Andrea Goldsmith: Education
Andrea Goldsmith: Education
Andrea Goldsmith: Education
Dept. of Electrical Engineering Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-9515 Phone: 650 725 6932 Fax: 650 724 3652 Email: [email protected] Education: Ph.D. M.S. B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley Electrical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley Electrical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley 1994 1991 1986
Work Experience Stanford University, Professor Quantenna Communications, Inc., Founder, CTO Stanford University, Associate Professor Stanford University, Assistant Professor California Institute of Technology- Assistant Professor University of California, Berkeley - Research Assistant AT&T Bell Laboratories, Intern and Consultant MAXIM Technologies, Systems Engineer Awards and Honors President: IEEE Information Theory Society 2009 1st Vice President: IEEE Information Theory Society 2008 2nd Vice President: IEEE Information Theory Society 2007 IEEE Comsoc Board of Governors 2005-2008 IEEE Information Theory Society Board of Governors 2003-2008 IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer 2007-2008 Stanford Postdoc Mentoring Award 2008 UCSD Shannon Memorial Lecture - 2007 Stanford Fellow - 2005 IEEE Fellow 2005 ComSoc & Information Theory Joint Paper Award: On the Duality of Gaussian MultipleAccess and Broadcast Channels, by N. Jindal, S. Vishwanath, and A. Goldsmith published in the IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 768-783, May 2004. Stanford School of Engineering Bredt Faculty Development Scholar - 2003 National Academy of Engineering Gilbreth Lectureship - 2002 Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship - 2001 The Stanford Terman Fellowship - 1999 Okawa Foundation Award - 1999 The Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award - 1999 National Semiconductor Faculty Development Award - 1996, 1997 05/07 - Present 07/06 07/09 09/02 - 04/07 01/99 - 08/02 09/94 - 12/98 08/89 - 08/94 06/91 - 08/92 06/86 - 09/90
The National Science Foundation CAREER Development Award - 1995 IBM Fellow - 1992-93 David Griep Memorial Prize for Excellence in Academic Achievement - 1991 Professional Affiliations: Member IEEE Communications Society Member IEEE Information Theory Society Member IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Professional Service: Committee Member: National Research Council Committee on Technology Investment for the Dept. of Homeland Security. Sept. 2009-present Committee Member: National Research Council Committee on the Trends in Wireless Technology and Policy. August 2003-present. Committee Member: National Research Council Committee on the Future of Untethered Communication. Report published by the National Academy Press in September 1997. Editor: Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2007-2009), Editor for NoW Journal on Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory (2006present), Editor for NoW Journal on Foundations and Trends in Networks (2006-present), Editor for Communications in the area of wireless communications (1995-2001), Technical Editor for the IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (1995-2002, also guest editor for special issues on smart antennas in 1998, energy-constrained networks in 2002, and cooperative communications in 2006.) Session Organizer and Chair: IEEE Communications and Wireless Communications Conferences (ICC94, ICC95, ICC96, ICC98, Globecom94, Globecom95, Globecom96, Globecom99, VTC96, ISIT97, ISIT98, ISIT99, ISIT00, Asilomar97, Asilomar00, Asilomar02, IZS04, CTW06, ITW10, CTW10). Technical Program Committee: Globecom04, IEEE Communications Theory Symposium at ICC02, WPMC02, ISSSTA 2000, Globecom99, IEEE Communications Theory Miniconference at ICC99, Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 1999, Globecom96, Globecom94. Tutorial Program Chair: Globecom 2004. Technical Program Chair: IEEE Communication Theory Workshop99. IEEE Information Theory Symposium 2007. General Chair: IEEE Communication Theory Symposium at Globecom00. ITW 2010. Stanford Service: Stanford Faculty Senate Chair and Member of the University Cabinet (2009-2010) Commission on Graduate Education (2005-2006) Committee on committees (2003-2004). Search committee for Vice Provost and Dean of Research (2003). Elected member of Stanfords Faculty Senate (2001-2004) Academic Affairs Council in Electrical Engineering (1999-present) EE Undergraduate Planning Committee (2000-present), Committee Chair (2003-2006). Freshman Advisor (2001-2002, 2004-2005) Stanford Summer Engineering Academy (summer 2001,2002,2003) Panelist/Speaker: SOE Entrepreneurs Day (2000, 2003) Speaker: SOE Advisory Council (2000) PH.D. STUDENTS: Mohammed Slim Alouini (1999, Professor at Texas A&M University)
Lifang Li (1999, Researcher at JPL) Neelesh Mehta (2000, Researcher at Mitsubishi Labs) Stavros Toumpis (2003, Professor at the University of Cypress, Greece) Syed Jafar (2003, Professor at U.C. Irvine) Sriram Vishwanath (2003, Professor at University of Texas, Austin). Kevin Yu (2003, MTS at mySource Communications). Tim Holliday (2004, Goldman Sachs) Nihar Jindal (2005, Professor at University of Minnesota) Xiangheng Liu (2005, Credit Suisse) Shuguang Cui (2005, Professor at Texas A&M University) Taesang Yoo (2006, Qualcomm) Chris Ng (2007, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs) Yifan Liang (2008, Goldman Sachs) Sachin Adlakha (Expected graduation 2009) Ying Ching (Expected graduation 2012) Seyed Reza Ghaderi (Expected graduation 2012) Sina Firouz (Expected graduation 2012) Plenary/Keynote/Distinguished Lectures The next wave in wireless technology: challenges and solutions, IEEE Comsoc Distinguished Lecture Tour, Guadalajara and Monterrey, Mexico, Bogota and Medellin, Colombia. Also given as a plenary talk at the Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Budapest, Hungary, May 2009, and the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), San Francisco, CA, Aug. 2009. Breaking Spectrum Gridlock via Cognitive and Cooperative Radios, International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), Santorini, Greece, May 8, 2008. Breaking Spectrum Gridlock via Cognitive and Cooperative Radios, International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), Santorini, Greece, May 8, 2008. Cooperation and Cognition in Wireless Sensor Networks, Conference on Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology (Gomactech), Las Vegas, NV, March 17, 2008 Consumating the union between control and communications, American Control Conference, Manhattan, Ny, July 20, 2007. "Capacity, Cooperation, and Cross-Layer Design in Wireless Networks", Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, NJ, March 24, 2006 "Capacity, Cooperation, and Cross-Layer Design in Wireless Networks", Workshop on Signal Processing for Wireless Communications, King's College, London, May 31, 2006 "Capacity and Cooperation in Wireless Networks: How to Best Exploit Thy Neighbor" International Workshop on Wireless and Ad Hoc Networks, New York City, New York, June 30, 2006. Cross-Layer Design of Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, University of California at Berkeley, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Distinguished Lecture Series, Berkeley, CA, Feb 2005.
