Hi Part
Hi Part
Hi Part
The more you will labor (work hard), the more you will be able to desist (stop) from
passionate proclamation (announcement). Existential activity leads towards what is
propitious (favorable), evil (bad) action goads (push) towards evil. Both courses end
in desistance. One course leads to inertness and dullness, another culminates in
complete absorption in the Supreme Brahma. Can dullness cause deliverance
(freedom)? (3)
The spirit is highly coated with Maya.* Buddha taught the doctrine (principles) of
extinction of desire. Shankaracharya made the idea explicit (clear, open). Buddha’s
standpoint was explained by Shankaracharya. A man of knowledge understands the
philosophy underlying an ethical view of life. Knowledge finds its fulfillment in
devotion. So Chaitanyadeva appeared. There grew a spirit of discord (conflict) and
malevolence (ill will) among the adherents (supporters) of different paths of Dharma,
and there was the advent of Ramakrishna to demonstrate the basic unity lying behind
all forms of Dharma. Let alone Dharma, gospel of action and all that, and let me find
relief by discovering my real “I” and by getting anchored there act. (4)
Dedicate your being to God and go on doing your duty. Work with a vehement
(intense) speed. Burn all your sins. Put an end to selfish attachment and delusion and
elevate yourself to the utmost degree. If I do not love my real self how can I reach the
region of Supreme “I”? We shall have to love both the sentient (conscious) and
insentient with a consciousness that every thing and being is a manifestation of God
and our own self. You will have to retain some vestige (trace) of ego-based
differentiation only to keep the power of discrimination (bias) alive in you, otherwise
how will you act? This residual ego is lustrous (shiny) like fire. Insects and grass-
hoppers i.e., our weakness will be consumed by their close contact with this flame
and thereafter the aspirant will regain his true self. (5)
The mind is to be caught hold of. It is to be combated. Knowledge and love are the
principal weapons. The external weapon is modesty and humility. You will take hold
of the outer self of man by means of exterior aid and capture his inner being by
having recourse to kindred modus-operandi. Keep your mind calm and composed and
everything will be accomplished. (9)
Perform Kirtan with an open mind. Go to the house of everyone who is receptive and
eager to same degree. At times go through the whole locality with the Kirtan-party, at
least twice a week. Perform Kirtan with dance in a divine frenzy. Hundreds of
important people will rush on to join your Kirtan as insects do by seeing blazing fire
and you will have to invite none. You will be able to draw the entire world just by
sitting at a place and you will not require calling anyone. Hundreds of grass-hoppers
and butterflies will also be irresistibly attracted it. Continue Kirtan intensely. Call the
Name of Lord heart and soul. Draw him heartily with magnetic pull. Continue Kirtan
and dance with abundant enthusiasm. (10)
When the Supreme Source is unqualified then it is Supreme Brahma and when it is
endowed with attributes, it is called God. (11)
Nabin! You must keep yourself peaceful. Listen to me, if a dead body is
buried under a heap of faeces, can it perceive the reality? (2)
Shaping the mind is the only thing that is difficult. Once it is done,
everything is easy. It is Kirtan that shapes the mind aright. (6)
I was there in the past, I exist in the intermediate stage also and I
shall continue to exist in the future. It is my mind alone that can
understand me. (7)
Slow and steady wins the race, as we should hold on to the last. (9)
You have envenomed both your life here and hereafter by yielding to a
bad satanic obsession. Come on; take a plunge to absorb divine life.
The strength emerging from it is all-potent. When a man shares the
amrita obtained by churning the ocean of life; the poisonous bite of
the evil world can hardly prove disastrous. Have abiding faith in the
limitless power of the Lord. (10)
Tell them that the momentum of my move is faster than the fall of a
meteor. I can do anything I like. But I seek your active co-
operation. Of course you should know that I alone can set ablaze the
entire universe. (11)
Do not wear the iron chain around your neck anymore. That will
hasten your death by strangulating you. It has been torn asunder with
great difficulty. (12)
Run onward in a concentric way. All happiness will seize you. Repeat
Holy Name alone. Holy Name transcends the region of `Om',
Holy Name precedes and oversteps the plane of `Om'. Do not
attach much importance to other Mantras that lead to the
realization of audible sounds alone. Better practice this Holy
Name, Holy Name leads you to Me the Supreme "I". I am the
Supreme Self, the Absolute Brahma.
