How To Get Vairagya

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1. There lurk thieves in the frame viz., lust, anger and greed to steal the jewel of thy wisdom. Therefore awake! awake!! 2. Birth is full of pains : old age is full of miseries: woman is again and again the source of all miseries and pains. This ocean of Samsara is full of grief. Therefore wake up! wake up!! 3. You have no mother, no father, no relatives, no brothers, no wealth, no house, (nothing will remain for ever, nothing will follow you after death). Therefore wake up! wake up!! 4. You are bound in this world by desires, actions and manifold anxieties. Therefore you dont know that life is slowly decaying and is wasted away. Therefore wake up! wake up!! 5. Remember the (holy) Name of Sri Rama, i. e., remember God. Give up all the worldly and the sexual enjoyments, and all other deeds, too. Not a dama (1/20th part of an anna) will go with you. Only they get (something) who give (something). The days are passing away speedily 6. You have already travelled over the 84 lakhs of Yonis (wombs) of the animal world. It is very fortunate of you that you have got this human body. Still you have not done anything (for the next birth). And therefore, you will have to repent for it. The days are passing away speedily.


1. Remember the pains of Samsara 2. Remember Death 3. Remember the Saints 4. Remember God 1 and 2 will produce Vairagya. 3 will bring inspiration. 4 will cause attainment of God-Consciousness. 8. 1.Hari Om, Sensual pleasure is momentary, deceptive, illusory and imaginary. 2. A mustard of pleasure is mixed with a mountain of pain. 3. Enjoyment cannot bring about satisfaction of a desire. On the contrary it makes the mind more restless after enjoyment through intense craving (Trishnas and Vasanas). 4. Sensual pleasure is an enemy of Brahma-Jnana 5. Sensual pleasure is the cause for birth and death. 6. This body is nothing but a mass of flesh, bone, and all sorts of filth. 7.Place before the mind the fruits of Self-realization or life in the soul or Brahman or the Eternal, such as Immortality, Eternal bliss, Supreme peace and Infinite knowledge. If you remember the seven points always, the mind will be weaned from the cravings for sensual pleasures. Vairagya, Viveka and Mumukshutva (dispassion, discrimination from the real and the unreal, and keen longing for liberation from birth and death) will dawn. You should seriously look into the defects of sensual life (Dosha-Drishti) and into the unreal nature of worldly life (Mithya-Drishti).Read this once daily as soon as you get up from the bed.

9. Just as a dog that sucks a dry bone in the street imagines foolishly that blood is oozing out of

the dry bone, whereas blood is really oozing from its own palate, so also worldly-minded people foolishly imagine that the happiness they enjoy in everyday life comes from objects only 10. You can find eternal, infinite, supreme peace and bliss only in your Atma which shines in all its splendour and glory in the chambers of your heart. It is an embodiment of Bliss (Ananda Swarupa). 11. There is mental uneasiness, dissatisfaction, discontentment and restlessness even in multimillionaires and kings. Some kind of sorrow, misery or pain is invariably present even when they are in the height of enjoyment of worldly pleasures 12. There is no hope of immortality by means of riches. Such indeed is the emphatic and irrefutable declaration of the Upanishads. Na karmana na prajayana dhanena tyagenaike amritatvamanasuh. Neither by rituals, nor by progeny, nor by riches but by renunciation alone one can attain immortality. 13. True Tyaga or renunciation consists in renouncing egoism, I-ness, mine-ness, selfishness, desires and cravings of all sorts.
14. For all beings a human birth is verily difficult to attain, more so with a male body. It is

said that there are three things which are rare indeed and are due to the grace of God viz., a human birth,the longing for liberation and the protecting care of a perfected sage. 15. The man who having by some virtuous actions done in previous births obtained a human birth with a male body and a good intellect to boot is foolish enough not to exert for SelfRealization verily commits suicide, for he kills himself by clinging to things unreal. 16. Nitya, Nirupadhika, Niratisaya Ananda (eternal, infinite Bliss) that is independent of objects can be had only in the Immortal Spirit or Atma or Soul or Brahman, the Indweller of your heart. Therefore shun all external things ruthlessly and run to the Feet of the Lord. Develop Vairagya. Vairagya is the rock-bottom foundation for the spiritual path. 17. A little ginger bread and some sweetmeats, a son and a young wife, some position and power and a little money in the bank to boot will fill his heart with joy and calm down his nerves. That is all he wantsIn the presence of sensual pleasure, spiritual bliss cannot exist, just as darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. Therefore show extreme contempt for worldly objects. Destroy all desires.Turn the mind away from the sensual objects. You will develop Vairagya 18. Lead a life of dispassion, self-control, purity, selfless service, cosmic love. Develop the habit of taking the right point of view, right thinking, right feeling, right acting, with right mental attitude or Bhav. Practice devotion and meditation.

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