A. Goldsmith, Design challenges in future wireless systems, Lillian Gilbreth Lecture, Annual National Academy of Engineering Meeting/, Washington. DC, Oct 2002. BOOKS 1. Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005. 2. Chapter on Wireless Communications in Cooperation in Wireless Networks. SpringerVerlag., New York, NY. To appear in 2006. Co-author. 3. An Introduction to MIMO Communication. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY. To appear in 2006. Co-author. 4. Chapter on Wireless Communications in High Performance Communication Networks, Morgan-Kaufman, New York, NY. 2000. pp. 306-360. 5. The Future of Untethered Communications. National Academy Press. Washington, DC, 1997. Co-author. JOURNAL AND MAGAZINE PAPERS (INVITED) 1. A. Goldsmith, S. A. Jafar, I. Maric and S. Srinivasa, Breaking Spectrum Gridlock with Cognitive Radios: An Information Theoretic Perspective, Proceedings of the IEEE, invited, May 2009. 2. I. Maric, A. Goldsmith, G. Kramer and S. Shamai (Shitz), On the Capacity of Interference Channels with One Cooperating Transmitter, European Transactions on Telecommunications, Vol. 19., pp. 405-420, Apr. 2008. 3. S. Cui and A. Goldsmith, Cross-layer Design in Energy-constrained Networks Using Cooperative MIMO Techniques, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on Advances in Signal Processing-based Cross-layer Designs, Vol. 86, No. 8, pp. 1804-1814, August 2006. 4. E. Setton, T. Yoo, X. Zhu, A. Goldsmith, and B. Girod, Cross-layer Design of Ad Hoc Networks for Real-Time Video Streaming, IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 12, issue 4, pp. 99-102, Aug. 2005. 5. S. A. Jafar, G. Foschini, A. Goldsmith, PhantomNet: Exploring optimal multicellular multiple antenna systems, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on MIMO Communications and Signal Processing, No.5, pp. 591-605, May 2004. 6. A. Goldsmith, S. A. Jafar, N. Jindal, and S. Vishwanath, Capacity Limits of MIMO Channels, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 684702, June 2003. 7. A. Goldsmith and S. B. Wicker, Design challenges for energy-constrained ad hoc wireless networks, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 8-27, Aug. 2002. JOURNAL PAPERS (PEER-REVIEWED) Submitted / In Revision
1. R. Dabora and A. Goldsmith, The Capacity Region of the Degraded Finite-State Broadcast Channel, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2008. 2. Y. Liang, A. Goldsmith and M. Effros, Source-Channel Coding and Separation for Generalized Communication Systems, To be submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, August 2008. 3. M. Effros, A. Goldsmith and Y. Liang, Capacity Definitions for General Channels with Receiver Side Information, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, April 2008. 4. D. Gndz, E. Erkip, A. Goldsmith, H. V. Poor, Transmitting correlated sources over multiuser channels, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 5. O. Simeone, D. Gndz, H. V. Poor, A. J. Goldsmith, S. Shamai, Compound multiple access channels with partial cooperation, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 6. C. T. K. Ng, D. Gndz, A. J. Goldsmith and E. Erkip, Optimal Power Distribution and Minimum Expected Distortion in Gaussian Layered Broadcast Coding with Successive Refinement, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2007. 7. N. Liu and A. Goldsmith, Capacity Regions and Bounds for a Class of Z-interference Channels, submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, May 2008. 8. J. M. Romero-Jerez and A. Goldsmith, "Performance of Multichannel Reception with Transmit Antenna Selection in Arbitrarily Distributed Nagakami Fading Channels," Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 9. E. Marto-Naya, J. F. Paris, U. Fernandez-Plazaola and A. Goldsmith, "Exact ClosedForm Performance Analysis for MIMO Beamforming with MRC under Prediction Errors," Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 10. S. Cui, R. Madan, A. Goldsmith, and S. Lall, Energy Minimization and Delay Analysis in TDMA-based Sensor Networks, Submitted: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2004. 11. C. T. K. Ng and A. J. Goldsmith, "The Impact of CSI and Power Allocation on Relay Channel Capacity and Cooperation Strategies," Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2007. 12. C. T. K. Ng, D. Gndz, A. J. Goldsmith and E. Erkip, "Optimal Power Distribution and Minimum Expected Distortion in Gaussian Layered Broadcast Coding with Successive Refinement", Submitted to IEEE Transaction on Information Theory 2007.
Published / To Appear 13. T. Holliday, A. Goldsmith and H. V. Poor, "Joint Source and Channel Coding for MIMO Systems: Is it Better to be Robust or Quick?," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, April 2008.
14. T. Yoo, N. Jindal and A. Goldsmith, "Multi-Antenna Broadcast Channels with Limited Feedback and User Selection," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 1478-1491, September 2007. 15. F. Meshkati, A. J. Goldsmith, H. V. Poor and S. C. Schwartz, "A Game-Theoretic Approach to Energy-Efficient Modulation in CDMA Networks with Delay QoS Constraints," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 1069-1078, August 2007. 16. A. Goldsmith and M. Medard, Capacity of Time-Varying Channels with Causal Channel Side Information , IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 881899, March 2007. 17. J. M. Romero-Jerez and A. Goldsmith, "Receive Antenna Array Strategies in Fading and Interference: An Outage Probability Comparison," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, No. 3, March 2008. 18. J. M. Romero-Jerez, J. P. Pena-Martin and A. Goldsmith, "Outage Probability of MRC with Arbitrary Power Cochannel Interferers in Nakagami Fading," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 1283-1286, July 2007. 19. S. Cui, J. Xiao, A. Goldsmith, Z. Luo and H. V. Poor, "Estimation Diversity and Energy Efficiency in Distributed Sensing", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 55, No. 9, pp. 4683-4695, September 2007. 20. R. Madan, S. Cui, S. Lall, and A. Goldsmith, Modeling and Optimization of Transmission Schemes in Energy Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2007. 21. J. Xiao, S. Cui, Z. Luo and A. Goldsmith, Linear Coherent Decentralized Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2007. 22. S. Cui, R. Madan, A. Goldsmith and S. Lall, Cross-layer Energy and Delay Optimization in Small-scale Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp.3688-3699, October 2007. 23. R. Madan, S. Cui, S. Lall, and A. Goldsmith, Cross-Layer Design for Lifetime Maximization in Interference-limited Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 5, No. 11, pp. 3142-3152, November 2006. 24. T. Holliday, A. Goldsmith, and P. Glynn, On Entropy and Lyapunov Exponents for Finite State Channels, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Vol. 52, No. 8, August 2006. 25. M. J. Hossain, P.K. Vitthaladevuni, M.-S. Alouini, V.K. Bhargava, A. Goldsmith, Adaptive Hierarchical Modulation for Simultaneous Voice and Multi-Class Data Transmission over Fading Channels, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2006. 26. S. Toumpis and A. Goldsmith, New Media Access Protocols for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Based on Cross-Layer Principles , IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2006.
