Sacred Heart Catholic School is dedicated to providing faith-based education through high academic and moral standards. It collaborates with families, the parish, and the local community to achieve this. Upcoming events include Kindergarten round-up, May Crowning, and the Spring Concert. The principal's newsletter discusses timely payment of tuition and applications for tuition assistance. Uniform policies and the summer care program are also outlined.
Sacred Heart Catholic School is dedicated to providing faith-based education through high academic and moral standards. It collaborates with families, the parish, and the local community to achieve this. Upcoming events include Kindergarten round-up, May Crowning, and the Spring Concert. The principal's newsletter discusses timely payment of tuition and applications for tuition assistance. Uniform policies and the summer care program are also outlined.
Original Description:
This is the April 30th edition of the Sacred Heart Catholic School News.
Sacred Heart Catholic School is dedicated to providing faith-based education through high academic and moral standards. It collaborates with families, the parish, and the local community to achieve this. Upcoming events include Kindergarten round-up, May Crowning, and the Spring Concert. The principal's newsletter discusses timely payment of tuition and applications for tuition assistance. Uniform policies and the summer care program are also outlined.
Sacred Heart Catholic School is dedicated to providing faith-based education through high academic and moral standards. It collaborates with families, the parish, and the local community to achieve this. Upcoming events include Kindergarten round-up, May Crowning, and the Spring Concert. The principal's newsletter discusses timely payment of tuition and applications for tuition assistance. Uniform policies and the summer care program are also outlined.
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Sacred Heart News
Mission Statement - Sacred Heart
Catholic School is dedicated to educating children through high academic and moral standards in a faith-based setting. We achieve this goal through collaboration with our families, parish, and local community. Events: May 1st Kinder round-up May 2 May Crowning 9:30 a.m. May 2 H & S mtg May 9 Special Persons Day mass/ class tours May 10 Gr. 5/6 Taste Test May 11 Gertens plant sale pick up- gym May 16 School Mass May 16 SAC mtg May 17-18 Rummage Sale-gym May 19 Kuchinski/Mulcahy Benet May 24 Spring Concert-6:30 p.m. APRIL 30, 2012 Principals Corner Dear Parents, Tuition for 2011-2012 Just a reminder that all tuition payments are expected to be paid in full by May 10th. If this is not possible, please communicate with Ms. Bursey. We rely on prompt payment of tuition. Thank you to the many families that made your payments on time. We really appreciate it. Last change to apply for a tuition scholarship-Due May 1st All families seeking a nancial scholarship must apply on-line at All information required must be turned in for the application to be considered. A processing fee is due at the time of the application. Tuition scholarship award letters will be mailed in mid May, to those families that applied. Please see the attached letter regarding updates on our building project. Lunch menu change for Friday, May 4 Bag lunch due to Senior Lunch in the gym Teacher Appreciation Week May 7-11 Have you heard of teacher appreciation week? This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the wonderful, dedicated teachers at Sacred Heart. Teachers play a key role in every individuals development and growth. Consider sending your childs teacher a note or card letting him/her know that your child has enjoyed their class and that they have been appreciated throughout the year. Make your teachers day by telling them, even a simple thank you can mean so much. Our teachers deserve a pat on the back for all the time and dedication to the Sacred Heart Community. The class art projects for the Live Auction is just one example of the extra time our teachers are proud to participate in. Spread the news! We have added another kindergarten classroom for fall 2012! Sacred Heart will have two small classes of kinder next year. We have room for more students. Please let family members, friends, and neighbors know! !"