Benzene Animations
Benzene Animations
Benzene Animations e-Idea-of-Benzene-Resonance
This resembles the ideas of Kekule who saw benzene as cyclohexatriene. ene-Resonance-with-Pi-bonds
This is an attempt to demonstrate the modern theories of delocalisation of p orbitals.
Structure of Benzene
Aim: To compare the Kekul and delocalised models for benzene in terms of porbital overlap forming bonds. To review the evidence for a delocalised model of benzene in terms of bond lengths, enthalpy change of hydrogenation and resistance to reaction.
The Kekul structure is actually cyclohexa-1,3,5 triene. Suggests 3 single and 3 double bonds. Should behave like cyclohexene and undergo ELECTROPHILIC ADDITION. Should have long, single bonds alternating with shorter double bonds.
Enthalpy Change of Hydrogenation Unsaturated compounds undergo ELECTROPHILIC ADDITION with hydrogen, under pressure with a nickel catalyst. C2H4 + H2 C2H6
Bonds broken = 1 C=C + 1 H-H Bonds made = 1 C-C + 2 C-H Enthalpy change of hydrogenation should be about -120kJmol-1
Since benzene has 3 C=C bonds the enthalpy change of hydrogenation should be about -360 kJmol-1. Experimental data shows it to be 208kJmol-1. Conclusion: The ring does NOT contain C=C bonds and is more stable than expected. Benzene is about 150 kJ mol-1 MORE STABLE than Kekul structure.
Stabilisation Energy
The 150 kJ of energy is sometimes described as Stabilisation Energy. LESS energy is given out when benzene is hydrogenated than expected so benzene is MORE STABLE than expected and needs MORE ENERGY than expected to break the ring.
This is not a reversible reaction. It is showing a cross between the 2 structures with each C-C bond having some C-C single and some C=C double bond character.
Displayed structure of benzene in which 6 electrons are delocalised and represented by a circle.