September 5, 2002
The CY8C25122/CY8C26233/CY8C26443/CY8C26643 family of Programmable System-onChip (PSoC) microcontrollers replaces multiple MCU-based system components with one single-chip, programmable device. A PSoC microcontroller includes a fast CPU, Flash program memory, and SRAM data memory with configurable analog and digital peripheral blocks in a range of convenient pin-outs and memory sizes. The driving force behind this innovative Programmable System-on-Chip comes from user configurability of analog and digital arrays: the PSoC blocks.
Powerful Harvard Architecture Processor with Fast Multiply/Accumulate M8C processor instruction set Processor speeds to 24 MHz Register speed memory transfers Flexible addressing modes Bit manipulation on I/O and memory 8x8 multiply, 32-bit accumulate Flexible On-Chip Memory Flash program storage, 4K to 16K bytes, depending on device 50,000 erase/write cycles 256 bytes SRAM data storage In-System Serial Programming (ISSP) Partial Flash updates Flexible protection modes EEPROM emulation in Flash, up to 2,304 bytes Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC) Blocks On-chip, user configurable analog and digital peripheral blocks PSoC blocks can be used individually or in combination 12 Analog PSoC blocks provide: Up to 11 bit Delta-Sigma ADC Up to 8 bit Successive Approximation ADC Up to 12 bit Incremental ADC Up to 10 bit DAC Programmable gain amplifier Programmable filters Differential comparators 8 Digital PSoC blocks provide: Multipurpose timers: event timing, real-time clock, pulse width modulation (PWM) and PWM with deadband CRC modules Full-duplex UARTs SPI master or slave configuration Flexible clocking sources for analog PSoC blocks Programmable Pin Configurations Schmitt trigger TTL I/O pins Logic output drive to 25 mA with internal pull-up or pull-down resistors, High Z, or strong driver Interrupt on pin change Analog output drive to 40 mA Precision, Programmable Clocking Internal 24/48 MHz Oscillator (+/- 2.5%, no external components) External 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator (optional precision source for PLL) Internal Low Speed Oscillator for Watchdog and Sleep Dedicated Peripherals Watchdog and Sleep Timers Low Voltage Detection with user-configurable threshold voltages On-chip voltage reference Fully Static CMOS Devices using advanced Flash technology Low power at high speed Operating voltage from 3.0 to 5.25 V Operating voltage down to 1.0 V using on-chip switch mode voltage pump Wide temperature range: -40 oC to + 85 oC Complete Development Tools Powerful integrated development environment (PSoC Designer) Low-cost, in-circuit emulator and programmer
September 5, 2002
Cypress MicroSystems, Inc. 22027 17th Avenue SE Suite 201 Bothell, WA 98021 Phone: 877.751.6100 Fax: 425.939.0999 [email protected]
Cypress MicroSystems, Inc. 2000-2002. All rights reserved. PSoC
All other trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are property of the respective corporations. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress MicroSystems assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress MicroSystems product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress MicroSystems does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress MicroSystems products in life-support system applications implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so, indemnifies Cypress MicroSystems against all charges.
September 5, 2002
September 5, 2002
Table of Contents
1.0 Functional Overview ......................................................................................................................14 1.1 Key Features ..............................................................................................................................14 1.2 Pin-out Descriptions ...................................................................................................................15 2.0 CPU Architecture ............................................................................................................................19 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................19 2.2 CPU Registers ...........................................................................................................................20 2.3 Addressing Modes .....................................................................................................................21 2.4 Instruction Set Summary ...........................................................................................................25 3.0 Memory Organization .....................................................................................................................26 3.1 Flash Program Memory Organization ........................................................................................26 3.2 RAM Data Memory Organization ...............................................................................................26 4.0 Register Organization ....................................................................................................................26 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................26 4.2 Register Bank 0 Map .................................................................................................................27 4.3 Register Bank 1 Map ................................................................................................................28 5.0 I/O Ports ...........................................................................................................................................29 5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................29 6.0 I/O Registers ...................................................................................................................................31 6.1 Port Data Registers ...................................................................................................................31 6.2 Port Interrupt Enable Registers .................................................................................................31 6.3 Port Global Select Registers .....................................................................................................32 7.0 Clocking ..........................................................................................................................................35 7.1 Oscillator Options .......................................................................................................................35 7.2 System Clocking Signals ............................................................................................................38 8.0 Interrupts .........................................................................................................................................42 8.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................42 8.2 Interrupt Control Architecture .....................................................................................................44 8.3 Interrupt Vectors .........................................................................................................................44 8.4 Interrupt Masks ..........................................................................................................................45 8.5 Interrupt Vector Register ...........................................................................................................46 8.6 GPIO Interrupt ............................................................................................................................47 9.0 Digital PSoC Blocks .......................................................................................................................48 9.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................48 9.2 Digital PSoC Block Bank 1 Registers .........................................................................................49 9.3 Digital PSoC Block Bank 0 Registers .........................................................................................54 9.4 Global Inputs and Outputs .........................................................................................................60 9.5 Available Programmed Digital Functionality ...............................................................................60 10.0 Analog PSoC Blocks ....................................................................................................................71 10.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................71 10.2 Analog System Clocking Signals .............................................................................................72 10.3 Array of Analog PSoC Blocks .................................................................................................72 10.4 Analog Reference and Bias Control .........................................................................................73 10.5 AGND, REFHI, REFLO ............................................................................................................73 10.6 Analog PSoC Block Clocking Options ......................................................................................74 10.7 Analog Clock Select Register ..................................................................................................75
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10.8 Analog Continuous Time PSoC Blocks ....................................................................................78 10.9 Analog Switch Cap Type A PSoC Blocks ................................................................................83 10.10 Analog Switch Cap Type B PSoC Blocks ..............................................................................92 10.11 Analog Comparator Bus .........................................................................................................99 10.12 Analog Synchronization .........................................................................................................99 10.13 Analog I/O ............................................................................................................................101 10.14 Analog Modulator .................................................................................................................104 10.15 Analog PSoC Block Functionality .........................................................................................105 10.16 Temperature Sensing Capability ..........................................................................................106 11.0 Special Features of the CPU ......................................................................................................107 11.1 Multiplier/Accumulator ............................................................................................................107 11.2 Decimator ...............................................................................................................................110 11.3 Reset ......................................................................................................................................112 11.4 Sleep States ...........................................................................................................................114 11.5 Supply Voltage Monitor ..........................................................................................................116 11.6 Switch Mode Pump ................................................................................................................117 11.7 Internal Voltage Reference ....................................................................................................118 11.8 Supervisor ROM/System Supervisor Call Instruction .............................................................118 11.9 Flash Program Memory Protection ........................................................................................120 11.10 Programming Requirements and Step Descriptions ............................................................120 11.11 Programming Wave Forms .................................................................................................122 11.12 Programming File Format ....................................................................................................122 12.0 Development Tools ...................................................................................................................123 12.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................123 12.2 Integrated Development Environment Subsystems ...............................................................124 12.3 Hardware Tools ......................................................................................................................124 13.0 DC and AC Characteristics ........................................................................................................125 13.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ..................................................................................................125 13.2 DC Characteristics .................................................................................................................127 13.3 AC Characteristics .................................................................................................................136 14.0 Packaging Information ..............................................................................................................141 14.1 Thermal Impedances per Package .......................................................................................146 15.0 Ordering Guide ..........................................................................................................................147 16.0 Document Revision History .......................................................................................................148
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List of Tables
Table 1: Device Family Key Features.........................................................................................................14 Table 2: Pin-out 8 Pin .................................................................................................................................15 Table 3: Pin-out 20 Pin ...............................................................................................................................15 Table 4: Pin-out 28 Pin ...............................................................................................................................16 Table 5: Pin-out 44 Pin ...............................................................................................................................16 Table 6: Pin-out 48 Pin ...............................................................................................................................17 Table 7: CPU Registers and Mnemonics ...................................................................................................19 Table 8: Flags Register ..............................................................................................................................20 Table 9: Accumulator Register (CPU_A)....................................................................................................20 Table 10: Index Register (CPU_X) .............................................................................................................21 Table 11: Stack Pointer Register (CPU_SP) ..............................................................................................21 Table 12: Program Counter Register (CPU_PC)........................................................................................21 Table 13: Source Immediate ......................................................................................................................21 Table 14: Source Direct..............................................................................................................................22 Table 15: Source Indexed ..........................................................................................................................22 Table 16: Destination Direct .......................................................................................................................22 Table 17: Destination Indexed....................................................................................................................23 Table 18: Destination Direct Immediate .....................................................................................................23 Table 19: Destination Indexed Immediate ..................................................................................................23 Table 20: Destination Direct Direct.............................................................................................................24 Table 21: Source Indirect Post Increment ..................................................................................................24 Table 22: Destination Indirect Post Increment............................................................................................24 Table 23: Instruction Set Summary (Sorted by Mnemonic)........................................................................25 Table 24: Flash Program Memory Map ......................................................................................................26 Table 25: RAM Data Memory Map .............................................................................................................26 Table 26: Bank 0 ........................................................................................................................................27 Table 27: Bank 1 ........................................................................................................................................28 Table 28: Port Data Registers ....................................................................................................................31 Table 29: Port Interrupt Enable Registers ..................................................................................................31 Table 30: Port Global Select Registers ......................................................................................................32 Table 31: Port Drive Mode 0 Registers ......................................................................................................32 Table 32: Port Drive Mode 1 Registers ......................................................................................................33 Table 33: Port Interrupt Control 0 Registers...............................................................................................33 Table 34: Port Interrupt Control 1 Registers...............................................................................................34 Table 35: Internal Main Oscillator Trim Register ........................................................................................35 Table 36: Internal Low Speed Oscillator Trim Register ..............................................................................36 Table 37: External Crystal Oscillator Trim Register....................................................................................37 Table 38: Typical Package Capacitances ..................................................................................................37 Table 39: System Clocking Signals and Definitions ...................................................................................38 Table 40: Oscillator Control 0 Register.......................................................................................................40 Table 41: Oscillator Control 1 Register.......................................................................................................40 Table 42: 24V1/24V2 Frequency Selection ................................................................................................41 Table 43: Interrupt Vector Table.................................................................................................................44 Table 44: General Interrupt Mask Register ................................................................................................45 Table 45: Digital PSoC Block Interrupt Mask Register ...............................................................................46
