Human Resources Management (HRM) is the attraction, selection, retention, development, and
utilization of labor resource in order to achieve both individual and organizational objectives
Human Resources Information System (HRIS) A HRIS, or Human Resource Information System, is a software solution for small to midsized businesses to help automate and manage their HR, payroll, management and accounting activities. A HRIS generally should provide the capability to more effectively plan, control and manage HR costs; achieve improved efficiency quality in HR decision making and improve employee and managerial productivity and effectiveness.
Storing, retrieving and distributing information
Documenting the employment relation in all its complexity
An HR Example
EXPLANATION:As using HRIS we input the data regarding the working hours of the workers, the system process the input about the calculation of the net pay of workers. Then, give us output the final decision of the amount which is going to pay that employee.
o REDUCE THE NEED FOR PAPERWORK :Reduces the need for paper work and manual and job history records, and keep track of all personal records of all employees. In lieu of standardized paperwork, HRIS allows employees to fill out forms online, make changes based on life events, and get information on their benefits at any time.
o JOB RELATED EMPLOYEE DATA:HR personnel can refer any information about an employee through the job related employee data. The Human Resources Information System is helpful for different organizations to set. System includes personal information, benefits, number of dependents and emergency contacts.
o MEASURABLE BENCHMARKS:These are use to acquire, train and retain the best employees, co-ordinate employee job descriptions with areas of responsibility, schedule training for recertification, safety, and revised work procedures, are provided.
o INCENTIVES TO MOTIVATE:It helps to improve employee performance, track accident statistics and implement corporate strategies to improve overall health and safety. The database provides quick access to the information.
o ENTIRE WORK HISTORY:Every employee can be able to view only their personal information over systematic human resource information system.
o HR PERSONNEL AND COMPANY EMPLOYEES:HRIS can handle management of benefits for both HR personnel and company employees. HR directors can import payroll and benefits data into HRIS from in-house and outside sources.
HRIS software:
1. Abra Suite:
For human resources and payroll management
Applicant tracking, Attendance tracking and calendars, Wage information, Skills tracking, Reports-to information, Status tracking, Job history tracking, Cost center tracking, Reviews and tracking, Mass update and change tools etc.
Identify and track senior managers, Assess management skills and talents, Generate a wide range of reports, resumes, employee profiles, replacement tables and succession analysis reports, Identify individuals for promotion, skills shortages, unexpected vacancy, Discover talent deep, Competency Management, career development, align succession plans etc.
HRA - very useful for Disciplinary Actions, Special Events, Employee Summary Screen for Basic, Leave (Absenteeism) and Salary/Position History.
E HRM is the (planning, implementation and) application of information technology for both networking and supporting at least two individual or collective actors in their shared performing of HR activities
E-HRM 1. Directed towards people outside the department. 2. Improve the processes across the organization. 3. It deals in 1. Marketing 2. Operation 3. Finance
HRIS 1.Directed towards people inside the department. 2. Improve the processes within the department. 3. It deals in 1.compensation 2.welfare 3.recruitment