The Lean Manufacturing Tools in Polish Foundries
The Lean Manufacturing Tools in Polish Foundries
The Lean Manufacturing Tools in Polish Foundries
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The concept of Lean Manufacturing (or Lean Production) is widely present in the quality management systems of the best
factories. Foundry plants in Poland have continuously been implementing modern management tools; however, the experiences
of the authors show that the usage of lean tools is at a lower level in domestic foundries than in similar plants abroad. This
was the reason why a survey was prepared and over 300 foundry plants were questioned regarding the application of Lean
Manufacturing tools. The questions (20 in total) asked if and what tools are implemented in the plant and what benefits have
been achieved, or why lean tools have not been implemented in a particular plant. The answers were thoroughly analysed and
the results show that, among others, only 29% of all foundries use lean tools, and the main reason why most of them do not
is that these tools are not understood well enough.
Keywords: Lean Manufacturing, Lean Production, Quality Management
Koncepcja Lean Manufacturing (lub Lean Production) obecna jest szeroko w systemach zarządzania wiodących zakładów
przemysłowych. W odlewnictwie, w tym polskim, również widoczny jest stały postęp we wdrażaniu nowoczesnych narzędzi
zarządzania. Jednak doświadczenia autorów wskazują, że w aspekcie zastosowania narzędzi lean, polskie odlewnie odstają
jednak od zagranicznych. Te spostrzeżenia były powodem podjęcia badań, ankietowych skierowanych do krajowych odlewni
(ponad 300). Pytania (łącznie 20) dotyczyły głównie zagadnień, czy i jakie narzędzia lean są wykorzystywane w zakładzie, jakie
są korzyści z ich stosowania lub też dlaczego takich narzędzi nie wdrożono. Odpowiedzi zostały starannie przeanalizowane a
wyniki wskazują między innymi, że zaledwie 29% odlewni stosuje jakiekolwiek narzędzia lean a najczęstszym powodem ich
niestosowania jest niewystarczające zrozumienie.
1. Introduction 1960s as one of the first strategies that was later labeled lean
manufacturing, aims to eliminate waste and to improve pro-
duction by using a continuous improvement approach. Lean
The highest casting quality is a matter of utmost im- production enables the integration of various tools in the pro-
portance for any foundry plant. This quality can be achieved duction system and supply chain to reduce costs, improve qual-
thanks to the best available technology and its continuous im- ity and decrease lead time and equipment downtime [7]. To
provement, e.g. by looking for the best charging materials [1]. make the process of lean implementation easier and its effec-
Another method is to develop certain complex materials or tiveness better, many modern tools were developed especially
systems, such as bimetallic layers on castings as in [2]. How- with the use of statistical methods (SPC – Statistical Process
ever, the best production practice is a total quality management Control) and computer tools [7-9]. A foundry plant, which is
approach in which a very important role is played by modern very often a medium- or large-sized company, should also be
quality tools grouped in the so-called Lean Manufacturing. a place of lean implementation. When the state of the art is
Lean Manufacturing (or Lean Production) can be defined as a analysed in this field it is visible that the usage of lean tools
philosophy, strategy or concept that depends on a set of prac- is quite common in foundries abroad, yet Polish foundries are
tices/tools that are implemented to minimise waste (e.g. extra reluctant to implement them. That is why the authors sent re-
inventories, scraps, reworks, etc.) in order to improve company searches to find out what the level of lean tool implementation
performance [3,4]. Lean production originates from the Toy- is in domestic foundries. The article presents an analysis of
ota Production System. The focus of this complex approach the answers provided to a 20-question survey regarding lean
is on cost reduction by eliminating non-value-added activities, issues. Statistical analysis was performed along with a qualita-
using simple tools such as 5S [5], cellular manufacturing, or tive assessment of the open-ended questions. The results were
is more complex such as JIT or total productive maintenance, analysed against a foundry profile background and conclusions
production smoothing, setup reduction, etc. [6]. Just in Time were drawn at the end.
