PAPR Reduction of An MC-CDMA System Using SLM Technique: Gagandeep Kaur, Rajbir Kaur
PAPR Reduction of An MC-CDMA System Using SLM Technique: Gagandeep Kaur, Rajbir Kaur
PAPR Reduction of An MC-CDMA System Using SLM Technique: Gagandeep Kaur, Rajbir Kaur
to achieve frequency
diversity. After interleaving the symbol element are then
input to the IFFT block of size N M L = .
The resultant baseband signal for one MC-CDMA
0 s t T s s symbol is represented as
( ) ( ) 2 ( ( 1) ( 1)) /
1 1 1
( )
k k j M l m t NT
m l
k m l
d c e
s t
t +
= = =
Fig. 1. MC-CDMA transmitter
The PAPR of the MC-CDMA symbol is defined as ratio
of the peak power and the average power:
max ( )
( )
s t
E s t
= =
Where peak p represents output peak power, average p means
output average power.
| | denotes the expected value.
The cumulative distribution function (CDF) is one of the
most regularly used parameters, which is used to measure
the efficiency on any PAPR technique. Normally, the
Complementary CDF (CCDF) is used instead of CDF,
which helps us to measure the probability that the PAPR of
a certain data block exceeds the given threshold [4].
The CDF of the amplitude of a sample signal is given by
( ) 1 exp( ) F z z =
The CCDF of the PAPR of the data block is desired is
our case to compare various reduction techniques. This is
given by [3]:
( ) 1 ( ) P PAPR z P PAPR z > = s
1 ( )
F z =
1 (1 exp( ))
z =
When calculating the PAPR, we have to consider the
actual time domain signal that is in analog form. The IFFT
outputs, which are symbol spaced sampling values, will
miss some of the signal peaks. Therefore, if we calculate
PAPR by using these sample values, then the calculated
PAPR is less than the actual PAPR [6]. This is an optimistic
result and will not illustrate the real situation. However,
they are enough for signal reconstruction. To account for
this issue, oversampling is performed by low pass filtering
the IFFT signal and then sampled at higher rate. Now, the
increased samples are close to the real analog signal and
calculation of PAPR based on these samples will give a
better estimated PAPR.
A block diagram of SLM is shown in fig.2. In SLM, U-1
statistically independent phase sequences are generated.
Symbol sequences are multiplied by the U-1 different phase
sequences {b
, u = 1, 2, , U-1}, whose length is equal to
number of carriers before IFFT process. The PAPR is
calculated for U-1 phase rotated symbol sequences and one
original phase sequence. Then the symbol sequence with
the lowest PAPR is selected and transmitted as side
information. The receiver performs the reverse operation to
recover the data symbol. Since SLM is a linear operation, it
does not cause non-linear operation. However, SLM needs
the IFFT process for each phase sequence, that is, U IFFT
processes. Thus, a large amount of calculation is needed in
Fig. 2. A block diagram of selected mapping
The block diagram of MC-CDMA system with SLM
technique is shown in fig.3. The input data sequences of
each user
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 2
[ , ,..., ]
k k k k
d d d d = with length M are first
converted into M parallel data sequences
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
1 2
[ , ,..., ]
k k k k
c c c c = and then each S/P converted output
is multiplied with the spreading code with length L.
Multiplexed symbol sequences
( )
0 1 1
, ,..., ] [
k T
= =
= =
= =
s s
| |
\ .
also transmitted to the receiver side for transmission [10-
Fig. 3. MC-CDMA system using SLM
In this section the performance MC-CDMA system is
evaluated using SLM. Table I below shows the simulation
parameters. If we oversample a transmitted signal by a
factor of four, the discrete PAPR is almost the same as
continuous PAPR [16]. Thus we oversample the transmitted
signal by a factor of four in IFFT process.