27. T. Yoo, A. Goldsmith, Capacity and power allocation for fading MIMO channels with channel estimation, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 52, Issue 5, May 2006, pp. 2203-2214. 28. T. Yoo and A. Goldsmith, On the Optimality of Multi-Antenna Broadcast Scheduling Using Zero-Forcing Beamforming,, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Special Issue on 4G Wireless Systems, March 2006, pp. 528-541. 29. J-J Xiao, S. Cui, Z-Q Luo, A. Goldsmith, Power scheduling of universal decentralized estimation in sensor networks, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 54, Issue 2, Feb. 2006, pp. 413-422. 30. S. Cui, A. Goldsmith, and A. Bahai, Energy-constrained Modulation Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 2349-2360, Sep 2005. 31. S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, Multiple-Antenna Capacity in Correlated Rayleigh fading with channel covariance information, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 990-997, May 2005. 32. N. Jindal and A. Goldsmith, Dirty-paper coding versus TDMA for MIMO Broadcast Channels, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 51, No. 5, pp. 1783-1794, May 2005. 33. N. Jindal, W. Rhee, S. Vishwanath, S. A. Jafar, and A. Goldsmith, Sum Power Iterative Water-filling for Multi-Antenna Gaussian Broadcast Channels, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 1570-1580, Apr 2005. 34. L. Li, N. Jindal, and A. Goldsmith, Outage Capacities and Optimal Power Allocation for Fading Multiple-Access Channels, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 1326-1347, Apr 2005. 35. S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, Isotropic Fading Vector Broadcast Channels: The Scalar Upper Bound and Loss in Degrees of Freedom, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 51, Issue 3, pp. 848-857, Mar 2005. 36. S. Cui, A. Goldsmith and A. Bahai, Energy-efficiency of MIMO and Cooperative MIMO Techniques in Sensor Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 1089-1098, Aug. 2004. 37. R.K. Mallik, M.Z. Win, J.W. Shao, M.-S. Alouini, and A. Goldsmith, Channel capacity of adaptive transmission with maximal ratio combining in correlated Rayleigh fading, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 3, pp. 1124 - 1133, Jul 2004. 38. S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, Transmitter optimization and optimality of beamforming for multiple antenna systems with imperfect feedback, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 1165-1175, Jul 2004. 39. N. Jindal, S. Vishwanath, and A. Goldsmith, On the Duality of Gaussian MultipleAccess and Broadcast Channels, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 50, No. 5, pp. 768-783, May 2004.
40. M. Medard, J. Huang, A. Goldsmith, S. P. Meyn, and T. P. Coleman, Capacity of TimeSlotted ALOHA Packetized Multiple-Access Systems Over the AWGN Channel, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 486-499, Mar 2004. 41. N. Jindal and A. Goldsmith, Capacity and Optimal Power Allocation for Fading Broadcast Channels with Minimum Rates, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 49, Issue 11, pp. 2895-2909, Nov 2003. 42. S. Vishwanath, N. Jindal, and A. Goldsmith, Duality, Achievable Rates, and Sum-Rate Capacity of Gaussian MIMO Broadcast Channels, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 49, Issue 10, pp. 2658-2668, Oct 2003. 43. S. Toumpis and A. Goldsmith, Capacity regions for wireless ad-hoc networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 736-748, Jul 2003. 44. S. Vishwanath and A. Goldsmith, Adaptive Turbo Coded Modulation for Flat Fading Channels, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 964-972, Jun 2003. 45. S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, Adaptive multirate CDMA for uplink throughput maximization, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 218228, Mar 2003. 46. L. Xiao, M. Johansson, H. Hindi, S. Boyd, and A. Goldsmith, Joint optimization of communication rates and linear systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 148-153, Jan 2003. 47. A. R. S. Bahai, M. Singh, A. Goldsmith, and B. R. Saltzberg, A new approach for evaluating clipping distortion in multicarrier systems, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 20, pp. 1037-1046, Jun 2002. 48. L. Li and A. Goldsmith, Low-complexity maximum-likelihood detection of coded signals sent over finite-state Markov channels, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 524-531, Apr 2002. 49. N. B. Mehta and A. Goldsmith, Effect of mobility on PRMA, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 400-405, Mar 2002. 50. S. T. Chung and A. Goldsmith, Degrees of Freedom in Adaptive Modulation: A Unified View, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 49, No. 9, pp. 1561-1571, Sep 2001. 51. L. Li and A. Goldsmith, Capacity and Optimal Resource Allocation for Fading Broadcast Channels - Part I: Ergodic Capacity, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 1083-1102, Mar 2001. 52. L. Li and A. Goldsmith, Capacity and Optimal Resource Allocation for Fading Broadcast Channels - Part II: Outage Capacity, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 1103-1127, Mar 2001. 53. A. Goldsmith and M. Effros, The capacity region of broadcast channels with intersymbol interference and colored Gaussian noise, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 219-240, Jan 2001.
54. M. -S. Alouini, M. K. Simon, and A. Goldsmith, Average BER performance of single and multi carrier DS-CDMA systems over generalized fading channels, Wiley Journal on Wireless Systems and Mobile Computing, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 93-110, Jan 2001. 55. M. -S. Alouini and A. Goldsmith, Adaptive modulation over Nakagami fading channels, Kluwer Journal on Wireless Communications, Vol. 13, No. 1-2, pp. 119-143, May 2000. 56. S. W. Kim and A. Goldsmith, Truncated power control in code division multiple access communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 965972, May 2000. 57. X. Tang, M. -S. Alouini, and A. Goldsmith, Effect of channel estimation error on MQAM BER performance in Rayleigh fading, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 47 No. 12, pp. 1856-1864, Dec 1999. 58. M. -S. Alouini and A. Goldsmith, A unified approach for calculating error rates of linearly modulated signals in generalized fading channels, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 47, No. 9, pp. 1324-1334, Sep 1999. 59. M. -S. Alouini and A. Goldsmith, Area spectral efficiency of cellular mobile radio systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 1047-1066, Jul 1999. 60. M. -S. Alouini and A. Goldsmith, Capacity of Rayleigh fading channels under different adaptive transmission and diversity-combining techniques, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 1165-1181, Jul 1999. 61. M. -S. Alouini, X. Tang, and A. Goldsmith, An adaptive modulation scheme for simultaneous voice and data transmission over fading channels, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Multi-Media Network Radios, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 837-850, May 1999. 62. A. Goldsmith and M. Effros, Joint Design of Fixed-Rate Source Codes and Multiresolution Channel Codes, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 46, No. 10, pp. 1301-1312, Oct 1998. 63. A. Goldsmith and S.-G. Chua, Adaptive coded modulation for fading channels, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 595-602, May 1998. 64. A. Goldsmith and P. Varaiya, Capacity of fading channels with channel side information, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 1986-1992, Nov 1997. 65. A. Goldsmith and S.-G. Chua, Variable-rate variable-power MQAM for fading channels, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 45, No. 10, pp. 1218-1230, Oct 1997. 66. A. Goldsmith, The capacity of downlink fading channels with variable rate and power, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 569-580, Aug. 1997. 67. A. Goldsmith and P. Varaiya, Capacity, mutual information, and coding for finite-state Markov channels, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 868886, May 1996.
68. A. Goldsmith, L. J. Greenstein and G. L. Foschini, Error statistics of real-time power measurements in cellular channels with multipath and shadowing, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 439-446, Aug. 1994. Invited 69. A. Goldsmith and L. Greenstein, A measurement-based model for predicting coverage areas of urban microcells, IEEE Journal Select. Areas Communications, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 1013-1023, Sep 1993. Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers To be published 1. S. Adlakha, R. Johari, G. Weintraub and A. Goldsmith, "Oblivious Equilibrium for Large-Scale Stochastic Games with Unbounded Costs," To Appear in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2008. 2. S. Adlakha, S. Lall and A. Goldsmith, "Information State for Markov Decision Processes with Network Delays," To Appear in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2008. 3. Y. Liang, A. Goldsmith and M. Effros, Generalized Capacity and Source-Channel Coding for Packet Erasure Channels, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GlobeCom), Dec. 2008, New Orleans, LA. 4. D. Gndz, A. Goldsmith and H. V. Poor, Diversity-multiplexing tradeoffs in MIMO relay channels, IEEE Glabal Communications Conf. (Globecom), New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2008. 5. R. Dabora, I. Maric and A. Goldsmith, Relay Strategies in Multiuser Networks, accepted to 2008 IEEE GLOBECOM, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2008. 6. D. Gndz, A. Goldsmith and H. V. Poor, MIMO two-way relay channel: Diversitymultiplexing trade-off analysis, Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Oct. 2008.
