Music List, May-Sept. 2012

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MaySeptember 2012 AscensionSt Michael & All Angels

WELCOME TO THE ROBIN CHAPEL. Whether you come as part of a Christian denomination or of none, all have a place within these walls where the love of God dwells. Every Sunday at 4.30pm the Chaplain and Choir of the Chapel sing the service of Choral Evensong, with Choral Eucharist being celebrated on the first Sunday of every month. As part of the Chapels interdenominational foundation we have regular visiting preachers from across the various Christian churches. There is an invitation to all to join us in worship at the Robin Chapel. Solemn Feast days, where appropriate, are normally transferred to the nearest Sunday, or within the octave. Full details of services and of other events can be accessed on the Chapel website: Chaplain The Reverend Thomas Coupar Chair of the Thistle Trust Julian Birchall Organist & Director of Music Simon Nieminski Sub Organist Jeremy Cull Verger Liam Fraser The Robin Chapel Choir

Drawing used by courtesy of Professor John Hume, Scotlands Churches Scheme

Hymns are taken from Common Praise unless CH (Church Hymnary, Revised Edition) is specified.

20 ASCENSION 4.30pm Stanford Clos ascendit hodie Hymns 139(ii), 137, 136 Ps. 47 (t. Aspurg) Gibbons O clap your hands Stone Lord's Prayer Gibbons Amen Preacher: Revd John Wells PENTECOST 4.30pm Attwood Come, holy Ghost Hymns 172, 183, 175 Ps. 139(a) (t. 37) Tallis O Lord, give Thy Holy Spirit Farmer Lord's Prayer Byrd Amen Preacher: The Chaplain Revised Order OBTA CH 1650 OBTA


Revised Order CAB SP TA

3 TRINITY 4.30pm Stanford Coronation Gloria Stanford Sanctus and Benedictus in C Hymns 202, 204, 359, 354(ii) Ps. 45(2):1-9 (t. Nazarena) Byrd O Lord, make Thy servant Elizabeth Smith Amen Preacher: Revd Dr Kenneth Walker Choral Eucharist



ST COLUMBA 4.30pm Revised Order S.S. Wesley Thou wilt keep him Hymns 230, 222, Who is this so fierce and war-like Ps. 34:1-10 (t. 128) Britten Hymn of St Columba Morley Lord's Prayer Gibbons Amen Preacher: Revd Bob Milne



PENTECOST 3 4.30pm Revised Order Byrd Ltentur Cli OBTA Stanford in E flat Hymns 362, 367, 268 Ps. 23 (metrical version by Christopher Smart, t. Wiltshire) Parsons Lord's Prayer Byrd Amen Preacher: Revd Brian Watchorn PENTECOST 4 4.30pm Bairstow Jesu, the very thought of Thee Hymns 321, 386, 591 Ps. 48(b) (t. 298) Parry My soul, there is a country Stone Lord's Prayer Smith Amen Preacher: The Chaplain Revised Order CAB SP CAB


1 PENTECOST 5 4.30pm Byrd Mass for four voices Hymns 573, 305, 301 Ps. 53 (t. 12) Byrd Amen Preacher: Revd Thomas Cuthell Choral Eucharist


ROBINS BIRTHDAY 4.30pm Original Order Mendelssohn Lass', o Herr, mich Hlfe finden Hymns 576, 565, 508 Ps. 123 (t. 156) Howells Like as the hart Langdon Lord's Prayer Noble Amen Preacher: The Chaplain



PENTECOST 7 Finzi My lovely one Howells Gloucester Service Hymns 416(ii), 488, 435 Ps. 66 (t. 3) Farmer Lords Prayer Gibbons Amen Preacher: The Chaplain


Revised Order



MARY MAGDALENE 4.30pm Revised Order Farrant/Hilton Lord, for Thy tender mercys sake Hymns 469, 308, 565 Ps. 42:1-5 (t. Martyrdom) Stanford Beati quorum via Morley Lords Prayer Byrd Amen Preacher: Revd Dr Joe Roulston PENTECOST 9 4.30pm Thiman O strength and stay Hymns 589 (t. 2), 345, 18 (t. Welwyn) Ps. 75 (t. 9) Kelly Rejoice, the Lord is King Parsons Lords Prayer Smith Amen Preacher: The Chaplain Revised Order

OBTA 1650



5 TRANSFIGURATION 4.30pm Choral Eucharist Mozart Missa Brevis in C, K220 (Spatzenmesse) Hymns 248, 313, 429 (t. 430) Ps. 99(a) (t. 130) Gibbons Amen Preacher: Revd Andrew Bain THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY 4.30pm Grieg Ave maris stella Hymns 239, 487, 241 (t. 418) Ps. 98 (t. 130) Phillips Assumpta est Maria Stone Lords Prayer Byrd Amen Preacher: Revd Nicola Moll Revised Order ESM SP




CHAPEL DEDICATION (1953) Britten Jubilate Deo in C Leighton Second Service Hymns 252, 228, 424 Ps. 127 (t. St Paul) Langdon Lords Prayer Noble Amen Preacher: The Chaplain


Original Order

CH 1650


PENTECOST 13 4.30pm Cornelius Liebe, die ergeb ich mich Hymns 534 (t. 424), 422, 543 Ps. 115:12-18 (t. St Flavian) Weir Love bade me welcome Farmer Lords Prayer Byrd Amen Preacher: Revd Matthew Ross

Choral Evensong


2 PENTECOST 14 4.30pm Haydn Missa Sancti Nicolai Hymns 490, 323, 436 Ps. 15 (t. 59) Smith Amen Preacher: Revd John Wells Choral Eucharist


CHAPEL FOUNDATION (1950) 4.30pm Original Order Bruckner Locus iste Hymns 446, 517(ii) Ps. 118: 20-29 (t. Winchester Old) Brahms Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen Langdon Lords Prayer Noble Amen Preacher: Revd Brian Embleton

CH 1650


St NINIAN 4.30pm Revised Order Stanford How beauteous are the feet Walmisley in D minor Hymns 214, 494, Lord, who sentest Ninian forth Ps. 119(14) (t. Philippi) Morley Lords Prayer Gibbons Amen Preacher: The Chaplain DOORS OPEN DAY Campbell Sing we merrily Blair in B minor Smith Responses Stone Lords Prayer Leighton Let all the world Hymns 395, 368 Ps. 24 Gibbons Amen 4.30pm Choral Evensong





PENTECOST 17 4.30pm Victoria Jesu, dulcis memoria Hymns 501, 617, 622 Ps. 121 (t. French) Palestrina Sicut cervus Parsons Lords Prayer Byrd Amen Preacher: Revd John Cameron

Revised Order ESM 1650 ESM


ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS 4.30pm Tallis O nata lux Hymns 246, 574, 228 Ps. 148(2) (t. Crofts 136th) Dering Factum est silentium Farmer Lords Prayer Smith Amen Preacher: Revd John Conway

Revised Order OBTA 1650 OBTA


Chaplain [email protected] / 07814 588 904 Organist & Director of Music [email protected]

THE ROBIN CHAPEL, EDINBURGH THISTLE TRUST CCL Licence & MRL Licence: 227071 Scottish Charity SC003834

The Chapel is on Facebook and Twitter; Search for The Robin Chapel

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