#$%&'(()((%*#+,-.%./0"#,%1/2#%'(3'4'(35%62-.-/$7%%%%%8+%9":+%-$*#+";+,%1/2#%-$*+$.-:+%"</2$.77 The best maiketing tool we have is oui cuiient families mentioning us to fiienus anu neighbois. If you have a fiienu oi family membei iegistei foi next yeai uuiing the month of Nay oi }une, 1/2%0-==%#+*+-:+%"% &'(()((%.2-.-/$%*#+,-.) Sacieu Beait Catholic School cuiiently offeis a faith-baseu, acauemically challenging euucation to 2S4 chiluien in giaues K-8 plus S6 Pie K stuuents. With funuing cuts in the public school system, we offei a gieat alteinative-but many people uon't know we aie heie. Financial aiu can make Catholic euucation available to anyone. Invite piospective families to call the school office to set up a peisonal toui of Sacieu Beait. WE ARE GROWING TALLER ! PAGE 2 Kuchinski/Mulcahy Benet Save the date for the Kuchinski & Mulcahy Benet on May 19th. Advanced ticket sales will be available next week for $15.00. At the door !$20.00. !Tickets include spaghetti dinner. A silent auction will be available along with live music by Batterboy and a DJ. Please plan on joining us for a fun evening dedicated to Rhonda and Michael. Call the school ofce if you are willing to help volunteer setting up, food preparation, or helping that night. Uniform change for next year 2012-2013 1. The School Advisory Committee has approved adding red logo shirts for next year. However, only Donalds red logo shirts may be worn, NO plain red polo shirts due to the variations of red. 2. Two options for shirts: Donalds will be offering the regular polo logo shirt and a new option for all will be a banded uniform shirt. This will eliminate the shirt from having to be tucked in. We strongly recommend this for K-3 students. 3. Girls solid blue skorts will not longer be allowed as part of the summer uniform Donalds Uniform Sale-Wednesday, May 30th 2:00-5:30 p.m. School gym This date is the only time Donalds Uniform Company will be at Sacred Heart Catholic School for parents to purchase uniforms. They will have a large stock of uniforms to try on. Come see the new red logo shirt! Summer Care-Kids Club Are you looking for school-age summer child care that is safe, fun, friendly and affordable? Kids Club is available from June 11-August 24 from 7:00-6:00 p.m. for children ages 5-12 years old. Full and part time available. Athletic Announcement If you would like a copy of the Athletic Banquet video, please contact [email protected]. Once a list of people is collected, Greg will burn the copies and drop them off at the ofce. He will email each person letting them know it's ready. $10 will be collected at time of pick up. Kuchinski/Mulcahy Benet Saturday, May 19th 6:00-Midnite We Need Your Help! We are looking for food donations for the spaghetti dinner WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? Large cans of tomato puree (29oz) Large cans of tomato paste (12oz) Boxes of spaghetti noodles Plastic jars of grated parmesan cheese Bags or boxes of regular croutons WHERE CAN YOU DROP OFF ITEMS? Receptacles will be placed near the school and parish ofces. Simply drop your donation off at either site. WHEN? Anytime from now through May 11th Your generosity and spirit will make this dinner possible! With much thanks, Sacred Hearts Benet Committee PAGE 3! School Advisory Committee Members needed for next year Are you interested in becoming a committee member? We are now accepting names for the School Advisory Committee for next year. The purpose of the committee is to assist the principal in the governance of the school. The areas in which the committee has responsibility are planning, policy development, nances, marketing, and public relations. This is a three year commitment and we meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month during August-May. Two new members are needed. If you are interested, please let me know or contact a SAC representative. Check out our web page listed under School Information-School Advisory for more information. !"#$%&'(#%)"*+,-"#. 1. /(+.-"&0%!"