Foot Drop

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Footdrop Approach Bilateral LMN Peripheral neuropathy (see peripheral neuropathy) UMN Cord lesion Unilateral Once dorsiflexion

flexion impaired Check eversion (Common peroneal nerve = dorsiflex and eversion) Check inversion and plantarflex = posterior tibial nerve If foot drop and inversion and eversion is lost with normal plantarflexion, then L5 nerve root If all gone = posterior tibial+common peroneal, sciatic nerve or plexus/roots Knee flexion intact Go to sensory Peripheral neuropathy Common peroneal nerve palsy (sensory loss over dorsum of the foot) Determine if common peroneal nerve or Deep branch only or The superficial branch only If knee flexion weak, test hip abduction and internal rotation and intact Go to sensory Sciatic nerve If hip abduction and internal rotation is weak Go to sensory Nil = anterior horn cell L4 and L5 dermatome = plexus or root Once site is located, go for the cause Note walking aids Questions Common peroneal nerve palsy (L4 and L5) Anatomy the sciatic nerve divides at the popliteal fossa into the tibial and common peroneal nerves The posterior tibial nerves effects plantar flexion and inversion of the foot The common peroneal nerves winds round the neck of the fibula, covered by s/c tissue and skin only and prone to extrinsic compression It then divides into the Superficial branch: foot everters and sensation to lateral calves and dorsum of the foot Deep branch : toe dorsiflexors and dorsiflexion of the ankle and sensation to the first interdigital web space

Therefore wasting of the peroneous and anterior tibialis muscles; weakness of dorsiflexion of the foot and eversion; foot drop and high steppage gait and loss of sensory over the lateral aspect of the calf and dorsum of the foot Causes of mononeuropathy (3 Sx and 3 Medical causes) Trauma Surgical Compression at the neck of the fibula (habitual leg crossing, cast, brace) Infection Leprosy Inflammatory CIDP Ischaemic - Vasculitis Part of mononeuritis multiplex (Endo, AI, infection, infiltrative and cancer) Ix = NCT and EMG Mx PT/OT 90 degrees splint at night Sx for severed nerve or excision of ganglion Sciatic nerve (L4 L5 S1 S2) Weakness of the knee flexion also Knee jerk is intact but ankle jerks affected and plantar response absent (for common peroneal nerve, all reflexes intact) L5 nerve root Weakness of hip abduction and internal rotation as well as loss of foot inversion (cf with common peroneal nerve)

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