Radial Distribution Test Feeders

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Radial Distribution Test Feeders

Distribution System Analysis Subcommittee Report

Abstract: Many computer programs are available for the analysis of radial distribution feeders. In 1992 a paper was published [1] that presented the complete data for three four-wire wye and one three-wire delta radial distribution test feeders. The purpose of publishing the data was to make available a common set of data that could be used by program developers and users to verify the correctness of their solutions. This paper presents an updated version of the same test feeders along with a simple system that can be used to test three-phase transformer models. Keywords: distribution system analysis, test systems, computer programs, transformer models I. Introduction In recent years many digital computer programs have been developed for the analysis of unbalanced three-phase radial distribution feeders. The programs use a wide variety of iterative techniques and range from very simple with many simplifying assumptions made for line and load models to very sophisticated with little if any simplifying assumptions. With so many different programs available there is a need for benchmark test feeders so that the results of various programs can be compared. This paper presents the complete data for three four-wire wye, one three-wire delta test feeders and a simple feeder for testing three-phase transformer models. Only the data for the 13 node test feeder will be presented in this paper. The complete data and solutions for all of the test feeders can be downloaded from the Internet at http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/pes/dsacom/testfeeders.html. _______________________________________________
The systems described in this paper were approved by the Distribution Systems Analysis Subcommittee during the 2000 PES Summer Meeting. The paper was written by W. H. Kersting, Professor of Electrical Engineering at New Mexico State University.

II. Basic Data The following data will be common for all systems: Load Models: Loads can be connected at a node (spot load) or assumed to be uniformly distributed along a line section (distributed load). Loads can be three-phase (balanced or unbalanced) or single-phase. Three-phase loads can be connected in wye or delta while single-phase loads can be connected line-to-ground or line-to-line. All loads can be modeled as constant kW and kVAr (PQ), constant impedance (Z) or constant current (I). Table 1 lists the codes that will be used to describe the various loads. Table 1 Load Model Codes Code Y-PQ Y-I Y-Z D-PQ D-I D-Z Connection Wye Wye Wye Delta Delta Delta Model Constant kW and kVAr Constant Current Constant Impedance Constant kW and kVAr Constant Current Constant Impedance

Single-phase loads connected line-to-line will be assigned delta connection codes regardless of whether the feeder is a four-wire wye or three-wire delta. All of the load data will be specified in kW and kVAr or kW and power factor per phase. For constant current and constant impedance loads the kW and kVAr should be converted by assuming rated voltage (1.0 per-unit). For wye connected loads, phases 1, 2 and 3 will be connected a-g, b-g and c-g respectively and delta connected loads will be connected a-b, b-c and c-a respectively. Only nonzero loads will be given in the various feeder load tables. All other loads are assumed to be zero. Shunt Capacitors: Shunt capacitor banks may be three-phase wye or delta connected and single-phase connected line-to-ground or line-to-line. The capacitors are modeled as constant susceptance and specified at nameplate rated kVAr.

Overhead Spacing Models: The spacing ID numbers and type for overhead lines are summarized in Table 2. Table 2 Overhead Line Spacings Spacing ID 500 505 510 Type Three-Phase, 4 wire Two-Phase, 3 wire Single-Phase, 2 wire

# 1/0 #2 #2 #4 # 10 # 12 # 14


0.970 1.54 1.69 2.55 5.903 9.375 14.872

0.368 0.292 0.316 0.257 0.102 0.081 0.064

0.0111 0.00883 0.00418 0.00452 0.00331 0.00262 0.00208

310 156 180 140 80 75 20

Underground Spacing Models: The spacing ID numbers and type for underground lines are summarized in Table 4. Table 4 Underground Line Spacings Spacing ID 515 520 Type Three-Phase, 3 Cable Single-Phase, 2 Cable

Figure 1 shows the spacing distances between the phase conductors and the neutral conductor for Spacing ID numbers used for the overhead lines.
2.5 4.5 7.0




