226 August 2015

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May 2013


If you havent renewed membership for 2015/16
year by 31 August you will cease to be a member.
Contact Membership Secretary to renew NOW!


2015 Annual General Meeting will be held at Main Hall

2 Shea Terrace, Takapuna, Sunday 9 August 10am.
Followed by Ian Bonallacks talk entitled

New Gadgets for old CodgersWould we! Should we!

486 2163
[email protected]
Learning Centre, Suite 3, St John Ambulance Building, 2 Shea Terrace, Takapuna.
2nd Sunday of each month, 10 am in the Hall, St John, 2 Shea Terrace, Takapuna.
The Secretary, SeniorNet NS Inc., PO Box 65 357, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0754.
SeniorNet NS is supported by Ian Handricks, Members and Advertisers.
If you need quick advice please contact: [email protected] Bob Porter
489 4891

COMMITTEE 2014-2015
Roger Willoughby
479 2528
[email protected]
Bernice Hyde
[email protected]

483 5825

Lois Kay
[email protected]

478 3587

Brian Wintle
[email protected]

486 1350

Patricia Lough
413 6322
[email protected]
Allan White
[email protected]

441 9344

Bob Porter
[email protected]

489 4891

Glenys Plaistowe
Mary OSullivan
Barbara Anderson
[email protected]
Roger Willoughby
479 2528
[email protected]


This month the committee prepared for the Annual General Meeting. Last years
AGM minutes appear on pages 8 and 9 of the newsletter for members to read
beforehand. We have 3 new nominations for committee from Glen Plaistowe,
Shirley Hanson and John Ovens. The following back-up positions still need to be
filled, so if you know anyone suitable please contact a committee member:
Treasurer; Newsletter Editor; Membership Secretary. Margaret Scrymgeour has also
asked for Volunteers to go on a Roster for the Sunday Monthly Meeting Morning
Tea. We had 4 of our new 16 members attend the meeting, but a substantial
number of members are yet to renew. See application form on page 12.
St John have appointed a new secretary who will be using the office near the Hall.
Chairmans thanks to Bernice Hyde. Well done Bernice for keeping everything
shipshape while I was away and for running a successful Sunday Meeting and
Committee Meeting.
Peter Patten has advised me that he is attending the funeral on Tuesday 21 July
of Eric Cammell. Eric was the first Chairman of our illustrious SeniorNet club
starting all the way back in 1996. We still have some founder members in our
Club who will have known Eric and we should always give due regard to those
enterprising folk who started the Club that we all so much enjoy today.
We offer our condolences to his family.
You have been advised already of SeniorNets new relationship with Ian Handricks.
Further comment is on page 5. Your feedback on how this develops will be most
Once again our club is blessed with a good intake of new members over the past
month. Welcome to SeniorNet, Pam Bell, Stef Billing, Jill Thorburn, Kate Ellis, Kris
Naicker, Gill Lawrie, Wayne Tayor, Pam Dalton, Jane Dunlop, Lex and Heather
Breen, Mike Cavanagh, Dick and Jenny Johnson, Antoinette Cochrane and Jane
SeniorNet North Shore Inc makes no warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, completeness or use of any information that is available in this
newsletter. SN NS Committee

