Ipod-Creating An Iconic Brand
Ipod-Creating An Iconic Brand
Ipod-Creating An Iconic Brand
Product Introduction
The iPod is a combination portable storing and playing audio files encoded by MP3 or AAC from Apple Computer and launched in 2001. The product line-up includes iPod Classic, the touch screen iPod Touch, the compact iPod Nano and the ultra-compact iPod Shuffle. All iPod models use an extremely small hard disk for storage. Also iPod Shuffle uses a flash memory; unlike the memory found in computers. This flash memory doesnt lose its contents when the power is turned off. The storage capacity of all models has increased over time. From 2001 to 2011, its reported that Apple have reached 275 mio iPod sales. In just first quarter of 2011, more than 19 mio iPods had been sold worldwide and monitized 24,67 billion USD Revenue with 5,99 billion Net Profit.
Brand Elements
Slogan Character URL Logo Symbol Packaging
: iPod
: 1000 songs in your pocket : Silhouette : http://www.apple.com/ipod/ : Just Apple logo : brand name itself : Simple and fascinating
You can carry all your music, pictures ,videos and movies with iPOD anywhere. And also its very easy to manage library with Apple inovative software, iTunes. The Basic benefits of iTunes are; You can upload your own music You can purchase music, movie, apps from the iTunes store You can view your music details You can create your own playlists You can download and store podcasts easily. You can link up and update your iPod You can share and view other people's music list over a network
Digital music player
Question: Apple has extended its distribution network to include large retailers such as Circuit Bay and Best Buy. How important are these outlets to Apple?Should they be concerned with not having full control over the customer retail experience control that they have in the apple store?