Figure 2 shows the spacing distances between cables for underground lines:
6" 6" 1"

0.5 24.0

0.5 24.0

0.5 24.0

ID - 515

ID - 520

Figure 2 Underground Line Spacings

ID-500 ID-505 ID-510

Cable Data: Table 5 lists the characteristics of the various concentric neutral cables [4] that are used in the test feeders. The column numbers correspond to: 1 Conductor size in AWG or kcmil 2 Diameter over insulation (inches) 3 Diameter over screen (inches) 4 Outside diameter (inches) 5 Copper 1/3 neutral (No. x AWG) 6 Ampacity in 4 inch duct
Table 5 Concentric Neutral 15 kV All Aluminum (AA) Cable
1 2(7x) 1/0(19x) 2/0(19x) 250(37x) 500(37x) 1000(61x) 2 0.78 0.85 0.90 1.06 1.29 1.64 3 0.85 0.93 0.97 1.16 1.39 1.77 4 0.98 1.06 1.10 1.29 1.56 1.98 5 6 x 14 6 x 14 7 x 14 13 x 14 16 x 12 20 x 10 6 135 175 200 260 385 550

Figure 1 Overhead Line Spacings Conductor Data Table 3 lists the characteristics of the various conductors that are used for the overhead configurations in the test feeders[2,3 ]. The columns correspond to: 1 Conductor size in AWG or kcmil 2 Type of conductor AA = All Aluminum ACSR = Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced CU = Copper 3 60 Hz resistance at 50 degrees C (ohms/mile) 4 Conductor outside diameter (inches) 5 Geometric Mean Radius (ft.) 6 Ampacity at 50 degrees C (amps) Table 3 Conductor Data
1 1,000 556.5 500 336.4 250 # 4/0 # 2/0 # 1/0 2 AA ACSR AA ACSR AA ACSR AA ACSR 3 0.105 0.1859 0.206 0.306 0.410 0.592 0.769 1.12 4 1.15 0.927 0.813 0.721 0.567 0.563 0.414 0.398 5 0.0368 0.0313 0.026 0.0244 0.0171 0.00814 0.0125 0.00446 6 698 730 483 530 329 340 230 230

Table 6 lists the characteristics of a tape shielded conductor used in the test feeders. The column numbers correspond to: 1 Conductor size in AWG 2 Diameter over insulation (inches) 3 Diameter over the shield 4 Jacket thickness (mils)

5 Outside diameter (inches) 6 Ampacity in 4 inch duct (amps)

Table 6 Tape Shielded 15 kV All Aluminum (AA) Cable Tape Thickness = 5 mils
1 1/0 2 0.82 3 0.88 4 80 5 1.06 6 165



Configuration Codes: Each test feeder will have a table of Configuration Codes. The configuration code is a unique number assigned to describe the spacing model (Tables 2 and 4), the phasing (left to right) and the phase and neutral conductors used. Line Segment Data: Each test feeder will have a table of Line Segment Data. The data will consist of the node terminations of each line segment (Node A and Node B), the length of the line segment and a configuration code ( Config.). There is no significance in the order in which the data appears or whether node A or node B is closer to the source. Voltage Regulators: Voltage regulators are assumed to be step-type and can be connected in the substation and/or to a specified line segment. The regulators can be three-phase or singlephase. Tap positions will be determined by the compensator circuit settings described by: 1. 2. 3. Voltage Level desired voltage (on a 120 volt base) to be held at the regulating point. Bandwidth the voltage level tolerance usually assumed to be 2 volts. Compensator resistance (R) and reactance (X) settings the equivalent resistance and reactance between the regulator and the regulating point calibrated in volts. PT Ratio turns ratio of the potential transformer feeding the compensator circuit. CT Rating the current rating on the primary of the current transformer feeding the compensator circuit. III. The Test Feeders The data for the feeders is so extensive that only the data for the 13 node feeder will be given in this paper. Data for all of the test feeders can be downloaded from: http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/pes/dsacom/testfeeders.html. The data is in a spreadsheet format. In addition to the data a solution for each of the feeders can be downloaded. The solution consists of: 1. Listing of the per mile phase impedance and admittance matrices for each of the configurations