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Table 46: Interrupt Vector Register ............................................................................................................46 Table 47: Digital Basic Type A/ Communications Type A Block xx Function Register...............................50 Table 48: Digital Basic Type A / Communications Type A Block xx Input Register ...................................51 Table 49: Digital Function Data Input Definitions .......................................................................................52 Table 50: Digital Basic Type A / Communications Type A Block xx Output Register.................................53 Table 51: Digital Function Outputs .............................................................................................................54 Table 52: Digital Basic Type A / Communications Type A Block xx Data Register 0,1,2...........................54 Table 53: R/W Variations per User Module Selection ................................................................................55 Table 54: Digital Basic Type A / Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0 .............................55 Table 55: Digital Basic Type A/Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0...............................56 Table 56: Digital Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0... ..................................................57 Table 57: Digital Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0... ..................................................58 Table 58: Digital Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0... ..................................................59 Table 59: Global Input Assignments...........................................................................................................60 Table 60: Global Output Assignments........................................................................................................60 Table 61: Analog System Clocking Signals................................................................................................72 Table 62: Analog Reference Control Register............................................................................................73 Table 63: Analog Column Clock Select Register........................................................................................74 Table 64: Analog Clock Select Register .....................................................................................................75 Table 65: Analog Continuous Time Block xx Control 0 Register................................................................80 Table 66: Analog Continuous Time Block xx Control 1 Register................................................................81 Table 67: Analog Continuous Time Type A Block xx Control 2 Register ...................................................82 Table 68: Analog Switch Cap Type A Block xx Control 0 Register ............................................................86 Table 69: Analog Switch Cap Type A Block xx Control 1 Register ............................................................88 Table 70: Analog Switch Cap Type A Block xx Control 2 Register ............................................................90 Table 71: Analog Switch Cap Type A Block xx Control 3 Register ............................................................91 Table 72: Analog Switch Cap Type B Block xx Control 0 Register ............................................................93 Table 73: Analog Switch Cap Type B Block xx Control 1 Register ............................................................95 Table 74: Analog Switch Cap Type B Block xx Control 2 Register ............................................................97 Table 75: Analog Switch Cap Type B Block xx Control 3 Register ............................................................98 Table 76: Analog Comparator Control Register .........................................................................................99 Table 77: Analog Frequency Relationships..............................................................................................100 Table 78: Analog Synchronization Control Register.................................................................................100 Table 79: Analog Input Select Register ....................................................................................................102 Table 80: Analog Output Buffer Control Register .....................................................................................104 Table 81: Analog Modulator Control Register ..........................................................................................105 Table 82: Multiply Input X Register...........................................................................................................108 Table 83: Multiply Input Y Register...........................................................................................................108 Table 84: Multiply Result High Register ...................................................................................................109 Table 85: Multiply Result Low Register ....................................................................................................109 Table 86: Accumulator Result 1 / Multiply/Accumulator Input X Register ................................................109 Table 87: Accumulator Result 0 / Multiply/Accumulator Input Y Register ................................................109 Table 88: Accumulator Result 3 / Multiply/Accumulator Clear 0 Register ................................................110 Table 89: Accumulator Result 2 / Multiply/Accumulator Clear 1 Register ................................................110 Table 90: Decimator/Incremental Control Register ..................................................................................111 Table 91: Decimator Data High Register..................................................................................................111 Table 92: Decimator Data Low Register...................................................................................................111 Table 93: Processor Status and Control Register ....................................................................................112 Table 94: Reset WDT Register.................................................................................................................114 Table 95: Voltage Monitor Control Register .............................................................................................116 Table 96: Bandgap Trim Register.............................................................................................................118 Table 97: CY8C25122, CY8C26233, CY8C26443, CY8C26643 (256 Bytes of SRAM) ..........................119 Table 98: Table Read for Supervisory Call Functions ..............................................................................120 Table 99: Flash Program Memory Protection...........................................................................................120
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Table 100: Programmer Requirements ....................................................................................................120 Table 101: Absolute Maximum Ratings....................................................................................................125 Table 102: Temperature Specifications....................................................................................................126 Table 103: DC Operating Specifications ..................................................................................................127 Table 104: 5V DC Operational Amplifier Specifications ...........................................................................128 Table 105: 3.3V DC Operational Amplifier Specifications ........................................................................129 Table 106: DC Analog Input Pin with Multiplexer Specifications ..............................................................130 Table 107: DC Analog Input Pin to SC Block Specifications ....................................................................130 Table 108: 5V DC Analog Output Buffer Specifications ...........................................................................130 Table 109: 3.3V DC Analog Output Buffer Specifications ........................................................................131 Table 110: DC Switch Mode Pump Specifications ...................................................................................132 Table 111: 5V DC Analog Reference Specifications ................................................................................133 Table 112: 3.3V DC Analog Reference Specifications .............................................................................134 Table 113: DC Analog PSoC Block Specifications...................................................................................134 Table 114: DC Programming Specifications.............................................................................................135 Table 115: AC Operating Specifications...................................................................................................136 Table 116: 5V AC Operational Amplifier Specifications ...........................................................................137 Table 117: 3.3V AC Operational Amplifier Specifications ........................................................................138 Table 118: 5V AC Analog Output Buffer Specifications ...........................................................................139 Table 119: 3.3V AC Analog Output Buffer Specifications ........................................................................139 Table 120: AC Programming Specifications.............................................................................................140 Table 121: Thermal Impedances..............................................................................................................146 Table 122: Ordering Guide .......................................................................................................................147 Table 123: Document Revision History ....................................................................................................148
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September 5, 2002
List of Figures
Figure 1: Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................13 Figure 2: CY8C25122 ................................................................................................................................15 Figure 3: CY8C26233 ................................................................................................................................15 Figure 4: 26443 PDIP/SOIC/SSOP ...........................................................................................................16 Figure 5: 26643 TQFP ...............................................................................................................................17 Figure 6: 26643 PDIP/SSOP .....................................................................................................................18 Figure 7: General Purpose I/O Pins ..........................................................................................................30 Figure 8: External Crystal Oscillator Connections .....................................................................................37 Figure 9: PSoC MCU Clock Tree of Signals ..............................................................................................39 Figure 10: Interrupts Overview ..................................................................................................................43 Figure 11: GPIO Interrupt Enable Diagram ...............................................................................................47 Figure 12: Digital Basic and Digital Communications PSoC Blocks ..........................................................49 Figure 13: Polynomial LFSR ......................................................................................................................65 Figure 14: Polynomial PRS .......................................................................................................................65 Figure 15: SPI Waveforms ........................................................................................................................68 Figure 16: Array of Analog PSoC Blocks ...................................................................................................72 Figure 17: NMux Connections ...................................................................................................................76 Figure 18: PMux Connections ...................................................................................................................77 Figure 19: RBotMux Connections ..............................................................................................................77 Figure 20: Analog Continuous Time PSoC Blocks ....................................................................................79 Figure 21: Analog Switch Cap Type A PSoC Blocks .................................................................................84 Figure 22: AMux Connections ...................................................................................................................85 Figure 23: CMux Connections ...................................................................................................................85 Figure 24: BMuxSCA/SCB Connections ...................................................................................................86 Figure 25: Analog Switch Cap Type B PSoC Blocks .................................................................................93 Figure 26: Analog Input Muxing ...............................................................................................................101 Figure 27: Analog Output Buffers ............................................................................................................103 Figure 28: Multiply/Accumulate Block Diagram .......................................................................................108 Figure 29: Decimator Coefficients ...........................................................................................................110 Figure 30: Execution Reset .....................................................................................................................113 Figure 31: Three Sleep States .................................................................................................................115 Figure 32: Switch Mode Pump ................................................................................................................117 Figure 33: Programming Wave Forms ....................................................................................................122 Figure 34: PSoC Designer Functional Flow ............................................................................................123 Figure 35: CY8C25xxx/CY8C26xxx Voltage Frequency Graph ..............................................................125 Figure 36: 44-Lead Thin Plastic Quad Flat Pack A44 .............................................................................141 Figure 37: 20-Pin Shrunk Small Outline Package O20 ...........................................................................142 Figure 38: 28-Lead (210-Mil) Shrunk Small Outline Package O28 .........................................................143 Figure 39: 48-Lead Shrunk Small Outline Package O48 .........................................................................143 Figure 40: 20-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP P5 ..........................................................................................144 Figure 41: 28-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP P21 ........................................................................................144 Figure 42: 48-Lead (600-Mil) Molded DIP P25 ........................................................................................144 Figure 43: 20-Lead (300-Mil) Molded SOIC S5 .......................................................................................145 Figure 44: 28-Lead (300-Mil) Molded SOIC S21 .....................................................................................145 Figure 45: 8-Lead (300-Mil) Molded DIP .................................................................................................146
September 5, 2002
September 5, 2002
I/O Ports
A C A 0 0 A S A 1 0 A S B 2 0
A C A 0 1 A S B 1 1 A S A 2 1
A C A 0 2 A S A 1 2 A S B 2 2
A C A 0 3 A S B 1 3 A S A 2 3
Clocks to Analog
Comparator Outputs
D B A 0 0
D B A 0 1
D B A 0 2 D B A 0 3
D C A 0 4
D C A 0 5
D C A 0 6
D C A 0 7
Interrupt Controller
September 5, 2002
Functional Overview
mode, the user can select the drive strength desired. Any pin can serve as an interrupt source, and can be selected to trigger on positive edges, negative edges, or any change. Digital signal sources can be routed directly from a pin to the digital PSoC blocks. Some pins have additional capability to route analog signals to the analog PSoC blocks. Multiple oscillator options are available for use in clocking the CPU, analog PSoC blocks and digital PSoC blocks. These options include an internal main oscillator running at 48/24 MHz, an external crystal oscillator for use with a 32.768 kHz watch crystal, and an internal lowspeed oscillator for use in clocking the PSoC blocks and the Watchdog/Sleep timer. User selectable clock divisors allow for optimizing code execution speed and power trade-offs. The different device types in this family provide various amounts of code and data memory. The code space ranges in size from 4K to 16K bytes of user programmable Flash memory. This memory can be programmed serially in either a programming Pod or on the user board. The endurance on the Flash memory is 50,000 erase/write cycles. The data space is 256 bytes of user SRAM. A powerful and flexible protection model secures the users sensitive information. This model allows the user to selectively lock blocks of memory for read and write protection. This allows partial code updates without exposing proprietary information. Devices in this family range from 8 pins through 48 pins in PDIP, SOIC and SSOP packages.
The CPU heart of this next generation family of microcontrollers is a high performance, 8-bit, M8C Harvard architecture microprocessor. Separate program and memory busses allow for faster overall throughput. Processor clock speeds to 24 MHz are available. The processor may also be run at lower clock speeds for powersensitive applications. A rich instruction set allows for efficient low-level language support. All devices in this family include both analog and digital configurable peripherals (PSoC blocks). These blocks enable the user to define unique functions during configuration of the device. Included are twelve analog PSoC blocks and eight digital PSoC blocks. Potential applications for the digital PSoC blocks are timers, counters, UARTs, CRC generators, PWMs, and other functions. The analog PSoC blocks can be used for SAR ADCs, Multi-slope ADCs, programmable gain amplifiers, programmable filters, DACs, and other functions. Higher order User Modules such as modems, complex motor controllers, and complete sensor signal chains can be created from these building blocks. This allows for an unprecedented level of flexibility and integration in microcontroller-based systems. A Multiplier/Accumulator (MAC) is available on all devices in this family. The MAC is implemented on this device as a peripheral that is mapped into the register space. When an instruction writes to the MAC input registers, the result of an 8x8 multiply and a 32-bit accumulate are available to be read from the output registers on the next instruction cycle. The number of general purpose I/Os available in this family of parts range from 6 to 44. Each of these I/O pins has a variety of programmable options. In the output
Table 1:
Key Features
Device Family Key Features CY8C25122 93.7kHz - 24MHz 3.0 - 5.25V 4 256 8 12 6 No 8 PDIP CY8C26233 93.7kHz - 24MHz 3.0 - 5.25V 8 256 8 12 16 Yes 20 PDIP 20 SOIC 20 SSOP CY8C26443 93.7kHz - 24MHz 3.0 - 5.25V 16 256 8 12 24 Yes 28 PDIP 28 SOIC 28 SSOP CY8C26643 93.7kHz - 24MHz 3.0 - 5.25V 16 256 8 12 40/44 Yes 48 PDIP 48 SSOP 44 TQFP
Operating Frequency Operating Voltage Program Memory (KBytes) Data Memory (Bytes) Digital PSoC Blocks Analog PSoC Blocks I/O Pins External Switch Mode Pump Available Packages
September 5, 2002
Functional Overview
Table 2: Name
Pin-out Descriptions
Pin-out 8 Pin I/O Pin Description Table 3: Name
Pin-out 20 Pin
I/O Pin Description
1 Port 0[7] (Analog Input) 2 Port 0[5] (Analog Input/Output) 3 Port 1[1] / XtalIn / SCLK 4 Ground 5 Port 1[0] / XtalOut / SDATA 6 Port 0[2] (Analog Input/Output) 7 Port 0[4] (Analog Input/Output) 8 Supply Voltage
P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] SMP P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] Vss P1[0] P1[2] P1[4] P1[6] P0[0] P0[2] P0[4] P0[6] Vcc
I/O I/O I/O I/O O I/O I/O I/O I/O Power I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Power
1 Port 0[7] (Analog Input) 2 Port 0[5] (Analog Input/Output) 3 Port 0[3] (Analog Input/Output) 4 Port 0[1] (Analog Input) 5 Switch Mode Pump 6 Port 1[7] 7 Port 1[5] 8 Port 1[3] 9 Port 1[1] / XtalIn / SCLK 10 Ground 11 Port 1[0] / XtalOut / SDATA 12 Port 1[2] 13 Port 1[4] 14 Port 1[6] 15 External Reset 16 Port 0[0] (Analog Input) 17 Port 0[2] (Analog Input/Output) 18 Port 0[4] (Analog Input/Output) 19 Port 0[6] (Analog Input) 20 Supply Voltage
P0[7] P0[5]
1 2 3 4
8 7 6 5
Figure 2: CY8C25122
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
Figure 3: CY8C26233
September 5, 2002
Table 4: Name
P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] SMP P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] Vss P1[0] P1[2] P1[4] P1[6] XRES P2[0] P2[2] P2[4] P2[6] P0[0] P0[2] P0[4] P0[6] Vcc
I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O O I/O I/O I/O I/O Power I/O I/O I/O I/O I I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Power
1 Port 0[7] (Analog Input) Port 0[5] (Analog Input/ Out2 put) 3 Port 0[3] (Analog Input/ Output)
4 Port 0[1] (Analog Input) 5 Port 2[7] 6 Port 2[5] 7 8 Port 2[3] (Non-Multiplexed Analog Input) Port 2[1] (Non-Multiplexed Analog Input)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15
Vcc P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6]/External V ref P2[4]/External AGND P2[2] P2[0] Xres P1[6] P1[4] P1[2]
9 Switch Mode Pump 10 Port 1[7] 11 Port 1[5] 12 Port 1[3] 13 Port 1[1] / XtalIn / SCLK 14 Ground 15 Port 1[0] / XtalOut / SDATA 16 Port 1[2] 17 Port 1[4] 18 Port 1[6] 19 External Reset 20 Port 2[0] (Non-Multiplexed Analog Input)
Table 5: Name
Pin-out 44 Pin
I/O Pin Description
P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] Vss P1[0] P1[2] P1[4] P1[6] P4[0] P4[2] P4[4]
I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Power I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O
1 Port 2[5] 2 3 Port 2[3] (Non-Multiplexed Analog Input) Port 2[1] (Non-Multiplexed Analog Input)
4 Port 3[7] 5 Port 3[5] 6 Port 3[3] 7 Port 3[1] 8 Switch Mode Pump 9 Port 4[7] 10 Port 4[5] 11 Port 4[3] 12 Port 4[1] 13 Port 1[7] 14 Port 1[5] 15 Port 1[3] 16 Port 1[1] / XtalIn / SCLK 17 Ground 18 Port 1[0] / XtalOut / SDATA 19 Port 1[2] 20 Port 1[4] 21 Port 1[6] 22 Port 4[0] 23 Port 4[2] 24 Port 4[4]
Port 2[2] (Non-Multiplexed 21 Analog Input) 22 Port 2[4] / External AGNDIn 23 Port 2[6] / External VREFIn 24 Port 0[0] (Analog Input) 25 26 Port 0[2] (Analog Input/Output) Port 0[4] (Analog Input/Output)
September 5, 2002
Functional Overview
Table 5:
P4[6] XRES P3[0] P3[2] P3[4] P3[6] P2[0] P2[2] P2[4] P2[6] P0[0] P0[2] P0[4] P0[6] Vcc P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7]
Table 6: Name
Pin-out 48 Pin
I/O Pin Description
P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1]
I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O Power I/O I/O I/O I/O
1 Port 0[7] (Analog Input) 2 3 Port 0[5] (Analog Input/Output) Port 0[3] (Analog Input/Output)
4 Port 0[1] (Analog Input) 5 Port 2[7] 6 Port 2[5] 7 8 Port 2[3] (Non-Multiplexed Analog Input) Port 2[1] (Non-Multiplexed Analog Input)
Port 2[2] (Non-Multiplexed 32 Analog Input) 33 Port 2[4] / External AGNDIn 34 Port 2[6] / External VREFIn 35 Port 0[0] (Analog Input) 36 Port 0[2] (Analog Input/Output) 37 Port 0[4] (Analog Input/Output) 38 Port 0[6] (Analog Input) 39 Supply Voltage 40 Port 0[7] (Analog Input) 41 Port 0[5] (Analog Input/Output) 42 Port 0[3] (Analog Input/Output) 43 Port 0[1] (Analog Input) 44 Port 2[7]
9 Port 3[7] 10 Port 3[5] 11 Port 3[3] 12 Port 3[1] 13 Switch Mode Pump 14 Port 4[7] 15 Port 4[5] 16 Port 4[3] 17 Port 4[1] 18 Port 5[3] 19 Port 5[1] 20 Port 1[7] 21 Port 1[5] 22 Port 1[3] 23 Port 1[1] / XtalIn / SCLK 24 Ground 25 Port 1[0] / XtalOut / SDATA 26 Port 1[2] 27 Port 1[4] 28 Port 1[6]
P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3]
1 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 P4[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] XtalIn/SCLK/P1[1] Vss XtalOut/SDATA/P1[0] P1[2] P1[4] P1[6] P4[0]
P2[7] P0[1] P0[3] P0[5] P0[7] Vcc P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0]
P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2]
26643 TQFP
September 5, 2002
Table 6:
P5[0] P5[2] P4[0] P4[2] P4[4] P4[6] XRES P3[0] P3[2] P3[4] P3[6] P2[0] P2[2] P2[4] P2[6] P0[0] P0[2] P0[4] P0[6] Vcc
42 Port 2[4] / External AGNDIn 43 Port 2[6] / External VREFIn 44 Port 0[0] (Analog Input) 45 46 Port 0[2] (Analog Input/Output) Port 0[4] (Analog Input/Output)
P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
Vcc P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6]/External V ref IN P2[4] /External AGNDIN P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2]
September 5, 2002
CPU Architecture
2.0 2.1
This family of microcontrollers is based on a high performance, 8-bit, Harvard architecture microprocessor. Five registers control the primary operation of the CPU core. These registers are affected by various instructions, but are not directly accessible through the register space by the user. For more details on addressing with the register space, see section 4.0.