7. I. Maric, R. Dabora and A. Goldsmith, On the Capacity of the Interference Channel with a Relay, 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Toronto, Canada, July 2008. 8. N. Liu and A. Goldsmith, Superposition Encoding and Partial Decoding is Optimal for a Class of Z-interference Channels, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Toronto, Canada, July 2008. 9. D. Gndz, E. Erkip, A. Goldsmith and H. V. Poor, Lossy source transmission over the relay channel, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Toronto, Canada, July 2008.
10. R. Dabora and A. Goldsmith, Capacity Theorems for the Finite-State Broadcast Channel with Feedback, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), July 2008, Toronto, Canada. 11. R. Dabora and A. Goldsmith, The Capacity Region of the Degraded Finite-State Broadcast Channel, Proceedings of the Information Theory Workshop (ITW), May 2008, Porto, Portugal. 12. R. Dabora, I. Maric and A. Goldsmith, Relay Strategies for Interference-Forwarding, 2008 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Porto, Portugal, May 2008. 13. Y. Liang, A. Goldsmith, G. Foschini, R. Valenzuela and D. Chizhik, Evolution of Base Stations in Cellular Networks: Denser Deployment versus Coordination, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2008, Beijing China. 14. S. Adlakha, R. Madan, S. Lall, and A. Goldsmith, Optimal Control of Distributed Markov Decision Processes with Network Delays, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 2007. 15. I. Maric, A. Goldsmith, G. Kramer and S. Shamai (Shitz), An Achievable Rate Region for Interference Channels with a Cognitive Transmitter, The 41st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2007. 16. Y. Liang, R. Valenzuela, G. Foschini, D. Chizhik and A. Goldsmith, Interference Suppression in Wireless Cellular Networks through Picocells, Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove CA, Nov. 2007. 17. S. H. Moon, H. H. Park, A. Goldsmith and M. Oh, "Bit Rearrangement for MIMO Retransmission," IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Nov 2007. 18. E. Martos-Naya, J. F Paris, U. Fernandez-Plazaola and A. Goldsmith, "Analysis of MIMO Beamforming with Channel Response Variations along the Frame Interval," IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Nov 2007. 19. I. Maric, A. Goldsmith and M. Medard, Information-Theoretic Relaying for Multicast in Wireless Networks, 2007 Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Orlando, FL, Oct. 2007. 20. D O'Neill, A.Zymnis, A.Goldsmith and S. Boyd, "Combining Network Utility Maximization and Adaptive Modulation," Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computing, Sep. 2007. 21. V. Abhishek, S. Adlakha, R. Johari and G. Weintraub, "Oblivious Equilibrium for General Stochastic Games with Many Players," Allerton Conference on Communications, Control and Computing, Sep. 2007. 22. C. T. K. Ng, C. Tian, A. J. Goldsmith and S. Shamai (Shitz), ""Minimum Expected Distortion in Gaussian Source Coding with Uncertain Side Information," IEEE Information Theory Workshop, pp. 454-459, Lake Tahoe, CA, September 2007. 23. Y. Liang, A. Goldsmith and M. Effros, Distortion Metrics of Composite Channels with Receiver Side Information, IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), September 26, 2007, Lake Tahoe, CA.
24. S. Hengstler, H. Aghajan, A. Goldsmith, Application-Driven Design of Smart Camera Networks, Proceedings of the First ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC 2007), pp. 398-399, September 2007. - Winner of the Best Student Poster Award 25. S. Adlakha, B. Sinopoli and A. Goldsmith, "Optimal Sensing Rate for Estimation over Shared Communication Links," Proceedings of American Control Conference (ACC), N.Y. pp. 5043-5045, July 2007. 26. I. Maric, A. Goldsmith, G. Kramer and S. Shamai (Shitz), " On the Capacity of Interference Channels with a Partially-Cognitive Transmitter," Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 2429, 2007, Nice, France. 27. D. Gndz, C. T. K. Ng, E. Erkip and A. J. Goldsmith, Source Transmission over Relay Channel with Correlated Relay Side Information, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 2429, 2007, Nice, France, pp. 611 615. 28. C. T. K. Ng, D. Gndz, A. J. Goldsmith and E. Erkip, Minimum Expected Distortion in Gaussian Layered Broadcast Coding with Successive Refinement, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 2429, 2007, Nice, France, pp. 22262230. Best Student Paper Award 29. S. Katti, I. Maric, A. Goldsmith, D. Katabi, M. Medard, " Joint Relaying and Network Coding in Wireless Networks," Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 2429, 2007, Nice, France. 30. M. Effros, A. Goldsmith and Y. Liang, Capacity definitions of general channels with receiver side information, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 2429, 2007, Nice, France. 31. Y. Liang and A. Goldsmith, Adaptive channel reuse in cellular systems, to appear at IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2427, 2007, Glasgow, Scotland. 32. C. T. K. Ng, D. Gndz, A. J. Goldsmith and E. Erkip, Recursive Power Allocation in Gaussian Layered Broadcast Coding with Successive Refinement, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2427, 2007, Glasgow, Scotland. 33. S. Adlakha, X. Zhu, B. Girod and A. Goldsmith, "Joint Capacity, Flow and Rate Allocation for Multiuser Video Streaming over Wireless Ad-hoc Networks," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Glasgow, Scotland, June 2007. 34. J. M. Romero-Jerez and A. Goldsmith, "Antenna Array Processing in Fading and Interference: An Interference Cancellation vs. Diversity Comparative Performance," IEEE Conference on Communicaitons (ICC) Jun 2007. 35. I. Maric, A. Goldsmith, G. Kramer and S. Shamai (Shitz), " On the Capacity of Interference Channels with a Cognitive Transmitter", 2007 Workshop on Information Theory and Applications (ITA), UCSD, La Jolla, CA, Jan. 29 - Feb. 2, 2007.
