Quantum Error Correction For Communication
Quantum Error Correction For Communication
Quantum Error Correction For Communication
Suppose we want to transmit a block of l qubits (i.e. two-state quantum systems) in some unknown quantum state (pure or mixed) over a noisy quantum channel. Here noisy means that each transmitted qubit may, with some small probability p, become entangled with the channel. In order to increase the probability of the error-free transmission we can encode the state of l qubits into a set of n qubits and try to disentangle a certain number of qubits from the channel at the receiving end. This paper species conditions under which such encoding and disentanglement are possible. Let us start with introducing convenient denitions and notation. Amplitude errors in a block of n qubits are dened as a sequence of x transformations performed on qubits at locations specied by a binary n-tuple (non-zero entries of mark the locations of the aected qubits). In a selected basis {v} the amplitude errors can be written as A | v = | v + , (1)
where the addition is performed modulo 2. Analogously, phase errors are dened as a sequence of z transformations performed on qubits at locations 1
where the addition in the scalar product v is also performed modulo 2. For example, if = = (001010) and v = (110111), then A | 110111 = | 111101 , P | 110111 = (1) | 110111 . (3)
Amplitude and phase errors are generated by unitary operations and are, of course, dierent from errors due to the qubit-channel entanglement, however, codes which can correct both amplitude and phase errors can also correct the entanglement induced errors. To illustrate the basic idea we start with a simple example of decoherence induced errors which can be rectied by phase correction alone. Consider the following scenario: we want to transmit one qubit in an unknown quantum state of the form c0 | 0 + c1 | 1 and we know that any single qubit which is transmitted via the channel can, with a small probability p, undergo a decoherence type entanglement with the channel (c0 |0 + c1 |1 )|a c0 |0 |a0 + c1 |1 |a1 , (4)
where states |a , |a0 , |a1 are the states of the environment/channel and |a0 , |a1 are usually not orthogonal ( a0 |a1 = 0). It turns out that with a simple encoding and phase error correcting procedure the probability of error can be reduced to be of the order p2 . To achieve this the sender can add two qubits, initially both in state | 0 , to the original qubit and then perform an encoding unitary transformation | 000 | 100 C 0 = | 000 + | 011 + | 101 + | 110 , C 1 = | 111 + | 100 + | 010 + | 001 , (5) (6)
(here and in the following we omit the normalisation factors) generating state c0 | C 0 + c1 | C 1 . Now, suppose that only the rst transmitted qubit became entangled with the channel; the code-vectors | C 0 and | C 1 evolve as C0 | a C1 | a (| 000 + | 011 ) | a0 + (| 101 + | 110 ) | a1 (| 111 + | 100 ) | a1 + (| 010 + | 001 ) | a0 2 (7) (8)
The receiver applies two projection operators to the received triple of qubits. Projector L1 projects on the subspace spanned by {| C 0 , | C 1 , P100 | C 0 , P100 | C 1 } and L2 on the subspace spanned by {| C 0 , | C 1 , P010 | C 0 , P010 | C 1 }. If a state vector is projected on a specied subspace we say that the result of the projection is 1 and if the vector is projected on an orthogonal subspace we call the result 0. There are four possible results of the two subsequent projections L1 and L2 : when the result is 11 the nal state is the original state c0 | C 0 +c1 | C 1 ; results 01, 10 and 00 correspond to nal states which are related to the original one respectively via P100, P010, and P001. Depending on the result of the projections we apply one of these three phase correcting unitary operations and restore the state. This way we can achieve an error-free communication in cases when one qubit has decohered and as the result the probability of the successful transmission increases to 1 (1 p)3 3(1 p)2 p 1 p2. The reason why in this particular case the phase error correction (i.e. projections on subspaces of the form P C k ) can rectify errors due to decoherence is because the decoherence process described by Eq.(4) is mathematically equivalent to randomizing phase in c0 | 0 + c1 ei | 1 [1]. Let us now consider the most general dissipation in the channel; each qubit can undergo the following entanglement |0 |a |1 |a | 0 | a0,0 + | 1 | a0,1 | 0 | a1,0 + | 1 | a1,1 . (9) (10)
The states of the channel/environment that entangle with the transmitted qubits are, in general, dierent for dierent qubits. We will show now that in order to disentangle up to t qubits from the channel we need only amplitude and phase correction codes. Codes which correct up to t amplitude errors are constructed by selecting 2l mutually orthogonal code-vectors C k (k = 1, 2, . . . 2l ) from the 2n dimensional state space of the n qubits such that C k AA C l = kl , (11)
