HR Analytics - Neha
HR Analytics - Neha
HR Analytics - Neha
Human resource analytics (HR analytics) is an area in the field of analytics that refers to
applying analytic processes to the human capital of an organization in the hope of improving
employee performance and therefore getting a better return on investment.
HR Analytics helps the HR Professionals to better compare the highest and lowest effective
workforce and take decision accordingly that would help the organization to improve its
profitability through more effective workforce cost control.
As the true asset is the quality of the skills and knowledge held by the employees and how
they utilize them for the benefit of the company, HR Analytics helps to maximise these
through proper learning & development schedules which fetches good return to the
organization in return.
Recruitment & Attendance
Selection Monitoring
Use of HR Analytics
in HEI which effects
Human Capital
No parameter (Index) has been developed to establish the role of HR Analytics into current HR
practices in Indian HEI Context. Especially into Universities or standalone affiliated colleges.
HR Functions specially data driven mechanism that impact the overall function of Indian HEI
has also not been researched adequately.
HR Analytics and Organizational growth have not been studied together in the Indian context.
The role of HR Analytics in the journey of Indian HEI needs to be further explored.
The importance of data driven analytics decision adequacy in the journey of Indian HEI needs
to be studied further.
1. To understand the role of HR Analytics on Organization growth in respect to Process
Management and employee satisfaction.
2. To find out the role of HR Analytics on HR Function Management in day to day operation in
relation with organizational objective fulfilment.
3. To find out the impact of HR analytics on HR service delivery mechanism post adaptation of
HR Analytics.
5. To find out the professional satisfaction and learning environment w.r.t faculties in the Higher
education Institution.
6. To find out the impact of HR Analytics on employability skills and learning development
among the faculties in HEI.
H01:There is a positive association between organization’s process management and
employee satisfaction
H11: There is no positive association between organization’s process management and
employee satisfaction.
H02: There is an impact of HR analytics on operational functions of the organization on day to
day basis.
H22: There is no impact of HR analytics on operational functions of the organization on day to
day basis.
H03: There is a positive association between HR Service delivery mechanism post adaptation
of HR analytics
H33: There is no positive association between HR Service delivery mechanism post adaptations
of HR analytics.
H04: HR core services are positively related to HR analytics delivery for effective delivery.
H44: HR core services are not very positively related to HR analytics delivery for effective
H05: There are some core factors responsible for the effective HR practices and impact
managing Human capital in terms of satisfaction, growth and learning development.
H55: There are some core factors not responsible for the effective HR practices and impact
managing Human capital in terms of satisfaction, growth and learning development.
Research Methodology
Variables for the study
N = population size
e = Margin of error (percentage in decimal form)
z = z-score
P = Population selected
Research Instrument
Structured questionnaire
Quantitative section will be tested using SPSS 21(Version).
Chi-square analysis for categorical variables and to find the associations.
Factor Analysis (PCA) will be identified to find out the best possible factors.
Scale selection
Likert scale 1-4 for HR and Faculties.
Thank You