Table 7: CPU Registers and Mnemonics Register Mnemonic
The 16 bit Program Counter Register (CPU_PC) allows for direct addressing of the full 16 Kbytes of program memory space available in the largest members of this family. This forms one contiguous program space, and no paging is required. The Accumulator Register (CPU_A) is the general-purpose register that holds the results of instructions that specify any of the source addressing modes. The Index Register (CPU_X) holds an offset value that is used in the indexed addressing modes. Typically, this is used to address a block of data within the data memory space. The Stack Pointer Register (CPU_SP) holds the address of the current top-of-stack in the data memory space. It is affected by the PUSH, POP, LCALL, CALL, RETI, and
September 5, 2002
CPU Registers
Flags Register
The Flags Register can only be set or reset with logical instruction.
Table 8: Bit # POR Read/ Write Bit Name Flags Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 -Reserved
0 -Reserved
0 -Reserved
0 R Super
0 RW Carry
1 RW Zero
0 RW Global IE
Bit 7: Reserved Bit 6: Reserved Bit 5: Reserved Bit 4: XIO Set by the user to select between the register banks 0 = Bank 0 1 = Bank 1 Bit 3: Super Indicates whether the CPU is executing user code or Supervisor Code. (This code cannot be accessed directly by the user and is not displayed in the ICE debugger.) 0 = User Code 1 = Supervisor Code Bit 2: Carry Set by CPU to indicate whether there has been a carry in the previous logical/arithmetic operation 0 = No Carry 1 = Carry Bit 1: Zero Set by CPU to indicate whether there has been a zero result in the previous logical/arithmetic operation 0 = Not Equal to Zero 1 = Equal to Zero Bit 0: Global IE Determines whether all interrupts are enabled or disabled 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Table 9:
Accumulator Register
Accumulator Register (CPU_A) 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data value holds the result of any logical/arithmetic instruction that uses a source addressing mode
September 5, 2002
CPU Architecture
Index Register
Index Register (CPU_X) 7 0 6 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 0
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data value holds an index for any instruction that uses an indexed addressing mode
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data value holds a pointer to the current top-of-stack
14 0
13 0
12 0
11 0
10 0
9 0
8 0
7 0
6 0
5 0
4 0
3 0
2 0
1 0
0 0
Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data [15] [14] [13] [12] [11] [10] [9] [8] [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1]
Data [0]
Bit [15:0]: Data [15:0] 16-bit data value is the low-order/high-order byte of the Program Counter
Addressing Modes
Source Immediate
require two sources. Instructions using this addressing mode are two bytes in length.
The result of an instruction using this addressing mode is placed in the A register, the F register, the SP register, or the X register, which is specified as part of the instruction opcode. Operand 1 is an immediate value that serves as a source for the instruction. Arithmetic instructions
Table 13:
Source Immediate
Operand 1
Immediate Value
September 5, 2002
Examples: ;In this case, the immediate ;value of 7 is added with the ;Accumulator, and the result ;is placed in the ;Accumulator. ;In this case, the immediate ;value of 8 is moved to the X ;register. ;In this case, the immediate ;value of 9 is logically ;ANDed with the F register ;and the result is placed in ;the F register.
added to the X register forming an address that points to a location in either the RAM memory space or the register space that is the source for the instruction. Arithmetic instructions require two sources, the second source is the A register or X register specified in the opcode. Instructions using this addressing mode are two bytes.
Table 15:
Source Indexed
Operand 1
Source Index
Source Direct
ADD A, [X+7]
The result of an instruction using this addressing mode is placed in either the A register or the X register, which is specified as part of the instruction opcode. Operand 1 is an address that points to a location in either the RAM memory space or the register space that is the source for the instruction. Arithmetic instructions require two sources, the second source is the A register or X register specified in the opcode. Instructions using this addressing mode are two bytes in length.
;In this case, the ;value in the memory ;location at address ;X + 7 is added with ;the Accumulator, and ;the result is placed ;in the Accumulator. ;In this case, the ;value in the ;register space at ;address X + 8 is ;moved to the X ;register.
Table 14:
Source Direct
Operand 1
Destination Direct
The result of an instruction using this addressing mode is placed within either the RAM memory space or the register space. Operand 1 is an address that points to the location of the result. The source for the instruction is either the A register or the X register, which is specified
Source Address
;In this case, the ;value in the RAM ;memory location at ;address 7 is added ;with the Accumulator, ;and the result is ;placed in the ;Accumulator.
as part of the instruction opcode. Arithmetic instructions require two sources, the second source is the location specified by Operand 1. Instructions using this addressing mode are two bytes in length.
Table 16:
Destination Direct
Operand 1
;In this case, the ;value in the register REG[8] ;space at address 8 is ;moved to the X ;register.
Destination Address
Source Indexed
The result of an instruction using this addressing mode is placed in either the A register or the X register, which is specified as part of the instruction opcode. Operand 1 is
September 5, 2002
CPU Architecture
Examples: ;In this case, the ;value in the memory ;location at address ;7 is added with the ;Accumulator, and the ;result is placed in ;the memory location ;at address 7. The ;Accumulator is ;unchanged. ;In this case, the ;Accumulator is moved ;to the register ;space location at ;address 8. The ;Accumulator is ;unchanged.
source for the instruction is Operand 2, which is an immediate value. Arithmetic instructions require two sources, the second source is the location specified by Operand 1. Instructions using this addressing mode are three bytes in length.
Table 18:
REG[8], A
ADD [7],
Destination Indexed
MOV REG[8], 6
;In this case, value in ;the memory location at ;address 7 is added to ;the immediate value of ;5, and the result is ;placed in the memory ;location at address 7. ;In this case, the ;immediate value of 6 is ;moved into the register ;space location at ;address 8.
The result of an instruction using this addressing mode is placed within either the RAM memory space or the register space. Operand 1 is added to the X register forming the address that points to the location of the result. The source for the instruction is the A register. Arithmetic instructions require two sources, the second source is the location specified by Operand 1 added with the X register. Instructions using this addressing mode are two bytes in length.
The result of an instruction using this addressing mode is placed within either the RAM memory space or the register space. Operand 1 is added to the X register to form the address of the result. The source for the instruction is Operand 2, which is an immediate value. Arithmetic instructions require two sources, the second source is the location specified by Operand 1 added with the X register. Instructions using this addressing mode are three bytes in length.
Table 17:
Destination Indexed
Operand 1
Destination Index
ADD [X+7],
;In this case, the value ;in the memory location ;at address X+7 is added ;with the Accumulator, ;and the result is placed ;in the memory location ;at address x+7. The ;Accumulator is ;unchanged.
Table 19:
Destination Index
Immediate Value
The result of an instruction using this addressing mode is placed within either the RAM memory space or the register space. Operand 1 is the address of the result. The
September 5, 2002
Examples: ;In this case, the ;value in the memory ;location at address ;X+7 is added with ;the immediate value ;of 5, and the result ;is placed in the ;memory location at ;address X+7. ;In this case, the ;immediate value of 6 ;is moved into the ;location in the ;register space at ;address X+8.
Table 21:
REG[X+8], 6
;In this case, the value ;in the memory location at ;address 8 is an indirect ;address. The memory ;location pointed to by ;the indirect address is ;moved into the ;Accumulator. The ;indirect address is then ;incremented.
The result of an instruction using this addressing mode is placed within the RAM memory. Operand 1 is the address of the result. Operand 2 is an address that points to a location in the RAM memory that is the source for the instruction. This addressing mode is only valid on the MOV instruction. The instruction using this addressing mode is three bytes in length.
Table 20:
;In this case, the value ;in the memory location at [7], [8] ;address 8 is moved to the ;memory location at ;address 7.
Table 22:
The result of an instruction using this addressing mode is placed in the Accumulator. Operand 1 is an address pointing to a location within the memory space, which contains an address (the indirect address) for the source of the instruction. The indirect address is incremented as part of the instruction execution. This addressing mode is only valid on the MVI instruction. The instruction using this addressing mode is two bytes in length. See Section 7. Instruction Set in PSoC Designer: Assembly MVI [8], A
;In this case, the ;value in the memory ;location at address 8 ;is an indirect ;address. The ;Accumulator is moved ;into the memory ;location pointed to by ;the indirect address. ;The indirect address ;is then incremented.
September 5, 2002
CPU Architecture
Opcode Hex
Table 23:
09 4 2 ADC A, expr C, Z 76 7 2 0A 6 2 ADC A, [expr] C, Z 77 8 2 0B 7 2 ADC A, [X+expr] C, Z Fx 13 2 0C 7 2 ADC [expr], A C, Z Ex 7 2 0D 8 2 ADC [X+expr], A C, Z Cx 5 2 0E 9 3 ADC [expr], expr C, Z 8x 5 2 0F 10 3 ADC [X+expr], expr C, Z Dx 5 2 01 4 2 ADD A, expr C, Z Bx 5 2 02 6 2 ADD A, [expr] C, Z Ax 5 2 03 7 2 ADD A, [X+expr] C, Z 7C 13 3 04 7 2 ADD [expr], A C, Z 7D 7 3 05 8 2 ADD [X+expr], A C, Z 4F 4 1 06 9 3 ADD [expr], expr C, Z 50 4 2 07 10 3 ADD [X+expr], expr C, Z 51 5 2 38 5 2 ADD SP, expr 52 6 2 21 4 2 AND A, expr Z 53 5 2 22 6 2 AND A, [expr] Z 54 6 2 23 7 2 AND A, [X+expr] Z 55 8 3 24 7 2 AND [expr], A Z 56 9 3 25 8 2 AND [X+expr], A Z 57 4 2 26 9 3 AND [expr], expr Z 58 6 2 27 10 3 AND [X+expr], expr Z 59 7 2 70 4 2 AND F, expr C, Z 5A 5 2 41 9 3 AND reg[expr], expr Z 5B 4 1 42 10 3 AND reg[X+expr], expr Z 5C 4 1 64 4 1 ASL A C, Z 5D 6 2 65 7 2 ASL [expr] C, Z 5E 7 2 66 8 2 ASL [X+expr] C, Z 5F 10 3 67 4 1 ASR A C, Z 60 5 2 68 7 2 ASR [expr] C, Z 61 6 2 69 8 2 ASR [X+expr] C, Z 62 8 3 9x 11 2 CALL 63 9 3 39 5 2 CMP A, expr if (A=B) Z=1 3E 10 2 3A 7 2 CMP A, [expr] if (A<B) C=1 3F 10 2 3B 8 2 CMP A, [X+expr] 40 4 1 3C 8 3 CMP [expr], expr 29 4 2 3D 9 3 CMP [X+expr], expr 2A 6 2 73 4 1 CPL A Z 2B 7 2 78 4 1 DEC A C, Z 2C 7 2 79 4 1 DEC X C, Z 2D 8 2 7A 7 2 DEC [expr] C, Z 2E 9 3 7B 8 2 DEC [X+expr] C, Z 2F 10 3 30 9 1 HALT 43 9 3 74 4 1 INC A C, Z 44 10 3 75 4 1 INC X C, Z 71 4 2 Note: Interrupt acknowledge to Interrupt Vector table = 13 cycles.
