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Purpose of Sedimentation
Particle diameter (mm) 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.0001 0.000001 Type Pebble Coarse sand Fine sand Silt Large colloids Small colloids

Disinfection Settling tank

Mixing tank

Addition of coagulant

Flocculation basin

Sand filter

Sludge processing

What is Sedimentation?
Removal of suspended matter (particulate matter, chemical floc, and precipitates) that are heavier than water by gravity settling.

Types of Sedimentation
Type I settling Discrete particles in dilute suspensions


Depending upon the characteristics and concentrations of the suspended particles, sedimentation can be primarily classified into four types Type I Settling Type III Settling

Particles whose size, shape, and specific gravity do not change with time

Type II Settling Type IV Settling Collected in sludge hoppers and removed

Suspensions in which the concentration of particles is not sufficient to cause significant displacement of water as they settle or in which particles will not be close enough for velocity field interference to occur

Type II settling

Flocculating particles in dilute suspensions

Type IV settling

Flocculating particles in concentrated suspensions

Particles whose surface properties are such that they aggregate, or coalesce, with other particles upon contact, thus changing size, shape, and perhaps specific gravity with each contact.

Particles come into physical contact and form a structure and further settling can occur only by compression of the structure. COMPRESSION SETTLING

Type III settling

Flocculating particles in intermediate suspensions

Type I

Type II

Particles tend to remain in fixed positions with respect to each other, and settle as a large mass rather than as individual. ZONE SETTLING

Significantly different settling pattern Require separate analysis


Particle Settling Analysis

Type I settling
Stage 1 When a particle is suspended in water Buoyancy

Particle Settling Analysis

Type I settling
Stage 1 When a particle is suspended in water Buoyancy

f net = ( p w ) gV p

f b = w gV p
f g = p gV p

f b = w gV p
f g = p gV p

Force of gravity

p = density of the particle g = gravitational constant Vp = volume of the particle w = density of water

If p>w,

Force of gravity

Particle Settling Analysis

Type I settling
Stage 2 When a particle is in motion.

Particle Settling Analysis

Driving force = Drag force

Drag f = C A v d D p w

For spherical particles:

CD = coefficient of drag Ap = cross cross-sectional area of the particle perpendicular to the direction of movement v = velocity of the particle


4 3

(d / 2)3 2 = d ( d / 2) 2 3
Changes with characteristics of different flow regimes

Driving force for acceleration

f net = ( p w ) gV p

Drag coefficient, CD

For laminar flow

Laminar flow Turbulent flow Transitional flow

24 = Re
24 3 = + + 0.34 Re Re1/ 2
= 0.4



For transitional flow

Stokes Equation:
For turbulent flow
Stokes law for the drag of small spheres (dia. < 0.1 mm, involving Re < 1) in a viscous fluid, neglecting the inertia force is given by

Where Re =

vt w d

FD = 3vs d
Reynolds number

vs =

g ( p w )d 2 18
g ( S s S )d 2 18

= shape factor ( = 1 for perfect spheres) spheres) = dynamic viscosity

Used in the determination of the terminal settling velocities of discrete particles in dilute suspensions for laminar flows

vs =


Types of Sedimentation Tanks


Horizontal flow sedimentation tank

Design assumptions

Maximum velocity to prevent bed uplift or scour


Design Details of Sedimentation Tank

Detention period: for plain sedimentation: 4 to 8 h, and for flocculating suspensions: 2 to 4 h. Velocity of flow (horizontal flow): Not greater than 0.15 m/min for light flocculent suspensions and not greater than 0.6 m/min for discrete particle suspensions. Normally provided: 0.3 m/min. Tank dimensions: L:B = 3:1 to 6:1. Breadth= 6 m to 10 m ( 12m). Circular: Diameter not greater than 60 m. generally 20 to 40 m. Depth: 2.5 to 6.0 m (3 m). (> 1.8 m) Surface Overflow Rate: For plain sedimentation 15 to 30 m3/m2/d tank area; for horizontal flow circular sedimentation 30 to 40 m3/m2/d tank area; for dilute and discrete particle suspensions: 25 to 60 m3/m2/d. Slopes: Rectangular 1% towards inlet and circular 8%.

Design Details of Sedimentation Tank

Detention period
Theoretical time taken by a particle of water to pass between entry and exit of a settling tank

Flow through period

Average time required for a batch of water to pass through the settling tank

Displacement efficiency
Ratio of flowing through period to the detention period.