36. Y. Liang, T. Yoo and A. Goldsmith, Coverage Spectral Efficiency of Cellular Systems with Cooperative Base Stations, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GlobeCom), San Francisco CA, Nov. 2006. 37. Y. Liang and A. Goldsmith, Symmetric Rate Capacity of Cellular Systems with Cooperative Base Stations, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GlobeCom), San Francisco CA, Nov. 2006. 38. V. Gupta, B. Sinopoli, S. Adlakha and A. Goldsmith, "Receding Horizon Networked Control," Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello IL, Sept. 2006. 39. H. Permutter, T. Weissman, and A. Goldsmith, Capacity of Finite-State Channels with Time-Invariant Deterministic Feedback. Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Jul 2006. 40. T. Yoo, N. Jindal, and A. Goldsmith, Finite-Rate Feedback MIMO Broadcast Channels with a Large Number of Users. Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Jul 2006. 41. J. Paris and A. Goldsmith, Adaptive Modulation for MIMO Beamforming under Average BER Constraints and Imperfect CSI. Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Jun 2006. 42. J. H. Romero-Jerez, J. Pena-Martin, ; G. Aguilera, and A. J. Goldsmith, Performance of MIMO MRC Systems with Co-Channel Interference. Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communmications, Jun 2006 43. T. Holliday, A. Goldsmith, and H. V. Poor, The Impact of Delay on the Diversity, Multiplexing, and ARQ Tradeoff. Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Jun 2006. 44. S. Cui, J. Xiao, A. J. Goldsmith, Z.-Q. Luo, and H. V. Poor. Estimation Diversity with Multiple Heterogeneous Sensors. Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Jun 2006. 45. C. T. K. Ng and A. J. Goldsmith, Capacity and Power Allocation for Trtansmitter and Receiver Cooperation in Fading Channels. Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Jun 2006. 46. C. T. K. Ng, I. Maric, A. J. Goldsmith, S. Shamai, R. D. Yates, Iterative and One-shot Conferencing in Relay Channels, 2006 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Punta del Este, Uruguay, March 2006. 47. T. Yoo and A. Goldsmith, Sum-Rate Optimal Multi-Antenna Downlink Beamforming Strategy Based On Clique Search, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, St. Louis, MO, pp. 1510-1514, Dec 2005. 48. C. T. K. Ng and A. Goldsmith, Capacity Gain from Transmitter and Receiver Cooperation, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Adelaide, Australia, pp. 397-401, Sep 2005.
49. Y. Liang and A. Goldsmith, Rate Regions and Optimal Power Allocation for TD Fading Broadcast Channels Without CSIT, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello IL, Sep 2005, pp.1136-1145. 50. R. Agarwal, Y. Liang and Andrea Goldsmith, Capacity of Fading Broadcast Channels with Transmitter Ordering CSI, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello IL, Sep 2005, pp. 1588-1597 51. J. Xiao, Z.-Q. Luo, S. Cui, and A. Goldsmith, Power-Efficient Analog Forwarding Transmission in an Inhomogeneous Gaussian Sensor Network, Proceedings: IEEE workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), New York, NY, pp. 121-125, Jun 2005. 52. S. Cui, R. Madan, A. Goldsmith, and S. Lall, Joint Routing, MAC, and Link Layer Optimization in Sensor Networks with Energy Constraints, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Seoul, South Korea, pp. 725-729, May 2005. 53. S. Cui, R. Madan, A. Goldsmith, and S. Lall, Energy-delay Tradeoffs for Data Collection in TDMA-based Sensor Networks, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Seoul, South Korea, vol. 5, 3278-3285, May. 2005. 54. T. Yoo and A. Goldsmith, Optimality of Zero-Forcing Beamforming with Multiuser Diversity, IEEE International Conference on Communications, Seoul, South Korea, vol. 1, pp. 542-546, May 2005. 55. X. Liu and A. Goldsmith, Load Balancing and Switch Scheduling, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Seoul, South Korea, vol. 2, pp. 1010-1014, May 2005. 56. R. Madan, S. Cui, S. Lall, and A. Goldsmith, Mixed Integer-linear Programming for Link Scheduling in Interference-limited Networks, Proceedings: workshop on Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks, Trentino, Italy, p. 18, Apr 2005. 57. S. Cui, J. Xiao, A. Goldsmith, Z.-Q. Luo, and H. V. Poor, Energy-efficient Joint Estimation in Sensor Networks: Analog vs. Digital, Proceedings: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Philadelphia, PA, vol. 4, pp. 745-748, Mar 2005. 58. R. Madan, S. Cui, S. Lall, and A. Goldsmith, Cross-layer Design for Lifetime Maximization in Interference-limited wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the 24th Annual Joint Conference on the IEEE Computer and Communication Societies, (Infocom), Miami, FL, vol. 3, pp. 1964-1975, Mar 2005. 59. X. Liu and A. Goldsmith, Kalman Filtering with Partial Observation Losses, Proceedings: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas, vol. 4, pp. 4180-4186, Dec 2004. 60. S. Jagannathan, H. Aghajan, and A. Goldsmith, The effect of time synchronization errors on the performance of cooperative MISO systems, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference Workshops, Dallas, TX, pp. 102-107, Dec 2004.
61. T. Yoo, E. Yoon, and A. Goldsmith, MIMO Capacity with Channel Uncertainty: Does Feedback Help?, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Dallas, TX, pp. 96-100, Dec 2004. 62. T. Holliday, A. Goldsmith, and P. Glynn, Distributed Power and Admission Control for Time Varying Wireless Networks, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Dallas, TX, vol. 2, pp. 768-774, Dec 2004. 63. S. Cui, A. Goldsmith and A. Bahai, Joint Modulation and Multiple Access Optimization under Energy Constraints, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Dallas, TX, vol. 1, pp. 151-155, Dec 2004. 64. J. Xiao, S. Cui, Z-Q. Luo, and A. Goldsmith, Joint Estimation in Sensor Networks under Energy Constraints, Proceedings: IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor and Ad-Hoc Communications and Networks, Santa Clara, CA, pp. 264271, Oct 2004. 65. T. Yoo, E. Setton, X. Zhu, A. Goldsmith, and B. Girod, Cross-Layer Design for Video Streaming over Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Siena, Italy, pp. 99-102, Sep 2004. 66. S. Cui, R. Madan, A. Goldsmith, and S. Lall, Cross-layer Energy Minimization in TDMA-based Sensor Networks, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 1891-1900, Sep 2004. 67. C. T. K. Ng and A. Goldsmith, Capacity of Fading Broadcast Channels with Rate Constraints, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 803-812, Sep 2004. 68. N. Jindal, U. Mitra, and A. Goldsmith, Capacity of Ad-Hoc Networks with Node Cooperation, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Chicago, IL, pp. P. 271, Jul 2004. 69. T. Holliday, A. Goldsmith, and P. Glynn, Distributed Power and Admission Control for Time-varying Wireless Networks, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Chicago, IL, p. 352, Jul 2004. 70. X. Liu and A. Goldsmith, Wireless Medium Access Control in Networked Control Systems, Proceedings: IEEE American Control Conference, Boston, MA, vol. 4, pp. 3605-3610, Jul 2004. 71. N. Jindal and A. Goldsmith, Dirty Paper Coding vs. TDMA for MIMO Broadcast Channels, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Paris, France, pp. Vol. 2, pp. 682-686, Jun, 2004. 72. T. Yoo and A. Goldsmith, Capacity of Fading MIMO Channels with Channel Estimation Error, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Paris, France, pp. 808-813, Jun 2004. 73. S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, "On the capacity region of the vector fading broadcast channel with no CSIT", Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Paris, France, 468-472, Jun 2004.