Tutors Page 1

Advanced XP-Vista-Windows 7 : Bill Howell

1st & 3rd Tuesday mornings. You ask the questions, and Ill
endeavour to provide the answers, plus supplying
occasional program goodies. Come along, join the fun!
Computing for Beginners : Allan White
This session is for anyone needing help with a new
computer or any program. If you have a laptop that you
are having trouble with, (PC or Mac) bring it along and I
will help you sort out any problem. If you want help with
emails (sending, receiving, attachments, filing, deleting,
etc) come to this session. It may be advisable to let me
know beforehand what program you are using for your
email. If you have an Android Tablet I can help you with
that too.
Digi Photos : Fraser Day
This is a non-competitive and casual get-together to look
at and be inspired by each others photos. We show our
successes and failures and, in the process, learn some
new tricks so we can capture better images. Simple
photo enhancement is demonstrated using Photoshop
Elements 9. A friendly and supportive group.
Dumb Questions : Ian Bonallack
Bring along any questions you have, especially the ones
that you feel are so dumb that you'd normally be too
embarrassed to ask! We write them all up on the board
at the beginning of the session and work our way through
them. Some people have no questions, and thats fine
too. Good fun, and good learning, especially when you
find you're not so dumb after all!!! Two sessions this
month one morning and one afternoon. So come to the
one that suits you best. Or even both if you like! Please
note: these sessions are aimed at questions about
Windows eg PCs and laptops, rather than Apple Macs or
iPad or cellphone or Kindle.
Excel for Beginners : Don Peters
The tutorial is totally hands-on and begins at square one,
e.g. the grid concept, types of cells, methods of selecting
cells, and so on. It then steps through only the features
that casual users find most useful most of the time.
Examples are formulas, formatting, percentages,
totalling, calculating, charting, and manipulating lists.
Time-saving hints emerge along the way.
The Beginners module is designed to cater to those with
zero knowledge of Excel. But it could also be useful to
those experienced users who suspect that there are
elementary gaps in their self-learned techniques that
might be filled to make their use of Excel a more
rewarding experience.
Because this is a tutorial you will need to give a weeks
notice to enrol.

Family Tree Maker 2009-2014 : Stewart Rundle

Family Tree Maker is a programme specially designed to
work in with Ancestry. It is also the genealogy computer
programme used by nearly all SeniorNet members who
are researching their family history. Two sessions are held
each month; one on the fourth Wednesday which is
attended by a wide range of members from novice to
very experienced. All seem to benefit from the sessions.
The other session is held on the following Friday morning
and is intended for beginners. The tutor will work slowly
through any issues the members have and there will be
time for hands-on with the club computers or your own
laptop. More experienced members who choose to
attend the Friday session are invaluable in assisting
beginners especially during the hands-on period.
In the August sessions we will continue to work through
the workspaces (plan, people, places) and, as promised
last month, we will continue studying Media.
As always, there will be time for questions and
Family Tree Maker for Beginners : Stewart Rundle
The main emphasis will be a follow-up from the Wednesday
Family Tree Maker session. Each topic covered on
Wednesday will be explained again and you will be taken
through the steps slowly. There will then be a hands on
period when everyone can work to a level of competence
on each topic. Beginners would benefit from attending
the sessions on Wednesdays. Even though some of the
matters discussed may be a little beyond them, much of it
will be well within their understanding.
Genealogy : Bill Howell (Facilitator)
For the Genealogy Group on Friday August 7th we
will have a couple of in-house contributors for a change.
First up will by Janet Williamson who will detail her
efforts to search for, and find, a missing relative.
After Janets session, I will endeavour to unravel some of
the mysteries of Google Earth, Maps, and Search.
As usual, bookings are essential and seats will be booked
on a first come, first served basis, unless we need the
larger hall , and in which case the fee will be $5.
Contact Bill at 478 5530 or [email protected]
Genealogy Workshop : Lois Kay,
A Tale to be Told.
I recently met Norma Pettit who has a intriguing story to
tell. Norma will recount the story of her ancestor who
arrived in Australia when he was 12 - became a boat
builder - purchased large tracts of land before the Treaty
of Waitangi and then had issues with the Crown. Norma
will also tell of Aunt Charlotte and the HMS Glatton. In
addition Beryl Parker has prepared further before and
after visuals of her Great Britain jaunt, you will remember
how good these photos were last time.

