HR Analytics - Neha

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Some of the key takeaways are that HR analytics helps organizations improve employee performance and return on investment by systematically analyzing human capital data. It also helps compare effective vs ineffective parts of the workforce to make decisions to improve profitability.

HR analytics refers to applying analytical processes to an organization's human capital in hopes of improving employee performance and return on investment. It helps HR professionals better understand the effective and ineffective parts of the workforce to make decisions to control costs and improve profitability.

The different stages in the evolution of HR analytics are operational HR (focus on tasks like attendance, recruitment), strategic HR (focus on linking HR to business strategy), and data-driven HR (leveraging data and analytics to inform decisions).

Neha Verma

(Enrolment No. –180006,

Ph.D. 2018-21 batch)
 Human resource analytics (HR Analytics) is the systematic identification and quantification of
people drivers of business outcomes. (Heuvel and Bondarouk, 2016)
 Evolution of HR Analytics
Operational HR Strategic HR Data driven HR
(1900s) (2000s) (Present )

 Human resource analytics (HR analytics) is an area in the field of analytics that refers to
applying analytic processes to the human capital of an organization in the hope of improving
employee performance and therefore getting a better return on investment.

 HR Analytics helps the HR Professionals to better compare the highest and lowest effective
workforce and take decision accordingly that would help the organization to improve its
profitability through more effective workforce cost control.

 As the true asset is the quality of the skills and knowledge held by the employees and how
they utilize them for the benefit of the company, HR Analytics helps to maximise these
through proper learning & development schedules which fetches good return to the
organization in return.
Recruitment & Attendance
Selection Monitoring
Use of HR Analytics
in HEI which effects
Human Capital

Performance Learning and

and Succession Development
Literature Review
S.No. Author Year Publication & Findings Gaps

1. Jac 2014 The New HR Focus on the Quantification

Fitzenz, Analytics application of of HR data and
John (Predicting the predictability analyze the
Mattox economic value of fundamentals and same.
yours company’s provide logical
Human Capital framework to analyze
Investment) the program through
stastical tools.

2. Laurence 2017 People Analytics Data being utilized as Leadership

Collins, (Recalculating the analytical tool & are challenges as
David R. routes) incorporated into change of
Finema, organization’s daily leaders, lack of
Akio based decisions to clear vision &
Tsuchida increase operational support.
and human capital
Literature Review
S.No Author Year Publication & Findings Gaps

3. Paul 2010 International Academic Focus mainly

Baepler, Journal for the Professionals use data on online
Cynthia Scholarship of sources as guides for interaction
James Teaching & course redesign & as between
Murdoch Learning evidence for instructor &
(Academic implementation & students.
Analytics & Data communication flow
Mining in Higher between instructor &
Education) students.
4. Levenso. 2005 Strategic HR He made a HR Analytics
A Review comparative study of expert centre
(Harnessing the acceptance & usage of was not easy
power of HR ROI, Cost benefits & to form and
Analytics) impact analysis as HR accepted
tool to make a long cross
term contribution functionally.
towards the
Literature Review
S.No Author Year Publication & Findings Gaps

5. Golstein 2005 Academic Different academic Use of

P.J., Katz Analytics (The analytics has been MIS/Metrics
R.N. use of proposed by the is still limited
Management author with special in HEI.
Information & emphasis on Higher
Technology in Education Institutes.

6. Angela 2012 Analytics In The role of Analytics is Adoption of

Van Higher new in HEI. analytics is
Bamevol, Education very slow in
Kimberly (Establishing a HEI as
E. Amold common compared to
& John P. language) other sectors.
Literature Review
S.No Author Year Publication & Findings Gaps

7. Shikha 2014 International Data Analytics can Poor data

Anirban Journal of help in customized quality &
Research in learning environment untrained
Computer & to the learners. That professionals
Communication can reduce failures & to ensure
Technology (Big dropouts in Higher effective use
Data Analytics in Education Institutes. of analytics.
8. Laurie 2011 HR Analytics HR Analytics Analytic
Bassi, Mc application application is experts are
Bassi & (The role of HR represented as required for
Company Analytics in HEI) evidence based such analysis.
approach for
management strategic
Literature Review
S.No Author Year Publication & Findings Gaps

9. Disha 2018 Analytics India Data Analytics helps in Would be

Misal (How Education student achievement underserved
Sector is using outcome imparting to take final
Data Analytics to them to edge the decision
Revamp competition & based on
Pedoagogy) empowering teachers early
to be the best prediction of
educators. student
10. Michael 2015 Inside Higher Academic Lack of
Bugeja Education professionals must worth data.
(Evaluating have the latest skills to
Professionals in instruct the students.
 There has been inadequate research on HR Analytics and its measures in the context of Indian
higher education institutes.

