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Migration 1.3 Instructions of Use (Eng)

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Version 1.3

FORMULACTION - Siège social - 10 avenue de l’Europe - 31240 - L'Union - France

Tel : 33 (0) 5 62 89 29 29 - Fax : 33 (0) 5 62 89 29 20

MS 0




3. USING 3

3.1 Choice of the parameter to be computed 3

3.2 Filling the spaces of the first and second columns 3
3.2.1 The first column 3
3.2.2 The second column 4 Entering the settling rate manually 4 Settling rate importation from absolute thickness kinetic 4
a) Absolute thickness kinetic 4
b) Importation of the kinetic data 7

3.3 Calculation 8


4.1 Saving 9

4.2 Language selection 10

4.3 Help 11

MS 1
Using the General Settling Law (see above), this software can be used to calculate one of the
following parameters when knowing the other ones :
- continuous phase viscosity,
- volume fraction,
- continuous phase density,
- dispersed phase density,
- hydrodynamic mean particle diameter (named equivalent diameter),
- settling rate.

V (φ ,d) =
ρp -ρc× g × d2 [1 − φ ]
18 × ν × ρ c  4,6 φ 
1 (1 − φ ) 3 
 
V = particle migration velocity (m.s-1),
ρc = continuous phase density (kg.m-3),
ρp = particles density (kg.m-3),
g = gravity constant (9.81m.s-²),
d = mean particle diameter (µm),
ν = continuous phase dynamic viscosity (m.s-1),
φ = volume fraction (without unit).

P. Snabre, P. Mills, « Settling of a suspension of hard spheres »

Q. Europhysic Letters 25,9,651-656 (1994).

The sedimentation software works on Microsoft Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98 and NT. The
setting up procedure is the same for all these configurations :
1. Introduce Migration 1-3 disc in A
2. Click on « Install ». Then, a repertory with the « Migration» application is created on
C :\.
Then, launch « Migration» application.

Note : The software will go through year 2000 without any damage.

MS 2

3.1 Choice of the parameter to be computed

Select the parameter you want to calculate in the « Computing choice » menu.
The window containing the selected parameter becomes inactive in the first column (where
the values have to be entered).

First Column

Calculation of
the diameter

The corresponding window becomes inactive.

figure 1

3.2 Filling the spaces of the first and second columns :

3.2.1 The first column :

You have to enter manually the following values, except the one you want to calculate and for
which the window is inactive (fig. 1):
- the continuous phase viscosity ν (cp),
- the volume fraction (%),
- the continuous phase density (g/cm3),
- the dispersed phase density (g/cm3).
- the mean particles diameter (µm),

MS 3
3.2.2 The second column :

The settling rate value can be entered :

- by entering manually the particles settling or creaming rate (in mm per minute),
- by importing the data of absolute thickness kinetic (from the Turbisoft software
supplied with the Turbiscan), Entering the settling rate manually :

Write the settling or creaming rate you have determined in mm per minute (fig. 2).

figure 2 Settling rate importation from absolute thickness kinetic :

a. Absolute thickness kinetic :

With the Turbisoft software, we can follow a phase thickness evolution as a function of time
by using the absolute thickness measurement mode (see Turbiscan instruction of use, on page

MS 4
Instructions (fig. 3) :
1) Select the percentage of backscattering (or transmission) at which the measurement will be
done («BS Threshold »). To calculate a particle mean diameter, you have to select the
threshold at 50% of the last peak height.
2) Select the sample zone 1 corresponding to the clarification peak you want to measure the
thickness (« from... to... »).
3) Control your selection by clicking on « Apply now ». So, vertical and horizontal bars (in
the same colour as the selected zone) appear on the screen.
4) Click on « OK », and the window and all the bars disappear.
5) Click on « Absolute Thickness » in « Tool » menu to display the kinetic on the screen.
6) Click on « Options » in the « View » menu to choose the reference measurement (which
has to be the same than the one you selected for the curves), the time unit and the smoothing

figure 3

The obtained kinetic is represented on figure 4.

R) The migration software accepts to calculate the slope of the curve drawn thanks to
the first line of the "selection for Absolute thickness" window only.

MS 5
figure 4

7) Then, you have to select the zone where you want to determine the settling rate by making a
zoom (fig. 5) and to copy it (clicking on « copy » in the « Edit » menu).

figure 5

R) You have to select the zone where the curve appears linear.
MS 6
b. Importation of kinetic data’s :

After having copied the zoomed kinetic data, you paste it by clicking on « Imported
Transmission data » or "imported Backscattering Data" (fig. 6) respectively if the copied curve
(absolute thickness) was drawn from Transmission or from Backscattering values.

figure 6

So, you obtain directly the settling rate (in mm/min) and the correlation rate.

MS 7
3.3 Calculation

After having filled all the empty spaces, you have to click on « computing » to determine the
parameter you want to calculate (fig. 7).

figure 7

In our example, we obtain directly the « Equivalent diameter » in µm.

MS 8
4.1 Saving

You can save all the introduced data and the calculation in a file by clicking on « Save » in the
« File » menu (fig. 8).

figure 8

R) The opening pages can be closed without saving by clicking on X on the right corner top of
the Window.

MS 9
4.2 Language selection

By clicking on « Language » in the menu, you can select the language you want to use (fig.
9). You can choose either French or English.

figure 9

MS 10
4.3 Help

The « help » function facilitates the using of the sedimentation software (fig. 10). (or provides
a first level on line help to use the migration software)

figure 10

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