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(12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,608,097 B2

Murphy et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 17, 2013



4,903,901 A 2/1990 Kim et a1.

(75) Inventors: Robert F. Murphy, Wethers?eld, CT 5,048,761 A 9/1991 Kim
(US); James P. Sutton, South Windsor, 7,182,283 B1 2/2007 Santucci
CT (US); Rebecca L. Tobiasz, Su?ield, 7,226,010 B2 6/2007 Zhang et 31'
CT (U S); Sin K. P00n, Simsbury, CT OTHER PUBLICATIONS
(Us) Engineering Consulants GroupiRoll-Bowl COP Website at:
(73) Assignee: ALSTOM Technology Ltd, Baden (CH) httP3//WWW'eg'1n'con?products'aPX?PrClu?t:RBC'
International Search Report and Written Opinion for PCT/USZOll/
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 058252 malled Jun' 3 2013'
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Primary Examiner * Faye Francis
U.S.C. 154(b) by 283 days.
(21) App1.No.: 12/941,502 ( ) . . . . .
In a system for monitoring the operating condition of a pul
(22) Filed: N0 8, 2010 veriZer, a sensor interface module positioned on or proximal
to the pulveriZer. The sensor interface module is operable to
(65) Prior Publication Data receive information generated by one or more 'sensors
mounted on the pulverizer. An operator control station is in
Us 2012/01 11978 A1 May 10, 2012 communication With the sensor interface module and is oper
able to receive data from the sensor interface module relevant
(51) Int C1 to the signals received from the sensors. The operator control
302C 4/32 (200601) station is also operable to generate operational information
(52) U-s- Cl- indicative of a functional characteristic of the pulveriZer and
USPC ............................................. .. 241/33; 241/37 to track the Operational infonnation to determine Whether
(58) Field Of Classi?cation Search degradation of the ?inctional characteristic is occurring.
USPC .................................................... .. 24l/33i37

See application ?le for complete search history. 7 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

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90 116 90 /20
64 62

63 [80
53 54 82 1 2O
' 11s

51 40/1 i :
106M -= /l __ l\
124 104 k 30
22 32
122 106 36 34
US. Patent Dec. 17, 2013 Sheet 1 of4 US 8,608,097 B2

FIG. 1
US. Patent Dec. 17, 2013 Sheet 2 of4 US 8,608,097 B2


FIG. 2
US. Patent Dec. 17, 2013 Sheet 3 of4 US 8,608,097 B2



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US. Patent Dec. 17, 2013 Sheet 4 of4 US 8,608,097 B2