INC [expr] INC [X+expr] INDEX JACC JC JMP JNC JNZ JZ LCALL LJMP MOV X, SP MOV A, expr MOV A, [expr] MOV A, [X+expr] MOV [expr], A MOV [X+expr], A MOV [expr], expr MOV [X+expr], expr MOV X, expr MOV X, [expr] MOV X, [X+expr] MOV [expr], X MOV A, X MOV X, A MOV A, reg[expr] MOV A, reg[X+expr] MOV [expr], [expr] MOV reg[expr], A MOV reg[X+expr], A MOV reg[expr], expr MOV reg[X+expr], expr MVI A, [ [expr]++ ] MVI [ [expr]++ ], A NOP OR A, expr OR A, [expr] OR A, [X+expr] OR [expr], A OR [X+expr], A OR [expr], expr OR [X+expr], expr OR reg[expr], expr OR reg[X+expr], expr OR F, expr
C, Z C, Z Z
Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z C, Z
20 18 10 08 7E 7F 6A 6B 6C 28 6D 6E 6F 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 00 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 4B 4C 4D 4E 47 48 49 4A 72 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 45 46
5 5 4 4 10 8 4 7 8 11 4 7 8 4 6 7 7 8 9 10 15 4 6 7 7 8 9 10 5 7 7 5 8 9 9 10 4 4 6 7 7 8 9 10 9 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
POP X POP A PUSH X PUSH A RETI RET RLC A RLC [expr] RLC [X+expr] ROMX RRC A RRC [expr] RRC [X+expr] SBB A, expr SBB A, [expr] SBB A, [X+expr] SBB [expr], A SBB [X+expr], A SBB [expr], expr SBB [X+expr], expr SSC SUB A, expr SUB A, [expr] SUB A, [X+expr] SUB [expr], A SUB [X+expr], A SUB [expr], expr SUB [X+expr], expr SWAP A, X SWAP A, [expr] SWAP X, [expr] SWAP A, SP TST [expr], expr TST [X+expr], expr TST reg[expr], expr TST reg[X+expr], expr XOR F, expr XOR A, expr XOR A, [expr] XOR A, [X+expr] XOR [expr], A XOR [X+expr], A XOR [expr], expr XOR [X+expr], expr XOR reg[expr], expr XOR reg[X+expr], expr
C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z C, Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z C, Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z
September 5, 2002
3.0 3.1
The stack on this device grows from low addresses to high addresses. The Linker function within PSoC Designer locates the bottom of the stack after the end of Global Variables. This allows the stack to grow from just after the Global Variables until 0xFF. The stack will wrap back to 0x00 on an overflow condition.
Table 25: Address RAM Data Memory Map Description
0x0000 0x0004 0x0008 0x000C 0x0010 0x0014 0x0018 0x001C 0x0020 0x0024 0x0028 0x002C 0x0030 0x0034 0x0038 0x003C 0x0040
Reset Vector Supply Monitor Interrupt Vector DBA 00 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DBA 01 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DBA 02 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DBA 03 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DCA 04 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DCA 05 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DCA 06 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DCA 07 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector Analog Column 0 Interrupt Vector Analog Column 1 Interrupt Vector Analog Column 2 Interrupt Vector Analog Column 3 Interrupt Vector GPIO Interrupt Vector Sleep Timer Interrupt Vector On-Chip User Program Memory Starts Here *** *** *** 16K Flash Maximum Depending on Version
First General Purpose RAM Location General Purpose RAM General Purpose RAM Last General Purpose RAM Location Bottom of Hardware Stack
4.0 4.1
There are two register banks implemented on these devices. Each bank contains 256 addresses. The purpose of these register banks is to personalize and parameterize the on-chip resources as well as read and write data values. The user selects between the two banks by setting the XIO bit in the CPU_F Flag Register. In some cases, the same register is available on either bank, for convenience. These registers (71h to 9fh) can be accessed from either bank. Note: All register addresses not shown are reserved and should never be written. In addition, unused or reserved bits in any register should always be written to 0.
September 5, 2002
Register Organization
Table 26:
31 31 32 31 31 32 31 31 32 31 31 32 31 31 32 31 31 32
54 54 54 55 54 54 54 55 54 54 54 55 54 54 54 55 54 54 54 55 54 54 54 55 54 54 54 55 54 54 54 55
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ACA00CR0 ACA00CR1 ACA00CR2 Reserved ACA01CR0 ACA01CR1 ACA01CR2 Reserved ACA02CR0 ACA02CR1 ACA02CR2 Reserved ACA03CR0 ACA03CR1 ACA03CR2
40h 41h 42h 43h 44h 45h 46h 47h 48h 49h 4Ah 4Bh 4Ch 4Dh 4Eh 4Fh 50h 51h 52h 53h 54h 55h 56h 57h 58h 59h 5Ah 5Bh 5Ch 5Dh 5Eh 5Fh 60h 61h 62h 63h 64h 65h 66h 67h 68h 69h 6Ah 6Bh 6Ch 6Dh 6Eh 6Fh 70h 71h 72h 73h 74h 75h 76h 77h 78h 79h 7Ah 7Bh 7Ch 7Dh 7Eh 7Fh
102 73 99 100
1 1
80 81 82 80 81 82 80 81 82 80 81 82
80h 81h 82h 83h 84h 85h 86h 87h 88h 89h 8Ah 8Bh 8Ch 8Dh 8Eh 8Fh 90h 91h 92h 93h 94h 95h 96h 97h 98h 99h 9Ah 9Bh 9Ch 9Dh 9Eh 9Fh A0h A1h A2h A3h A4h A5h A6h A7h A8h A9h AAh ABh ACh ADh AEh AFh B0h B1h B2h B3h B4h B5h B6h B7h B8h B9h BAh BBh BCh BDh BEh BFh
86 88 90 91 93 95 97 98 86 88 90 91 93 95 97 98 93 95 97 98 86 88 90 91 93 95 97 98 86 88 90 91
C0h C1h C2h C3h C4h C5h C6h C7h C8h C9h CAh CBh CCh CDh CEh CFh D0h D1h D2h D3h D4h D5h D6h D7h D8h D9h DAh DBh DCh DDh DEh DFh INT_MSK0 E0h INT_MSK1 E1h INT_VC E2h RES_WDT E3h DEC_DH/DEC_CL E4h DEC_DL E5h DEC_CR E6h Reserved E7h MUL_X E8h MUL_Y E9h MUL_DH EAh MUL_DL EBh ACC_DR1/MAC_X ECh ACC_DR0/MAC_Y EDh ACC_DR3/MAC_CL0 EEh ACC_DR2/MAC_CL1 EFh F0h F1h F2h F3h F4h F5h F6h F7h F8h F9h FAh FBh FCh FDh FEh CPU_SCR FFh Reserved Reserved
Reserved Reserved
45 46 46 114 111 111 111 108 108 109 109 109 109 110 110
September 5, 2002
00h 01h 02h 03h 04h 05h 06h 07h 08h 09h 0Ah 0Bh 0Ch 0Dh 0Eh 0Fh 10h 11h 12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h 19h 1Ah 1Bh 1Ch 1Dh 1Eh 1Fh 20h 21h 22h 23h 24h 25h 26h 27h 28h 29h 2Ah 2Bh 2Ch 2Dh 2Eh 2Fh 30h 31h 32h 33h 34h 35h 36h 37h 38h 39h 3Ah 3Bh 3Ch 3Dh 3Eh 3Fh
Register Name
Register Name
Register Name
32 33 33 34 32 33 33 34 32 33 33 34 32 33 33 34 32 33 33 34 32 33 33 34
50 51 53 50 51 53 50 51 53 50 51 53 50 51 53 50 51 53 50 51 53 50 51 53
40h 41h 42h 43h 44h 45h 46h 47h 48h 49h 4Ah 4Bh 4Ch 4Dh 4Eh 4Fh 50h 51h 52h 53h 54h 55h 56h 57h 58h 59h 5Ah 5Bh 5Ch 5Dh 5Eh 5Fh 60h 61h 62h 63h 64h 65h 66h 67h 68h 69h 6Ah 6Bh 6Ch 6Dh 6Eh 6Fh 70h 71h 72h 73h 74h 75h 76h 77h 78h 79h 7Ah 7Bh 7Ch 7Dh 7Eh 7Fh
74 75 104 105
80 81 82 80 81 82 80 81 82 80 81 82
80h 81h 82h 83h 84h 85h 86h 87h 88h 89h 8Ah 8Bh 8Ch 8Dh 8Eh 8Fh 90h 91h 92h 93h 94h 95h 96h 97h 98h 99h 9Ah 9Bh 9Ch 9Dh 9Eh 9Fh A0h A1h A2h A3h A4h A5h A6h A7h A8h A9h AAh ABh ACh ADh AEh AFh B0h B1h B2h B3h B4h B5h B6h B7h B8h B9h BAh BBh BCh BDh BEh BFh
86 88 90 91 93 95 97 98 86 88 90 91 93 95 97 98 93 95 97 98 86 88 90 91 93 95 97 98 86 88 90 91
OSC_CR0 OSC_CR1 Reserved VLT_CR Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved IMO_TR ILO_TR BDG_TR ECO_TR
C0h C1h C2h C3h C4h C5h C6h C7h C8h C9h CAh CBh CCh CDh CEh CFh D0h D1h D2h D3h D4h D5h D6h D7h D8h D9h DAh DBh DCh DDh DEh DFh E0h E1h E2h E3h E4h E5h E6h E7h E8h E9h EAh EBh ECh EDh EEh EFh F0h F1h F2h F3h F4h F5h F6h F7h F8h F9h FAh FBh FCh FDh FEh FFh
40 40
116 RW
35 36 118 37
112 1
September 5, 2002
I/O Ports
5.0 5.1
Up to five 8-bit-wide I/O ports (P0-P4) and one 4-bit wide I/O port (P5) are implemented. The number of general purpose I/Os implemented and connected to pins depends on the individual part chosen. All port bits are independently programmable and have the following capabilities: General-purpose digital input readable by the CPU. General-purpose digital output writable by the CPU. Independent control of data direction for each port bit. Independent access for each port bit to Global Input and Global Output busses. Interrupt programmable to assert on rising edge, falling edge, or change from last pin state read. Output drive strength programmable in logic 0 and 1 states as strong, resistive (pull-up or pull-down), or high impedance. Port 1, pin 0 is used in conjunction with device Test Mode and will not function as an output for approximately 16 ms after XRES. After negating XRES, the pin will be held low for approximately 16 ms. This does not prevent the CPU from writing to this Data Register bit (PRT0DR, bit 0). However, the written data will not appear on the output pin until after the 16 ms delay. There are no restrictions when using the pin as an input. In addition, the pin may also be configured (e.g., drive
September 5, 2002
Interrupt Mode IM1 IM0 Output 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Suppress Interrupt Falling Edge Rising Edge Change from last read
Global Select
Bonding Pad
Analog Out (Port 0 Only) VDD Drive Mode DM1 DM0 0 0 1 1 5.6K DM1 0 1 0 1
DM0 DM1 CPU Bus VDD D GPIO Write Global Out Global Select DM0 5.6K VSS Q
September 5, 2002
I/O Registers
6.0 6.1
Table 28:
0 RW Data [7]
0 RW Data [6]
0 RW Data [5]
0 RW Data [4]
0 RW Data [3]
0 RW Data [2]
0 RW Data [1]
0 RW Data [0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] When written is the bits for output on port pins. When read is the state of the port pins
Port 0 Data Register (PRT0DR, Address = Bank 0, 00h) Port 1 Data Register (PRT1DR, Address = Bank 0, 04h) Port 2 Data Register (PRT2DR, Address = Bank 0, 08h) Port 3 Data Register (PRT3DR, Address = Bank 0, 0Ch) Port 4 Data Register (PRT4DR, Address = Bank 0, 10h) Port 5 Data Register (PRT5DR, Address = Bank 0, 14h) Note: Port 5 is 4-bits wide, Bit [3:0]
Table 29:
0 W Int En [7]
0 W Int En [6]
0 W
0 W
0 W Int En [3]
0 W Int En [2]
0 W Int En [1]
0 W Int En [0]
Bit [7:0]: Int En [7:0] When written sets the pin interrupt state 0 = Interrupt disabled for pin 1 = Interrupt enabled for pin
Port 0 Interrupt Enable Register (PRT0IE, Address = Bank 0, 01h) Port 1 Interrupt Enable Register (PRT1IE, Address = Bank 0, 05h) Port 2 Interrupt Enable Register (PRT2IE, Address = Bank 0, 09h) Port 3 Interrupt Enable Register (PRT3IE, Address = Bank 0, 0Dh) Port 4 Interrupt Enable Register (PRT4IE, Address = Bank 0, 11h) Port 5 Interrupt Enable Register (PRT5IE, Address = Bank 0, 15h) Note: Port 5 is 4-bits wide
September 5, 2002
Table 30:
0 W GlobSel [7]
0 W GlobSel [6]
0 W GlobSel [5]
0 W GlobSel [4]
0 W GlobSel [3]
0 W GlobSel [2]
0 W GlobSel [1]
0 W GlobSel [0]
Bit [7:0]: Global Select [7:0] When written determines whether a pin is connected to the Global Input Bus and Global Output Bus 0 = Not Connected 1 = Connected
Drive Mode xx = Global Select Register 0 = Standard CPU controlled port (Default) Drive Mode 1 0 (High Z) = Global Select Register 1 = Direct Drive of associated Global Input line Drive Mode 0 0, 0 1, 1 1 = Global Select Register 1 = Direct Receive from associated Global Output line Port 0 Global Select Register (PRT0GS, Address = Bank 0, 02h) Port 1 Global Select Register (PRT1GS, Address = Bank 0, 06h) Port 2 Global Select Register (PRT2GS, Address = Bank 0, 0Ah) Port 3 Global Select Register (PRT3GS, Address = Bank 0, 0Eh) Port 4 Global Select Register (PRT4GS, Address = Bank 0, 12h) Port 5 Global Select Register (PRT5GS, Address = Bank 0, 16h) Note: If implemented, Port 5 is 4-bits wide
0 W DM0 [7]
0 W DM0 [6]
0 W DM0 [5]
0 W DM0 [4]
0 W DM0 [3]
0 W DM0 [2]
0 W DM0 [1]
0 W DM0 [0]
Bit [7:0]: DM0 [7:0] The two Drive Mode bits that control a particular port pin are treated as a pair and are decoded as follows:
Port Data Register Bit 0 = Drive Mode 0 0 = 0 Resistive (Default) Port Data Register Bit 0 = Drive Mode 0 1 = 0 Strong Port Data Register Bit 0 = Drive Mode 1 0 = High Z Port Data Register Bit 0 = Drive Mode 1 1 = 0 Strong Port Data Register Bit 1 = Drive Mode 0 0 = 1 Strong Port Data Register Bit 1 = Drive Mode 0 1 = 1 Strong Port Data Register Bit 1 = Drive Mode 1 0 = High Z Port Data Register Bit 1 = Drive Mode 1 1 = 1 Resistive Port 0 Drive Mode 0 Register (PRT0DM0, Address = Bank 1, 00h) Port 1 Drive Mode 0 Register (PRT1DM0, Address = Bank 1, 04h) Port 2 Drive Mode 0 Register (PRT2DM0, Address = Bank 1, 08h) Port 3 Drive Mode 0 Register (PRT3DM0, Address = Bank 1, 0Ch) Port 4 Drive Mode 0 Register (PRT4DM0, Address = Bank 1, 10h) Port 5 Drive Mode 0 Register (PRT5DM0, Address = Bank 1, 14h) Note: Port 5 is 4-bits wide
