Neuropati Jepitan (Entrapment Neuropathy)
Neuropati Jepitan (Entrapment Neuropathy)
Neuropati Jepitan (Entrapment Neuropathy)
(Entrapment neuropathy)
dr. Lydia susanti, SpS, M.Biomed
Subdivisi Neurofisiologi dan gangguan saraf tepi
Bagian ilmu penyakit saraf FK Unand/ RS DR M Djamil
• Definisi : Gangguan fungsi saraf perifer oleh karena
keadaan / posisi yang abnormal, atau gangguan
vaskularisasi yang menyebabkan iskemik pada saraf.
Diagnosis penunjang :
1. Nerve conduction study
2. Elektromyography.
3. USG Muskuloskeletal
Common entrapment site
Carpal tunnel
Median Nerve
Anterior Interosseous
Cubital Tunnel
Ulnar Nerve
Guyon Cannal
Common Entrapment syndrome
PIN syndrome
Farmacology :
• Steroid
• Neuropatic pain agents
Non Farmacology
• Splint
• Injection at the entrapment site
• surgery
Anatomy :
- Receives contribution from C7, C8 and T1
- No branch distally arm
- At the elbow enter groove between medial humeral
epidondyle and olecranon, the groove covered by
aponeurosis (cubital tunnel)
- Forearm, 2 sensory branch : Palmar and dorsal cutaneus
- Hand : Intrinsic muscle of the hand & superficial cutaneus
• Anatomy
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Clinical symptoms :
- Parethesias in ulnar distribution of the hand
- Handweakness, clumsiness. Impairment handgrip,
difficulty buttoning shirt
- Atrophy of hypothenar and dorsal interossei muscles
- Weakness and atrophy tend to occur early
- Pain is not prominent
- Claw hand and froment sign
Guyon Canal’s Syndrome
Guyon’s canal is
formed by :
Volar carpal ligament
Pisiform bone (medial
Transverse carpa
ligament (floor)
Hook of the hammate
bone (lateral wall)
Guyon Canal’s Syndrome
• Receives contribution from the C5-C8 nerves
• Innervate extensor muscle of the arm and forearm & skin
covering them
• Upper arm :
• Triceps spiral groove
• Brachiradialis
• Ekstensor carpi radialis
• Forearm
• Superficial branch : radial aspect dorsum of the hand the first 4 fingers
• Deep branch : pure motor posterior interoseus nerve : extensor muscles
Common site entrapment :
1. Radial Nerve palsy
2. Posterior interosseus nerve sindrome
Radial Nerve Palsy (drop hand), cont…
Radial nerve palsy = Saturday night palsy
Etiology :
Humeral fracture
Hiperabduction of the arm
Clinical symptoms :
- Wrist drop
- Inability to extend finger at metacarpophalang joint
- Triceps spared
Radial Nerve Palsy (drop hand)
Posterior Interosseus (PIN Syndrome)
Cilinical symptoms :
• Unable to extend the fingers at the metacapophalangeal
• Finger extensor at the interphalangeal joint spare
• No wrist drop (spare of extensor carpi radialis)
• No sensory problem.
Posterior Interosseus (PIN Syndrome)
Peroneal Nerve Palsy (drop foot)
Etiology :
• Fractur fibula
• Prolong extrinsic pressure
Clinical Symptoms :
• Weakness in foot eversion and dorsoflexion of foot & toes
• Sensory loss involving the lateral leg and the dorsum of
the foot and toes.
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, cont…
• Formed between the medial malleolus (part of the ankle bone,
this is the bump on the inside of the ankle) and the flexor
retinaculum (a band of ligaments that stretches across the
• Inside the tarsal tunnel are the nerves, arteries, and tendons
that provide movement and flexibility to the foot.
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, cont…
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, cont…
Etiology of tarsal tunnel syndrome
• Having flat feet or fallen arches, which can produce strain or
compression on the tibial nerve
• Swelling caused by an ankle sprain which then compresses on
the nerve
• Diseases such as arthritis or diabetes which can cause
swelling, thus resulting in nerve compression
• An enlarged or abnormal structure, such as a varicose vein,
ganglion cyst, swollen tendon, or bone spur, that might
compress the nerve
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, cont…
Symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome
• Shooting pain in the foot
• Numbness
• Tingling or burning sensation
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, cont…
Conservative treatment
• Conservative management, including orthotics, manipulation.
• Arch supports and wider shoes
• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be beneficial.
• Steroid injections
• Orthotics for associated flat feet
• Surgical decompression by section of the flexor retinaculum.
• Decompression should be performed early to prevent nerve