Tutors Page 2
Hands-On Equipment : Bernice Hyde and Allan White
Bernice or Allan can assist on either Your iPad /Tablet or
Laptop, answering questions and helping on the clubs
PC programs. You can also come to use the club
scanners for digitalizing photos and slides but this needs
to be booked or it could be cancelled .
iPad : Bernice Hyde and Bill Howell
Although classed as a tutorial session, that is really for the
necessity of booking. Our style is not a structured course,
but joining in a group with a friendly atmosphere which
offers instructions and practical applications. Also
members offering tips, with Links sent out from Bills PC
searching for answers to questions. The AM or PM
sessions are on the same day. It is essential to book your
preference before the Monday - any late communications
please use [email protected]
Mac Computers : Allan White
We have one Mac in the club running the
Snow Leopard operating system and with it
we can help anyone understand the way a
Mac works. The trouble is we have not been getting
anyone coming to our sessions lately even though some
say they are coming. Both Ron Clark and myself come
into the Club Room every first and third Monday of each
month but nobody turns up. It is wasting our time. For
this reason we have decided to only come in if we are
needed. You will have to contact me by 'phone or email
if you want help with any problem and you will have to
promise to turn up. My phone number is 441 9344 and
my email address is [email protected]
Photobooks : Bernice Hyde
We generally use Harvey Norman Website to
demonstrate and give tips on the ease of
creating a Photobook for beginners, but also
discuss the merits and costs of other sites and may have
another member show their favoured choice.
Photoshop Elements : Brian Cudby
Adobe Photoshop Elements is an economical cutdown version of the full Photoshop image editing
program. An extensive variety of features allow for
almost unlimited editorial opportunities. Photo enhancement
features are progressively examined during monthly sessions
which introduce photo editing techniques, tutorials and ideas.
The Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 program is loaded onto a
club computer and is available for members use outside of
these sessions. When members learn a new Elements
technique at home, they are invited to demonstrate their
achievement to the class. Basics of the Elements program will
be covered regularly for the benefit of new class members.

ProShow Gold : Barry Pinkney

Proshow Gold is an award winning
programme from the Photodex Corporation
in America. It enables users to combine
photos, videos plus music and voice overs, to
create wonderful video slideshows with a
whole new level of creative freedom and control.
SeniorNet members not already attending the ProShow
class are welcome to sit-in on a session to appraise the
programme. Interested persons can also Google
Photodex and see what the programme has to offer
through a range of tutorials and also the price to buy
ProShow Gold 6 and how to down load. Persons who
have purchased the programme can get one-on-one
tutoring by booking time in the Hands on Equipment
and letting me and the Hands On Tutor know. Time can
also be allocated during the sessions for beginners.
Sort my Computer! : Ian Bonallack
Is your computer or laptop acting up, doing
strange things, going slow, email not working,
not getting on the internet and so on? This
session is to give you a look at ways you may be able to
fix it yourself, in the comfort of your own home, for free!
If you have a laptop which youre having trouble with,
bring it along and we may be able to use it as a live
example of fixing. Note in this session well just be
looking at Windows devices, not Apple devices like
iPhones or iPads, nor Android devices like Samsung.
Talk Computing : Allan White
This session is mainly for members new to computers or
new to some programmes. We all found when we
started using computers that little problems cropped up
and we needed someone to explain how to help fix that
problem. If you find yourself in this situation, come
along to this group with your question.
Word : Bridget Taylerson
Members, if you know of anyone who would like to join
SeniorNet North Shore firstly advise them to view our
website to get some idea of what is offered.
Then contact Patricia Lough our MEMBERSHIP
SECRETARY on 413 6322 who will forward an
Information Package that includes a Membership
Application Form, which should be filled out and then
returned to SeniorNet North Shore, PO Box 65 357,
Mairangi Bay, 0754.
Annual fee is $35 single or $50 double.
When the subscription has been received Patricia will
forward an acknowledgement together with a nametag
that should be worn to all sessions.
Our financial year is from 1 July to 30 June with the
AGM held at the monthly meeting in August.


