Multi-Band Mono Delta Loop Ant
Multi-Band Mono Delta Loop Ant
Multi-Band Mono Delta Loop Ant
substance of the article was exactly what we needed. By the sheer need of the Club, I constructed one unit based on the general specifications given. The antenna detail is shown in Fig 1.
10 meters
Band switch
B L2 C
Fig 1. Construction and setup of the multi band mono delta loop. See text for the band switching detail. So! . One early morning at the beginning of the JOTA activity, a weird looking wire loop appeared tethered in one branch of the big acacia tree at the Boy Scout camp. I was making the tune-up adjustments while the curious boy scouts were gathered around. I finally cautioned the boy scouts by ordering them to back off from the antenna. A few meters near the acacia trunk, the operating table was surrounded by the MARS..ians. Each wanted to grab the only microphone and make the first contact. The first call instantaneously caused a Pile-up Hi Hi! Chairman Louie/4F1AAZ, (now Silent Key) was highly excited and responding to individual calls. In the late afternoon, it was time to demonstrate to the boy scouts the exciting world of amateur radio. We switched the band to 20 meters. Louie initiated the first call and got an immediate response. I remember one station in Vancouver, Canada was frantically requesting for an RST report and his turn to QSO with other JOTA participants. I watched the whole procedure as each scout scrambled to get a chance to talk to the Canadian station. The exciting atmosphere led me to open a bottle of cold beer. As I made the first gulp, a happy feeling crept around me and then said to myself that mono delta loop is doing fine. MARS's frustrations is now a thing of the past, I mused. This antenna served in many more JOTA activities in the years that followed. It also saw service during the famous Asia Pacific Boy Scout Jamboree held at Mt. Makiling in Los Baos, Laguna where it transmitted RF energy around the Southeast Asia Region and Oceania under its callsign, DX1APJ. The local Boy Scouts and those representing these regions in the camp were happy. And most of all, our chairman Louie/4F1AAZ
was so filled with great satisfaction that he went to the extent of sequestering the antenna for keeps. Thereafter, the antenna materializes only during field days!
Tie point
Antenna wire
Fig 2. Mounting detail of the wire elements to the SO-239 coax connector. Use a plate of appropriate size made of phenolic, Plexiglas or acrylic plastic for mounting the SO 239 (see illustration). In the MARS antenna, I used a Plexiglas plate. This is the kind used by bus companies for bus windowpanes. Thanks to Allen (now DV1AIR). He retrieved this chunk from the Kapalaran Bus lines junk yard in Santa Cruz Laguna. Nevertheless, you can use any kind of insulator including phenolic boards, PVC and or acrylic
plastic. This plate has a dimension of 15 cm X 6 cm and about 5 mm thick (or thicker). The size depends on your preference but strength of the plate is required as the same plate will hold the SO-239 and whole antenna when suspended. Six (6) equidistant small holes must be drilled along a center line in this plate, 3 to the left and 3 to the right side of the SO-239 mounting hole to accommodate the feedthrough wire elements (to serve as anchors) and nylon string (see drawing in Fig. 2). Of course, solder the end of the wire elements (marked F, F) to the SO-239 terminals as shown in the drawing. 3. Suspend the loop at its apex about 30-35 feet above ground (a pole or a tree). When the antenna is mounted, the base corners are held taut via insulators with nylon ropes and tied to any support so that the bottoms section is about 4 feet above ground. Warning: It needs to be higher if there is risk of people
especially children touching the wire ends (wires marked X and Y and the associated switching circuit).
4. Make up a ground post high enough to reach the middle bottom of the loop. Use this to support the switch board insulator. This insulated board is where the terminal lugs are to be installed and to which the pigtail wires (X and Y) are to be connected when changing band. Form a phenolic board, or whatever is available that is an RF insulator (Caution: these are high voltage points. Be careful! Do not try anything else. Otherwise you will turn your switch box into a "Smokey box). Here is the portion that needs your amateur ingenuity. You can drill holes in the phenolic board and install brass bolts with nuts to serve as the terminal lugs. This is the system of switching in the MARS antenna. Sturdy alligator clips were soldered at the end of each pigtail so that switching is done manually to change bands by clipping these alligator clips to each respective pair of terminal lugs. The distance between each terminal lug is not critical but for easier transfer of the alligator clips when changing bands, a minimum distance between brass bolts of 5-6 cm is adequate. Otherwise, you can install a high voltage rated ganged switch if you prefer. These ceramic switches are usually found in radio electronic surplus stores selling used broadcast station spare parts. I think GM3AXX used this type. Make sure those terminals A hold the loading coil for the 10 MHz band. Terminals B are "open" for the 7 and 21 MHz band and terminals C is a "shorting stub/wire" of adequate wire size for the 14 MHz band. These are shown in Fig. 3 below:
Ganged L1
Phenolic or plastic plate
Fig 3. Construction of the band switch. L1 = 25 turns of # 14 enamel solid copper wire wound in a 2 inch PVC tube. L2 = Shorting wire stub. The B terminals are open. Switch Positions: A = 10 MHz B = 7 MHz & 21 MHz C = 14 MHz
Fig 4. The Four electrical properties of the multi-band delta loop. The principle is shown in 1, 2, 3 and 4 illustrations for each operating band. The loop's physical properties and the respective bands where it will resonate are explained below: 1. When the pair of pigtails is connected to terminals C, the loop is completed via L2 (a shorting stub wire). This brings the whole loop to assume a full wave delta loop which will resonate at 14 MHz (20 meters). See drawing 1 in Fig 4. 2. When the pair of pigtails is transferred to terminals B, the B terminals are open and the loop assumes an inverted V-dipole in delta loop configuration. By virtue of the physical length of the wires, this delta shaped dipole will resonate at 7 MHz (40 Meters). The same configuration is 3 x of 21 MHz, which is the odd harmonic of 7 MHz (its 3rd harmonic). Hence, the same antenna will resonate in the 21 MHz band (15 meters). See drawing 3 and 4 respectively, in Fig 4. 3. When the pair of pigtails is transferred to terminals A, the loop is completed via L1 (an inductor coil). This inductance will serve as a series loading coil to
bring the loop to appear as if it is a full-wave antenna at 10 MHz (30 meters). See drawing 2 in Fig 4. The physical lengths of the antenna components are calculated following a similar method for estimating wire lengths of full wave loops. The example of the loops electrophysical size calculation at various bands is shown in Table 1 below: Table 1. The relationship of calculated physical lengths and resonant frequency of the loop when operated at various selected bands.
