May 25 12
May 25 12
May 25 12
May 2012
Welcome from the Dean, The Very Revd Christopher Lewis This list gives the bare bones of the services which take place in the cathedral and includes details of music and preaching, psalms and hymns. We hope that these services will help you to worship God and to pray. The services provide opportunities both to be caught up in worship led by others (for example, the choir) and to be a more active participant yourself. Services are sung by the Cathedral Choir unless otherwise stated. Please join us.
MORNING PRAYER COMMUNION Hymns 143 (t. i), 162 EVENSONG Psalms 136-138 Leighton Responses Howells St Pauls Service Hadley My beloved spake (59)
8.00 9.00
HOLY COMMUNION BCP COLLEGE COMMUNION Preacher Revd Amanda Bloor, Chaplain to the Bishop of Oxford Hymns 143 (t. i), 9, 455 10.00 SUNG MATINS Preacher The Sub-Dean Psalm 119: 89-96 Leighton Responses Sumsion in G Hymns 149 (vv. 9-13), 278, 11.15 SUNG EUCHARIST 398 Preacher Canon Pattison Palestrina Missa Brevis Palestrina Sicut cervus (90) Hymns 395, 628 6.00 EVENSONG WITH Psalm 81 COLLEGE PRAYERS Leighton Responses Tomkins Fifth Service Tomkins Christ rising 8.00 AFTER EIGHT | The Gospel in the Willows with Leslie Francis
Psalm 103 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn 150 EVENSONG Psalm 25 Byrd Responses Ireland in F arr. Wood This joyful Eastertide (text CP 161) (Sung by the College Choir)
Psalms 139, 146 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn The winters EVENSONG sleep (sheet) Byrd Responses Psalm 149 Dyson in F Bullock Give us the wings of faith (32)
WEDNESDAY 2 7.15 Athanasius, Bishop of 7.35 Alexandria, Teacher of 1.oo the Faith, 373 6.00
Psalm 135 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION HOLY COMMUNION BCP Hymn 426 EVENSONG Psalms 12-14 Rose Responses Batten Short Service Locke Let God arise (Mens Voices)
Psalm 118 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn 311 SUNG EUCHARIST Schubert Mass in G Mozart Ave verum corpus (81)
English Saints & Martyrs of the Reformation
Psalm 33 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn 351 EVENSONG Psalms 22, 23 Byrd Responses Tallis Short Service Shepherd The Lords Prayer
Psalm 34 MORNING PRAYER COMMUNION Hymns 18, 610 EVENSONG Psalms 27-29 Byrd Responses Tomkins Fifth Service Gibbons See, see, the word is incarnate (54)
8.00 9.00
HOLY COMMUNION BCP COLLEGE COMMUNION Preacher David Neaum, Associate Priest, University Church of St Mary the Virgin Hymns 415, 152, 150 10.00 SUNG MATINS Psalm 44: 14-end Preacher Canon Biggar Byrd Responses Walton Jubilate Hymns 600, 290, 599 11.15 SUNG EUCHARIST Preacher Canon Tilby Schubert Mass in G Mozart Ave verum corpus (81) Hymns 314, 502 6.00 EVENSONG WITH Psalm 96 COLLEGE PRAYERS Byrd Responses Blair in B minor Vaughan Williams Rise, heart, thy Lord is risen (132) 8.00 AFTER EIGHT | The Master and His Emissary with Ian McGilchrist
Canon in Residence: Canon Tilby MONDAY 7 7.15 7.35 6.00 Psalm 145 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn 153 EVENSONG Psalm 37 Byrd Responses Brewer in D Wesley Blessed be the God and Father (148) (Sung by the College Choir & the Girls Choir of Christchurch Priory, Dorset)
Psalms 19, 147: 1-12 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn Mothering God, EVENSONG you gave me birth (sheet) Clucas Responses Psalms 41-43 Batten Fourth Service Schtz Weib, was weinest du? Psalm 30, 147: 13-end MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION HOLY COMMUNION BCP Hymn 628 EVENSONG WITH ADMISSION OF NEW Psalm 122 MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF ST FRIDESWIDE Tallis Responses Lassus Magnificat praeter rerum seriem Tone II Nunc Dimittis Eccard Upon this holy eastertide (Mens Voices) Psalms 57, 148 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn Love is his word SUNG EUCHARIST Lassus Missa Bell Amfitrit altera (sheet) Tallis O sacrum convivium (121)
Psalms 138, 149 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn 575 EVENSONG Psalms 59-61 Clucas Responses Farrant Short Service Taverner Dum transisset Sabbatum (123)