Spreading codes Walsh Hadamard
Modulation process BPSK, QPSK, MSK
Processing Gain (L) 8
Number of data symbols per an
MC-CDMA symbol (M)
Number of sub-carriers (N) 128
Number of active users (K) 8
Number of phase sequences
4,8 and16
Oversampling factor 4
The performance metric utilized in evaluating PAPR
reduction scheme is CCDF of the PAPR of transmitted
continuous time signal. The resulting CCDF curves are
presented for 1,000 input symbol sequences for different
number of phase sequences (U=4, 8 and 16) when
considered number of active users to be equal to 8. The
phase sequences used are binary phase sequences {1,-1}.
The rows of hadamard matrix are used in phase factor
generation, in this case, with processing gain equal to 8.
The system consists of 128 subcarriers with modulation
schemes used to be BPSK, QPSK, and MSK. The results
are compared with the original MC-CDMA signal.
Fig. 4. CCDF of PAPR of MC-CDMA using SLM for various
U where QPSK is used as a modulation technique.
In fig. 4, at CCDF=10
, MC-CDMA with SLM method
applying QPSK as modulation technique, the PAPR is
reduced by 0.7dB, 1.1dB, 1.5dB for values of U=4, 8 and
16 respectively when compared with the original MC-
CDMA signal.
Fig. 5. CCDF of PAPR of MC-CDMA using SLM for various U
where BPSK is used as a modulation technique.
ISSN: 2278 1323
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology
Volume 1, Issue 4, June 2012
All Rights Reserved 2012 IJARCET
In fig. 5, at CCDF=10
, MC-CDMA with SLM method
applying BPSK as modulation technique, the PAPR is
reduced by 0.9dB, 1.7dB, 2.45dB for values of U=4, 8 and
16 respectively when compared with the original MC-
CDMA signal.
Fig. 6. CCDF of PAPR of MC-CDMA using SLM for various U
where MSK is used as a modulation technique.
In fig. 6, at CCDF=10
, MC-CDMA with SLM method
applying MSK as modulation technique, the PAPR is
reduced by 0.95dB, 1.9dB, 2.2dB for values of U=4, 8 and
16 respectively when compared with the original MC-
CDMA signal.
Fig. 7. Comparison of PAPR reduction performance for SLM at
U=4 by different modulation techniques
In comparison of performance on PAPR reduction of
MC-CDMA system using SLM at U=4 for described
modulation schemes (BPSK, QPSK, MSK) as shown in fig.
7 BPSK has better performance of PAPR reduction than
QPSK and MSK. For the same CCDF probability 10
, the
PAPR value equals to 9.4dB when BPSK is employed,
while the PAPR raise upto10.05dB for MSK and the value
further rises to 12.75dB when QPSK is employed under the
same circumstances.
In this paper we examined the effect of SLM to reduce
PAPR of MC-CDMA for different modulation schemes.
The binary phase sequences considered in this paper are
generated from hadamard matrix. From the MATLAB
simulation, the results shows that PAPR reduction
performance depends upon various number of phase
sequence factors (U) and it significantly improves with
increase in number of U. PAPR performance is also
compared for different modulation schemes (QPSK, BPSK
and MSK) and the result showed that SLM is more
effective when BPSK is used as modulation scheme.
We are grateful to the University College of Engineering,
Punjabi University, Patiala for providing necessary support
and infrastructure.
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Gagandeep Kaur: Designation: Student,
Academic Qualifications: Currently pursuing M.Tech (ECE) from UCOE,
Punjabi University, Patiala. Done B.Tech (ECE) from RIMT-IET, Mandi
Gobindgarh. Areas of interest: Wireless Communication and MATLAB.
Published Work: International Conferences: 1
Rajbir Kaur: Designation: Assistant
Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering. Academic
Qualifications: M.Tech., pursuing PhD. Area of Specialization: Analog
and Digital communication systems. Published Work: National
Conferences: 6, International Conferences: 1, International Journal: 1,
National Conference/Seminar Presentation: 1. M.Tech/M.Phil Students
Guided / Underguidance : 04