74. S. Toumpis and A. Goldsmith, Performance bounds for large wireless networks with mobile nodes and multicast traffic, IEEE International Workshop on Wireless AdHoc Networks, Oulu, Finland, pp. 125-129, May 2004. 75. S. A. Jafar, G. Foschini, A. Goldsmith, PhantomNet: Exploring optimal multicellular multiple antenna systems. EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on MIMO Communications and Signal Processing, No.5, pp. 591-605, May 2004. Invited. 76. S. Toumpis and A. Goldsmith, Large wireless networks under fading, mobility, and delay constraints, Proceedings: IEEE Infocom, Hong Kong, vol. 1, p. 7-11, Mar 2004. 77. S. Toumpis and A. Goldsmith, Capacity results for asymmetric wireless networks, IEEE International Zurich Seminar on Communications, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 180-183, Feb 2004. 78. S. Vishwanath, N. Jindal, and A. Goldsmith, The "Z channel, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, San Francisco, CA, vol. 3, pp. 1726-1730, Dec 2003. 79. S. Cui, A. Goldsmith and A. Bahai, Energy-constrained Modulation Optimization for Coded Systems, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, San Francisco, CA, vol. 1, pp. 372-376, Dec 2003. 80. X. Liu and A. Goldsmith, Wireless Communication Tradeoffs in Distributed Control, Proceedings: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, vol. 1, pp. 688-694, Dec 2003. 81. X. Liu and A. Goldsmith, Wireless Medium Access Control in Distributed Control Systems, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 645-654, Oct 2003. 82. T. Yoo and A. Goldsmith, Capacity of Fading MIMO Channels with Channel Estimation Error, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 719-728, Oct 2003. 83. S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, On the capacity of vector Gaussian MAC and BC with feedback, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 512-521, Oct 2003. 84. S. Toumpis and A. Goldsmith: Capacity Bounds for Large Wireless Networks under Fading and Node Mobility, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 1369-1378, Oct 2003. 85. N. Jindal, S. Vishwanath, and A. Goldsmith, On the Duality Between General Multiple-Access/Broadcast Channels, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Yokohama, Japan, p. 313, Jun/Jul 2003. (Extended Abstract) 86. T. Holliday, A. Goldsmith, and P. Glynn, Capacity of Finite-State Markov Channels with General Inputs, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Yokohama, Japan, p. 289, Jun/Jul 2003.
87. S. Vishwanath, Stephen Boyd, and A. Goldsmith, Worst Case Capacity of Vector Gaussian Channels, Proceedings: Canadian Workshop on Information Theory, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, pp. 36-39, Jul 2003. 88. T. Holliday, A. Goldsmith, and P. Glynn, Optimal Power Control for CDMA Systems in the Wideband Limit, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Yokohama, Japan, p. 418, Jul 2003. 89. S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, Multiple-antenna capacity in correlated Rayleigh fading with channel covariance information, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Yokohama, Japan, p. 470, Jul 2003. 90. S. Vishwanath, W. Rhee, N. Jindal, S. A. Jafar, and A. Goldsmith, Sum Power Iterative Waterfilling for Gaussian Vector Broadcast Channels, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Yokohama, Japan, p. 467, Jul 2003. 91. M. .J. Hossain, P.K. Litthaladevuni, M.-S. Alouini, V.K. Bhargava, and A. Goldsmith, Adaptive hierarchical modulation for simultaneous voice and multi-class data transmission over fading channels, Proceedings: IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Rome, Italy, pp. 105109, Jun 2003. 92. S. Toumpis and A. Goldsmith, Performance, Optimization, and Cross-Layer Design of Media Access Protocols for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Anchorage, Alaska, vol. 3, pp. 22342240, May 2003. 93. S. Cui, A. Goldsmith, and A. Bahai, Modulation Optimization under Energy Constraints, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A, vol. 4, pp. 2805-2811, May, 2003. 94. T. Holliday, and A. Goldsmith, and P. Glynn, Optimal Link Adaptation in Wideband CDMA Systems, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 721-726, Nov 2002. 95. O. Oteri and A. Goldsmith, Achievable uniform rates for ad-hoc networks, Proceedings: IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, vol. 2, pp. 1169-1173, Nov 2002. 96. S. Vishwanath and A. Goldsmith, A Duality Theory for Channel Capacity, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 541-550, Oct 2002. 97. S. A. Jafar, G. J. Foschini, and A. Goldsmith, Phantom Net: exploring optimal multicellular multiple antenna systems, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, vol. 1, pp. 261-265, Sep 2003. 98. S. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, Transmitter optimization for multiple antenna cellular systems, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Lausanne, Switzerland, p. 50, Jun 2002.
99. N. Jindal, S. Vishwanath, and A. Goldsmith, On the Duality of Gaussian MultipleAccess and Broadcast Channels, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Lausanne, Switzerland, p. 500, Jun 2002. 100. S. Vishwanath, N. Jindal, and A. Goldsmith, On the Capacity of Multiple Input Multiple Output Broadcast Channels, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, New York, NY, pp. 14444-1450, May 2002. 101. S. Toumpis and A. Goldsmith, Capacity regions for wireless ad-hoc networks, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, New York, NY, pp. 3168-3173, May 2002. 102. X. Liu and A. Goldsmith, Optimal Power Allocation over Fading Channels with Stringent Delay Constraint, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, New York, NY, pp. 1413-1418, May 2002. 103. K. Yu and A. Goldsmith, Linear Models and Capacity Bounds for Continuous Phase Modulation, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, New York, NY, pp. 722-726, May 2002. 104. T. Holliday, A. Goldsmith, and P. Glynn, Optimal Power Control and SourceChannel Coding for Delay Constrained Traffic over Wireless Channels, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, New York, NY, vol. 2, pp. 831-835, May 2002. 105. T. Holliday, A. Goldsmith, and P. Glynn, Wireless Link Adaptation Policies: QoS for Deadline Constrained Traffic with Imperfect Channel Estimates, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, New York, NY, vol. 5, pp. 3366-3371, May 2002. 106. T. Holliday, P. Glynn, and A. Goldsmith, Mean Field Limit Theorems for CDMA Systems, INFORMS Telecommunications Conference, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 72-73, March 2002. 107. L. Xiao, M. Johansson, H. Hindi, S. Boyd, and A. Goldsmith, Joint optimization of communication rates and linear systems, Proceedings: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Orlando, FL, vol. 3, pp. 2321-2326, Dec 2001. 108. N. Jindal and A. Goldsmith, Capacity and Optimal Power Allocation for Fading Broadcast Channels with Minimum Rates, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, San Antonio, TX, vol. 2, pp. 1292-1296, Nov 2001. 109. S. A. Jafar, S. Vishwanath, and A. Goldsmith, Throughput Maximization with Multiple Codes and Partial Outages, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, San Antonio, TX, vol. 2, 1307-1311, Nov 2001. 110. S. Vishwanath, S. A. Jafar, and A. Goldsmith, Adaptive Resource Allocation in Composite Fading Environments, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, San Antonio, TX, vol. 2, pp. 1312-1316, Nov 2001. 111. N. Jindal, S. Vishwanath, and A. Goldsmith, On the Duality of Multiple-Access and Broadcast Channels, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, p. 500, Oct 2001.