Rest assured, if you avail yourself of the upward current of Holy Name,
you can reach your destination very quickly. One can reach the
supreme Brahma after crossing the plane of `Om'. Holy Name is
comparable to the Darjeeling Mail. As soon as you will go beyond the
realm of `Om', you will readily attain the supreme Brahma. You need
not give way to fear, the Padma bridge has been constructed, and now
you can reach Siliguri straight way.
You can achieve the goal by removing the masks as far as required.
But dnot remove all the masks all of a sudden, then you will not be in
a position to behave normally in the world.
Kishori! The sun and moon cease to exist; even all the stars are
destroyed. But why do you weep? All that exists is yours. Kishori! my
darling! Make sure that your inferior ego is wiped away as far as
practicable. This is exactly what is required. Catch hold of groups
of people and throw them outright in the bosom of the ocean of
Brahma. Thereafter you will reach me. Every one of you is nothing
but a wave of that ocean (Brahma). In fact, you symbolize the
entire world. Every individual of the world is a manifestation of
me alone. Just see nobody is your friend or foe. Everyone is a
different form of me or you. (15)
Give a glassful of water to the thirsty. You will get water when
you become thirsty.(16)
Knowledge is the crown of God. Oh! Yes, at first know what you
are. (21)
Your heart is the store of uncommon power, because you are God,
because I am God. (22)
If you mean to capture people's heart then you will have to give your
own heart. First consciously allow your own commodities to be stolen
by others and in this process learn the art of stealing. (25)
The more you will ascend higher and higher the more will you perceive
everything on earth to be on the same level. Canals, stretches of
marshy land and small ponds will appear to be almost the same. If
you want to rise to a great height, you can do it by using the
balloon of Name. (26)
Arise and awaken others! Rise up, rise up, right now. Just feel that
all individuals represent the same identity. You have all been begotten,
but I am ever existent. If I am destroyed and somehow you happen to
exist, I shall continue to exist in you. The beginning and the end
are the same. Everything is... nothing to fear, just rouse up one and
all! (27)
1. If the fur of a blanket is removed one after another, then what is left of
the blanket ? The nature of Brahma can never be expressed by words.
Brahma is inherent (natural) in matter. Without the covering of a
material- sheath, Atma is beyond the reach of speech and psychic
2. Sound is perceived at first indistinctly (unclear). It takes place not on
the exact right side, rather right across the cerebrum with a slant
towards the right. There is a distinctive feature in the entire range of
sound, and it has to be experienced with discernment (sensitivity). After
some progress the bell-sound becomes audible. We are to transcend (go
beyond) the region of `Om'. `Om' is not very far, after this 'Om' plane is
crossed, gradually emerges the stratum (layer) of Radha Soami. It is
approximated to very slowly, degree by degree.
3. The realization of true `I' becomes stable by repetition of the saying,
`Thou art all', `Thou art all'. Contemplation (thinking) about pure `I' also
leads to the realization of the unchangeable `I', get identified with the
supreme `I' and be attuned accordingly.
4. Mother! water the plant you have grown with so much care. You have
reached your present state by employing your inmost urge of love and
you should expand and sublimate your desire. Do not say to God that,
`thou belongest to me alone' but keep repeating `thou art the Lord of
all'. When you take the fruit of your tree, you should share it with one
and all as far as possible. Always refer to your inmost self and
materialize its dictates. Oh mother! have the mercy to liberate souls
groaning (crying) under bondage. Innumerable souls are wreathing in
unbearable agony. Impart to them the technique of acquiring life
abundant, otherwise all are sinking constantly. You are the embodiment
of the energy that you have absorbed from the womb of the beyond.