for any and which satisfy wt(), wt( ) t, where wt(x), the weight of x, is the number of values dierent from 0 in the n-tuple x. Projections on subspaces H spanned by vectors {A C k ; k = 1, 2, . . . 2l } identify the error locations , and the correcting operation A can be applied. 3
Codes which correct up to t phase errors are constructed by selecting 2l mutually orthogonal code-vectors C k (k = 1, 2, . . . 2l ) from the 2n dimensional state space of the n qubits such that C k P P C l = kl , (12)
for any and which satisfy wt(), wt( ) t. Projections on subspaces H spanned by vectors {P C k ; k = 1, 2, . . . 2l } identify the error locations , and the correcting operation P can be applied. In order to correct the entanglement induced errors we will require that the code-vectors C k are carefully selected to satisfy the following condition C k P AA P C l = kl , (13)
for all and such that wt(supp[] supp[]) t (supp[x] denotes the set of locations where the n-tuple x is dierent from zero). Both conditions (11) and (12) are particular cases of (13). The encoding unitary transformation maps the basis states of the original 2l -dimensional Hilbert space into 2l states { C k } in the enlarged 2n -dimensional Hilbert space. To see how the two codes can disentangle up to t qubits from the channel consider a particular case when t = 2 (cases t > 2 can be proved by a simple extension of the argument presented below). Let us denote by | (00) a subset (or a superposition) of the basis states in which the two qubits aected by the dissipation process described by Eqs.(9)-(10) are initially both in state | 0 , and analogously for | (01) , | (10) and | (11) . For simplicity, let us now restrict our attention to one of the code-vectors { C k }, it can be written as C k = | (00)
k 1
+ | (01)
k 2
+ | (10)
k 3
+ | (11) k . 4
After the dissipation the state C k | a has the form | (00) k | a00,00 1 | (01) k | a00,01 1 | (10) k | a00,10 1 | (11) k | a00,11 1 + | (01) k | a01,01 + | (10) k | a10,10 + | (11) k | a11,11 + 2 3 4 + | (00) k | a01,00 + | (11) k | a10,11 + | (10) k | a11,10 + 2 3 4 + | (11) k | a01,11 + | (00) k | a10,00 + | (01) k | a11,01 + 2 3 4 + | (10) k | a01,10 + | (01) k | a10,01 + | (00) k | a11,00 .(15) 2 3 4 4
By expressing each component of (14) as a linear combination of phase projectors acting on C k : | (00) | (01) | (10) | (11)
k 1 k 2 k 3 k 4
= (1 + P01 + P10 + P11 ) C k = (1 P01 + P10 P11 ) C k = (1 + P01 P10 P11 ) C k = (1 P01 P10 + P11 ) C k
(in a more general case this expression can be derived directly from the Hadamard transformation), we can write the decohered state (15) as AP C k | R ,
where wt(supp[]supp[]) 2 and | R is the state of the channel/environment which depends on and but, nota bene, not on k. More precisely, | R can be written as | R =
(1) | a,+
where can take the binary values 00, 01, 10, 11. An arbitrary encoded state i.e. a superposition of code-vectors C k of the form | =
ck C k ,
ck C k | R .
Now projections on orthogonal subspaces H spanned by {AP C k , k = 1, 2l } are performed. The results of the projections identify the error locations and and the appropriate state restoring transformation P A is applied. We can see from Eq. (23) that the state after corrections is of the form 5
C k | R , i.e. the n qubits system is completely disentangled from the channel/environment. The generalisation to the t > 2 case is straightforward. Thus we have shown that by a suitable choice of the encoding vectors k C , which satisfy condition (13), and with amplitude and phase corrections we can increase the probability of an error-free communication in a noisy quantum channel. Let us mention in passing that searching for error locations and does not have to involve projections on H for all allowed values and . This search can be made ecient by starting with projections on subspaces which are unions of several H and by subsequent divisions and projections on smaller subspaces. Quantum encoding requires n l auxilary qubits as an input to the encoder. We will now establish bounds on n, i.e. number of qubits needed to encode any state of l qubits. According to what we have shown above, up to t entanglement-induced errors can be corrected if we can combine two distinct procedures which can correct up to t amplitude and phase errors. Amplitude and phase errors correspond respectively to operations x and z performed on selected qubits; the two operations performed on the same qubit can be viewed as the third type of error corresponding to operation y . In order to be able to establish the location and the type of errors we require that all the 2l code-vectors C k and all the states that are obtained by applying up to t amplitude and/or phase transformations are mutually orthogonal. The total number of orthogonal states must be smaller than 2n which is the dimension of the Hilbert space of n qubits. Thus if we have i errors of the three n types x , y , and z in an n-qubits state there are 3i dierent ways in i which they can occur and the argument based on counting orthogonal states reduces to
k ck t
n i
2n .