It is always good practice to have at least two units so one can continue functioning while the other is down for repairs or routine maintenance

Design Details of Sedimentation Tank

Overflow rate and surface loading

Design Details of Sedimentation Tank

Design Details of Sedimentation Tank

Inlet and outlet arrangements
An ideal intake structure should
Uniformly distribute the water as uniformly as possible across the width and depth of the tank Mix it with the water already in the tank, to prevent density currents Minimize large scale turbulence Initiate longitudinal or radial flow so as to achieve high removal efficiency

Design Details of Sedimentation Tank

Outlet arrangement consists of
Weirs, notches or orifices Effluent trough or launder Outlet pipe

The slots should be such that:

Velocity of flow through the slots is about 0.2 to 0.3 m/s Head loss is 1.7 times the velocity head Diameter of the hole not to be larger than the thickness of the diffuser wall


Design Details of Sedimentation Tank

The hydraulic efficiency of the settling tank is the flow through period (td) which can be expected to approach the critical detention period (t0) only in ideal tanks. Settling tank efficiency is reduced by the following currents:
Eddy currents Surface currents Vertical convection currents Density currents

A well designed tank should have an efficiency of at least 70%

Design Details of Sedimentation Tank

Settling tanks should be capable of giving settled water having turbidity not exceeding 20 JTU, and preferably 5 JTU.

Sedimentation with flocculation

Common coagulants
Alum [Al2(SO4)3.18H2O]
Al2(SO4)3.18H2O + 3Ca(HCO3)2 = 2Al(OH)3 + 3CaSO4 + 18H2O + 6CO2 Al2(SO4)3.18H2O + Ca(OH)2 = 2Al(OH)3 + 3CaSO4 + 18H2O

Chlorinated copperas [FeSO4.7H2O]

6FeSO4.7H2O + 3Cl2 = 2Fe2(SO4)3 + 2FeCl3 + 7H2O Fe2(SO4)3 + 3Ca(OH)2 = 3CaSO4 + 2Fe(OH)3 2FeCl3 + 3Ca(OH)2 = 3CaCl2 + 2Fe(OH)3

Ferrous sulphate and lime

FeSO4.7H2O + Ca(OH)2 = Fe(OH)2 + CaSO4 + 7H2O 4Fe(OH)2 + O2 + 2H2O = 4Fe(OH)3

Magnesium carbonate
MgCO3 + Ca(OH)2 = Mg(OH)2 + CaCO3

Amount of coagulant is much less

Sodium aluminate
Costly However, removes temporary as well as permanent hardness.


Comparison of Alum and iron salts as coagulants

Iron salts
Produce heavy flocs
Remove much more suspended matter than alum

Mixing devices
Centrifugal pump Compressed air agitation Narrow mixing channel with flume Mixing basins with baffle walls Mixing basins with mechanical devices

Are good oxidising agents

Can remove H2S and its corresponding tastes and odours from water

Can be used over a wider range of pH values Cause staining and promote the growth of iron bacteria in the distribution system Impart more corrosiveness to water than alum Handling and storage require more skill and control, as they are corrosive and deliquescent. No such skill required for alum.

Design of mechanical rapid mix units

Design parameters
Dia. Of mixing tank (1 3 m) Ratio of tank height to diameter (1:1 to 3:1) Ratio of impeller diameter to tank diameter (0.2:1 to 0.4:1) Mixing time, t (1/2 2 mins) Impeller speed (100 150 rpm) Paddle velocity > 1m/s Velocity gradient, G (best operation at 700 1000, with t = 2 mins)
Measure of relative velocity of two particles of fluid and the distance between For e.g., two water particles moving at 1 m/s relative to each other at a distance 0.1 m apart would have a velocity gradient of 10 s-1 Frequently expressed in terms of power dissipation/volume

The power input can also be determined by P = Dv p where, P = power input, W (N.m/s)
D = drag force on paddles, N vp = velocity of paddles, m/s

P G= V

where, G = velocity gradient, s-1 P = power input, W (N.m/s) V = volume of mixing basin, m3 = viscosity, N.s/m2


vp2 2

where, CD = dimensionless coefficient of drag, 1.8 for flat blades Ap = area of paddle blades, m2 = density of water, kg/m3
The velocity of the paddle tip, vp is the velocity relative to the water and is about 75% of the actual paddle speed.


CD Ap v 3 p 2


Design of flocculator
Design parameters
Gt 104 to 105 t 10 to 30 mins G 10 50
Large G values with short times tend to produce small dense flocs Low G values and long times produce larger, lighter flocs Reduction in G values by a factor of 2 from the influent end to the effluent end has been shown to be effective

Paddle velocity < 0.9 m/s A minimum distance of 0.3 m should be maintained between paddle tips and all other structures in the flocculator to prevent local areas of excessive velocity gradients

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