September 5, 2002
I/O Registers
0 W DM1 [7]
0 W DM1 [6]
0 W DM1 [5]
0 W DM1 [4]
0 W DM1 [3]
0 W DM1 [2]
0 W DM1 [1]
0 W DM1 [0]
Bit [7:0]: DM1 [7:0] See truth table for Port Drive Mode 0 Registers, above
Port 0 Drive Mode 1 Register (PRT0DM1, Address = Bank 1, 01h) Port 1 Drive Mode 1 Register (PRT1DM1, Address = Bank 1, 05h) Port 2 Drive Mode 1 Register (PRT2DM1, Address = Bank 1, 09h) Port 3 Drive Mode 1 Register (PRT3DM1, Address = Bank 1, 0Dh) Port 4 Drive Mode 1 Register (PRT4DM1, Address = Bank 1, 11h) Port 5 Drive Mode 1 Register (PRT5DM1, Address = Bank 1, 15h) Note: Port 5 is 4-bits wide
0 W IC0 [7]
0 W IC0 [6]
0 W IC0 [5]
0 W IC0 [4]
0 W IC0 [3]
0 W IC0 [2]
0 W IC0 [1]
0 W IC0 [0]
Bit [7:0]: IC0 [7:0] The two Interrupt Control bits that control a particular port pin are treated as a pair and are decoded as follows: IC1 [x], IC0 [x] = 0 0 = Disabled (Default) IC1 [x], IC0 [x] = 0 1 = Falling Edge (-) IC1 [x], IC0 [x] = 1 0 = Rising Edge (+) IC1 [x], IC0 [x] = 1 1 = Change from Last Direct Read
Port 0 Interrupt Control 0 Register (PRT0IC0, Address = Bank 1, 02h) Port 1 Interrupt Control 0 Register (PRT1IC0, Address = Bank 1, 06h) Port 2 Interrupt Control 0 Register (PRT2IC0, Address = Bank 1, 0Ah) Port 3 Interrupt Control 0 Register (PRT3IC0, Address = Bank 1, 0Eh) Port 4 Interrupt Control 0 Register (PRT4IC0, Address = Bank 1, 12h) Port 5 Interrupt Control 0 Register (PRT5IC0, Address = Bank 1, 16h) Note: Port 5 is 4-bits wide
September 5, 2002
0 W IC1 [7]
0 W IC1 [6]
0 W IC1 [5]
0 W IC1 [4]
0 W IC1 [3]
0 W IC1 [2]
0 W IC1 [1]
0 W IC1 [0]
Bit [7:0]: IC1 [7:0] See truth table for Port Interrupt Control 0 Registers, above
Port 0 Interrupt Control 1 Register (PRT0IC1, Address = Bank 1, 03h) Port 1 Interrupt Control 1 Register (PRT1IC1, Address = Bank 1, 07h) Port 2 Interrupt Control 1 Register (PRT2IC1, Address = Bank 1, 0Bh) Port 3 Interrupt Control 1 Register (PRT3IC1, Address = Bank 1, 0Fh) Port 4 Interrupt Control 1 Register (PRT4IC1, Address = Bank 1, 13h) Port 5 Interrupt Control 1 Register (PRT5IC1, Address = Bank 1, 17h) Note: Port 5 is 4-bits wide
September 5, 2002
7.0 7.1
The internal main oscillator outputs two frequencies, 48 MHz and 24 MHz. In the absence of a high-precision input source from the external oscillator, the accuracy of this circuit is +/- 2.5% (between 0oC and +85oC). No external components are required to achieve this level of accuracy. The Internal Main Oscillator Trim Register (IMO_TR) is used to calibrate this oscillator into specified tolerance. Factory-programmed trim values are available for 5.0V and 3.3V operation. The 5.0V value is loaded in the IMO_TR register upon reset. This register must be adjusted when the operating voltage is outside the range
Table 35:
Bit # POR
Bit [7:0]: IMO Trim [7:0] Data value stored will alter the trimmed frequency of the Internal Main Oscillator. A larger value in this register will increase the speed of the Internal Main Oscillator
An internal low speed oscillator of nominally 32 kHz is available to generate sleep wake-up interrupts and Watchdog resets if the user does not want to attach a 32.768 kHz watch crystal. This oscillator can also be used as a clocking source for the digital PSoC blocks. The oscillator operates in two different modes. A trim value is written to the Internal Low Speed Oscillator Trim Register (ILO_TR), shown below, upon reset. See section 13.0 for accuracy information. When the IC is put into sleep mode this oscillator drops into an ultra low current state and the accuracy is reduced. This register sets the adjustment for the Internal Low Speed Oscillator. The value placed in this register is based on factory testing. It is recommended that the user not alter this value.
September 5, 2002 Document #: 38-12010 CY Rev. ** CMS Rev. 3.20 35
0 -Reserved
0 W Disable
Bit 7: Reserved Bit 6: Disable 0 = Low Speed Oscillator is on 1 = Low Speed Oscillator is off (minimum power state) Bit [5:0]: ILO Trim [5:0] Data value stored will alter the trimmed frequency of the Internal Low Speed Oscillator. (Not recommended for customer alteration)
Internal Low Speed Oscillator Trim Register (ILO_TR, Address = Bank 1, E9h)
The XtalIn and XtalOut pins support connection of a 32.768 kHz watch crystal to drive the 32K clock. To connect to the external crystal, the XtalIn and XtalOut pins drive modes must be set to High Z. To enable the external crystal oscillator, bit 7 of the Oscillator Control 0 Register (OSC_CR0) must be set (default is off). Note that the Internal Low Speed Oscillator continues to run when this external function is selected. It runs until the oscillator is automatically switched over when the sleep timer reaches terminal count. External feedback capacitors to Vcc are required. The firmware steps involved in switching between the Internal Low Speed Oscillator and External Crystal Oscillator are as follows: 1. At reset, the chip begins operation using the Internal Low Speed Oscillator. User immediately selects a sleep interval of 1 second in the Oscillator Control 0 Register (OSC_CR0), as the oscillator stabilization interval. User selects External Crystal Oscillator by setting bit [7] in Oscillator Control 0 Register (OSC_CR0) to 1. The External Crystal Oscillator becomes the selected 32.768 kHz source at the end of the 1-sec-
If the proper settings are selected in PSoC Designer, the above steps are automatically done in boot.asm.
Note: Transitions between oscillator domains may pro-
duce glitches on the 32K clock bus. Functions that require accuracy on the 32K clock should be enabled after the transition in oscillator domains. The External Crystal Oscillator Trim Register (ECO_TR) sets the adjustment for the External Crystal Oscillator. The value placed in this register at reset is based on factory testing. This register does not adjust the frequency of the External Crystal Oscillator. It is recommended that the user not alter this value.
September 5, 2002
0 -Reserved
0 -Reserved
Bit [7:6]: PSSDC [1:0] Power System Sleep Duty Cycle. (Not recommended for customer alteration) 0 0 = 1/128 0 1 = 1/512 1 0 = 1/32 1 1 = 1/8 Bit 5: Reserved Bit 4: Reserved Bit [3:2]: Amp [1:0] Sets the amplitude of the adjustment. (Not recommended for customer alteration) Bit [1:0]: Bias [1:0] Sets the bias of the adjustment. (Not recommended for customer alteration)
Vc c
Vc c
C2 XtalOut
If you do employ PLL with the External Crystal Oscillator, see Application Note AN2027 under Support at http:// for equation and details. An error of 1 pF in C1 and C2 gives about 3 ppm error in frequency.
September 5, 2002
1. 2. 3. 4.
Select a CPU frequency of 3 MHz or less. Enable the PLL. Wait at least 10 ms. Set CPU to a faster frequency, if desired. To do this, write the bits CPU[20] in the USC_CPU register. The CPU frequency will immediately change when these bits are set.
The Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) function generates the system clock with crystal accuracy. It is designed to provide a 23.986 MHz oscillator when utilized with an external 32.768 kHz crystal. Although the PLL provides crystal accuracy it requires time to lock onto the reference frequency when first starting. After the External Crystal Oscillator has been selected and enabled, the following procedure should be followed to enable the PLL and allow for proper frequency lock:
If the proper settings are selected in PSoC Designer, the above steps are automatically done in boot.asm.
There are twelve system-clocking signals that are used throughout the device. Referenced frequencies are
Table 39: Signal 48M 24M 24V1 System Clocking Signals and Definitions
The direct 48 MHz output from the Internal Main Oscillator. The direct 24 MHz output from the Internal Main Oscillator. The 24 MHz output from the Internal Main Oscillator that has been passed through a user-selectable 1 to 16 divider {F = 24 MHz / (1 to 16) = 24 MHz to 1.5 MHz}. The divider value is found in the Oscillator Control 1 Register (OSC_CR1). Note that the divider will be N+1, based on a value of N written into the register bits. The 24V1 signal that has been passed through an additional user-selectable 1 to 16 divider {F = 24 MHz / ((1 to 16) * (1 to 16)) = 24 MHz to 93.7 kHz}. The divider value is found in the Oscillator Control 1 Register (OSC_CR1). Note that the divider will be N+1, based on a value of N written into the register bits. The multiplexed output of either the Internal Low Speed Oscillator or the External Crystal Oscillator. The output from the Internal Main Oscillator that has been passed through a divider that has 8 user selectable ratios ranging from 1:1 to 1:256, yielding frequencies ranging from 24 MHz to 93.7 kHz. The 32K system-clocking signal that has been passed through a divider that has 4 user selectable ratios ranging from 1:26 to 1:215, yielding frequencies ranging from 512 Hz to 1 Hz. This signal is used to clock the sleep timer period.
September 5, 2002
The following diagram shows the PSoC MCU Clock Tree of signals 48M through SLP:
48 MHz
48M 24M
24V1 Clock Div isor OSC_CR1[7:4]
24 MHz
1 2 4 8 16 32 128 256
Sleep Clock Div isor OSC_CR0[4:3]
26 29 212 215
Figure 9: PSoC MCU Clock Tree of Signals 7.2.1 CPU and Sleep Timer Clock Options
The sleep timer is clocked off the SLP system-clocking signal. The SLEEP[1] and SLEEP[0] bits in the Oscillator Control 0 Register (OSC_CR0) allow the user to select from the four available periods.
The CPU is clocked off the CPU system-clocking signal, which can be configured to run at one of eight rates. This selection is independent from all other clock selection functions. It is completely safe for the CPU to change its clock rate without a timing hazard. The CPU clock period is determined by setting the CPU[2:0] bits in the Oscillator Control 0 Register (OSC_CR0).
September 5, 2002
0 RW 32k Select
0 RW PLL Mode
0 RW Reserved
0 RW Sleep [1]
0 RW Sleep [0]
0 RW CPU [2]
0 RW CPU [1]
0 RW CPU [0]
Bit 7: 32k Select 0 = Internal low precision 32 kHz oscillator 1 = External Crystal Oscillator Bit 6: PLL Mode 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled, Internal Main Oscillator is locked to External Crystal Oscillator Bit 5: Reserved Bit [4:3]: Sleep [1:0] 0 0 = 512 Hz or 1.95 ms period 0 1 = 64 Hz or 15.6 ms period 1 0 = 8 Hz or 125 ms period 1 1 = 1 Hz or 1 s period Bit [2:0]: CPU [2:0] 0 0 0 = 3 MHz 0 0 1 = 6 MHz 0 1 0 = 12 MHz 0 1 1 = 24 MHz 1 0 0 = 1.5 MHz 1 0 1 = 750 kHz 1 1 0 = 187.5 kHz 1 1 1 = 93.7 kHz
0 RW 24V1 [3]
0 RW 24V1 [2]
0 RW 24V1 [1]
0 RW 24V1 [0]
0 RW 24V2 [3]
0 RW 24V2 [2]
0 RW 24V2 [1]
0 RW 24V2 [0]
Bit [7:4]: 24V1 [3:0] 4-bit data value determines the divider value for the 24V1 system-clocking signal. Note that the 4-bit data value equals n-1, where n is the desired divider value, as illustrated in PSoC MCU Clock Tree of Signals. See Table 42 on page 41. Bit [3:0]: 24V2 [3:0] 4-bit data value determines the divider value for the 24V2 system-clocking signal. Note that the 4-bit data value equals n-1, where n is the desired divider value, as illustrated in the PSoC MCU Clock Tree of Signals. See Table 42 on page 41.
September 5, 2002
24V1 and 24V2 based on the value written to the OSC_CR1 register.