102 /

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102 / FIG.4

102 /

US 8,608,097 B2
1 2
SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MONITORING not limited to those described above can arise in pulveriZers
OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF and the present means for detecting these issues are outdated
PULVERIZERS and archaic. Currently, there is no method of rapidly deter
mining if there is a ?re in a pulveriZer. Such ?res can damage
TECHNICAL FIELD the pulveriZer and cause safety issues for personnel. There is
also currently no reliable method for determining if a loss of
The present disclosure relates generally to the operation coal How has occurred that could change the stoichiometry
and maintenance of pulveriZers, and is more speci?cally inside the pulveriZer from a fuel rich normal operating regime
directed to a system and method Whereby various operational to a fuel lean operating regime.
aspects of one or more pulveriZers canbe monitored to predict
and/or address detrimental functional characteristics of the SUMMARY
According to aspects illustrated herein, there is provided, a
system for monitoring the operating condition of a plurality
Coal is used as a fuel in many poWer plants. Before the coal of pulveriZers that include, at least one sensor interface mod
is introduced into the poWer plant it typically undergoes a ule positioned on or proximal to each of the plurality of
pulveriZation process to reduce the siZe of the coal from pulveriZers. The sensor interface modules operable to receive
relatively coarse chunks to a ?ne poWder. This is done to information generated by one or more sensors mounted on the
increase the reactivity of the coal by increasing the effective 20 pulveriZer With Which the sensor interface module is associ
surface area, to reduce surface moisture on the coal, and to ated. A single operator control station is in communication
make transportation of the coal into the fumace forming part With the sensor interface modules for receiving data there
of the poWer plant easier. from relevant to the signals received from the sensors. The
The coal is transformed into the above-described ?ne poW operator control station is further operable to generate opera
der by a pulveriZer. There are different types of pulveriZers, 25 tional information indicative of at least one functional char
for example, there are Ball-Type pulveriZers, Roll-Bowl or acteristic of the pulveriZer and to track the operational infor
Ball Race PulveriZers, Impact or Hammer PulveriZer Mills, mation to determine Whether degradation of the functional
and Attrition Type PulveriZers. PulveriZation is the ?rst pro characteristic is occurring.
cess in the chain of poWer generation and is generally time In yet another aspect, the above-described system for
consuming. The pulveriZer is employed to dry and crush the 30 monitoring pulveriZers includes a load cell coupled to a
correct amount of coal according to the amount of poWer to be spring loading assembly forming part of the pulveriZer, the
generated. If the pulverizer s operation is compromised, there load cell being in communication With the sensor interface
could be insuf?cient amounts of pulveriZed coal or no pul module and operable to detect forces imparted to the spring
veriZed coal supplied to the poWer plant furnace. While Roll
loading system. In this embodiment, the operator control
BoWl pulveriZers are referred to throughout this disclosure, 35
station receives data from the sensor interface module corre
the disclosure is not limited in this regard as other types of
pulveriZers knoWn to those skilled in the art to Which the
sponding to the forces detected by the load cell. The operator
disclosure pertains are equally applicable. control station is operable to analyZe the received data gen
Moreover, if the coal output by the pulveriZer is not of the erate a reporting that conveys information indicative of the
required ?neness, poor combustion can result causing 40 loading on one or more journal grinding Wheels forming part
unburned carbon or large pieces of coal adhering to heat of the pulveriZer. Roll mill pulveriZers generally include at
transfer surfaces forming part of a boiler used in a poWer least three grinding Wheels and at least three spring loading
plant. To date, monitoring the performance of pulveriZers has assemblies. Each of the spring loading assemblies is in com
been accomplished via manual inspections. In many cases munication With one of the grinding Wheels and has a load cell
this has proven inadequate. For example, there is currently no 45 coupled thereto. The operator control station is operable to
self contained ability for the pulveriZer to detect Whether or compare the received data and determine if loading on the
not tramp iron that ?nds its Way into the pulveriZer is being grinding Wheels is uneven thereby indicating a detrimental
properly expelled, or When pieces of tramp iron greater than operating condition Within the pulveriZer.
a predetermined minimum siZe is encountered. In roll-boWl In still another aspect, it is dif?cult to determine the pres
pulveriZers, if tramp iron is not discharged, it repeatedly 50 ence of a pulveriZer ?re. In the present invention, a CO sensor
