PTD Exp 1-4
PTD Exp 1-4
PTD Exp 1-4
Note: Line considered is a 400 kV, 300 km transmission line. Each pi section represents a length of 50
km. Six such pi sections are cascaded to represent a physical line length of 300 km.
ABCD parameters basically describe the relation between the sending end and receiving end voltage
and currents. Power grids deals in the transmission of electrical power from one particular place
(e.g., generating station) to another like substations or distribution units with maximum efficiency.
Thu, the entire transmission system can be simplified to a two-port network for the sake of easier
As the name suggests, a 2 port network can be named with an input port
PQ and an output port RS. Each port has 2 terminals to connect itself to the external circuit. Thus, it is
essentially a 2 port or a 4 terminal circuit, as shown in fig
Now the ABCD parameters or the transmission line parameters provide the link between the supply
and receiving end voltages and currents, considering the circuit elements to be linear in nature. Thus,
the relation between the sending and receiving end specifications are given using ABCD parameters
by the equations below:
Now in order to determine the ABCD parameters of transmission line let us impose the required
circuit conditions in different cases.
Thus, it implies that on applying open circuit condition to ABCD parameters, we get parameter A as
the ratio of sending end voltage to the open circuit receiving end voltage. Since dimension wise A is a
ratio of voltage to voltage, A is a dimension less parameter.
Thus, it implies that on applying open circuit condition to ABCD parameters of transmission line, we
get parameter C as the ratio of sending end current to the open circuit receiving end voltage. Since
dimension wise C is a ratio of current tovoltage, its unit is mho. C is the open circuit conductance and
is given byC = IS ⁄ VR mho.
Thus, it implies that on applying short circuit condition to ABCD parameters, we get parameter B as
the ratio of sending end voltage to the short circuit receiving end current. Since dimension wise B is a
ratio of voltage to current, its unit is Ω. Thus, B is the short circuit resistance and is given by B = VS ⁄
Applying the same short circuit condition i.e., VR = 0 to equation (2) we get
Thus, it implies that on applying short circuit condition to ABCD parameters, we get parameter D as
the ratio of sending end current to the short circuit receiving end current. Since dimension wise D is a
ratio of current to current, it is a dimensionless parameter.
Short Circuit
1. In Simulink, build the circuit as shown in Fig1. Make sure that in the
RMS block, the fundamental frequency is set to 50 HZ, initial RMS value
is set to 0, and sampling time is same as that used in the ‘powergui’
2. Run the simulation and measure the sending end current and voltage, and
the receiving end voltage.
Open circuit:
1. In Simulink, build the circuit as shown in Fig1. Make sure that in the
RMS block, the fundamental frequency is set to 50 HZ, initial RMS value
is set to 0, and sampling time is same as that used in the ‘powergui’
2. Run the simulation and measure the sending and receiving end
currents and the sending end current.
3. Repeat same by interchanging the secondary end & receiving end
The ABCD Parameters of the Transmission Line have been calculated
AIM : To study and compare the performance of a ring and radial distribution systems.
Model of 500 m long feeder is divided into three sections of 200m, 100m,
and 200m.
Radial System
RESULT:The Radial Distribution System and Ring main Distribution Systems are
Simulated and studied successfully.
Experiment 3
In a loss less line, the power transmitted through transmission line is given by
The expression shows that the transfer of power between sending-end and
receiving end is directly proportional to the sine of the angle between the
voltages at the two points. Keeping the magnitude of the voltage constant, a
plot between the power and the power angle, known as the power angle
characteristics can be
The phase shifting can be used to change the angle between sending the end
voltage & receiving end voltage as shown in Fig.
1. Build the SIMULINK model according to the diagram.
2. Set the sending end (V s) and receiving end (V r) voltages at 326.60kilovolts
(constant) peak.
3. Now start varying the phase angle ( δ) of the sending end voltage (V s) (c han
ge in the sine wave function) in the steps of 100and note the readings of
power blocks and current measurement blocks after running the model.
4. Vary the phase angle of the sending end voltage (change in the sine wave f u
nction) once in leading direction from 0- 700, and then in lagging direction for
same range to see the change in direction of power flow from sending end to
receiving end and vice versa.
5. Tabulate the reading &draw the power angle characteristic (P Vs ).
The 1'o1tineter across the switch connecting the two systems should have double
the mnge of fi"s (or 1'r).
Shunt capacitor is used to improve the power factor of the system. An inductive
load absorbs reactive power due to inductive component. This causes the
voltage at load to dip in addition to the resistive voltage drop static shunt
capacitors are installed near the load terminals, in factory substations in
receiving substation etc. to provide leading VAR & thus to reduce the line
current & total KVA loading of the substation. By using shunt capacitor line
drop is reduced & voltage regulation is improved.
It may be noted that reactive power flow only due to difference in voltage level.
If we make sending end voltage and receiving end voltage equal then there is
no reactive power absorbed by load and all the reactive power absorbed by
transmission line.
Shunt capacitor are switched in when KVA demand on the distribution
system rises& voltage of the bus drops.
Q generation < Q absorption
Q generation > Q absorption
Q generation = Q absorption
Advantages of a shunt capacitor : Low cost, flexibility of installation &
Disadvantage of a shunt capacitor: Reactive power is proportional to the
square of voltage. Therefore, the reactive power injected by a shunt capacitor is
reduced at a low voltage when it is needed the most.
Fig. Circuit diagram
1. Build a SIMULINK model as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Set the value of the ac voltage source to 326.60 kV peak. The load resistance
is taken as 121.13Ω, and the load inductance as 0.24 H. Take the compensating
shunt capacitor value to be 20.50 μF. Set the duration of simulation to 8
seconds, and the breaker switching time as 2 seconds.
3. Run the simulation and note the input and output voltages prior to the
4. After2 seconds of the simulation run time, the breaker will close contacts
connecting the shunt capacitor.
5. Note down the change in the output voltage in the observation table.
6. Repeat the same process for other voltage values.
7. Calculate the voltage regulation of the line with and without the capacitor.
8. Repeat the above simulation steps with the following changes:
a. A purely resistive load of 142.50 Ω and a shunt compensating
capacitor of 12.33 μF (Use a separate and similar observation table for
recording the readings)
b. A purely inductive load of 0.45 H and a shunt compensating capacitor
of 22.5 μF.(Use a separate and similar observation table for recording
the readings)
Voltage profile of transmission line with and without shunt capacitor
has been plotted.
Note: In your report, comment and explain (with the help of mathematical
calculations) the choice of shunt compensating capacitor values for the three
load types.