FIRST email or phone
BOOK at least a week
Pay at the door

Read through the Tutors Page and

select something that appeals to you.
Then look at the Schedule and see
whether it is a Course, Tutorial or
Discussion Group.
Follow the procedure for what you
have selected from next column

All welcome
Just turn up!
Pay $3 at door

at all Discussion Groups, Courses,
Tutorials, and Monthly Sunday

486 2163
AM = 10.00 to 12.30
PM = 1.30 to 4.00
Please wear your name tag to all
sessions to put a face with a name.
10 am 2nd Sunday of the month
Come along and listen to some
interesting speakers
Gold coin donation appreciated

Changes after publication will be posted on the club website: www.seniornetns.net

Information NOT HERE??? Please phone Tutors

Schedule August 2015

Day DateTime
Mon 3 am Mac Computers
Mon 3 pm
Tues 4 am Advanced XPVistaWin 7
Tues 4 pm Committee Meeting
Wed 5 am Dumb Questions
Wed 5 pm
Thurs 6 am Talk Computing
Thurs 6 pm Computing for Beginners
Frid 7 am Genealogy
Frid 7 pm
Sun 9 am Annual General Meeting
Mon 10 am
Mon 10 pm
Tues 11 am iPad
Tues 11 pm iPad
Wed 12 am Genealogy for Beginners
Wed 12 pm
Thurs 13 am Sort my Computer!
Thurs 13 pm Word
Frid 14 am Photoshop Elements
Frid 14 pm

Allan White

E-mail Address
441-9344 [email protected]



Bill Howell

478-5530 [email protected]


Ian Bonallack

479-6771 [email protected]


Allan White
Allan White
Bill Howell (facilitator)

441-9344 [email protected]
441-9344 [email protected]
478-5530 [email protected]



Bernice Hyde & Bill Howell 483-5825 [email protected]

Bernice Hyde & Bill Howell 483-5825 [email protected]
Gillian Allison
478-8267 [email protected]



Ian Bonallack
Bridget Taylerson
Brian Cudby

479-6771 [email protected]
410-8309 [email protected]
480-9438 [email protected]





Bernice Hyde

483-5825 [email protected]


Advanced XPVistaWin 7
Dumb Questions

Bill Howell
Ian Bonallack

478-5530 [email protected]
479-6771 [email protected]



Talk Computing
Hands on Equipment
Genealogy Workshop

Allan White
Bernice Hyde
Lois Kay

441-9344 [email protected]
483-5825 [email protected]
478-3587 [email protected]



Proshow Gold
Mac Computers
Family Tree Maker 2009-2014

Barry Pinkney
Allan White
Stewart Rundle

480-6319 [email protected]
441-9344 [email protected]
410-7152 [email protected]



Genealogy for Beginners

Digi Photos
Family Tree Maker for Beginners
Excel for Beginners

Gillian Allison
Fraser Day
Stewart Rundle
Don Peters






10am in the hall

All Members Welcome

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Stop Press

Editor speak : There has been much toing and froing over the sudden proposal from Ian Handricks which your
Committee has accepted. In addition to information already sent to you, here for your benefit is a summary of the
arrangements from Club Secretary Lois Kay.
An opportunity was suggested to SeniorNet North Shore which your Committee feels
will assist your club to continue to evolve. We have some very dedicated Tutors and
Helpers and a large proportion of the work falls to a smallish number of members.
Most of you know Ian Handricks from the talks and sessions he has presented. Ian is
once again reinventing himself (as he does every couple of years) and suggested that
we might come to a mutually suitable arrangement where in return for some of our
Learning Centre space for his own pursuits he would present on any subject that we
care to choose at any time and coach where required and introduce some new
learning options to our curriculum. In addition he will become Webmaster and continue to develop and improve our
website. This is just one of the roles for which we have been trying to get a volunteer for some time. Ian will also be
back-up Newsletter Editor.
All of the hardware changes required will be undertaken free of charge. So the next time you visit our Learning Centre
you will see some changes and there will be times that Ian is present continuing on with his own enterprises. All in all
we see this as a positive for all of our Members. Should this not work for either party then an opt out is available.
I have been advised of two SeniorNetters having
health issues. Vera Aspden has been in hospital.
We of course wish you a speedy recovery and a
card is on the way Vera.
Colleen Scoble, because of her health, is unable to
attend classes at present but hopes to return soon.
We hope for a speedy recovery for you Colleen. A
card is on the way, meanwhile enjoy this newsletter.

Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the 2015 Annual General Meeting of
SeniorNet North Shore Incorporated
will be held in the main hall St John Centre, 2 Shea Terrace, Takapuna
on Sunday 9 August commencing at 10am.


Confirmation of Minutes of AGM held on Sunday 10 August 2014
Confirmation of Minutes of Special General Meeting, 14th June 2015.
Matters arising from the minutes of the AGM of 2014
Adoption of the Executive Committees Report for the year to 30 June 2015.
Approval of the Financial Statement and Audit for the year to 30 June 2015.
Election of members of the Executive Committee and Auditor.
Appointment of Auditor.
Approve the subscriptions recommended by the Executive Committee for the ensuing year.
General Business

Nomination forms for the election of Committee for 2015/2016 are available from the previous Newsletters or from
the Secretary.
Nominations have so far been received for the following:
Roger Willoughby
Lois Kay
Brian Wintle
Patricia Lough, Glen Plaistowe, Shirley Hansen, Bob Porter, Allan White.
The roles of Vice Chair, Membership Secretary, Technical Officer, Tutor Liaison and Projects Officer will be appointed
from the Committee
Completed forms may be lodged on the day of the meeting. All proposers and nominees must be current financial
Lois Kay, Secretary


Wayne Green
Email: [email protected]
Ph 418 2609 Mob 021 02605747
Specializing in home renovations and pre-sale repairs

Construction and/or repair of decks, weatherboards,
steps, cupboards, shelves, trellis, fencing etc.
Sticking doors, windows.
Repair work prior to painting.

Bathrooms, kitchens, laundry floor and wall

Leaky taps, blocked drains, installation of
showers, baths, vanities, washtubs.



Paths, drives, block walls, plastering,

retaining walls

If its not listed above, dont despair just call.

If I cant do it, I may know someone who can.

Report on 12 July Sunday Meeting


Nick Miskelly enlightened us about the structure of

and that the Public do not have access to them directly only through your own ISP.
He also mentioned that on joining Chorus he had to learn a new language full of
acronyms like UFB = ultra fibre broadband and their motto is a Better Broadband
for New Zealand.
Nick arrived armed with samples of fibre and also had Chorus pens and keychain
giveaways. His power point presentation included short video clips for easy
understanding . Nick fielded lots of questions through the Tea Break and gave
several explanations on why our Fibre connection is not the expected 30mbps. We
may even need Chorus to reinstall the connection!
Well Done & Many Thanks Nick

Next Sunday Meeting 9 August 10am

All members are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting. Details on page 6.
In addition, we have Ian Bonallack talking on the topic of New gadgets for old CodgersWould we! Should we!
This will be Ians last Sunday meeting so come along and give him a hearty send off. Editor : Thank you Ian for all the
times you have offered to be a speaker at a Sunday Meeting. You are always entertaining and we will miss you. Here are
some personal thanks from some of your satisfied customers. Seems your baking has been a big hit.
A big "Thank You" to Ian, for not only giving up so much of your free time, but also for your patience and teaching skills. I
have attended many of the Dumb Question classes, and always left with more computer skills than when I arrived. (As I
think we all did). You, and your baking, will be very much missed. Auckland's loss is Wellington's gain. I wish you well
for the future.
Bev Harrison
I would like to say thank you to Ian and how much I have enjoyed going to his classes .
My knowledge has expanded and am more confident in dealing with problems.
Most of all, I will miss his remarkable biscuits!!.
Eng Dick
I wish to show my appreciation & best wishes to Ian for all the help he has given to me when I
have come up against a
brick wall with my computing. He has been a very great help. Thank you Ian and all the best for the future.
Terry Shorter

Friendly PC Assistance -

Disco dard rates
For when help is really needed
rNet N ed rate of $ 5/hr
orth S
Setting up your new PC and getting it looking just right
hore M 0/hr to
Digital cameras, scanners & other PC peripherals installed
Transferring your old PCs data
nal Co
PC housekeeping and checking for unnecessary
Ph 02 mputer Servic
7 266


Viruses/Adware & Spyware removed

Sorting out files and photos and organising an appropriate
backup procedure to protect your data files


Experienced ex-PC Direct & Gateway service technician and trainer. Offering
support to SeniorNet North Shore members since 2000.