impacts the grinding rolls as Well as the pulveriZer body and is positioned in an outlet forming part of the pulveriZer and a
boWl, potentially damaging these components and impairing temperature sensor is positioned at or near the outlet. The
the structural integrity of the pulveriZer. Normally the pres operator control station is operable to convert the data
ence of tramp iron is detected by an operator listening to the received from the sensor interface module relative to the CO
pulveriZer. This is highly unreliable. 55 sensor and the temperature sensor into outlet CO and outlet
In most Roll-Bowl type pulveriZers, three rolls spaced temperature levels and to track the outlet CO and temperature
approximately 120 degrees apart are used to grind the coal. levels. The operator control station issues an alarm When one
The substantial compressive forces needed to accomplish this or both of the outlet CO and the outlet temperature levels
grinding are supplied by preloaded springs. If these preloads reach predetermined levels.
are not properly set, the rolls Will not all exert the same force 60 In yet another aspect, the pulveriZer includes a coal pipe for
on the coal, potentially inducing a detrimental vibration situ transporting coal out of the PulveriZer. An air ?oW meter
ation, as Well as reduced pulveriZer grinding and ?neness monitors the How of air through the coal pipe and a humidity
capacity. In addition, there is at present, no Way to detect meter is provided to monitor the amount of moisture in the air
Whether or not the grinding rolls are Worn or damaged. In ?oWing through the coal pipe. The operator control station is
addition, there currently is no Way to detect critical bearing 65 operable to convert the data received from the sensor interface
failure, or vibration that indicates that the entire pulveriZer is module relative to the air ?oW meter and the humidity meter
overloaded. Essentially, a raft of operating issues such as, but and to track air ?oW through, and humidity in the coal pipe.
US 8,608,097 B2
3 4
The operator control station causes an alarm to be actuated arm 60. A spring cap 70 is coupled to a separator housing 80
When one or both of the outlet air?ow and the humidity reach (as described beloW) With the spring 64 being interposed
predetermined levels. betWeen the spring base 62 and the spring cap. During opera
In yet another aspect, a method for monitoring the operat tion, the roll assembly is de?ected When the grinding forces
ing condition of a plurality of pulveriZers includes providing against the roll 54, Which are transferred through the support
a sensor interface module mounted on or proximal to each of arm 60, are su?icient to overcome the preloaded spring force.
the plurality of pulveriZers, the sensor interface modules hav The separator housing 80 is disposed around the roll
ing as inputs, data as detected by one or more sensors assemblies 52 and is supported by the mill housing 24. In the
mounted on or proximal to each of the plurality of pulveriZ illustrated embodiment, a center feed inlet 84 extends into the
ers. The data as generated by the sensors is received at the separator housing 80. The center feed inlet 84 further extends
sensor interface module Where it is, if needed, further condi into a separator cone 82, Wherein the inlet 84 deposits the raW
tioned and if needed, converted from analogue to digital data. material into the center of the grinding boWl 40. The raW
An operator control station is provided and is in communica material is then uniformly distributed radially by centrifugal
tion With the sensor interface module. The operator control force to the grinding Zone of the boWl Where the material is
station generates operational information indicative of at least then crushed by the grinding rolls 54. While the material is
one functional characteristic of each of the pulveriZers it is repeatedly crushed and ground to a ?ner consistency, convey
monitoring and monitors and compares the operational infor ance gas, usually air, is forced into the mill housing and the
mation over time to determine the extent, if any, of degrada ?ner particles are carried upWardly into the separator housing
tion of the functional characteristic of the pulveriZer. 80. Particles that are ?ne enough are conveyed through the
20 outlet pipes 90 While larger aparticles are returned via the
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS separator cone 82 for further grinding.
As shoWn in FIG. 2, three sensor interface modules 92 are
FIG. 1 is a partial cross-sectional vieW of an exemplary each associated With a pulveriZer 20. As Will be explained in
pulveriZer. greater detail beloW, each sensor interface module 90 is oper
FIG. 2 schematically illustrates sensor interface modules 25 able to receive as an input, information generated by one or
in communication With pulveriZers and an operator control more sensors mounted on the pulveriZer 20 With Which the
station in communication With the sensor interface modules. sensor interface module is associated. The sensor interface
FIG. 3 schematically illustrates sensor interface modules module 90 can be mounted on the pulveriZer 20, or in close