&%1 .2 34,-+#5"#2+,%6'(,-789 We have two sessions: 9:uu a.m. anu 12:uu p.m. Please call to ieseive youi spot. 2. :+-,+.-"&0%!"&%; 2< %%=9+)4"*%>+#.',?.%@"&%%%;ABC%"DED We will celebiate mass at 9:Su a.m. anu then oui special guest(s) will have snack anu have a chance to visit the classiooms. A fliei is attacheu that you may pass on to youi chilu's "special guest". BD%%="2(#-"&0%!"&%1;%%%F+,+G42%H'#%6<',-"%3()<4,.$4%",-%!4)<"+*%!(*)"<& Both Rhonua anu Nichael have been in oui piayeis since they weie both uiagnoseu with cancei. As a community, we will gathei on this special night foi uinnei, beveiages, anu a silent auction. This evening is foi auults only. Tickets aie available in the school anu paiish offices. :+%I'(*-%"99#+)4"2+%9#+7'#-+#%'H%24)$+2.%.'%I+%)",%9*",%',%H''-%",-%-#4,$D Please join us foi a special evening to help iaise funus foi two veiy special people in oui Sacieu Beait community. JD%%=9#4,5%K',)+#2%/<(#.-"&0%!"&%LJ%%%M#"-+.%L0%J0%N0%O%",-%P",-D%%%NABC%9DED }oin us foi the play "Bubba Bubba" anu singing by giaues 2, 4, anu 6 anu oui school banu. S. @',"*-?.%8,4H'#E%="*+-Weunesuay, Nay Su 2:uu-S:Su p.m. School uym Q(,)<%6+E4,-+# - Buiing the month of Nay, please be minuful of youi lunch balance. Please uo not caiiy a uelinquent lunch balance aftei Nay 1S. If you have a cieuit at the enu of the school yeai, Bist. 281 will ieimbuise you anu a check will be sent to youi home. School lunches will be available to youi chilu thiough }une S. R+"#P''$. We have a small supply of school yeaibooks available foi the puichase piice of $17. Thank you to the 7 th anu 8 th giaue yeaibook committee foi theii haiu woik anu ueuication to make this a gieat yeaibook. Thank you to yeaibook auvisois Nis. Biaasch anu Nis. Kohlmeyei. 0ui )',-'*+,)+. to the Talbot Family (Annalise, ui 1, Lathe, ui S) on the loss of theii uianufathei. Volunteers needed: Please sign up on DIBS 1. Track and Field Day- Friday, June 1 st Grades 1-4 Tuesday, June 5 Grades 5-7 2. 7th grade parents-We need help at 8 th grade graduation reception on Monday, June 4 th 3. Special person Day, May 9 SL%)*(P%I4,,+#. Apiil 22 - Toiunn Baity Apiil 29 - Naiie Boutang !"#$%"&'(&)"*&+,%$*-&.*,$)& /'%#0&12&/,%343)3*0&& 567897:;&<=1>?!@&6<9A@?& !"#$%&'()&'*+'& !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ! ! "! !"#$%&'&()*$+,-(+.)*&$%+&+)&/,%#0&1,)-*23& ! AfLer almosL Lwo years slnce Lhe sLarL of Lhe pledge redempLlon perlod we can announce LhaL Lhe bulldlng of hase 1 of our MasLer lan began on Aprll 23 rd , 2012 as Lhe consLrucLlon Lraller LhaL serves as Lhe nerve cenLer for our bulldlng pro[ecL arrlved.
! An offlclal ground breaklng ceremony wlll be held on Sunday May 6 Lh , 2012 aL approxlmaLely 11:13 AM followlng Lhe 10:00 AM Sunday mornlng Mass.
! 1he LoLal cosL of hase 1 of our MasLer lan wlll cosL $2.3 mllllon dollars.
! lnLerlm llnanclng ls provlded by ClLlzens lndependenL 8ank of 8obblnsdale.
! Langer ConsLrucLlon wlll serve as our Ceneral ConLracLor.
! hase 1 wlll lnclude Lhe followlng elemenLs:
! A fully cllmaLe conLrolled gaLherlng space connecLlon beLween Lhe Church, School and AcLlvlLles 8ulldlng. ! An elevaLor Lo serve all levels of Lhe Church, School, and AcLlvlLles 8ulldlng. ! A fully renovaLed and handlcap accesslble seL of resLrooms for men and women Lo serve Lhe maln level of Church and Lhe AcLlvlLles 8ulldlng. ! 1hree new secure enLrances Lo Lhe parlsh complex lncludlng a new maln campus enLrance ad[acenL Lo Lhe WesL 8roadway parklng loL, an enLrance on Pubbard Avenue beLween Lhe Church and School, and an enLrance on Lhe norLh slde of Lhe new CaLherlng Space wlLh Lhe capaclLy ln Lhe fuLure Lo provlde a proper vesLlbule for Lhe norLh enLrance. (1o make LhaL vesLlbule happen now would requlre an addlLlonal $63,000.) ! lour new classrooms/meeLlng rooms. Cne of Lhese new classrooms wlll be fully flnlshed upon Lhe compleLlon of hase 1. 1he oLher rooms wlll be cllmaLe conLrolled upon compleLlon buL wlll need furLher lnLerlor flnlshlng ln Lhe fuLure. ! new School offlce ad[acenL Lo Lhe LlevaLor and maln enLrance of Lhe parlsh campus. ! upgrades ln Lhe School CafeLerla ln Lhe Church 8asemenL allowlng all lunches Lo be served from Lhe CafeLerla. ! numerous unseen upgrades Lo meeL Lhe laLesL bulldlng code guldellnes.