No travel necessary - I come to you





Minutes of AGM held on Sunday 10 August 2014 to be confirmed

SENIORNET (North Shore) Inc
Minutes of the 19th Annual General Meeting
Held at the Order of St John Centre, 2 Shea Terrace, Takapuna
On Sunday 10 August 2014


61 Members list attached

APOLOGIES: Dorothy & Trevor Waddel, Bill Howell, Desma Howarth, Carol Wainhouse,
Patricia Lough, Sylvia Dean, Rhoda Fraser.
NOTICE OF MEETING was published in the SeniorNet (North Shore Inc) Newsletter for August 2014 received by all
members in July.
The minutes of the 18th Annual General Meeting dated 11 August 2013 were taken as read and confirmed:
Moved: P Patten / Seconded: Gail Moore Carried.
The Chairperson, Barbara Anderson, read a detailed report on the years events and also acknowledged the recent
death of Sylvia Henderson.
Moved: P Patten / Seconded: Barry Pinkney. Carried.
FINANCIAL REPORT: (copy attached)
The Treasurer, Brian Wintle, presented the audited Annual Accounts for the 12 months ended 30 June 2014 copies of
which were distributed to members at the meeting and also shown on the screen.
Moved: Barbara Anderson / Seconded by P Patten. That the audited accounts for the year ended 30 June 2014 be
adopted. Carried.
At this point Barbara thanked our Auditor Glen Plaistowe for an excellent and thorough audit and announced that Glen
had agreed to her reappointment as Auditor for the coming year. Peter Patten also thanked Glen for a meticulous job.

(Continued on Page 9)

Minutes of AGM held on Sunday 10 August 2014 to be confirmed

Nominations for the following positions having been received were elected as follows:
Membership Secretary

Roger Willoughby
Lois Kay
Brian Wintle
Patricia Lough
Allan White
Bob Porter
Dawne Millard

The office of Vice Chair was contested between Bernice Hyde and Peter Patten. A vote by financial members was held
which went in favour of Bernice Hyde by 35 votes to 40. Both nominees spoke as to their experience in the role. The
results were announced after the morning tea break. Nominee John Ovens withdrew his nomination in the interest of
limiting the number of committee members for the coming year.
Portfolios to be assigned to the Committee Members. Bridget Taylerson asked if someone not voted on could later be
asked to participate in committee matters. She was assured that this could be done by co-opting a member. This
applied in particular to members with specialised knowledge and it was intended to ask Peter Patten to assist with the
reassessment of our Constitution which would then be put to a Special General Meeting during a Sunday Club
Barbara Anderson moved that the new Committee be accepted: Seconded by Gail Moore. Carried.
Gail Moore then thanked Barbara Anderson for the great work she had done during the past 2 years and presented
her with flowers on behalf of SeniorNet. Lois Kay also thanked Barbara for the opportunity to work with her and
emphasised her dedication and integrity and noted the trust and understanding they had achieved.

The meeting was declared closed at 11am.