in communication With pulveriZers and an operator control proximity thereto. The sensor interface module 92 associated
station in communication With the sensor interface modules, 30 With more than one pulveriZer 20 can also be housed together.
the operator control station being shoWn in greater detail. As Will be explained in detail beloW, various different types of
FIG. 4 is a screen shot of a display on the operator control sensors, such as, but not limited to, load cells, accelerometers,
station shoWing six pulveriZers being monitored. thermocouples, ?oWmeters, and the like can be mounted on
the pulveriZer 20 and monitored by the sensor interface mod
DETAILED DESCRIPTION 35 ule 90. Each of the sensors, alone or in combination, can be
employed to monitor a functional characteristic of the pul
As shoWn in FIG. 1, a pulveriZer is generally designated by veriZer 20 upon Which the sensor(s) is mounted. In the illus
the reference number 20. The pulveriZer 20 is exemplary of a trated embodiment, the three sensor interface modules 90
Roll-BoWl type pulveriZer and While the description herein collectively communicate With a single operator control sta
Will be made With respect to such a pulveriZer, the disclosure 40 tion 92. The operator control station 92 is in communication
herein is not to be limited in such regard as it is applicable to With each of the sensor interface modules 90 via TCP/IP a
other types of pulveriZers Impact-type pulveriZers, Hammer CAN link or the like. As Will be explained in greater detail
type pulveriZers and Attrition-type pulveriZers. beloW, the operator control station 92 is operable to generate
The pulveriZer 20 is supported by a foundation 22 and operational information indicative of at least one functional
includes a housing 24 positioned on the foundation. The 45 characteristic of the pulveriZer 20 and to track said opera
housing 24 supports the pulveriZer 20. In the illustrated tional information to determine Whether degradation of the
embodiment, a drive assembly 30 is positioned in the housing functional characteristic is occurring. As used herein, the
24 and includes a motor-driven Worm drive 32 that rotates a term functional characteristic should be broadly construed
Worm gear 34 that drivingly and rotatably engages a shaft 36. to mean any operating condition of a pulveriZer, such as, but
While a motor driven Worm drive 32 has been shoWn and 50 not limited to, temperature, vibration, loads on components,
described, the present invention is not limited in this regard as ?oW of gases and/or solids, humidity levels, and the like.
a motor driven gearbox could be substituted for the motor While a single sensor interface module 90 has been shoWn as
driven Worm drive Without departing from the broader aspects being associated With a pulveriZer 20, the present invention is
of the present invention. A coal grinding boWl 40 is coupled to not limited in this regard as more than one sensor interface
the shaft 36. Three roll assemblies 46 (only one shoWn) are 55 module can be associated With each pulveriZer Without
equidistantly, approximately 120 apart, positioned in close departing from the broader aspects of the present invention.
proximity to the rotating coal grinding boWl 40. Each of the Similarly, While a single operator control station has been
roll assemblies 46 is part of a journal assembly 50 that is shoWn and described, the present invention is not limited in
supported by the housing 24. The journal assembly includes this regard as more than one operator control station can be
a roll assembly 46 Which rotatably supports a grinding roll 54. 60 employed to monitor multiple pulveriZers Without departing
The roll assembly 46 is mounted on and rotates about a roll from the broader aspect of the present invention.
pivot shaft (not shoWn) Which alloWs the roll assembly to Each sensor interface module 90 can be con?gured to
de?ect during operation. provide signal conditioning and/or analog to digital conver
A support arm 60 extends from the roll assembly 46. A sion of the information generated by and received from the
threaded rod 63 extends from the support arm 60 and includes 65 sensors associated With the pulveriZer 20. In addition, the
a spring base 62 attached at an end thereof. A spring 64 sensor interface modules 90 can also perform basic signal
engages the spring base 62, Which in turn engages the support processing, such as, for example, determination of mean val
US 8,608,097 B2
5 6
ues, maximum and minimum values, and root mean square loading on the grinding rolls 54 can be accomplished by
(RMS) values of the information received from the sensors. mounting a load cell 110 on the springs 64 used to impart a
Turning to FIG. 3, in the illustrated embodiment, each load on the grinding roll With Which the spring is associated.
pulveriZer 20 has tWo sensor interface modules 90 associated In addition, accelerometers 112 can be placed on a gearbox
With it. All six of the sensor interface modules 90 shoWn in 104. By monitoring the load data received from the load cell
FIG. 3 are in communication With the operator control station 110 and the vibration data received from the accelerometers