 No parameter (Index) has been developed to establish the role of HR Analytics into current HR
practices in Indian HEI Context. Especially into Universities or standalone affiliated colleges.

 HR Functions specially data driven mechanism that impact the overall function of Indian HEI
has also not been researched adequately.

 HR Analytics and Organizational growth have not been studied together in the Indian context.

 The role of HR Analytics in the journey of Indian HEI needs to be further explored.

 The importance of data driven analytics decision adequacy in the journey of Indian HEI needs
to be studied further.
1. To understand the role of HR Analytics on Organization growth in respect to Process
Management and employee satisfaction.

2. To find out the role of HR Analytics on HR Function Management in day to day operation in
relation with organizational objective fulfilment.

3. To find out the impact of HR analytics on HR service delivery mechanism post adaptation of
HR Analytics.

4. To understand the impact of HR Analytics on Core HR Services and organizational overall


5. To find out the professional satisfaction and learning environment w.r.t faculties in the Higher
education Institution.

6. To find out the impact of HR Analytics on employability skills and learning development
among the faculties in HEI.
 H01:There is a positive association between organization’s process management and
employee satisfaction
 H11: There is no positive association between organization’s process management and
employee satisfaction.
 H02: There is an impact of HR analytics on operational functions of the organization on day to
day basis.
 H22: There is no impact of HR analytics on operational functions of the organization on day to
day basis.
 H03: There is a positive association between HR Service delivery mechanism post adaptation
of HR analytics
 H33: There is no positive association between HR Service delivery mechanism post adaptations
of HR analytics.
 H04: HR core services are positively related to HR analytics delivery for effective delivery.
 H44: HR core services are not very positively related to HR analytics delivery for effective
 H05: There are some core factors responsible for the effective HR practices and impact
managing Human capital in terms of satisfaction, growth and learning development.
 H55: There are some core factors not responsible for the effective HR practices and impact
managing Human capital in terms of satisfaction, growth and learning development.
Research Methodology
Variables for the study

 Dependent variables:- Human capital Satisfaction at the institutes.

 Intermediate variables:- i)HR Managers’ attitude.
ii) Faculties’ understanding for HR Analytics.
iii) HR and Faculties demographic profile.
 Independent variables:- i)HEI-B schools environment setting.
ii)Institutions policy to attract the human capital.
iii)Competitive environment among B schools.
iv)Perceived risk of association with Institutes.
v)Employees perceptions and preferences.
vi)Time and location.
vii)Experience of the faculties.
 Control Variables:- Higher institutions with established infrastructure.

Stakeholders selected for the study:

1. HR Managers/ HOD/Directors at B school.
2. Faculty at B schools.
Research Methodology
Sampling Procedure
 Universe of the study: The higher education institutions (HEI) are the universe of
the study.
 Sample Subset: Stakeholders for Human Capital Management at HEI like HR
Managers/HODs and Faculties.
 Sampling Technique:
i) Qualitative- Non-Probability sampling - Purposive Sampling Technique- This
technique is very useful while doing such studies, the very basic purpose of applying
this technique is to select the right target for fulfilling the objectives of the study.
ii) Quantitative – Probability- Random sampling technique: RST will also be
utilized in this study after carefully selection of the right institutions from Purposive
sampling technique for getting unbiased results.
 Qualitative Survey: Focus Group Discussion (FGD) needs to be conducted at a
primary phase to collect opinion as well as first hand insight from the various stake
holders (HODs/HR Managers) and selected groups of faculties. This will form the
basis of Structured questionnaire for quantitative survey.
 Quantitative Survey: This would be helpful to cover the larger sample unit in
structure form and help to collect the quantitative data for wider coverage.
Randomly selected sample unit will be analyzed through statistical procedure.
Research Methodology
 Sample Size for Quantitative survey:

SS: 550 Faculties

SS: 110 HR/Admin Managers

 N = population size
 e = Margin of error (percentage in decimal form)
 z = z-score
 P = Population selected

Research Instrument
 Structured questionnaire
 Quantitative section will be tested using SPSS 21(Version).
 Chi-square analysis for categorical variables and to find the associations.
 Factor Analysis (PCA) will be identified to find out the best possible factors.

Scale selection
 Likert scale 1-4 for HR and Faculties.
Thank You

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