112. H. Mandyam and A. Goldsmith, Capacity of Finite Energy Channels, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 1112-1121, Oct 2001. 113. X. Liu, S. S. Mahal, A. Goldsmith, and J. Karl Hedrick, Effects of Communication Delay on String Stability in Vehicle Platoons, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Oakland, CA, pp. 625-630, Aug. 2001. 114. S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, On Optimality of Beamforming for Multiple Antenna Systems with Imperfect Feedback, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Washington DC, pp. 321, Jun 2001. 115. S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, Vector MAC Capacity Region with Covariance Feedback, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Washington DC, pp. 54, Jun 2001. 116. S. A. Jafar, S. Vishwanath, and A. Goldsmith, Channel Capacity and Beamforming for Multiple Transmit and Receive Antennas with Covariance Feedback, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Helsinki, Finland, vol. 7, pp. 2266-2270, Jun 2001. 117. N. B. Mehta and A. Goldsmith, Throughput Analysis of Link Adaptation in Interference-Limited Cellular Systems, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Rhodes, Greece, vol. 4, 2260-2664, May 2001. 118. S. Vishwanath, S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, Optimum Power and Rate Allocation Strategies for Multiple Access Fading Channels, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Rhodes, Greece, vol. 4, pp 2888-2892, May 2001. 119. X. Tang and A. Goldsmith, Admission control and adaptive CDMA for integrated voice and data systems, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Rhodes, Greece, vol. 1, 506-510, May 2001. 120. S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, Adaptive multicode CDMA for uplink throughput maximization, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Rhodes, Greece, vol. 1, p. 546-550, May 2001. 121. S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, Beamforming Capacity and SNR Maximization for Multiple Antenna Systems with Covariance Feedback, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Rhodes, Greece, vol. 1, pp. 43-47, May 2001. 122. S. T. Chung and A. Goldsmith, Degrees of Freedom in Adaptive Modulation: A Unified View, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Rhodes, Greece, vol. 2, pp. 1267-1271, May 2001. 123. N. B. Mehta and A. Goldsmith, Performance Analysis of Link Adaptation in Wireless Data Networks, Proceedingss: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, San Francisco, CA, vol. 3, 1422-1426, Dec 2000. S. Vishwanath, W. Yu, R. Negi, and A. Goldsmith, Space-time turbo codes: decorrelation properties and performance analysis for fading channels, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, San Francisco, CA, vol. 2, pp. 1016-1020, Dec 2000.
124. Y. Shen, A. Goldsmith, and M. Effros, Joint design of vector quantizers and RCPC channel codes for Rayleigh fading channels, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, San Francisco, CA, vol. 3, pp. 1611-1615, Dec 2000. 125. S. Toumpis and A. Goldsmith, Some Capacity Results for Ad-Hoc Networks, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 745-754, Oct 2000. 126. M.-S. Alouini and A. Goldsmith, Comparison of fading channel capacity under different CSI assumptions, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Boston, MA, vol. 4, pp. 1844-1849, Sep 2000. 127. S. A. Jafar and A. Goldsmith, Optimal Rate and Power Adaptation for Multirate CDMA, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Boston, MA, vol. 3, pp. 994-1000, Sep 2000. 128. S. Vishwanath and A. Goldsmith, Exploring Adaptive Turbo Coded Modulation for Flat Fading Channels, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Boston, MA, vol. 4, pp. 362-366, Sep 2000. 129. N. B. Mehta and A. Goldsmith, Effect of Fixed and Interference-Induced Packet Error Probability on PRMA, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, New Orleans, LA, vol. 1, pp. 362-366, Jun 2000. 130. S. Vishwanath and A. Goldsmith, BER bounds on Turbo Coded Modulation and its Application to Adaptive Modulation, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Sorrento, Italy, p. 193, Jun 2000. 131. L. Li and A. Goldsmith, Minimum Outage Probability and Optimal Power Allocation for Fading Multiple-Access Channels, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Sorrento, Italy, p. 305, Jun 2000. 132. M. Medard, J. Huang, S. Meyn, and A. Goldsmith, Capacity of time-slotted ALOHA systems, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Sorrento, Italy, p 407, Jun 2000. 133. N. B. Mehta and A. Goldsmith, Effect of Mobility on PRMA, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, vol. 2, pp. 1110-1114, Jun 1999. 134. L. Li and A. Goldsmith, Outage Capacities of Broadcast Fading Channels with Channel Side Information under Different Spectrum-Sharing Techniques, Proceedings: IEEE Communication Theory Mini-Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp. 27-31, Jun 1999. 135. M. Medard and A. Goldsmith, Capacity of time-varying channels with channel side information at the sender and receiver, Proceedings: IEEE Communication Theory Mini-Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, pp. 16-20, Jun 1999. 136. J. W. Shao, M. -S. Alouini, and A. Goldsmith, Impact of Fading Correlation and Unequal Branch Gains On the Capacity of Diversity Systems, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Houston, TX, pp. 2159-2169, May 1999.
137. R. Nambiar and A. Goldsmith, Iterative weighted interference cancellation for CDMA systems with RAKE reception, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Houston, TX , pp. 1232-1236, May 1999. 138. X. Tang, M. -S. Alouini, and A. Goldsmith, Effect of channel estimation error on M-QAM BER performance in Rayleigh fading, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Houston, TX , vol. 2, pp. 1111-1115, May 1999. 139. N. B. Mehta and A. Goldsmith, Prediction Based Techniques for Hand-Off Prioritization in Channel Assignment Schemes, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Sydney, Australia, pp. 2599-2604, Nov 1998. 140. M. Effros and A. Goldsmith, Capacity definitions and coding strategies for general channels with receiver side information, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Cambridge, MA, p. 39, Aug. 1998. 141. M. -S. Alouini, M. K. Simon, and A. Goldsmith, A unified performance analysis of DS-CDMA systems over generalized frequency-selective fading channels, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Cambridge, MA, p. 8, Aug. 1998. 142. M. -S. Alouini and A. Goldsmith, A unified approach for calculating error rates of linearly-modulated signals over generalized fading channels, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Atlanta, GA, pp. 459-4.64, Jun 1998. 143. M. -S. Alouini, X. Tang, and A. Goldsmith, An adaptive modulation scheme for simultaneous voice and data transmission over fading channels, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, pp. 939-943, May 1998. 144. L. Li and A. Goldsmith, A decision-feedback maximum-likelihood decoder for fading channels, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Phoenix, AZ, pp. 332-336, Nov 1997. 145. M. -S. Alouini and A. Goldsmith, Adaptive M-QAM modulation over Nakagami fading channels, Proceedings: Communication Theory Mini-Conference in conjunction with IEEE Global Communications Conference, Phoenix, AZ, pp. 218223, Nov 1997. 146. S. W. Kim and A. Goldsmith, Truncated power control in code division multiple access communications, Proceedings: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Phoenix, AZ, vol. pp. 1488-1493, Nov 1997. 147. M -S. Alouini, S. -W. Kim, and A. Goldsmith, RAKE reception with maximalratio and equal-gain combining for DS-CDMA systems in Nakagami fading, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Universal Personal Communications (ICUPC'97), San Diego, CA, pp. 708-712, Oct 1997. 148. M. Medard and A. Goldsmith, Capacity of time-varying channels with channel side information, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Ulm, Germany, p 372, Jun 1997.
149. A. Goldsmith and M. Effros, The capacity region of broadcast channels with memory, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Ulm, Germany, p. 28, Jun 1997. 150. A. Goldsmith and M. Effros, Iterative joint design of multiresolution source and channel codes, Proceedings: IEEE International Communications Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 319-323, Jun 1997. 151. A. Goldsmith and L. Greenstein, Effect of average power estimation error on adaptive MQAM modulation, Proceedings: IEEE International Communications Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 1105-1109, Jun 1997. 152. S.-G. Chua and A. Goldsmith, Adaptive coded modulation for fading channels, Proceedings, IEEE International Communications Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 1488-1492, Jun 1997. 153. M. -S. Alouini and A. Goldsmith, Area spectral efficiency of cellular systems with Nakagami multipath fading, Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, pp. 76-80, Jun 1997. 154. M. -S. Alouini and A. Goldsmith, Area spectral efficiency of cellular mobile radio systems, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Phoenix, AZ, pp. 652-656, May 1997. 155. M. -S. Alouini and A. Goldsmith, Capacity of Nakagami multipath fading channels, Proceedings: IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Phoenix, AZ, pp. 358-362, May 1997. Invited conference publications 156. Farhad Meshkati, Andrea Goldsmith, H. V. Poor, Stuart C. Schwartz). A Game Theoretic Approach to Energy-Efficient Modulation in CDMA Networks with Delay Constraints, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Long Beach ,
CA , January 9 11, 2007, pp. 11-14.
