Combustion Modeling Strategies FLUENT
Combustion Modeling Strategies FLUENT
Combustion Modeling Strategies FLUENT
Combustion Guidelines
Start in 2D
Determine applicability of model physics Mesh resolution requirements (resolve shear layers) Solution parameters and convergence settings
Boundary conditions
Combustion is often very sensitive to inlet boundary conditions
Correct velocity and scalar profiles can be critical
Wall heat transfer is challenging to predict; if known, specify wall temperature instead of external convection/radiation BC
Initial conditions
While steady-state solution is independent of the IC, poor IC may cause divergence due to the number and nonlinearity of the transport equations Cold flow solution, then gas combustion, then particles, then radiation For strongly swirling flows, increase the swirl gradually
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Combustion Guidelines
Underrelaxation factors
The effect of underrelaxation is highly non-linear
Decrease the diverging residual URF in increments of 0.1 Underrelax density when using the mixture-fraction PDF model (0.5) Underrelax velocity for high buoyancy flows Underrelax pressure for high speed flows
Once solution is stable, attempt to increase all URFs to as close to defaults as possible (and at least 0.9 for T, P-1, swirl and species)
Start with first order, then converge with second order to improve accuracy Second order discretization especially important for tri/tet meshes
Combustion Guidelines
Spray Model
If particles are generated from atomizer use one of appropriate atomizer model. This will greatly speed up the problem setup process.
Magnussen model
Defaults to finite-rate/eddy-dissipation (Arrhenius/Magnussen)
For nonpremixed (diffusion) flames turn off finite-rate Premixed flames require Arrhenius term so that reactants dont burn prematurely May require a high temperature initialization/patch
Combustion Guidelines
Detailed Chemistry Models (Laminar, EDC, PDF-transport)
should be used when you are interested in simulating finite-rate chemical kinetic effects in turbulent reacting flows With an appropriate chemical mechanism, kinetically-controlled species such as CO and NOx, as well as flame extinction and ignition, can be predicted. start your modeling with small grids, and preferably in 2D. Use ISAT to speed up the calculation
Enable WSGGM (domain based) for hydrocarbon combustion If optical thickness aL > 1, consider P-1 for most cost-effective radiation modeling
Plot contours of absorption coefficient a to determine aL
Combustion Guidelines
Start with standard k- Switch to RNG k- , Realizable k- or RSM to obtain better agreement with data and/or to analyze sensitivity to the turbulence model
Judging Convergence
Residuals should be less than 10-3 except for T and P-1 and species, which should be less than 10-6 The mass and energy flux reports must balance Monitor variables of interest (e.g. mean temperature at the outlet) Ensure contour plots of field variables are smooth, realistic and steady
Combustion modeling is considered a priority at Fluent, Inc. We have tremendous in-house expertise in combustion modeling.
Industrial experience World-class developers and consultants
The range of physical models for combustion applications continues to grow. We are dedicated to providing better service to our customers; we appreciate and encourage your feedback!