used in the feeder. The impedance matrix assumes a resistivity of 100 Ohm-meters and the admittance matrix assumes a relative permittivity of 2.3. Radial Flow Summary a summary of the system input, total load, total losses and total shunt capacitors by phase and total three-phase. Voltage Profile voltage magnitudes and angles by phase at each node. Voltage magnitudes are given in per-unit. Voltage Regulator Data for each regulator in the system a summary of the settings and the final tap settings. Radial Power Flow complete node data including line flows in amps and degrees by phase. Line power losses by phase and total three-phase are also given.

The IEEE 13 Node Test Feeder This feeder is very small and yet displays some very interesting characteristics. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Short and relatively highly loaded for a 4.16 kV feeder One substation voltage regulator consisting of three single-phase units connected in wye Overhead and underground lines with variety of phasing Shunt capacitor banks In-line transformer Unbalanced spot and distributed loads

For a small feeder this will provide a good test for the most common features of distribution analysis software. The complete data for this system is given below to illustrate the form of the data for all of the test feeders. One Line Diagram






4. 5.








Underground Line Configuration Data:

Config. Phasing 606 607 Cable Neutral None 1/0 Cu Space ID 515 520

A B C N 250,000 AA, CN AN 1/0 AA, TS

Overhead Line Configuration Data:

Config. Phasing 601 602 603 604 605 BACN CABN CBN ACN CN Phase ACSR 556,500 26/7 4/0 6/1 1/0 1/0 1/0 Neutral ACSR 4/0 6/1 4/0 6/1 1/0 1/0 1/0 Spacing ID 500 500 505 505 510

Transformer Data:
kVA Substation: 5,000 XFM -1 500 kV-high 115 - D 4.16 Gr.W kV-low 4.16 Gr. Y 0.48 Gr.W R- X-% % 1 8 1.1 2

Spot Load Data:

Node 634 Load Model Y-PQ Y-PQ D-Z Y-Z D-PQ Y-PQ D-I Y-I TOTAL Ph-1 kW 160 0 0 128 385 485 0 0 1158 Ph-1 kVAr 110 0 0 86 220 190 0 0 606 Ph-2 kW 120 170 230 0 385 68 0 0 973 Ph-2 kVAr 90 125 132 0 220 60 0 0 627 Ph-3 kW 120 0 0 0 385 290 170 170 1135 Ph-3 kVAr 90 0 0 0 220 212 151 80 753

Line Segment Data:

Node A 632 632 633 645 650 684 632 671 671 671 684 692 Node B 645 633 634 646 632 652 671 684 680 692 611 675 Length(ft.) 500 500 0 300 2000 800 2000 300 1000 0 300 500 Config. 603 602 XFM-1 603 601 607 601 604 601 Switch 605 606

645 646 652 671 675 692 611

Distributed Load Data:

Node A Node B 632 671 Load Model Y-PQ Ph-1 Ph-1 Ph-2 Ph-2 Ph-3 Ph-3 kW 17 kVAr 10 kW 66 kVAr 38 kW 117 kVAr 68

Capacitor Data:
Node 675 611 Total 200 200 Ph-A kVAr 200 Ph-B kVAr 200 Ph-C kVAr 200 100 300

IEEE 123 Node Test Feeder The IEEE 123 node test feeder operates at a nominal voltage of 4.16 kV. While this is not a popular voltage level it does provide voltage drop problems that must be solved with the application of voltage regulators and shunt capacitors. For programs that can allocate load, this will be a good test feeder to use. There are enough switches in the feeder so that optimal configuration procedures can be tested. This is the most comprehensive feeder and is characterized by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Overhead and underground line segments with various phasing. Unbalanced loading with all combinations of load types (PQ, constant I, constant Z) All loads are spot loads located at a node Four step-type voltage regulators Shunt capacitor banks Switching to provide alternate paths of power-flow