Advanced Computers

4 Super Simple iOS Maintenance Tips for iPhone & iPad

How many times have you seen someone elses iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running an ancient version of iOS that is
not backed up and has a million app updates waiting in the wings? Its remarkably common for iOS hardware to go
neglected by those who are less tech savvy, here are some simple maintenance on iOS hardware! The focus will be on
four primary aspects; setting up device backups to iCloud, ditching ancient unused apps, updating the other apps to
the newest versions, and updating iOS to the latest version available.
1: Set Up iOS Backups to iCloud
Keeping regular backups is really good practice, and Apple makes it super easy for iOS devices thanks to iCloud. But
many users dont use this free backup service (up to 5GB, anyway), so you should take a moment to turn it on for
them, then to do a manual backup:
Go to Settings and to iCloud *
Choose Backup and be sure iCloud Backup is turned ON, then tap on Back Up Now to start a new manual
backup to iCloud
2: Clean Out Their Junk Apps
Just about everyone with an iOS device has a handful (or many hands full) of junk iOS apps that they downloaded,
opened once, and never touched again. This stuff just clutters up iOS and takes up space and if it doesnt get use, it
may as well be uninstalled. Youll need to work with whoever owns the iPad or iPhone to figure out what apps these
are and if they are critical or waiting for just the right opportunity, so dont go ditching apps without asking.
3: Update iOS Apps
Updating apps is almost always a good idea, with new features, bug fixes, and improved compatibility with the latest
versions of system software, and its easy too:
Open the App Store and head to the Updates tab
Choose Update All (perhaps ask permission first, they may have a favorite app that they prefer an older version to,
like many users who hoard the ancient Twitter for iPad client)
4: Update iOS to the Newest Version Available
Updating most hardware to the newest versions of iOS is good practice, bringing new features, bug fixes, and various
feature improvements. Updating iOS should only be done after a device has been backed up, so be sure you completed
a backup to iCloud (or iTunes) before doing this, and be sure the hardware is new enough to adequately run the latest
iOS versions:
Go to Settings and to General
Choose Software Update and if there is an update available, download & install it
As long as the hardware is on the newer side, the latest versions of iOS should run great and be an improvement with
new features and better performance.

Tekzone Tip

Windows 10 Upgrade FAQ


Microsoft Windows 10 is coming. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers.
What are the basic facts of the Windows 10 upgrade?
Microsoft is making Windows 10 available as free upgrade for qualified Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows Phone 8.1
devices. It will be available starting July 29, 2015; people can reserve their free upgrade today. You only have until July 29, 2016
to take advantage of this offer. Once you upgrade, you have Windows 10 for free on that device.
Is the Upgrade really free?
Yes, its free. This is a full version of Windows, not a trial or introductory
version. It is available for a limited time: You have one year from the
time Windows 10 is available to take advantage of this offer.
Are there any qualification requirements?
The only requirements are that a) your device is compatible, and b)
youre running genuine Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Windows 8.1
Windows 10 is designed to run on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 PCs.
That means your device is likely compatible and will run Windows 10.
System Requirements:
Latest OS: Make sure you are running the latest version either Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 Update.
Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor or SoC
RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit
Hard disk space: 16 GB for 32-bit OS 20 GB for 64-bit OS
Graphics card: DirectX 9 or later with WDDM 1.0 driver
Display: 800x600
Will my device and apps work with Windows 10?
Windows 10 is designed to be compatible with the vast majority of
Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 devices -- so your device is most likely
compatible. For details on your specific device and apps, you can use
the Get Windows 10 app to do a compatibility check. Click the menu in
the upper left of the app, and select Check your PC or Your PC is good
to go. This displays any compatibility issues we find and recommends a
resolution; while we dont have info on every app or device in existence,
it provides a comprehensive list of all known potential compatibility
Some Windows 10 features will require advanced hardware and not all features and services are available on every device, nor
in every market. For instance, Cortana is not available in all markets.
For all FAQ please visit https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10-faq


Last chance to renew your membership for the year 1 July 2015 30 June 2016
Urgent. Will all members note that if they are intending to renew then they must do so by
August 31 or they will cease to be members.
Membership Secretary Patricia will not be posting out the new primrose coloured name badges but will place them in the
Learning Centre room for you to collect after you have renewed your sub. Please contact Patricia if you are not able to get
to the Learning Centre and Patricia will make other arrangements. Tel #413 6322 or [email protected]

I/We apply to rejoin SeniorNet (North Shore) Inc for year 2015-2016
Membership Renewal
(North Shore) Inc.
Mail to:-

Payment: $35.00 (single) or $50.00 (double)

By Post to: P O Box 65357, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0754
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