Group Member: Aqeem Uddin Cheri Jaiswal
Group Member: Aqeem Uddin Cheri Jaiswal
Group Member: Aqeem Uddin Cheri Jaiswal
A machine which solves problems for people written in the form of programs What is a program? - A sequence of instructions telling the computer what to do. What is an Instruction? - Can be in Assembly language, Machine Language or High level Language.
The word computer comes from the word compute which means to calculate. So computer is normally considered to be a calculating device that can perform arithmetic and logical operation at enormous speed. More accurately,a computer may be defined as a operate upon data.
A computer can store, process and retrieve data as and when required. the activity of processing data using a computer is called data processing.
Data processing consist of 3 sub activities:Capturing the input data. Manipulating the data. Managing output result. Modern computer are electronic and digital. The actual machinery wires, transmitters and circuits is called hardware; the instructions and data are called software.
3.INPUT DEVICES:Usually a keyboard, mouse, touch screen, pens, optical scanner and so on, input devices is conducted through which data and instruction into the computer. They convert data onto electric form for direct entry or through a telecommunications network into a computer system. 4.OUTPUT DEVICES:A display screen, printer or such devices that let we see what the computer has accomplished. they convert electronic information produced by the computer system into human intelligible form for presentation for end users. 5.CONTROL UNIT:The control unit act as a central nervous system for all computer. Its job is to manage and coordinate the entire computer system by selecting interpreting and seeing to the execution of the program instruction, which it obtain, from the program stored in main memory.
GENERATIONS OF COMPUTER:THE FIRST GENERATION:(1946-1958)Use of vacuum tube. Big and clumsy. High electricity consumption. Programming in mechanical language. Larger AC were needed. Lot of electricity failure occurred.
Integrated circuits developed
Power consumption was low SSI & MSI Technology was used High level languages were used
LSI & VLSI Technology used Development of Portable Computers RAID Technology of data storage Used in virtual reality, multimedia, simulation Computers started in use for Data Communication Different types of memories with very high accessing speed & storage capacity
1. Used in parallel processing 2. Used superconductors 3. Used in speech recognition 4. Used in intelligent robots 5. Used in artificial intelligence
Speed As you know computer can work very fast. It takes only few seconds for calculations that we take hours to complete. Suppose you are asked to calculate the average monthly income of one thousand persons in your neighborhood.
Accuracy Suppose some one calculates faster but commits a lot of errors in computing. Such result is useless. There is another aspect. Suppose you want to divide 15 by 7. You may work out up to 2 decimal places and say the dividend is 2.14. I may calculate up to 4 decimal places and say that the result is 2.1428. Some one else may go up to 9 decimal places and say the result is 2.142857143. Hence, in addition to speed, the computer should Diligence A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, fatigue, etc. It can work for hours without creating any error. If millions of calculations are to be performed, a computer will perform every calculation with the same accuracy. Due to this capability it overpowers human being in routine type of work. Versatility It means the capacity to perform completely different type of work. You may use your computer to prepare payroll slips. Next moment you may use it for inventory management or to prepare electric bills.
Power of Remembering Computer has the power of storing any amount of information or data. Any information can be stored and recalled as long as you require it, for any numbers of years. It depends entirely upon you how much data you want to store in a computer and when to lose or retrieve these data. No IQ Computer is a dumb machine and it cannot do any work without instruction from the user. It performs the instructions at tremendous speed and with accuracy. It is you to decide what you want to do and in what sequence. So a computer cannot take its own decision as you can. No Feeling It does not have feelings or emotion, taste, knowledge and experience. Thus it does not get tired even after long hours of work. It does not distinguish between users. Storage The Computer has an in-built memory where it can store a large amount of data. You can also store data in secondary storage devices such as floppies, which can be kept outside your computer and can be carried to other computers.
Computer has done this and that. Actually this is not the computer which has done this but the user. Despite its various features, a computer does have the following limitations: a. No Self Intelligence Today, a computer is able to do a work which is impossible for man. Computers are used to do risky and dangerous work and where sharp actually is needed. But it does not have any intelligence of its own. It works according to the instruction only. b. No Decision-Making power Computer cannot take any decision of its own. It does only those tasks which are already instructed to it.
c. No learning power Computer has no learning power. Once you give instructions to a computerhow to perform a task.