Daftar 144 Penyakit
Daftar 144 Penyakit
Daftar 144 Penyakit
ulerythematosa reticulata)
40 Furunkel pada hidung (J34-Other disorders of nose and nasal sinuses); (J34.0-
Abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of nose)
107 Reaksi gigitan (T63-Toxic effect of contact with venomous animals); (T63.4-
serangga Venom of other arthropods)
115 Sifilis stadium 1 dan 2 (A51-Early syphilis); (A51.3-Secondary syphilis of skin and
mucous membranes); (A53-Other and unspecified syphilis);
(A53.0-Latent syphilis, unspecified as early or late); (A53.9-
Syphilis, unspecified); (A65-Nonvenereal syphilis)
135 Ulkus mulut (aptosa, (K12-Stomatitis and related lesions); (K12.0-Recurrent oral
. Nama Penyakit Kode dan Nama Diagnosa ICD 10
136 Ulkus pada tungkai (L97-Ulcer of lower limb, not elsewhere classified); (I83-
Varicose veins of lower extremities); (I83.0-Varicose veins of
lower extremities with ulcer); (I83.1-Varicose veins of lower
extremities with inflammation); (I83.2-Varicose veins of lower
extremities with both ulcer and inflammation); (I83.9-Varicose
veins of lower extremities without ulcer or inflammation)