The 40 meter dipole is operated at its 3rd harmonic (= 7.234 x 3 = 21.702 M) 306 Freq. (MHz)
Hence, the mono delta loop will operate in 4 separate amateur bands my merely transferring the pair of pigtails in the respective terminal lugs (see Fig 1).
above 7.050 MHz, this means that the pigtails are too short (you must add length). This scenario however is unlikely because the length of the pigtails have been pre-cut longer than calculated. 1.4 Once everything is OK, then proceed to step 2. 2. Now, Transfer the pair of pigtails to position "C", and check VSWR at 14.100 MHz. Lowest VSWR should occur in this frequency. 2.1 If the lowest VSWR occurs far above 14.100 MHz, the antenna is short. You must lengthen the shorting stub (marked L2) to form a long legged U. Adjust (trim) the length of this stub until you attain the lowest VSWR at 14.100 MHz. Or, to what ever frequency you prefer but must be above 14.100 MHz and within the 20 meter amateur band. In the MARS antenna, it was tuned to 14.250 MHz. The stub was about 20 centimeters long when stretched and then folded to form a U. (Note: DO NOT and NEVER again disturb the lengths of the pigtail wires during this tune-up step) 3. The final step - Then, and only then, that you switch to position "A". It is necessary to tune position "B and C" first, in that order, before attempting to tune position "A". Transfer the pair of pigtails to switch position "A". Adjust loading coil (marked as L1) until loop resonates at 10.125 MHz. GM3AXX's coil was 20 turns on a 2-inch coil former but I suggest that you start with 25 turns, then remove one turn at a time until the loop resonates. This frequency band is optional. The builder can opt to disregard this feature but if you are a CW and FSK nerd, then construct the coil which is very easy to make. Louie/4F1AAZ made one and added this feature so we can also monitor clearly the UTC time signals of the atomic clock of WWVH (Hawaii) at 10.000 MHz. We also monitor this frequency to serve as time and frequency standards to synchronize wrist watches, ham shack clocks and calibrate radio receivers and transceivers. This completes the tune-up! You can now enjoy multi-band operation with the 4 in 1 delta loop.
selected frequency in the 20 meter band, when the pigtails are transferred to Position C. In the MARS antenna, these were trimmed also. The antenna should be installed somewhere and as far as possible from solid objects such as plants and leafy branches of trees. Whenever the antenna is transferred to another location, it is mandatory to re-check the resonant frequency of each band before firing the transceiver. As usual, the loop will perform at its top efficiency when installed in the clear. Loops can be made to radiate RF energy more efficiently when the wire elements are well spread apart. This means that the proper placement of the two insulators at the lower corners of the base of the triangle (Delta) is critical. A practical guide is to draw an imaginary circle with the widest diameter that when placed inside the triangle, the 3 inner sides of the delta loop are barely touching the outside circumference of that imaginary circle. In the MARS antenna, these two insulators were made movable to adjust the sides of the triangle formed when these were held taut by the anchor nylon ropes. If the antenna is installed permanently at the home QTH, it can be installed in the garden or any other open space where people especially children cannot reach the band switch. If installed this way but can be reached by hand, then you can change bands manually. You can stop transmitting. Run downstairs and on to the garden, switch band and back to the ham shack. Remember however the caution. Do not run down the stairs if you did not switch OFF your VOX. If you forgot to switch OFF your VOX, and your dog barks or your cat is in heat, any barking or meowing will fry you right there in the garden in the middle of the night while tinkering with the terminals. This happened to me. Luckily however, my fingers were not fried but my expensive Palomar Engineers R-X Noise Bridge was cooked while doing the preliminary tune-up of the loop.