24000.00 12000.00 8000.00 6000.00 4800.00 4000.00 3428.57 3000.00 2666.67 2400.00 2181.82 2000.00 1846.15 1714.29 1600.00 1500.00 12000.00 6000.00 4000.00 3000.00 2400.00 2000.00 1714.29 1500.00 1333.33 1200.00 1090.91 1000.00 923.08 857.14 800.00 750.00 8000.00 4000.00 2666.67 2000.00 1600.00 1333.33 1142.86 1000.00 888.89 800.00 727.27 666.67 615.38 571.43 533.33 500.00 6000.00 3000.00 2000.00 1500.00 1200.00 1000.00 857.14 750.00 666.67 600.00 545.45 500.00 461.54 428.57 400.00 375.00
4800.00 2400.00 1600.00 1200.00 960.00 800.00 685.71 600.00 533.33 480.00 436.36 400.00 369.23 342.86 320.00 300.00 4000.00 2000.00 1333.33 1000.00 800.00 666.67 571.43 500.00 444.44 400.00 363.64 333.33 307.69 285.71 266.67 250.00 3428.57 1714.29 1142.86 857.14 685.71 571.43 489.80 428.57 380.95 342.86 311.69 285.71 263.74 244.90 228.57 214.29 3000.00 1500.00 1000.00 750.00 600.00 500.00 428.57 375.00 333.33 300.00 272.73 250.00 230.77 214.29 200.00 187.5
2666.67 1333.33 888.89 666.67 533.33 444.44 380.95 333.33 296.30 266.67 242.42 222.22 205.13 190.48 177.78 166.67 2400.00 1200.00 800.00 600.00 480.00 400.00 342.86 300.00 266.67 240.00 218.18 200.00 184.62 171.43 160.00 150.00 2181.82 1090.91 727.27 545.45 436.36 363.64 311.69 272.73 242.42 218.18 198.35 181.82 167.83 155.84 145.45 136.36 2000.00 1000.00 666.67 500.00 400.00 333.33 285.71 250.00 222.22 200.00 181.82 166.67 153.85 142.86 133.33 125.00
1846.15 923.08 615.38 461.54 369.23 307.69 263.74 230.77 205.13 184.62 167.83 153.85 142.01 131.87 123.08 115.38 1714.29 857.14 571.43 428.57 342.86 285.71 244.90 214.29 190.48 171.43 155.84 142.86 131.87 122.45 114.29 107.14 1600.00 800.00 533.33 400.00 320.00 266.67 228.57 200.00 177.78 160.00 145.45 133.33 123.08 114.29 106.67 100.00 1500.00 750.00 500.00 375.00 300.00 250.00 214.29 187.50 166.67 150.00 136.36 125.00 115.38 107.14 100.00 93.75
September 5, 2002
All digital PSoC block clocks are a user-selectable choice of 48M, 24V1, 24V2, or 32K, as well as clocking signals from other digital PSoC blocks or general pur-
8.0 8.1
Interrupts Overview
Interrupts can be generated by the General Purpose I/O lines, the Power monitor, the internal Sleep Timer, the eight Digital PSoC blocks, and the four analog columns. Every interrupt has a separate enable bit, which is contained in the General Interrupt Mask Register (INT_MSK0) and the Digital PSoC Block Interrupt Mask Register (INT_MSK1). When the user writes a 1 to a particular bit position, this enables the interrupt associated with that position. There is a single Global Interrupt Enable bit in the Flags Register (CPU_F), which can disable all interrupts, or enable those interrupts that also have their individual interrupt bit enabled. During a reset, the enable bits in the General Interrupt Mask Register (INT_MASK0), the enable bits in the Digital PSoC Block Interrupt Mask Register (INT_MSK1) and the Global Interrupt Enable bit in the Flags Register (CPU_F) are all cleared. The Interrupt Vector Register (INT_VC) holds the interrupt vector for the highest priority pending interrupt when read, and when written will clear all pending interrupts. If there is only one interrupt pending and an instruction is executed that would mask that pending interrupt (by clearing the corresponding bit in either of the interrupt mask registers at address E0h or E1h in Bank 0), the CPU will take that interrupt. Since the pending interrupt has been cleared and there are no others, the resulting interrupt vector is 0000h and the CPU will jump to the user code at the beginning of Flash. To address this issue, use the macro defined in called "M8C_DisableIntMask" in PSoC Designer. This macro brackets the register write with a disable then an enable of global interrupts.
September 5, 2002
Interrupt Source
Reset or Decoded Int Ack IRQ or Iwrite to INT_VC Register Interrupt Source R Q v IRQ
IRQ Flip Flop D Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
September 5, 2002
Digital PSoC Block Interrupt Mask Register Figure 10: Interrupts Overview
Interrupt Vector
Each digital PSoC block has its own unique Interrupt Vector and Interrupt Enable bit. There are also individual interrupt vectors for each of the Analog columns, Supply Voltage Monitor, Sleep Timer and General Purpose I/Os.
The interrupt controller contains a separate flip-flop for each interrupt. When an interrupt is generated, it is registered as a pending interrupt. It will stay pending until it is serviced, a reset occurs, or there is a write to the INT_VC Register. A pending interrupt will only generate an interrupt request when enabled by the appropriate mask bit in the Digital PSoC Block Interrupt Mask Register (INT_MSK1) or General Interrupt Mask Register (INT_MSK0), and the Global IE bit in the CPU_F register is set. Additionally, for GPIO Interrupts, the appropriate enable and interrupt-type bits for each I/O pin must be set (see section 6.0, Table 29 on page 31, Table 33 on page 33, and Table 34 on page 34). For Analog Column Interrupts, the interrupt source must be set (see section 10.11 and Table 76 on page 99). During the servicing of any interrupt, the MSB and LSB of Program Counter and Flag registers (CPU_PC and CPU_F) are stored onto the program stack by an automatic CALL instruction (13 cycles) generated during the interrupt acknowledge process. The user firmware may preserve and restore processor state during an interrupt using the PUSH and POP instructions. The memory oriented CPU architecture requires minimal state saving during interrupts, providing very fast interrupt context switching. The Program Counter and Flag registers (CPU_PC and CPU_F) are restored when the RETI instruction is executed. If two or more interrupts are pending at the same time, the higher priority interrupt (lower priority number) will be serviced first. After a copy of the Flag Register is stored on the stack, the Flag Register is automatically cleared. This disables all interrupts, since the Global IE flag bit is now cleared. Executing a RETI instruction restores the Flag register, and re-enables the Global Interrupt bit. Nested interrupts can be accomplished by re-enabling interrupts inside an interrupt service routine. To do this, set the IE bit in the Flag Register. The user must store sufficient information to maintain machine state if this is done.
Interrupt Vectors
Interrupt Vector Table
Interrupt Priority Number
Table 43:
0x0004 0x0008 0x000C 0x0010 0x0014 0x0018 0x001C 0x0020 0x0024 0x0028 0x002C 0x0030 0x0034 0x0038 0x003C 0x0040
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Supply Monitor Interrupt Vector DBA00 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DBA01 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DBA02 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DBA03 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DCA04 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DCA05 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DCA06 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector DCA07 PSoC Block Interrupt Vector Acolumn 0 Interrupt Vector Acolumn 1 Interrupt Vector Acolumn 2 Interrupt Vector Acolumn 3 Interrupt Vector GPIO Interrupt Vector Sleep Timer Interrupt Vector On-Chip Program Memory Starts
The interrupt process vectors the Program Counter to the appropriate address in the Interrupt Vector Table. Typically, these addresses contain JMP instructions to the start of the interrupt handling routine for the interrupt.
September 5, 2002
Bit # POR
Interrupt Masks
General Interrupt Mask Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Table 44:
0 RW Reserved
0 RW Sleep
0 RW Acolumn3
0 RW Acolumn2
0 RW Acolumn1
0 RW Acolumn0
0 RW Voltage Monitor
Bit 7: Reserved Bit 6: Sleep Interrupt Enable Bit (see 11.4) 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit 5: GPIO Interrupt Enable Bit (see 8.6) 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit [4]: Acolumn 3 Interrupt Enable Bit (see 10.0) 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit [3]: Acolumn 2 Interrupt Enable Bit (see 10.0) 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit [2]: Acolumn 1 Interrupt Enable Bit (see 10.0) 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit [1]: Acolumn 0 Interrupt Enable Bit (see 10.0) 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit 0: Voltage Monitor Interrupt Enable Bit (see 11.5) 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
September 5, 2002
0 RW DCA07
0 RW DCA06
0 RW DCA05
0 RW DCA04
0 RW DBA03
0 RW DBA02
0 RW DBA01
0 RW DBA00
Bit 7: DCA07 Interrupt Enable Bit 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit 6: DCA06 Interrupt Enable Bit 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit 5: DCA05 Interrupt Enable Bit 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit 4: DCA04 Interrupt Enable Bit 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit 3: DBA03 Interrupt Enable Bit 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit 2: DBA02 Interrupt Enable Bit 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit 1: DBA01 Interrupt Enable Bit 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled Bit 0: DBA00 Interrupt Enable Bit 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled
Digital PSoC Block Interrupt Mask Register (INT_MSK1, Address = Bank 0, E1h)
Table 46:
0 RW Data[7]
0 RW Data[6]
0 RW Data[5]
0 RW Data[4]
0 RW Data[3]
0 RW Data[2]
0 RW Data[1]
0 RW Data[0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data value holds the interrupt vector for the highest priority pending interrupt. Writing to this register will clear all pending interrupts
September 5, 2002
GPIO Interrupt
the Port x Interrupt Enable Registers (PRTxIE). There are user selectable options to generate an interrupt on 1) any change from the last read state, 2) rising edge, and 3) falling edge. When Interrupt on Change is selected, the state of the GPIO pin is stored when the port is read. Changes from this state will then assert the interrupt, if enabled.
GPIO Interrupts are polarity configurable and pin-wise maskable (within each Ports pin configuration registers). They all share the same interrupt priority and vector. Any general purpose I/O can be used as an interrupt source. The GPIO bit in the General Interrupt Mask Register (INT_MSK0) must be set to enable pin interrupts, as well as the enable bits for each pin, which are located in
R 1 GPIO Cell PIN Int Logic GPIO Int Enable BIT S, INT_MSK0 All GPIO INTOUTs OR D Q IRQ To Priority Decode Logic
September 5, 2002
9.0 9.1
PSoC blocks are user configurable system resources. On-chip digital PSoC blocks reduce the need for many MCU part types and external peripheral components. Digital PSoC blocks can be configured to provide a wide variety of peripheral functions. PSoC Designer Software Integrated Development Environment provides automated configuration of PSoC blocks by simply selecting the desired functions. PSoC Designer then generates the proper configuration information and can print a device data sheet unique to that configuration. Digital PSoC blocks provide up to eight, 8-bit multipurpose timers/counters supporting multiple event timers, real-time clocks, Pulse Width Modulators (PWM), and CRCs. In addition to all PSoC block functions, communication PSoC blocks support full-duplex UARTs and SPI master or slave functions. As shown in FigureTitle 12, there are a total of eight 8-bit digital PSoC blocks in this device family configured as a linear array. Four of these are the Digital Basic Type A blocks and four are the Digital Communications Type A blocks. Each of these digital PSoC blocks can be configured independently, or used in combination. Each digital PSoC block has a unique Interrupt Vector and Interrupt Enable bit. Functions can be stopped or started with a user-accessible Enable bit. The Timer/Counter/CRC/PRS/Deadband functions are available on the Digital Basic Type A blocks and also the Digital Communications Type A blocks. The UART and SPI communications functions are only available on the Digital Communications Type A blocks. There are three configuration registers: the Function Register (DBA00FN-DCA07FN) to select the block function and mode, the Input Register (DBA00IN-DCA07IN) to select data input and clock selection, and the Output Register (DBA00OU-DCA07OU) to select and enable function outputs. The three data registers are designated Data 0 (DBA00DR0-DCA07DR0), Data 1 (DBA00DR1DCA07DR1), and Data 2 (DBA00DR2-DCA07DR2). The function of these registers and their bit mapping is
September 5, 2002
Figure 12: Digital Basic and Digital Communications PSoC Blocks *Three of the digital blocks have special functions. DBA3 is a Broadcast block, with output directly available to all digital blocks as a clock or data input. Blocks DBA2 and DCA6 have selectable connections to support Delta Sigma and Incremental A/D converters.
The Digital Basic Type A/ Communications Type A Block xx Function Register (DBA00FN-DCA07FN) consists of 3 bits [2:0] to select the block function, 2 bits [4:3] to select mode of operation, and 1 bit [5] to indicate the last block in a group of chained blocks.
