Church Bulletin - June 3rd
Church Bulletin - June 3rd
Church Bulletin - June 3rd
To stay up to date with Keene Happenings, be sure to visit the Church Blogspot: Today -Summer Sunday School Begins -Mission Offering -Communion Tuesday -9:00 a.m. VBS Workday Wednesday -No Bible Study
Praise: for what God has done *Gods faithfulness to His people Prayer: for what God can do *Linda cancer; surgery recovery *Dick [Brad Fahrenbruchs step-dad] kidney surgery recovery *Jeff [Joys brother] - seizures *Beth Petersen cancer skin graft surgery recovery *Art Remington [Nancys Dad] shoulder cast (4-6 weeks) *Pastor Fiedel Torres stage 2 myeloma cancer *Jerry Wheeler (Rod and Deloress Son-in-Law) nerve pain from infection/disease *Wade and Kelly Marsh (Deans brother) - for a full term pregnancy after several miscarriages [due in Aug.] Missions: matter *Mark & Martha Hendrickson Costa Rica -keep up to date with Marthas cancer treatment updates at *Juan and Maria Santos Lexington Hispanic Church Plant Change of address: 1612 N. Grand; Lexington, NE 68850 *Jim & Terri Wilson Kearney: Press On Youth Ministry *Keene Scholarship Student TEDS - Andrew Norris -see letter on bulletin board *Dan Wahlgren: Table in the Wilderness
Coming Up @ Keene
June 10 [Sunday] -Church Potluck following morning worship June 11-15 [Monday-Friday] -9:00 a.m. VBS Workdays and Set Up June 17 [Sunday] -Fathers Day June 18-22 -8:45-12 Noon - VBS: Daniel in Babylon June 18 [Monday] -7:00 p.m. Deacon Board Meeting -8:00 p.m. Church Board Meeting June 20 [Wednesday] -No Bible Study June 24 [Sunday] -10:30 a.m. VBS Program with Picnic to Follow June 27 [Wednesday] -No Bible Study June 30-July 6 -EFCA Youth Conference in New Orleans
June 3, 2012
662 F Road Axtell, NE 68924 Church & Parsonage: (308)743-2611 Pastors Cell: (308)830-2603 Church Email: [email protected] Secretarys Email: [email protected] Church Blogspot:
June 3, 2012
CALL TO WORSHIP Keene Bunch & Choir
When I feel afraid, Think Ive lost my way, Still Youre there right beside me. And nothing will I fear As long as You are near. Please be near me to the end. [repeat chorus]
A Fathers Letter: I John
I will not forget Your love for me, and yet My heart forever is wandering. Jesus, be my guide And hold me to Your side, And I will love You to the end. [repeat chorus]
Rejoice in the Lord Always Rejoice in the Lord always, And again I say, rejoice! Rejoice in the Lord always, And again I say, rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! And again I say, rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! And again I say, rejoice!
Hymn #304 There Is a Name I Love to Hear v. 1 & v. 2
Hymn #304 There Is a Name I Love to Hear v. 3 & v. 4
Chrissy Frerichs
June Mission: Chrissy Frerichs CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) K-State in Manhattan, KS Thy Word Chorus: Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet And a light unto my path. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet And a light unto my path.