Eq. (24) is the quantum version of the Hamming bound for classical errorcorrecting codes [2]; given l and t it provides a lower bound on n. The quantum version of the classical Gilbert-Varshamov bound [2] can be also obtained:
n i 6
2n .
This expression can be proved from the observation that in the 2n dimensional Hilbert space with a maximum number of code-vectors C k any vector which is orthogonal to C k (for any k) can be reached by applying up to 2t error operations of x , y , and z type to any of the 2l code-vectors. Clearly all vectors which cannot be reached in the 2t operations can be added to the code-vectors C k as all the vectors into which they can be transformed by applying up to t amplitude and/or phase transformations are orthogonal to all the others. This situation cannot happen because we have assumed that the number of code-vectors is maximal. Thus the number of orthogonal vectors that can be obtained by performing up to 2t transformations on the code-vectors must be at least equal to the dimension of the encoding Hilbert space. It follows from Eq.(24) that protecting one qubit against one error ( l = 1, t = 1) requires at least 5 qubits and, according to Eq. (25), this can be achieved with less than 10 qubits. Indeed, explicit constructions of quantum codes for n = 9, n = 7 and n = 5 are known [3, 4, 5]. The asymptotic form of the quantum Hamming bound (24) in the limit of large n is given by t t l 1 log2 3 H( ), n n n (26)
The corresponding asymptotic form for the quantum Gilbert-Varshamov bound (25) is l 2t 2t 1 log2 3 H( ), (27) n n n where H is the entropy function H(x) = x log2 x (1 x) log2 (1 x). Our general requirements for quantum error correcting codes (Eq. (13)) apply to a variety of codes including quantum codes based on classical error correcting schemes (c.f. constructions proposed by Calderbank and Shor [6], and by Steane [4, 7]). Like in the classical case there is probably no systematic way to construct good quantum error correcting codes but we hope that criterium (13) will make future heuristic approaches easier. Although we have presented the unitary encodings and the decoding projections in a fairly abstract way they can be implemented in practice as a sequence of quantum controlled-NOT logic gates [8]. For experimental purposes gates that operate directly on carriers of information, such as recently 7
proposed implementation of the controlled-NOT operating directly on polarised photons [9], seem to be very well suited for quantum communication. Other possible applications of quantum error correction may involve improving some high precision measurements e.g. frequency standards based on trapped ions. Properly encoded quantum states of ions will be more robust to dephasing mechanisms such as, for example, collisions with the buer gas and may have much longer lifetime. Finally let us also point out that the encoding described in this paper applies both to pure and mixed states. In particular it can be used in distribution of entangled particles because it allows to encode (and therefore protect against errors) each particle separately without destroying the entanglement. It may also lead to better quantum cryptographic protocols [10].
[1] W.H. Zurek, Phys. Today, October p. 36 (1991); connections between phase uctuations and decoherence in quantum computers are also discussed in: G.M. Palma, K.-A. Suominen, and A. Ekert, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 452, 567 (1996). [2] F.J. MacWilliams and N.J.A. Sloane, The theory of error correcting codes, Amsterdam: North Holland (1977). [3] P. Shor, Phys. Rev. A 52, R2493 (1995). [4] A. Steane, Multiple particle interference and quantum error correction, submitted to Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. [5] C. Bennet, D. DiVincenzo, J. Smolin and W. Wootters, unpublished. [6] A.R. Calderbank and P.W. Shor, Good quantum error-correcting codes exist, submitted to Phys. Rev. A. [7] For example, the code-vectors can be constructed from selected codek words {vi } as C k = i vi . Requirement (11) implies that for any k l and (both of weight less than t) vi + + = vj . This means that the selected codewords must be separated at least by the Hamming distance k 2t + 1. Requirement (12) implies that i (1)vi (+ ) = for any k, 8
k and (wt(), wt( ) t). If for a given k the codewords {vi } form a linear code C then this condition is satised when the dual code C has minimum distance 2t + 1.
[8] R. Feynman, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21, 467 (1982); A. Barenco, D. Deutsch, A. Ekert, and R. Jozsa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 4083 (1995). [9] Q.A. Turchette, C.J. Hood, W. Lange, H. Mabuchi and H.J. Kimble, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4710 (1995). [10] S. Wiesner, SIGACT News, 15, 78 (1983); C. H. Bennett and G. Brassard, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Computers, Systems and Signal Processing, IEEE, New York, (1984); A. K. Ekert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 661 (1991).