September 5, 2002
0 RW Reserved
0 RW
0 RW
0 RW Mode 1
0 RW Mode 0
0 RW Function [2]
0 RW Function [1]
0 RW Function [0]
Reserved End
Bit 5: End 0 = PSoC block is not the end of a chained function (End should not be set to 0 in block DCA07) 1 = PSoC block is the end of a chained function, or is an unchained PSoC block Bit 4: Mode 1 The definition of the Mode [1] bit depends on the block function selected Timer: The Mode [1] bit signifies the Compare Type 0 = Less Than or Equal 1 = Less Than Counter: The Mode [1] bit signifies the Compare Type 0 = Less Than or Equal 1 = Less Than CRC/PRS: The Mode [1] bit is unused in this function Deadband: The Mode [1] bit is unused in this function UART: The Mode[1] bit signifies the Interrupt Type (Transmitter only) 0 = Transmit: Interrupt on TX_Reg Empty 1 = Transmit: Interrupt on TX Complete SPI: The Mode[1] bit signifies the Interrupt Type 0 = Master: Interrupt on TX Reg Empty, Slave: Interrupt on RX Reg Full 1 = Master: Interrupt on SPI Complete, Slave: Interrupt on SPI Complete Bit 3: Mode 0 The definition of the Mode [0] bit depends on the block function selected Timer: The Mode [0] bit signifies Interrupt Type 0 = Terminal Count 1 = Compare True Counter: The Mode [0] bit signifies Interrupt Type 0 = Terminal Count 1 = Compare True CRC/PRS: The Mode [0] bit is unused in this function Deadband: The Mode [0] bit is unused in this function UART: The Mode [0] bit signifies the Direction 0 = Receive 1 = Transmit SPI: The Mode [0] bit signifies the Type 0 = Master 1 = Slave Bit [2:0]: Function [2:0] The Function [2:0] bits select the block function which determines the basic hardware configuration 0 0 0 = Timer (chainable) 0 0 1 = Counter (chainable) 0 1 0 = CRC/PRS (Cyclical Redundancy Checker or Pseudo Random Sequencer) (chainable) 0 1 1 = Reserved 1 0 0 = Deadband for Pulse Width Modulator 1 0 1 = UART (function only available on DCA type blocks) 1 1 0 = SPI (function only available on DCA type blocks) 1 1 1 = Reserved
Digital Basic Type A Block 00 Function Register Digital Basic Type A Block 01 Function Register Digital Basic Type A Block 02 Function Register Digital Basic Type A Block 03 Function Register Digital Communications Type A Block 04 Function Register
(DBA00FN, Address = Bank 1, 20h) (DBA01FN, Address = Bank 1, 24h) (DBA02FN, Address = Bank 1, 28h) (DBA03FN, Address = Bank 1, 2Ch) (DCA04FN, Address = Bank 1, 30h)
September 5, 2002
Digital Communications Type A Block 05 Function Register Digital Communications Type A Block 06 Function Register Digital Communications Type A Block 07 Function Register
(DCA05FN, Address = Bank 1, 34h) (DCA06FN, Address = Bank 1, 38h) (DCA07FN, Address = Bank 1, 3Ch)
The Digital Basic Type A / Communications Type A Block xx Input Register (DBA00IN-DCA07IN) consists of 4 bits [3:0] to select the block input clock and 4 bits [7:4] to
Table 48: Bit # POR Read/Write Bit Name
0 RW Data [3]
0 RW Data [2]
0 RW Data [1]
0 RW Data [0]
0 RW Clock [3]
0 RW Clock [2]
0 RW Clock [1]
0 RW Clock [0]
Bit [7:4]: Data [3:0] Data Enable Source Select 0 0 0 0 = Data = 0 0 0 0 1 = Data = 1 0 0 1 0 = Digital Block 03 0 0 1 1 = Chain Function to Previous Block 0 1 0 0 = Analog Column Comparator 0 0 1 0 1 = Analog Column Comparator 1 0 1 1 0 = Analog Column Comparator 2 0 1 1 1 = Analog Column Comparator 3 1 0 0 0 = Global Output[0] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Output[4] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 0 0 1 = Global Output[1] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Output[5] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 0 1 0 = Global Output[2] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Output[6] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 0 1 1 = Global Output[3] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Output[7] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 1 0 0 = Global Input[0] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Input[4] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 1 0 1 = Global Input[1] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Input[5] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 1 1 0 = Global Input[2] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Input[6] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 1 1 1 = Global Input[3] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Input[7] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) Bit [3:0]: Clock [3:0] Clock Source Select 0 0 0 0 = Clock Disabled 0 0 0 1 = Global Output[4] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Output[0] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 0 0 1 0 = Digital Block 03 (Primary Output) 0 0 1 1 = Previous Digital PSoC block (Primary Output) 0 1 0 0 = 48M 0 1 0 1 = 24V1 0 1 1 0 = 24V2 0 1 1 1 = 32k 1 0 0 0 = Global Output[0] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Output[4] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 0 0 1 = Global Output[1] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Output[5] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 0 1 0 = Global Output[2] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Output[6] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 0 1 1 = Global Output[3] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Output[7] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 1 0 0 = Global Input[0] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Input[4] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 1 0 1 = Global Input[1] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Input[5] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 1 1 0 = Global Input[2] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Input[6] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 1 1 1 = Global Input[3] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Global Input[7] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07)
Digital Basic Type A Block 00 Input Register Digital Basic Type A Block 01 Input Register Digital Basic Type A Block 02 Input Register Digital Basic Type A Block 03 Input Register Digital Communications Type A Block 04 Input Register Digital Communications Type A Block 05 Input Register
(DBA00IN, Address = Bank 1, 21h) (DBA01IN, Address = Bank 1, 25h) (DBA02IN, Address = Bank 1, 29h) (DBA03IN, Address = Bank 1, 2Dh) (DCA04IN, Address = Bank 1, 31h) (DCA05IN, Address = Bank 1, 35h)
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Digital Communications Type A Block 06 Input Register Digital Communications Type A Block 07 Input Register The Data/Enable source select [3:0] bits select between multiple inputs to the Digital PSoC Blocks. These inputs serve as Clock Enables or Data Input depending on the Digital PSoC Blocks programmed function. If Chain Function to Previous data input is selected for Data/ Enable then the selected Digital PSoC block receives its Data, Enable, Zero Detect, and all chaining information from the previous digital PSoC block. The data inputs that are selected from the GPIO pins (through the Global Input Bus) are synchronized to the 24 MHz clock. The following table shows the function dependent meaning of the data input.
Table 49: Digital Function Data Input Definitions Data Input
(DCA06IN, Address = Bank 1, 39h) (DCA07IN, Address = Bank 1, 3Dh) The Clock[3:0] bits select multiple sources for the clock for each digital PSoC block. The sources for each digital PSoC block clock are selected from the Global Input Bus, System Clocks, and other neighboring digital PSoC blocks. As shown in the table, Digital PSoC Blocks 0-3 can interface to Global I/Os 00-03, and Digital PSoC block 04-07 can interface to Global I/Os 4-7. It is important to note that clock inputs selected from the GPIO pins (through the Global Input Bus) are not synchronized. This may cause indeterminate results if the CPU reads a block register as it is changing in response to an external clock. CPU reads must be manually synchronized, either through the block interrupt, or through a multiple read and voting scheme.
Timer Counter CRC PRS Deadband TX UART RX UART SPI Master SPI Slave
Positive Edge Capture Count Enable (Active High) Data Input N/A Kill Signal (Active High) N/A RX Data In MISO (Master In/Slave Out) MOSI (Master Out/Slave In)
The digital PSoC blocks outputs can be selected to drive associated Global Output Bus signals via the Output Select bits. In addition, the output drive can be selectively enabled in this register. The SPI Slave has an auxiliary input which is also controlled by selections in this register.
September 5, 2002
0 RW Reserved
0 RW Reserved
0 RW Out Enable
Bit 7: Reserved Bit 6: Reserved Bit 5: AUX Out Enable 0 = Disable Auxiliary Output 1 = Enable Auxiliary Output (function dependent) Bit [4:3]: AUX IO Sel [1:0] Function-dependent selection of auxiliary input or output 0 0 = Input from Global Input[0] or Drive Global Output[0] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Input from Global Input[4] or Drive Global Output [4] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 0 1 = Input from Global Input[1] or Drive Global Output[1] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Input from Global Input[5] or Drive Global Output[5] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 0 = Input from Global Input[2] or Drive Global Output[2] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Input from Global Input[6] or Drive Global Output[6] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 1 = Input from Global Input[3] or Drive Global Output[3] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Input from Global Input[7] or Drive Global Output[7] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) Bit 2: Out Enable 0 = Disable Primary Output 1 = Enable Primary Output (function dependant) Bit [1:0]: Out Sel [1:0] Primary Output 0 0 = Drive Global Output[0] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Drive Global Output[4] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 0 1 = Drive Global Output[1] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Drive Global Output[5] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 0 = Drive Global Output[2] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Drive Global Output[6] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07) 1 1 = Drive Global Output[3] (for Digital Blocks 00 to 03) or Drive Global Output[7] (for Digital Blocks 04 to 07)
Digital Basic Type A Block 00 Output Register Digital Basic Type A Block 01 Output Register Digital Basic Type A Block 02 Output Register Digital Basic Type A Block 03 Output Register Digital Communications Type A Block 04 Output Register Digital Communications Type A Block 05 Output Register Digital Communications Type A Block 06 Output Register Digital Communications Type A Block 07 Output Register
(DBA00OU, Address = Bank 1, 22h) (DBA01OU, Address = Bank 1, 26h) (DBA02OU, Address = Bank 1, 2Ah) (DBA03OU, Address = Bank 1, 2Eh) (DCA04OU, Address = Bank 1, 32h) (DCA05OU, Address = Bank 1, 36h) (DCA06OU, Address = Bank 1, 3Ah) (DCA07OU, Address = Bank 1, 3Eh)
The Primary Output is the source for Previous Digital PSoC Block or Digital Block 03, selections for the Clock Source Select in the Digital Basic Type A/Communications Type A Block xx Input Register (Table 48 on page 51). A digital PSoC block may have 0, 1, or 2 outputs depending on its function, as shown in the following table:
September 5, 2002
Timer Counter CRC PRS Deadband TX UART RX UART SPI Master SPI Slave
Terminal Count Compare True N/A Serial Data F0 TX Data Out N/A MOSI MISO
Compare True Terminal Count Compare True Compare True F1 N/A N/A SCLK N/A
There are four user registers within each digital PSoC block: three data registers, and one status/control register. The three data registers are DR0, which is a shifter/ counter, and DR1 and DR2 registers, which contain data
Table 52: Bit # POR Read/Write Bit Name
Varies by function/User Module selection. (See Table 53 on page 55.) (DBA00DR0, Address = Bank 0, 20h) (DBA00DR1, Address = Bank 0, 21h) (DBA00DR2, Address = Bank 0, 22h) (DBA01DR0, Address = Bank 0, 24h) (DBA01DR1, Address = Bank 0, 25h) (DBA01DR2, Address = Bank 0, 26h) (DBA02DR0, Address = Bank 0, 28h) (DBA02DR1, Address = Bank 0, 29h) (DBA02DR2, Address = Bank 0, 2Ah) (DBA03DR0, Address = Bank 0, 2Ch) (DBA03DR1, Address = Bank 0, 2Dh) (DBA03DR2, Address = Bank 0, 2Eh) (DCA04DR0, Address = Bank 0, 30h) (DCA04DR1, Address = Bank 0, 31h) (DCA04DR2, Address = Bank 0, 32h) (DCA05DR0, Address = Bank 0, 34h) (DCA05DR1, Address = Bank 0, 35h) (DCA05DR2, Address = Bank 0, 36h) (DCA06DR0, Address = Bank 0, 38h) (DCA06DR1, Address = Bank 0, 39h)
Digital Basic Type A Block 00 Data Register 0 Digital Basic Type A Block 00 Data Register 1 Digital Basic Type A Block 00 Data Register 2 Digital Basic Type A Block 01 Data Register 0 Digital Basic Type A Block 01 Data Register 1 Digital Basic Type A Block 01 Data Register 2 Digital Basic Type A Block 02 Data Register 0 Digital Basic Type A Block 02 Data Register 1 Digital Basic Type A Block 02 Data Register 2 Digital Basic Type A Block 03 Data Register 0 Digital Basic Type A Block 03 Data Register 1 Digital Basic Type A Block 03 Data Register 2 Digital Communications Type A Block 04 Data Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 04 Data Register 1 Digital Communications Type A Block 04 Data Register 2 Digital Communications Type A Block 05 Data Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 05 Data Register 1 Digital Communications Type A Block 05 Data Register 2 Digital Communications Type A Block 06 Data Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 06 Data Register 1
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Digital Communications Type A Block 06 Data Register 2 Digital Communications Type A Block 07 Data Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 07 Data Register 1 Digital Communications Type A Block 07 Data Register 2
Table 53: Function R/W Variations per User Module Selection DR0 R/W
(DCA06DR2, Address = Bank 0, 3Ah) (DCA07DR0, Address = Bank 0, 3Ch) (DCA07DR1, Address = Bank 0, 3Dh) (DCA07DR2, Address = Bank 0, 3Eh)
Count Count Current Value/CRC Residue Current Value Count Shifter Shifter Shifter
R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 NA NA NA
Period Value Period Value Polynomial Mask Value Polynomial Mask Value Period Value Not Used Data Register TX Data Register
Capture Value Compare Value Seed Value Seed Value Not Used Data Register Not Used RX Data Register
Each time the register is read, its value is written to the DR2 register.
Table 54: Bit # POR
Varies by function. (DBA00CR0, Address = Bank 0, 23h) (DBA01CR0, Address = Bank 0, 27h) (DBA02CR0, Address = Bank 0, 2Bh) (DBA03CR0, Address = Bank 0, 2Fh) (DCA04CR0, Address = Bank 0, 33h) (DCA05CR0, Address = Bank 0, 37h) (DCA06CR0, Address = Bank 0, 3Bh) (DCA07CR0, Address = Bank 0, 3Fh)
Digital Basic Type A Block 00 Control Register 0 Digital Basic Type A Block 01 Control Register 0 Digital Basic Type A Block 02 Control Register 0 Digital Basic Type A Block 03 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A 04 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A 05 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 06 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 07 Control Register 0
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Digital Basic Type A/Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0 When Used as Timer, Counter, CRC, and Deadband
variables selected in the associated Digital Basic Type A/ Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0.