(JIT) manufacturing, which was implemented in Toyota in the
2. Research methodology
Lean principles have been in use for over forty years, so The SMED method is quite popular (14%) and for the
one can suppose that the percentage of plants using it would group of automatic (flask and non-flask lines) or pressure
be high, independently of the branch, but this is not true for die foundries it is one of the most important and beneficial
the Polish foundry industry. The distribution of answers given lean tools. In such foundries the tool (pressure dies, pattern
for this question is presented in Fig. 1. It is quite surprising plates, etc.) optimal exchange time is a truly important mat-
that only 29% of the foundries have implemented any of the ter that directly influences company productivity. The TPM
lean tools. method (14%) is an approach that can be interesting for all
medium-sized or large foundries with a high level of mechani- 3.5. Why has your foundry not implemented Lean
sation, automation and robotics when continuously and proper- Manufacturing tools?
ly working equipment is crucial for the manufacturing process.
The main reason why Polish foundries are not imple-
3.3. How long have the Lean Manufacturing tools been menting lean tools seems to be a lack of knowledge (64%
used in your foundry? of the answers were marked “not well known”). This is quite
surprising because the lean strategy has been promoted for
The answers given for this question show that lean tools several decades and potentially every engineer should know
are still quite a new concept in Polish foundries and that only the methods and understand the benefits of this approach. Ob-
7% of the foundries that do use them have been doing so for viously, lean thinking is dedicated mostly to bigger companies
longer than 5 years. All of the foundries from this group are [15], but many tools such as 5S, SMED or JIT can also be
large companies employing automatic foundry lines and mass implemented in smaller plants. The next reason (10% of the
production. A graphical presentation of the results is shown answers) is the cost of the implementation process, and of
in Fig. 3. course one can agree with this but, again, some tools (mostly
5S) can be no-cost or low-cost activities. The distribution of
answers is shown in Fig. 5.
3.4. Has Lean implementation been beneficial for your 3.6. Is your foundry going to implement Lean tools in
foundry? the future?
The answers here are quite surprising as only 71% of the Changes in management styles have been one of the most
respondents confirmed that there were benefits for the foundry dynamic processes in the Polish economy in the last decade,
after lean tools had been implemented (see Fig. 4). Of course and this is also true for the foundry industry. Many foundry
this pessimistic result may only be the subjective opinion of plants, especially when they become a part of international
the person who answered the survey. However, the question- companies, must start the “lean thinking” approach because it
naire was directed at foundry management and executives, so is a part of the whole company’s market strategy. However, the
their approach should be more enthusiastic, in the authors’ answer to the given question is mostly “no” (64% of the total
opinion, and they should spread positive thinking from the answers), which corresponds well with the previous question
top to the bottom inside the company. – it is rather impossible to use things one does not know. A
graph with the results is shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 4. Statement about the benefits of the lean strategy Fig. 6. The future of lean tools in foundries
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3.7. Open-ended questions overview – not many foundries plan to implement lean tools in the
nearest future, so activity to change this situation should
In some questions the respondents were asked to include be quick and education in this area must be more effective.
their own comments. They could explain what other quali-
ty management tools they were using in their plants instead
of the lean manufacturing tools. The most common answer
was that of a “company internal quality management system” Acknowledgements
or a similar system. Such an approach is typical of smaller
foundries, where more complicated or more bureaucratic sys-
This research project was financed from support funds for sci-
tems are recognised as non-beneficial or non-cost-effective.
ence during 2010-2014.
However, many small foundries do use lean tools (mostly 5S)
but are not aware of this. Another question concerned the
benefits from lean tools in particular foundries. The answers
were focused on organisation of a better working environment, REFERENCES
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This article was first presented at the VI International Conference ”DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN MECHANIZATION
OF FOUNDRY PROCESSES”, Inwałd, 5-7.09.2013