TQM PPT On Toyota (24!12!07)
TQM PPT On Toyota (24!12!07)
TQM PPT On Toyota (24!12!07)
Develop quality manual, process performance data, self-inspection, product testing, basic quality planning, use of basic statistics, paperwork control.
Quality systems development, advanced quality planning, comprehensive quality manuals, use of quality costs, involvement of non-production operations, failure mode and effects analysis, SPC. Policy deployment, involve supplier & customers, involve all operations, process management, performance measurement, teamwork, employee involvement.
Quality Assurance
Measure quality so you can affect it Focus on a moving customer Involve every employee Think long term - Act short term
6 Cost advantages
7 High cost of catastrophic failure 8 Inspection poor substitute for right first time
Toyotas success in global and local markets was through implementation of innovative and path breaking ideas in production floors. People based enterprise culture. Teamwork and Work culture as a major contributor to Toyotas success. Problem solving exercise at end of every session.