Now unite the knot of people's thralldom. Just devote yourself entirely
towards saving others. The more you will dedicate yourself for others,
the more will you realize your true self. The more you advance towards
our original self, the more you come to know me. I am your first goal.
You should conduct yourself with discrimination. If you are to move, you
should choose the path of rectitude (morality). If you have to abandon
the wrong path, do it by a determined jerk, and if you are after getting
entangled in the labyrinth (maze) of the world, you will commit the
same wrong repeatedly. Everything is easy. The more you will indulge in
self-aggrandizement , the more will you fetter yourself inextricably
inviting endless pain.
5. Always High thinking leads us upwards. Ultimately comas
(unconsciousness) a state which is beyond mind and word. Some also feel
I am He.
6. Both myness and thyness are real but the end is `I'. The more you mix
water with deep red, it becomes more and more faint, at last the
redness disappears. If you pour one drop of liquid red colour in the
ocean, it is not at all perceived but all the same it continues to exit
7. An egg is not what may be described as round but people are used to call
it round.
8. There may be two concepts about God. He may be said to be non-
existent or He may be said to be omnipresent. His existence is so all-
pervasive that even all empty space is filled by Him.
9. If you keep saying `it will be done', nothing will be accomplished
thereby. But if you actually do anything to get it done, it gets done. You
should develop a maddening passion for God, whenever you are engaged
in doing anything. Disseminate (spread) the truth, elevate everyone, and
be mad in broadcasting Lord's message. Keep yourself exclusively
preoccupied in Kirtan and you will achieve everything. Contemplate
(think) constantly without a break even for a second. When the mind is
on the plane of volition (desire), activity sprouts (growa) automatically
and then our vital core is energized. Will can extricate it from the
obstructions that thwart it. Impart a divine madness to one and all.
10.The lustrous (shiny) form of light is also formless. Light is also a
limitation. There is a state which is beyond description. And that is the
reality underlying appearances.
11.A man who is completely God-intoxicated has a steady unflickering mind.
Keep repeating name in an absorbed manner.
12.Whither does the mind roam after death? The world is as if a composite
form consisting of various kinds of glass. Our mind functions like the
focusing light. The glass mirroring the light will produce an image it is
capable of producing.
13. Rouse (awaken) all, everyone. Provide solace (shelter) to the sinner. Give
him shelter and proclaim—"Renounce socalled thousand and one forms of
ritualistic Dharma, arising out of passionate desire, protect me alone in
and through all you do, I will save you from all sins, so do not give way
to grief or dejection." Sound the victory band and declare
reverberatingly— "I will save you from all sins. Do not grieve (suffer)."
Penetrate everything in a subtle form and burst open in astounding
dimensions. Every limitation is melting away as a result of the impact
exerted by the unbounded one.
14.Trust me and give me everything. Sure, be glad, everything will make
you glad, spit on and spurn (reject) the sin, not the man—the sinner!
15. [*Spoken in English by Sri Sri Thakur Himself] When I was before, He was
latent (hidden)in me! When I was before, you were latent in me ! When I
was you, you were I. I was the only one—I was latent in me! Think
yourselves. You were latent in me. Whole creations are you—no doubt
the spirit. I was the sound. Sound is my creation; therefore you are
created by me. Only sound is your spirit no doubt!
16. Name and love can own everything! Love can gain everything in this
world! Love can gain I and Love can gain you, and everyone will be
loved! Love and Name can conquer I, can own I. Therefore, Love and
Name can conquer the Universe! Because Universe is I! Declare Name
and Love. Give heart to heart and own heart.Make everyone declare
Name and love. Love is Heaven and Heaven is Love !Peaceful heart can
make everyone peaceful. Come to me, I will give you everything, no
doubt! Be fearless and proceed on and on! Check your tongue and kiss
the feet. Draw the heart fast. Atom can feel atom!
17.There is no mind, no sovereign, value of sovereign is mind. Without mind
sovereign is nothing.
18.Morning is the indication of the day. Darkness is not indication—Yes
darkness of night!
19. Leave everything and come to me! I will give you everything!
20.Declare (announce) Name!
(End of The Third day)