Regulator Data:
Regulator ID: Line Segment: Location: Phases: Connection: Monitoring Phase: Bandwidth: PT Ratio: Primary CT Rating: Compensator Settings: R - Setting: X - Setting: Volltage Level: 1 650 - 632 650 A - B -C 3-Ph,LG A-B-C 2.0 volts 20 700 Ph-A 3 9 122 Ph-B 3 9 122 Ph-C 3 9 122

This feeder is well behaved and does not have a convergence problem. It provides a test of the modeling of the phasing of the lines. The four voltage regulators provide a good test to assure that the changing of

individual regulator taps is coordinated with the other regulators. The IEEE 34 Node Test Feeder This feeder is an actual feeder located in Arizona. The feeder nominal voltage is 24.9 kV. It is characterized by: s 1. 2. 3. 4. Very long and lightly loaded Two in-line regulators required to maintain a good voltage profile An in-line transformer reducing the voltage to 4.16 kV for a short section of the feeder Unbalanced loading with both spot and distributed loads. Distributed loads are assumed to be connected at the center of the line segment Shunt capacitors

Test results for this feeder include the following transformer connections for step-down and step-up operations and for balanced and unbalanced loading. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Grounded Wye Grounded Wye Grounded Wye Delta Ungrounded Wye Delta Delta Grounded Wye Delta Delta Open Wye Open Delta IV. Summary Data for five different test feeders has been developed. Data appearing in this paper are common to all of the feeders. The total data for the 13 node test feeder is included to illustrate the form of the data for the other test feeders. The data and one-line diagrams for the other test feeders are too extensive to be included in the paper. The data for all five test feeders are in spreadsheet format and can be downloaded from the Web at: http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/pes/dsacom/testfeeders.html The test feeders have been studied using the Radial Distribution Analysis Package of WH Power Consultants, Las Cruces, New Mexico and/or Windmil developed by Milsoft Integrated Solutions, Abilene, Texas. The results of these tests are included with the data for each feeder. Software developers are encouraged to test their software using these test feeders and to publish the results. The hope is that in time there will be agreement on the results in the same way that there is agreement on the various test systems used by network power-flow programs. V. References: 1. IEEE Distribution Planning Working Group Report, Radial distribution test feeders, IEEE Transactioins on Power Systems,, August 1991, Volume 6, Number 3, pp 975-985. J.D. Glover and M. Sarma, Power system analysis and design, 2nd Edition, PWS Publishing Company, Boston, MA, 1994. Overhead conductor manual, Southwire Company, Carrollton, GA, 1994. Product data, Section 2, Sheets 10 and 30., The Okonite Company, www.okonite.com


Because of the length of the feeder and the unbalanced loading it can have a convergence problem. The IEEE 37 Node Test Feeder This feeder is an actual feeder located in California. The characteristics of the feeder are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Three-wire delta operating at a nominal voltage of 4.8 kV All line segments are underground Substation voltage regulator consisting of two singlephase units connected in open delta All loads are spot loads and consist of constant PQ, constant current and constant impedance The loading is very unbalanced

Although there are very few three-wire delta systems in use, there is a need to test software to assure that it can handle this type of feeder. The IEEE Four Node Test Feeder This feeder was not part of the original set of test systems published in 1992. The primary purpose of this test feeder is to provide a simple system for the testing of all possible three-phase transformer connections. Characteristics of the feeder are: 1. 2. Two line segments with a three-phase transformer bank connected between the two segments Data is specified for closed three-phase transformer connections and for two transformer open connections Transformer data is specified for step-up and stepdown testing. The primary voltage is always 12.47 kV while the secondary voltage can be either 4.16 kV or 24.9 kV. Data is specified for balanced and unbalanced loading at the most remote node


3. 4.



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