Psalms 146, 150 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymns 383, 162 EVENSONG WITH Psalm 66 INSTALLATION OF LAY & ECUMENICAL CANONS Clucas Responses Blair in B minor Vaughan Williams O clap your hands (135) HOLY COMMUNION BCP COLLEGE COMMUNION Preacher The College Chaplain Hymns 457, 498, 554 (t. i) SUNG MATINS Psalm 104: 24-end Preacher The Dean Clucas Responses Walton Coronation Te Deum Hymns 250 (vv. 1, 4, 7), SUNG EUCHARIST Preacher The College Chaplain 304, 353 Lassus Missa Bell Amfitrit altera Tallis O sacrum convivium (121) Hymns 273 (om. vv. 5, 6), EVENSONG WITH 18 COLLEGE PRAYERS Psalm 45 Clucas Responses Shepherd Second Service Shepherd Haec dies quam fecit (112) AFTER EIGHT | Gilead with Marilynne Robinson Canon in Residence: Canon Pattison
Matthias the Apostle
Psalms 16, 147: 1-12 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Psalm 80 EVENING PRAYER (Said in the Latin Chapel)
Psalms 124-127 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn 370 EVENSONG Psalm 78 Smith Responses Watson in E Watson O most merciful (144)
Psalms 132, 133 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION HOLY COMMUNION BCP Hymn 165 EVENSONG Psalms 82-85 Tallis Responses Tallis in the Dorian Mode Byrd Viri Galilei (Mens Voices)
Psalms 110, 150 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymns 166, 259, 266 COLLEGE CORPORATE COMMUNION Preacher Prof Keith Ward Stanford in C & F Tallis If ye love me (122) (Sung by the College Choir)
Psalms 20, 81 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn 163 EVENSONG Psalm 145 Smith Responses Byrd Short Service Byrd Psallite Domino (38)
Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury, Restorer of Monastic Life, 988
Psalms 21, 47 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymns 171, 172 EVENSONG Psalm 84 Smith Responses Shepherd Second Service Stanford Coelos ascendit hodie
8.00 9.00
HOLY COMMUNION BCP COLLEGE COMMUNION Preacher Yacouba Kone - Christian Aid Hymns 163, 534 (t. 424), 10.00 SUNG MATINS 563 Preacher Canon Pattison Psalm 76 Smith Responses Howells Collegium Regale (see booklet) 11.15 SUNG EUCHARIST Preacher Canon Biggar Rheinberger Mass in Eb Elgar Ave verum corpus (46) Hymns 627 (t. 227), 165 6.00 EVENSONG WITH Psalm 147 COLLEGE PRAYERS Smith Responses Wood in Eb No. I Finzi God is gone up (48) 8.00 AFTER EIGHT | Little Red Riding Hood read by Tish Francis
Canon in Residence: The Sub-Dean MONDAY 21 7.15 7.35 6.00 Psalms 123, 124, 125, 126 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn 167 EVENSONG Psalm 106 Byrd Responses Harwood in Ab Tye Laudate nomen Domini (131) (Sung by the College Choir)
Psalms 98-100 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn 185 EVENSONG Psalm 108 Reading Responses Morley First Service Byrd I will not leave you comfortless (39)
Psalms 2, 29 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION HOLY COMMUNION BCP Hymn 575 EVENSONG Psalms 114, 115 Rose Responses Doveton Canticles Walker I will lift up mine eyes (141) (Mens Voices)
John & Charles Wesley, Evangelists, Hymn Writers, 1791 & 1788
Psalms 24, 72 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn 191 SUNG EUCHARIST Victoria Missa O quam gloriosum Guerrero O sacrum convivium (58)
The Venerable Bede, Monk at Jarrow, Scholar, Historian, 735
Psalms 28, 30 MORNING PRAYER HOLY COMMUNION Hymn 219 EVENSONG Psalm 119: 73-104 Reading Responses Tomkins First Service Palestrina Ascendo ad Patrem
Gift Aid During Cathedral services a collection may be taken to support the mission and maintenance of the Cathedral. If you are a UK taxpayer, you can increase the value of your contribution by putting your donation in, and completing, one of the Gift Aid envelopes provided. Please complete your name and address (including postcode). The Cathedral can then claim additional tax from HMRC. Loop System Central-area seats have an audio-loop for hearing-aid users. Coffee On Sundays, between Matins and the Sung Eucharist, there is coffee in the Priory Room to which all are welcome.
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