92. In the illustrated embodiment, the operator control station 112 on the gearbox 104, it is possible of the operator control
92 includes a MODBUS 94 that is in communication With station 92 to determine Whether the loading on the grinding
each of the sensor interface modules 90. The MODBUS 94 rolls 54 (FIG. 1) is unequal. The operator control station 92
receives and collects data from each of the sensor interface can issue an alert indicating the loading inequality on the
modules 90 indicative of the information detected by the grinding rolls has exceeded a predetermined value. Failure to
sensors. The MODBUS 94 is also in communication With an ascertain that the loading on the grinding rolls is unequal, can
execution engine 96. The execution engine 96 receives data result in unequal Wear on the pulveriZers gearbox 104, as
from the MODBUS 94 and can perform calculations and data Well as on the pulveriZer motor (not shoWn). The main vertical
manipulations such as, but not limited to, statistical calcula shaft 36 on the pulveriZer gearbox 104 could become dam
tions. In addition the execution engine 96 is operable to gen aged. The vibratory loads induced by operation of a pulver
erate alarms When the data received indicates a problem With iZer With unequally loaded grinding rolls can cause premature
a pulveriZer 20 being monitored by the operator control sta Wear as Well as reduce the life span of components. PulveriZer
tion 92. The execution engine 96 is in communication With a capacity can be reduced and coal spillage can occur.
server 98. Data received by and/or generated by the execution 20 The above-described alerts can take on many forms, for
engine 96 is stored in the server 98 for historical purposes. In example, an audible alert can be sounded, a visual alert can be
addition, con?guration data is transferred to the server 98 employed. In addition, text messages can be sent, phones can
from the execution engine 96 and vice versa. be dialed and emails may be sent. In addition, any combina
Still referring to FIG. 3, the operator control station 92 tion of the above-described alerts can be employed.
includes a user interface 100, Which in the illustrated embodi 25 PulveriZers, utiliZe many bearings in order to facilitate the
ment is a touch-screen display. The touch screen display 100 rotation and/or movement of components. In order to monitor
can, inter alia, display alarms, runtime and historical data, the condition of these bearings, accelerometers (not shoWn)
runtime and historical events, as Well as diagnostics. As are placed on the housings 106 into Which the bearings are
shoWn in FIG. 4, during operation of the operator control mounted. These accelerometers are monitored by the sensor
station 92, the touch-screen display 100 can shoW icons 102 30 interface modules 90 Which in turn communicate the data
illustrative of the pulveriZers being monitored. The icons 102 received from the accelerometer to the operator control sta
can provide an indication of the operational status of each of tion 92. The operator control station 92 is operable to trans
the pulveriZers. For example, the icons 102 can indicate form this data into vibration levels and to compare these
Whether or not the pulveriZers are operating smoothly or are vibration levels to historic vibration data stored in the opera
disconnected. In addition, the icons 102 can change colors to 35 tor control station or to predetermined set points. This alloWs
indicate the operational status of the pulveriZer. For example, for normal bearing degradation to be monitored, bearing fail
a green color can indicate normal operation, orange can indi ure to be predicted. Moreover the operator control station can
cate a Warning, yelloW can indicate that questionable data is issue an alarm When detrimental bearing operation is deter
being received and grey can indicate that the pulveriZer is mined. The operator control station 92 is operable to track and
offline. HoWever, the present invention is not limited in this 40 graphically display bearing vibration levels over time. Still
regard as any number of colors can be used to indicate any referring to FIG. 1 the journal assemblies 50, only one shoWn,
number of pulveriZer operating conditions Without departing each include an oil reservoir 51 for lubricating the roll assem
from the broader aspects of the present invention. Moreover, bly 46. A thermocouple 53 is positioned in the roll assembly
other manners of indicating pulveriZer operating conditions, 46 to monitor the temperature of bearings forming part of the
such as, for example, a blinking icon can also be utiliZed. 45 roll assembly. The thermocouple 53 is monitored by the sen
The touch-screen display 100 can also shoW such things as sor interface module 90 Which in turn communicates the data
graphical depictions of analog signals received from the sen received from the thermocouple to the operator control sta
sor interface modules 90. Current and historic data and infor tion 92. The operator control station 92 is operable to trans
mation can also be displayed. The operator control station 92 form the data received from the thermocouple 53 into tem
