Stokes Law Presentation
Stokes Law Presentation
Stokes Law Presentation
The terminal settling velocity is derived by balancing drag, buoyant, and gravitational forces that act on the particle.
Reynolds Number
In fluid mechanics, the Reynolds Number, Re (or NR), is a dimensionless number that is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces.
It quantifies the relative importance of these two types of forces for a given set of flow conditions.
where: v = mean velocity of an object relative to a fluid (m/s) L = characteristic dimension, (length of fluid; particle diameter) (m) = dynamic viscosity of fluid (kg/(ms)) = kinematic viscosity ( = /) (m/s) = fluid density (kg/m)
For a sphere:
Vh/V = (1 - Cv)4.65
Vh = hindered settling velocity V = free settling velocity Cv = volume fraction of solid particles
For Re > 1,000, the exponent is only 2.33
McGhee, T.J., 1991. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York.
McGhee, T.J., 1991. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York.
u = average (constant) velocity of fluid flowing across vessel vs = settling velocity of a particular particle vo = critical settling velocity of finest particle recovered at 100%
Retention Time
Average time spent in the vessel by an element of the suspension
So all particles with a settling velocity equal to or greater than v0 will be separated in the tank from the fluid
Note: this expression for vo has no H term. This defines the overflow rate or surface-loading rate - Key parameter to design ideal Type I settling clarifiers - Cross-sectional area A is calculated to get desired v0
For particles with a diameter dx (below do), the fractional removal is given by:
Sedimentation Thickener/Clarifier
Top view Side view
- Determine tu by drawing vertical line at point where horizontal line at Hu intersects the bisecting tangent line
- Compute the minimum area of the clarifying section using a particle settling velocity of the settling velocity at t = 0 in the column test. - Choose the largest of these two values
where A = cross-sectional area (m2) F = feed pulp liquid/solids ratio L = underflow pulp liquid/solid ratio s = solids density (g/cm3) Vm = settling velocity (m/hr) dw/dt = dry solids production rate (g/hr)
Diameter (m)
Bottom Slope Rotation Speed of rake arm
3 - 170 m
0.06 to 0.16 (3.5 to 10)