157. Y. Liang, T. Yoo and A. Goldsmith, Coverage Spectral Efficiency of Cellular Systems with Cooperative Base Stations, Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove CA, Oct. 2006. (Invited) 158. T. Holliday, A. Goldsmith, and P. Glynn, Shannon Meets Lyapunov: Connections between Information Theory and Dynamical Systems, Proceedings: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Seville, Spain, pp. 1756-1763, Dec 2005. 159. L. Savidge, H. Lee, H. Aghajan, A. Goldsmith, QoS-Based Geographic Routing for event-Driven Image Sensor Networks, Proceedings of International Conference on Broadband Networks, Workshop on Broadband Advanced Sensor Networks (BASENETS), Boston, MA, pp. 68-77, Oct 2005. 160. X. Liu and A. Goldsmith, Wireless Network Design for Distributed Control, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, Sep 2005, 1899-1908..
161. S. Cui, A. Goldsmith, Cross-Layer Optimization of Sensor Networks based on Cooperative MIMO Techniques with Rate Adaptation, Proceedings: IEEE workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), New York, NY, pp. 960-964, Jun 2005. 162. S. Cui and A. Goldsmith, Energy Efficient Routing Based on Cooperative MIMO Techniques, Proceedings: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Philadelphia, PA, vol. 5, pp. 805-808, Mar 2005. 163. X. Liu and A. Goldsmith, Wireless Network Design for Distributed Control, Proceedings: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas, pp. 2823-2829, Dec 2004. 164. T. Holliday and A. Goldsmith, Joint Source and Channel Coding for MIMO Systems, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 1302-1311, Oct 2004. 165. T. Holliday and A. Goldsmith, Joint Source and Channel Coding for MIMO Systems: Is It Better to be Robust or Quick? Joint workshop on communications and coding, Donnini, Italy, p. 18, Oct 2004. 166. M. Effros, R. Koetter, A. Goldsmith, and M. Medard, On Source and Channel Codes for Multiple Inputs and Outputs: Does Multiple Descriptions Beat Space Time? Proceedings: IEEE Information Theory Workshop, San Antonio, TX, pp. 324-329, Oct 2004. 167. C. T. K. Ng and A. Goldsmith, Transmitter Cooperation in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks: Does Dirty-Payer Coding Beat Relaying? Proceedings: IEEE Information Theory Workshop, San Antonio, TX, pp. 277-282, Oct 2004. 168. T. Holliday, A. Goldsmith, and P. Glynn, Distributed Power Control for Time Varying Wireless Networks: Optimality and Convergence, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 10241033, Oct 2003. Powerpoint Slides. 169. N. Jindal, S. A. Jafar, S. Vishwanath, and A. Goldsmith, Sum Power Iterative Water-filling for Multi-Antenna Gaussian Broadcast Channels, Proceedings: IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, pp. 1518-1522, Nov 2002. 170. N. Jindal, S. Vishwanath, S. A. Jafar, and A. Goldsmith, Duality, dirty paper coding, and capacity for multiuser wireless channels, Proceedings: DIMACS (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science), workshop for Wireless Transmission, Rutgers, NJ, pp. 71-80, Oct 2002. 171. S. Vishwanath, G. Kramer, S. Shamai, S. A. Jafar, and A. Goldsmith, Capacity bounds for Gaussian vector broadcast channels, Proceedings: DIMACS (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science) workshop for wireless transmission, Rutgers, NJ, pp. 107-122, Oct 2002. 172. T. Holliday, A. Goldsmith, and P. Glynn, Entropy and Mutual Information for Markov Channels with General Inputs, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 824-833, Oct 2002. (PDF Slides).
173. A. Goldsmith, Design challenges for future wireless systems, National Academy of Engineering symposium on frontiers of engineering, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA, Mar 2002. Frontiers of Engineering 2002, National Academy Press, Dec 2002. 174. H. Mandyam and A. Goldsmith, Communication under energy constraints, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 1112-1121, Oct 2001. 175. S. Toumpis and A. Goldsmith, Capacity regions for wireless ad-hoc networks, International Symposium on Communication Theory and Applications, Lake District, UK, pp. 111-11, July 2001. 176. S. Toumpis and A. Goldsmith, Ad-Hoc Network Capacity, Proceedings: IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, pp. 1265-1269, Nov 2000. 177. S. Chung and A. Goldsmith, Adaptive multicarrier modulation for wireless systems, Proceedings: IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, 1603-1607, Oct 2000. 178. L. Li and A. Goldsmith, Outage Capacities and Optimal Power Allocation for Fading Multiple-Access Channels, Proceedings: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, LA, pp. 485-489, Sep 1999. 179. M. Medard and A. Goldsmith, Capacity of time-slotted ALOHA systems, Proceedings: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, LA, pp. 490-494, Sep 1999. 180. A. Goldsmith, Adaptive modulation and coding for fading channels, Proceedings: IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Kruger, South Africa, pp. 24-26, Jun 1999. 181. X. Tie, A. Goldsmith, and M. Effros, Joint design of fixed-rate source codes and UEP channel codes for fading channels, Proceedings: IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, pp. 92-96, Nov 1998. 182. L. Li and A. Goldsmith, Capacity and Optimal Resource Allocation for Fading Broadcast Channels, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 516-125, Sep 1998. 183. A. Goldsmith, Multiuser capacity and dynamic resource allocation in cellular systems, Proceedings: Allerton Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, pp. 915-924, Oct 1995. 184. A. Goldsmith, Multiuser capacity of cellular time-varying channels, Proceedings: IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, pp 83-92, Oct 1994. Other Invited Talks 1. Fundamental Capacity Limits and Cross-Layer Design in MIMO Systems, CUBIN/ACORN Information Theory Workshop, Melbourne, Australia, Sep 2005.
2. Cross-Layer Design for MIMO Systems: Is it better to be robust or quick? IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, Park City, Utah, May 2005. 3. MIMO Capacity Gains for Ad-Hoc Networks with Node Cooperation: Cooperation requires knowledge, IEEE Communications Theory Workshop, Capri, Italy, May 2004. 4. A. Goldsmith, Capacity and dynamic resource allocation in wireless ad-hoc networks, NSF/ONR Workshop on Ad-Hoc Networks, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Jun 2001. 5. A. Goldsmith, Resource allocation in wireless ad-hoc networks, IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, Borrega Springs, CA, Apr 2001. 6. A. Goldsmith, Adaptive modulation and adaptive resource allocation in wireless systems, IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, Seascape, CA, May 1999. 7. A. Goldsmith, Adaptive modulation for fading channels, IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, Santa Cruz, CA, May 1995.