can also employ different levels of security protocols. For 50 perature information and to compare this temperature
example, for vieWing pulveriZer status on the touch screen information to historic temperature information stored in the
display 100, no security protocol may be required. To vieW or operator control station.
request certain data and/or information to be displayed, such PulveriZers are typically driven by a motor and gearbox
as a pulveriZer operator may need, a security protocol such as, 104. Component failure and the onset of component failure
but not limited to, a passWord or card sWipe, a ?ngerprint 55 generally results in an increase in vibration Within the gear
scanner or the like may be required. To make changes to box. The above-described monitoring system can include
system con?gurations, set points or other parameters, a accelerometers 112 mounted on the gearbox in order to mea
higher level of security protocol may be required. While a sure gearbox vibration. The acceleration data detected by the
touch screen display has been shoWn and described, the accelerometers mounted on the gearbox is received by the
present invention is not limited in this regard as any suitable 60 sensor interface module 90 associated With the pulveriZer 20
display knoWn to those skilled in the art to Which the present being monitored. The sensor interface module 90 communi
invention pertains can be employed. cates the data received from the accelerometer to the operator
As Will be explained beloW, the combination of the above control station 92. The operator control station 92 is operable
described sensors, sensor interface modules 90, and the to transform this data into vibration levels and to compare
operator control station 92 can be used to monitor and predict 65 these vibration levels to historic vibration data stored in the
a variety of functional characteristics of pulveriZers. For operator control station or to predetermined set points.
example, and referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, monitoring the Alarms can be issued by the operator control station When a
US 8,608,097 B2
7 8
vibratory condition detrimental to the gearbox is detected. modi?cations may be made to adapt a particular situation or
Moreover, the operator control station 92 is operable to track material to the teachings of the invention Without departing
and graphically display the gearbox vibration levels over from the essential scope thereof. Therefore, it is intended that
time. the invention not be limited to the particular embodiment
PulveriZers typically employ one or more outlet pipes 90 disclosed as the best mode contemplated for carrying out this
that can be prone to becoming plugged by the pulverized coal. invention, but that the invention Will include all embodiments
In order to minimiZe the potential for plugging, the above falling Within the scope of the appended claims.
described system can employ air ?oW sensors 114 and humid What is claimed is:
ity sensors 116 Within the outlet pipes 90. By monitoring the 1. A system for monitoring the operating condition of a
air How and humidity, action can be taken prior to the outlet pulveriZer comprising:
pipes 90 becoming clogged. Accordingly, the sensor interface at least one sensor interface module positioned on or proxi
module 90 associated With the pulveriZer, receives data from mal to said pulveriZer, said sensor interface module
the air How and humidity sensors, 114 and 116 respectively. being operable to receive information generated by one
This data is transferred to the operator control station 92 or more sensors associated With said pulveriZer;
Where it can be compared With set points and historic data. An an operator control station in communication With said at
alarm can be issued by the operator control station 92 if the least one sensor interface module, said operator control
air?oW and/or humidity data reach predetermined levels. station being operable to receive data from said sensor
There are times during the operation of a pulZeriZer Where interface module;
the pulveriZed coal ignites causing a ?re Within the pulveriZer. Wherein one of said sensors is a load cell; and
Historically, pulveriZer ?res have been detected during visual 20 a spring loading assembly, said load cell being coupled to
inspections and are often detected Well after the ?re has the spring loading assembly,
started. These ?res can damage the pulveriZer and can pose at least one grinding Wheel, said grinding Wheel being
serious safety risks to personnel. The above described system coupled to said spring loading assembly,
can employ a carbon monoxide sensor 118 and/or an outlet Wherein said load cell is operable to detect actual forces
temperature sensor 120 to monitor CO emissions from the 25 imparted to said spring loading assembly.
pulveriZer as Well as to detect increases in temperature Within 2. The system of claim 1,
the pulveriZer. Accordingly, the sensor interface module 90 Wherein said operator control station is operable to gener
associated With the pulveriZer, receives data from the CO ate operational information indicative of at least one
sensor and/ or the temperature sensor and communicates functional characteristic of said pulveriZer and to track