! rovlded all Campalgn ledges are fulfllled by !une 30 Lh , 2013 and no unforseen Lhlngs occur, we esLlmaLe LhaL from a LoLal of $2.3 mllllon dollars a bulldlng debL of approxlmaLely $600,000 wlll remaln requlrlng fuLure fundralslng for debL ellmlnaLlon. 1haL means 76 percenL of our pro[ecL would be pald wlLhln one year of compleLlon! !"#$%"&'(&)"*&+,%$*-&.*,$)& /'%#0&12&/,%343)3*0&& 567897:;&<=1>?!@&6<9A@?& !"#$%&'()&'*+'& !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ! ! "! ! 1he bulldlng commlLLee has worked dlllgenLly Lo ensure LhaL hase 1 solves many of Lhe faclllLles lssues flrsL presenLed and laLer reflned wlLh parlshloner feedback durlng our 1own Pall meeLlngs held ln 2009. 1he pro[ecL deslgn allows us greaL flexlblllLy ln Lhe fuLure Lo compleLe Lhe enLlreLy of our MasLer lan presenLed ln november 2009 as more fundlng becomes avallable.
!"#$%&'(#)*+%$,%-'%.,(/0'$'1%)*%$"'%23$3&'4% ! 1o compleLe Lhe Campus MasLer lan flrsL presenLed aL Lhe 1own Pall meeLlngs held ln november of 2009 Lhe followlng lLems would sLlll remaln for a fuLure phase:& & ! 1he norLh vesLlbule of Lhe CaLherlng Space LnLrance.& ! lnLerlor flnlshes for Lhe addlLlonal classrooms/meeLlng rooms LhaL wlll be bullL ln hase 1. & ! 8esLroom renovaLlons for boLh levels of Lhe School bulldlng.& ! 8esLroom renovaLlons for Lhe lower level of Lhe Church bulldlng and School CafeLerla.& ! MulLl-use Soclal Pall wlLh AcLlvlLles 8ulldlng klLchen upgrades and compleLlon of Lhe lower level of Lhe conLemplaLed mulLl-use Soclal Pall for varlous uses.&
!"#$%1,%5%*''1%$,%6*,7%#-,3$%.,*+$&3.$),*4% ! 1he consLrucLlon wlll mean varlous lnconvenlences durlng Lhe duraLlon of Lhe pro[ecL LhaL are necessary Lo lnsure Lhe safeLy of all durlng consLrucLlon lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo:& & " arklng on Lhe WesL 8roadway parklng loL wlll be llmlLed durlng consLrucLlon lncludlng how we enLer and exlL Lhls loL.& " School drop-off and plck-up durlng May and !une wlll be sub[ecL Lo ad[usLmenL.& " Access Lo Lhe Church enLrance aL Lhe easL slde courLyard and Sacred PearL Chapel wlll noL be avallable durlng Lhe duraLlon of Lhe ConsLrucLlon. & " 1hursday AdoraLlon wlll sLlll be held. LnLer Lhe Church aL Lhe Pubbard slde enLrance of Lhe Church, Lhe MonsLrance wlll be exposed on Lhe SL. !oseph AlLar.& " Access Lo Lhe AcLlvlLles 8ulldlng aL Lhe courLyard wlll noL be avallable. 1he Lemporary enLrance Lo Lhe AcLlvlLles 8ulldlng and arlsh Cfflce wlll be from WesL 8roadway, Lhls enLrance wlll lnclude a ramp and elecLrlc door opener for handlcap accesslblllLy.& " We urge you Lo flrsL use Lhe Pubbard Avenue arklng loL for weekday Masses and Sunday Masses, Lhen Lhe porLlon of Lhe WesL 8roadway parklng loL LhaL remalns.& " lease follow all posLed slgns and remaln ouL of Lhe consLrucLlon zone.& " ray for good weaLher and Lhe safeLy of all lnvolved ln Lhe pro[ecL.& & !"#$%"&'(&)"*&+,%$*-&.*,$)& /'%#0&12&/,%343)3*0&& 567897:;&<=1>?!@&6<9A@?& !"#$%&'()&'*+'& !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ! ! "! ! !"#$"%"#"&'(&)*$$&*++"(,*(-"&*(,&,.(/+&0.#1"+&+.&2#.%',"&3.4#&0'(*(-'*5&.00"#'(1$&0.#&.4#& regular parlsh operaLlons durlng Lhe consLrucLlon perlod even lf your usual parklng area or Church enLrance ls unavallable durlng consLrucLlon, or summer Lravel Lakes you elsewhere. & ! Alr CondlLlonlng ln Lhe Church durlng Lhe summer monLhs wlll be provlded.& ! arlsh and School evenLs such as Lhe Mulcahy/kuchlnskl 8eneflL, LlghLh Crade CraduaLlon, Lhe Annual Wlne 1asLlng klck off Lo Whlz 8ang uays, CaLhollc vacaLlon 8lble School, lun lesL and oLher evenLs are sLlll planned Lo occur.& ! 1he Pandlcap enLrance currenLly aL Lhe Sacred PearL Chapel/Cry 8oom wlll be Lemporarlly relocaLed Lo Lhe maln norLh enLrance of Church.