Migration 1.3 Instructions of Use (Eng)
Migration 1.3 Instructions of Use (Eng)
Migration 1.3 Instructions of Use (Eng)
Version 1.3
MS 0
3. USING 3
3.3 Calculation 8
4.1 Saving 9
4.3 Help 11
MS 1
Using the General Settling Law (see above), this software can be used to calculate one of the
following parameters when knowing the other ones :
- continuous phase viscosity,
- volume fraction,
- continuous phase density,
- dispersed phase density,
- hydrodynamic mean particle diameter (named equivalent diameter),
- settling rate.
V (φ ,d) =
ρp -ρc× g × d2 [1 − φ ]
18 × ν × ρ c 4,6 φ
1 (1 − φ ) 3
V = particle migration velocity (m.s-1),
ρc = continuous phase density (kg.m-3),
ρp = particles density (kg.m-3),
g = gravity constant (9.81m.s-²),
d = mean particle diameter (µm),
ν = continuous phase dynamic viscosity (m.s-1),
φ = volume fraction (without unit).
The sedimentation software works on Microsoft Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98 and NT. The
setting up procedure is the same for all these configurations :
1. Introduce Migration 1-3 disc in A
2. Click on « Install ». Then, a repertory with the « Migration» application is created on
C :\.
Then, launch « Migration» application.
Note : The software will go through year 2000 without any damage.
MS 2
First Column
Calculation of
the diameter
figure 1
You have to enter manually the following values, except the one you want to calculate and for
which the window is inactive (fig. 1):
- the continuous phase viscosity ν (cp),
- the volume fraction (%),
- the continuous phase density (g/cm3),
- the dispersed phase density (g/cm3).
- the mean particles diameter (µm),
MS 3
3.2.2 The second column :
Write the settling or creaming rate you have determined in mm per minute (fig. 2).
figure 2
With the Turbisoft software, we can follow a phase thickness evolution as a function of time
by using the absolute thickness measurement mode (see Turbiscan instruction of use, on page
MS 4
Instructions (fig. 3) :
1) Select the percentage of backscattering (or transmission) at which the measurement will be
done («BS Threshold »). To calculate a particle mean diameter, you have to select the
threshold at 50% of the last peak height.
2) Select the sample zone 1 corresponding to the clarification peak you want to measure the
thickness (« from... to... »).
3) Control your selection by clicking on « Apply now ». So, vertical and horizontal bars (in
the same colour as the selected zone) appear on the screen.
4) Click on « OK », and the window and all the bars disappear.
5) Click on « Absolute Thickness » in « Tool » menu to display the kinetic on the screen.
6) Click on « Options » in the « View » menu to choose the reference measurement (which
has to be the same than the one you selected for the curves), the time unit and the smoothing
figure 3
R) The migration software accepts to calculate the slope of the curve drawn thanks to
the first line of the "selection for Absolute thickness" window only.
MS 5
figure 4
7) Then, you have to select the zone where you want to determine the settling rate by making a
zoom (fig. 5) and to copy it (clicking on « copy » in the « Edit » menu).
figure 5
R) You have to select the zone where the curve appears linear.
MS 6
b. Importation of kinetic data’s :
After having copied the zoomed kinetic data, you paste it by clicking on « Imported
Transmission data » or "imported Backscattering Data" (fig. 6) respectively if the copied curve
(absolute thickness) was drawn from Transmission or from Backscattering values.
figure 6
So, you obtain directly the settling rate (in mm/min) and the correlation rate.
MS 7
3.3 Calculation
After having filled all the empty spaces, you have to click on « computing » to determine the
parameter you want to calculate (fig. 7).
figure 7
MS 8
4.1 Saving
You can save all the introduced data and the calculation in a file by clicking on « Save » in the
« File » menu (fig. 8).
figure 8
R) The opening pages can be closed without saving by clicking on X on the right corner top of
the Window.
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4.2 Language selection
By clicking on « Language » in the menu, you can select the language you want to use (fig.
9). You can choose either French or English.
figure 9
MS 10
4.3 Help
The « help » function facilitates the using of the sedimentation software (fig. 10). (or provides
a first level on line help to use the migration software)
figure 10
MS 11