Church Bulletin - November 18
Church Bulletin - November 18
Church Bulletin - November 18
Nursery [1 grade and under] Today Matt & Sara Wells Next Sunday Celeste Wells Sunday School Ushers Today K and under class Next Sunday 4th, 5th, 6th grade class
Keene Happenings
To stay up to date with Keene Happenings, be sure to visit the Church Blogspot: Today: -6:30pm SWAT Monday: -3:30pm-5:00pm AWANA -7:00pm Deacon Board Meeting -8:00pm Church Board Meeting Wednesday: -No Bible study or Christmas program practice Thursday: -Thanksgiving
Praise: for what God has done *Gods faithfulness to His people *Joy-appt. with pain doctor went well, adding new meds *Delores Wendell- back home; continued healing & strength * Ryan Pankoke-donors found! *Jill Sharpe (Joys sister)-test came back good: continue prayer as they determined it was a seizure- no driving for 3 months Prayer: for what God can do *Joy-appt. with oncologist on Wed. * Tammy Fahrenbruchs Aunt Vivian having strokes * Jody VanLaningham- knee surgery recovery * Gary Runge- lung cancer *Ryan and Sara (Anderbery) Pankoke- undergoing bone marrow transplant for Aplastic Anemia and PNH *Troy Legg [grandson of Phyllis Keiser]-cancer *Beth Petersen ongoing cancer treatments *Pastor Fiedel Torres ongoing cancer treatments *Jerry Wheeler [Rod and Deloress Son-in-Law]-continued nerve damage Expecting Mothers: *Brittney Anderson- Congrats Brittney & Marcus Missions: matter *Mark & Martha Hendrickson Costa Rica -keep up to date with Marthas cancer treatment updates at *Juan and Maria Santos Lexington Hispanic Church Plant 1612 N. Grand; Lexington, NE 68850 *Jim & Terri Wilson Kearney: Press On Youth Ministry *Keene Scholarship Student TEDS - Andrew Norris *Dan Wahlgren: Table in the Wilderness *Chrissy Frerichs - CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) at K-State in Manhattan, Kansas
Coming Up Keene
Nov. 25 [Sunday]: 6:30pm BASICS Study Nov. 26 [Monday]: AWANA 3:30pm-5:00pm Nov. 28 [Wednesday]: -7:00pm Christmas Program Practice -7:00pm Bible Study Nov. 30 [Friday]: National Conference sign-up deadline Dec. 1 [Saturday]: Stand to Reason Brett Kunkle
The I Am: The Resurrection & Life
We Have Come Into His House We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him. We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Him. We have come into His house and gathered in His name to worship Christ the Lord; Worship Him, Christ the Lord. So forget about yourself and concentrate on Him and worship Him. So forget about yourself and concentrate on Him and worship Him. So forget about yourself and concentrate on Him and worship Christ the Lord; Worship Him, Christ the Lord. Let us lift up holy hands and magnify His name and worship Him. Let us lift up holy hands and magnify His name and worship Him. Let us lift up holy hands and magnify His name and worship Christ the Lord; Worship Him, Christ the Lord.
Be Thou My Vision
HYMN #287 My Faith Has Found A Resting Place Choir