& ! 1he varlous conLracLors wlll noL be operaLlng heavy machlnery or worklng durlng funerals or weddlngs. & ! lf you have any quesLlons abouL Lhls pro[ecL or would llke Lo add a new or addlLlonal flnanclal commlLmenL Lo Lhls pro[ecL please conLacL Lhe parlsh offlce aL 763-337-4361. & & Cn behalf of Lhe parlsh LrusLees, Lhe bulldlng commlLLee and all Lhose oLher commlLLees LhaL have made Lhe commencemenL of hase 1 of our MasLer lan posslble, l wlsh Lo express my graLlLude Lo Cod and Lo Lhe good people of Sacred PearL arlsh supporLlng Lhls pro[ecL wlLh Lhelr Llme, LalenL, Lreasure, and prayers. llnally, Lhls pro[ecL would slmply noL be where lL ls Loday wlLhouL Lhe dedlcaLed sLaff of Sacred PearL and ln parLlcular Lhe excellenL admlnlsLraLlon of Mr. Mlchael Mulcahy, our very capable buslness admlnlsLraLor. l ask LhaL you keep hlm and hls famlly ln your prayers as he conLlnues hls baLLle wlLh cancer. 1o Lhose who may have begun Lhls [ourney wlLh us here on earLh, buL now waLch Lhls pro[ecL ln eLernlLy l ask for your splrlLual lnLercesslon. !!! &
!!!!!! ! ! ! ! !! !
! ! ! !
!"#$%&'(!! "##$!%&'()*&!+'#,'-.! This spring, Sacred Heart School secured the professional food service management services of Taher, Inc., a Minneapolis-based company, for the 2012-13 school year. Taher has over 31 years of experience managing and operating food service programs. Now in more than 150 school districts nationwide, Taher implements programs that correspond with the school`s mission and goals. Taher is committed to providing your School with an exciting and nutritionally-balanced school lunch program. FOOD 4 LIFE Menus will follow our Food 4 Life Guidelines which limit processed foods, ban trans-fats, incorporate more fresh ingredients and educate students on healthy eating. MENU CHOICES The menu will include two entre choices ~ one hot entre and one cold entre. Options will vary depending on the season. Students might choose from a hot entre, gourmet salad, or cold sandwich. Some a la Carte items will be available. FRUIT & VEGETABLE BAR To help encourage students to eat a well-balanced lunch, we will offer a Fruit & Vegetable Bar. Each day students may choose from fresh or canned fruits as well as fresh vegetables to complete their meal.
May 2012 Chef-Prepared Meals will be prepared at Tahers production kitchen in Plymouth, utilizing more fresh ingredients and less processed foods in our recipes. Taher will assist Sacred Heart School in improving student wellness by offering students more daily choices of fruits and vegetables. We also will feature: ! Self Serve Fruit & Vegetable Bar, ! Healthy daily entre selections, ! 'Harvest of the Month` with a spotlight fruit, vegetable and herb or legume, and ! Nutrition display boards and fact sheets displayed each month. Exposing children to more healthy food choices is the most important lesson in proper nutrition. QUESTIONS/COMMENTS If you have questions or want to share a comment about the food service program, please contact: Karen Bursey School Principal !"#$%#!$&#'() Stephenie Smith Taher, I nc. School Support Manager (%'$#%*$'&*' It takes all of us working together to help our children learn to enjoy healthy eating. KUCHlNSKl Mcy 1, 2012 :00 - micnighI Church cf Ihe $15 ccvcnce $20 @ cccr Sccrec HecrI 4087 We:I 8rcccwcy FcLLin:cc|e, MN 55422 fcceLcck.ccm/LcIIeryLcymu:ic reverLncIicn.ccm/LcIIeryLcy SpcgheIIi Dinner Si|enI /ucIicn Mu:ic {|ive & DJ) !"#"$%& MULC/HY ' ()"#* ()"+"* &%,-"&.* &%,-"&./%#,012"* SFCNSCFED 8Y: Sccrec HecrI Church & Schcc| CcmmuniIy 8/IIEFY8CY 3%4"/51.%,/67* hIIp://www.kuchin:kimu|cchyLenefiI.ccm