information relevant thereto to the operator control station 92 30 said operational information to determine Whether deg
Where it can be compared With set points and historic data. An radation of said functional characteristic is occurring.
alarm can be issued by the operator control station if the CO 3. The system of claim 2,
and/ or temperatures levels exceed predetermined levels. The Wherein said operator control station being further oper
sensor locations shoWn in the illustrated embodiment are for able to issue an alarm When said data received therefrom
illustrative purposes only as the exact sensor locations can 35 reaches a predetermined level.
vary depending on the type of pulveriZer, optimal sensor 4. The system of claim 1,
locations, and/or the installation con?guration of the pulver Wherein said operator control station being operable to
iZers. compare said received data and determine if loading on
As described above, pulveriZers generally employ a variety said grinding Wheels is uneven thereby indicating a det
of bearings, as Well as a gearbox 104. These components are 40 rimental operating condition of said pulveriZer.
usually lubricated With oil. As such, an oil reservoir 122 is 5. The system of claim 4,
typically provided and the oil level therein maintained. Fail Wherein said sensor interface module being further oper
ure to maintain the oil level Within the oil reservoir 122 can able to receive information generated by a second sensor
result in improper gearbox 104 and/or bearing lubrication, associated With said pulveriZer,
thereby generating the potential for catastrophic failure of 45 Wherein said second sensor is an accelerometer.
these components and thereby, the pulveriZer. The above 6. The system of claim 5,
described system can incorporate an oil level sensor 124 into Wherein said pulveriZer further comprises a gearbox;
the oil reservoir 122, such as, but not limited to a ?oat sWitch said accelerometer being in communication With said gear
that Would be actuated When the oil level drops to a predeter box; and
mined level. Accordingly, the sensor interface module 90 50 said operator control station employs said received data
associated With the pulveriZer, receives an input that the ?oat corresponding to forces detected by said load cell and
sWitch has been actuated and communicates this information received data corresponding to said accelerometer to
to the operator control station 92. An alarm can be issued by generate information indicative of at least one of
the operator control station to provide an alert that the oil level unequal Wear and degradation of said gearbox.
in the reservoir has dropped beloW a predetermined level. 55 7. A system for monitoring the operating condition of a
In addition, the disclosure herein is to be broadly construed pulveriZer comprising:
to include the fact that any number of different sensors and at least one sensor interface module positioned on or proxi
sensor types can be positioned on a pulveriZer and be in mal to said pulveriZer, said sensor interface module
communication With the above-described sensor interface being operable to receive information generated by one
modules. The type and location of the sensors is dependent 60 or more sensors mounted on said pulveriZer With Which
upon What functional characteristic of the pulveriZer is being said sensor interface module is associated;
monitored. an operator control station in communication With said at
While the invention has been described With reference to least one sensor interface module associated With said
various exemplary embodiments, it Will be understood by pulveriZer, said operator control station being operable
those skilled in the art that various changes may be made and 65 to receive data from said sensor interface module;
equivalents may be substituted for elements thereof Without said operator control station is operable to generate opera
departing from the scope of the invention. In addition, many tional information indicative of at least one functional
US 8,608,097 B2
characteristic of said pulveriZer and to track said opera
tional information to determine Whether degradation of
said functional characteristic is occurring;
said operator control station being further operable to issue
an alarm When said data received therefrom reaches a
predetermined level;
said pulveriZer comprises a spring loading assembly, a
grinding Wheel, and a gearbox;
Wherein one of said sensors is a load cell, said load cell
being coupled to the spring loading assembly, said
spring load assembly coupled to said grinding Wheel,
Wherein said load cell is operable to detect actual forces
imparted to said spring loading assembly;
Wherein a second sensor includes at least one accelerom
eter, said gearbox being in communication With said
accelerometer; and
said operator control station employs said received data
corresponding to forces detected by said load cell and
received data corresponding to said accelerometer to
generate information indicative of at least one of 20
unequal Wear and degradation of said gearbox.
* * * * *

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