literacy:
Ability to read, write and understand words, simple and complex sentences (using conjunctions) in Bahasa Malaysia and apply such knowledge in learning and everyday communication. Basic Numeracy Ability to solve basic mathematical operations, understand the idea of simple mathematics and able to apply mathematical skills in everyday life.
Beginning this year 2011, under the government NKRA program, all Year One pupils will be screened three times a year in March, June and September, to identify those who do not meet the required reading, writing and counting standards. Those found to be lacking will be placed in the LINUS Programme, or into a Special Education Programme if the child has a learning disability.
The drop-out rate for Malaysia was 31,939 in 2008 (primary and secondary levels)
To help /assist the special needs students - defined as students with learning disabilities, hearing impaired, speech impaired, visually impaired, mentally retarded, multiple disabilities and physically disabled, by intruding a special literacy and numeracy curriculum that has been designed specially for them.
SOURCE: KIA2M for literacy rates and PROTIM for numeracy rates
Who Are LINUSs target? LINUS is targeted at students who have difficulties in 3Rs- i.e. Reading, writing and arithmetic
NO pupil will be left innumerate or illiterate with the introduction of the LINUS (literacy and numeracy screenings) programme at primary schools under the Government Transformation Programme (GTP). The Education Ministry is confident that all Year One students will be able to read, write and have basic arithmetic knowledge by Year 3. In fact, they are working hard to prove that the LINUS programme can do just that with the first batch of Cohort 1 pupils, who joined the programme last year, when it was first launched. The LINUS programme is a remedial programme tailor-made to ensure pupils acquire basic literacy (Bahasa Malaysia) and numeracy skills by the end of three years of primary education.
o LINUS Programme is applicable for 6 years old children going to primary school(transition period/year). o Before these children join in for the 6 year old programme, the centre will usually check for each child ability and performance using:-
1. The Placement Evaluation to place and group children according to similar learning needs of instruction.
2. Formative Evaluation ( every 3 months) to determine how children are progressing towards mastery of new lessons and which need additional work through different approach / learning experiences. 1st ( Jan Mac ) to assess if the children can:
copy from whiteboard/books few words/sentences. spell some words based on the monthly theme- 3 words or more? read two or more sukukata and foam a word / sentence. say phonic sounds and build words count 1 to 20 or more? spell 1 to 10?
3rd Assessment July , Aug, Sept and October Can children write their own story based on a picture given? Can children read and copy a comprehension (karangan from whiteboard/books) Can children understand a story and able to retell/answering simple questions. Can children tell a story from a picture/build story Can children spell 5 - 10 words during spelling/ejaan test? Can children read a story / reading book Can children count and recite number 1 to 50 /100 Can children spell 11 20, e.g 11 - eleven Can children spell numbers within 100, e.g 37 thirty seven
Diagnostic Evaluation Investigate childs ability in certain area of literacy & numeracy, after the Formative Evaluation: Re- group children into smaller group
Request extra assistance from other teachers Work with parents to assist the child at home Promote extra class after school
SUMMATIVE EVALUATION final assessment of what children have learned. Based on grade A, b and C ( Progress Report as attached).
Conducted evaluation.
Conducted twice per year through a progress report card, grading each child performance and development and report to parents/guardians for next step/action.
Do not provide extensive training for teachers, on how to use the assessments in applying with the latest approach/techniques such as project based, interviews, journals in getting each child information.
Time constraint and lots of paper work involved for each child. Teachers are not exposed to use observation assessment like anecdote, running record.