Note that the data in this register, as well as the following three registers, are a mapping of the functions of the
Table 55: Bit # POR Read/Write Bit Name Bit 7: Reserved Bit 6: Reserved Bit 5: Reserved Bit 4: Reserved Bit 3: Reserved Bit 2: Reserved Bit 1: Reserved Bit 0: Enable 0 = Function Disabled 1 = Function Enabled
0 RW Enable
Digital Basic Type A Block 00 Control Register 0 Digital Basic Type A Block 01 Control Register 0 Digital Basic Type A Block 02 Control Register 0 Digital Basic Type A Block 03 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A 04 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A 05 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 06 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 07 Control Register 0
(DBA00CR0, Address = Bank 0, 23h) (DBA01CR0, Address = Bank 0, 27h) (DBA02CR0, Address = Bank 0, 2Bh) (DBA03CR0, Address = Bank 0, 2Fh) (DCA04CR0, Address = Bank 0, 33h) (DCA05CR0, Address = Bank 0, 37h) (DCA06CR0, Address = Bank 0, 3Bh) (DCA07CR0, Address = Bank 0, 3Fh)
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Table 56: Bit # POR Read/ Write Bit Name
Digital Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0 When Used as UART Transmitter
Digital Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0... 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 -Reserved
0 -Reserved
0 R TX Complete
0 R TX Reg Empty
0 -Reserved
0 RW Parity Type
0 RW Parity Enable
0 RW Enable
Bit 7: Reserved Bit 6: Reserved Bit 5: TX Complete 0 = Indicates that if a transmission has been initiated, it is still in progress 1 = Indicates that the current transmission is complete (including framing bits) Optional interrupt source for TX UART. Reset when this register is read. Bit 4: TX Reg Empty 0 = Indicates TX Data register is not available to accept another byte (writing to register will cause data to be lost) 1 = Indicates TX Data register is available to accept another byte Note that the interrupt does not occur until at least 1 byte has been previously written to the TX Data Register Default interrupt source for TX UART. Reset when the TX Data Register (Data Register 1) is written. Bit 3: Reserved Bit 2: Parity Type 0 = Even 1 = Odd Bit 1: Parity Enable 0 = Parity Disabled 1 = Parity Enabled Bit 0: Enable 0 = Function Disabled 1 = Function Enabled
Digital Communications Type A 04 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A 05 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 06 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 07 Control Register 0
(DCA04CR0, Address = Bank 0, 33h) (DCA05CR0, Address = Bank 0, 37h) (DCA06CR0, Address = Bank 0, 3Bh) (DCA07CR0, Address = Bank 0, 3Fh)
September 5, 2002
Table 57: Bit # POR
Digital Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0 When Used as UART Receiver
Digital Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0... 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 R Parity Error
0 R Overrun
0 R Framing Error
0 R RX Active
0 R RX Reg Full
0 RW Parity Type
0 RW Parity Enable
0 RW Enable
Bit 7: Parity Error 0 = Indicates no parity error detected in the last byte received 1 = Indicates a parity error detected in the last byte received Reset when this register is read Bit 6: Overrun 0 = Indicates that no overrun has taken place 1 = Indicates the RX Data register was overwritten with a new byte before the previous one had been read Reset when this register is read Bit 5: Framing Error 0 = Indicates correct stop bit 1 = Indicates a missing STOP bit Reset when this register is read Bit 4: RX Active 0 = Indicates no communication currently in progress 1 = Indicates a start bit has been received and a byte is currently being received Bit 3: RX Reg Full 0 = Indicates the RX Data register is empty 1 = Indicates a byte has been loaded into the RX Data register Interrupt source for RXUART. Reset when the RX Data register is read (Data Register 2) Bit 2: Parity Type 0 = Even 1 = Odd Bit 1: Parity Enable 0 = Parity Disabled 1 = Parity Enabled Bit 0: Enable 0 = Function Disabled 1 = Function Enabled
Digital Communications Type A 04 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A 05 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 06 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 07 Control Register 0
(DCA04CR0, Address = Bank 0, 33h) (DCA05CR0, Address = Bank 0, 37h) (DCA06CR0, Address = Bank 0, 3Bh) (DCA07CR0, Address = Bank 0, 3Fh)
September 5, 2002
Table 58: Bit # POR Read/ Write Bit Name
Digital Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0 When Used as SPI Transceiver
Digital Communications Type A Block xx Control Register 0... 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 RW LSB First
0 R Overrun
0 R SPI Complete
0 R TX Reg Empty
0 R RX Reg Full
0 RW Clock Phase
0 RW Clock Polarity
0 RW Enable
Bit 7: LSB First 0 = MSB First 1 = LSB First Bit 6: Overrun 0 = Indicates that no overrun has taken place 1 = Indicates the RX Data register was overwritten with a new byte before the previous one had been read Reset when this register is read Bit 5: SPI Complete 0 = Indicates the byte is in process of shifting out 1 = Indicates the byte has been shifted out (reset when register is read) Optional interrupt source for both SPI Master and SPI Slave. Reset when this register is read Bit 4: TX Reg Empty 0 = Indicates the TX Data register is not available to accept another byte 1 = Indicates the TX Data register is available to accept another byte Default interrupt source for SPI Master. Reset when the TX Data Register (Data Register 1) is written. Bit 3: RX Reg Full 0 = Indicates the RX Data register is empty 1 = Indicates a byte has been loaded into the RX Data register Default interrupt source for SPI Slave. Reset when the RX Data Register (Data Register 2) is read Bit 2: Clock Phase 0 = Data changes on leading edge and is latched on trailing edge 1 = Data is latched on leading edge and is changed on trailing edge Bit 1: Clock Polarity 0 = Non-inverted (clock idle state is low) 1 = Inverted (clock idle state is high) Bit 0: Enable 0 = Function Disabled 1 = Function Enabled
Digital Communications Type A 04 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A 05 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 06 Control Register 0 Digital Communications Type A Block 07 Control Register 0
(DCA04CR0, Address = Bank 0, 33h) (DCA05CR0, Address = Bank 0, 37h) (DCA06CR0, Address = Bank 0, 3Bh) (DCA07CR0, Address = Bank 0, 3Fh)
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This allows Digital PSoC blocks to route their inputs and outputs to pins using the global I/O buses.
Global Inputs and Outputs provide additional capability to route clock and data signals to the Digital PSoC blocks. Digital PSoC blocks are connected to the global input and output lines by configuring the PSoC block Input and Output registers (DBA00IN-DCA07IN, DBA00OU-DCA07OU). These global input and output lines form an 8-bit global input bus and an 8-bit global output bus. Four Digital PSoC blocks have access to the upper half of these buses, while the other four access the lower half, per the configuration register. These global input/output buses may be connected to the I/O pins on a per-pin basis using the pin configuration registers.
Input Assignments
The PSoC block Input Register defines the selection of Global Inputs to digital PSoC blocks. Only 4 of the Global Inputs bus lines are available as selections to a given digital PSoC block as shown in the table below. Once the Global Input has been selected using the PSoC block Input Register selection bits, a GPIO pin must be configured to drive the selected Global Input. This configuration may be set in the GPIO Global Select Register. The GPIO direction must also be set to input mode by configuring the Drive Mode registers to select High Z.
Global Input Assignments Global Input [6] Global Input [5] Global Input [4] Global Input [3] Global Input [2] Global Input [1] Global Input [0]
Port x[7]
PSoC Block 04 PSoC Block 05 PSoC Block 06 PSoC Block 07
Port x[6]
PSoC Block 04 PSoC Block 05 PSoC Block 06 PSoC Block 07
Port x[5]
PSoC Block 04 PSoC Block 05 PSoC Block 06 PSoC Block 07
Port x[4]
PSoC Block 04 PSoC Block 05 PSoC Block 06 PSoC Block 07
Port x[3]
PSoC Block 00 PSoC Block 01 PSoC Block 02 PSoC Block 03
Port x[2]
PSoC Block 00 PSoC Block 01 PSoC Block 02 PSoC Block 03
Port x[1]
PSoC Block 00 PSoC Block 01 PSoC Block 02 PSoC Block 03
Port x[0]
PSoC Block 00 PSoC Block 01 PSoC Block 02 PSoC Block 03
Output Assignments
puts may drive out to GPIO pins. In this case, once the Global Output has been selected using the PSoC block Output Register selection bits, a GPIO pin must be configured to select the Global Output to drive to the pin. This configuration may be set in the GPIO Global Select Register. The GPIO direction must also be set to output mode (which is the default) by configuring the Drive Mode registers one of the available driving strengths.
The PSoC block Output Register defines the selection of the Global Output bus line to be driven by the digital PSoC blocks. Only 4 of the Global Output bus lines are available as selections to a given digital PSoC block as shown in the table below. The Global Output bus has two functions. Since Global Outputs are also selectable as inputs to digital PSoC blocks, signals can be routed between blocks using this bus. In addition, Global OutTable 60: Global Output [7] Global Output Assignments Global Output [6] Global Output [5] Global Output [4]
Port x[7]
PSoC Block 04 PSoC Block 05 PSoC Block 06 PSoC Block 07
Port x[6]
PSoC Block 04 PSoC Block 05 PSoC Block 06 PSoC Block 07
Port x[5]
PSoC Block 04 PSoC Block 05 PSoC Block 06 PSoC Block 07
Port x[4]
PSoC Block 04 PSoC Block 05 PSoC Block 06 PSoC Block 07
Port x[3]
PSoC Block 00 PSoC Block 01 PSoC Block 02 PSoC Block 03
Port x[2]
PSoC Block 00 PSoC Block 01 PSoC Block 02 PSoC Block 03
Port x[1]
PSoC Block 00 PSoC Block 01 PSoC Block 02 PSoC Block 03
Port x[0]
PSoC Block 00 PSoC Block 01 PSoC Block 02 PSoC Block 03
The timer function continuously measures the amount of time in ticks between two events, and provides a rate
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trigger capture operations that permit calculation of elapsed ticks. Timer-configured PSoC blocks may be chained to arbitrary lengths in 8 bit increments.
current count is less than (or less than or equal to) the value in Data Register 2 (compare type controlled by Mode[1] in the PSoC block Function Register). The auxiliary output can be routed via Global Output lines. The PSoC block Output Register (DBA00OU-DCA07OU) controls output options.
Data Register 1 establishes the period or integer clock division value. Data Register 0 holds the current state of the down counter. If the function is disabled, writing a period into Data Register 1, will automatically load Data Register 0. It is also automatically reloaded on the clock cycle after it reaches zero, the terminal count value. When a capture event occurs, the current value of Data Register 0 is transferred to Data Register 2. The captured value in Data Register 2 may then be read by the CPU. In addition to the hardware capture input, A CPU read of Data Register 0 generates a software capture event. This read will return 0 as data. A subsequent read of Data Register 2 will return the captured value. Control Register 0 contains one bit to enable/disable the function.
Interrupts may be generated in either of two ways. First, the PSoC block may optionally generate an interrupt on the rising edge of Terminal Count or the rising edge of the Compare True signal. The selection of interrupt source is determined by the MODE[0] bit of the PSoC block Function Register (DBA00FN-DCA07FN). The MODE[1] bit controls whether the comparison operation is less than or less than or equal to. If capture events are disabled, Data Register 2 can be used to create a periodic interrupt with a particular offset from the terminal count. Inputs
Usage Notes
Constraints Hardware/software synchronous capture is only available with a clocking rate of 24 MHz and below.
There are two inputs, the Source Clock and the Hardware Capture signal. The down counter is decremented on the rising-edge of the Source Clock. A hardware capture event is signaled by a rising edge of the Hardware Capture signal. This is synchronized to the 24 MHz system clock and the data is synchronously transferred to Data Register 2. The Hardware Capture Signal is ORed with a software capture signal that is generated when Data Register 0 is read directly by the CPU. In order to use the software capture mechanism, the Hardware Capture signal input selection must be low. The multiplexers selecting these input sources are controlled by the PSoC block Input Register (DBA00IN-DCA07IN). 3. 2.
Software Capture When a capture event occurs, all bytes in a multibyte timer transfer simultaneously from the current count (Data Register 0) to the capture register (Data Register 2). To generate a software capture event, only the least significant Data Register 0 byte needs to be read by the CPU. This causes the same simultaneous transfer as a hardware event. Disabled State When the Control Register Enable bit is set to 0, the internal block clock is turned off. A write to Data Register 1 (Period) is loaded directly into Data Register 0 (Counter) to initialize or reset the count. All outputs are low and the block interrupt is held low. Disabling a timer does not affect the current count value and it may be read by the CPU. However, since hardware/software capture is disabled in this state, two reads are required to read each byte of a multi-byte register. One to transfer each Data Register 0 count value to the associated Data Register 2 capture register, then one to read the result in Data Register 2.
The Terminal Count signal is the primary output and it exhibits a duty cycle that is the reciprocal of the period value contained in Data Register 1. In other words, it is high during the source clock cycle when the value in Data Register 0 is zero and low otherwise. The Terminal Count can be routed to additional analog or digital PSoC blocks or via Global Output lines. The auxiliary output is the Compare True signal. This output is high when the
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Capture vs. Compare A capture event will overwrite Data Register 2. This is also the register that holds the compare value. Therefore, using the capture function may not be compatible with using the timer compare function.
Register 2.
There are two primary inputs, the Source Clock and the Enable signal. When the Enable signal is high, the down counter is decremented on the rising-edge of the Source Clock. The multiplexers selecting these inputs are controlled by the PSoC block Input Register (DBA00INDCA07IN).
Conceptually, a counter measures the number of events between ticks, however, this distinction between counter and timer blurs because both functions provide a complete range of clock selections. The counter trades the timers hardware capture for a clock gate or enable and provides a means of adjusting the duty cycle of its output so that it can double as a pulse-width modulator. A down counter lies at the heart of the counter function. Counter-configured PSoC blocks may be chained to arbitrary lengths in 8 bit increments. In a Counter User Module, the data input is an enable for counting. Normally, when the enable goes low, the counter will hold the current count. However, if the enable happens to go low in the same clock period as Terminal Count (count of all 0's), one additional count will occur that will reload the counter from the Period Register. Once the counter is reloaded from the Period Register, counting will stop.
The counter function drives its primary output signal, Compare True, high on the falling edge of the Source Clock when the value in Data Register 0 is less (or less than or equal to) the value in Data Register 2. The duty cycle of the pulse-width modulator formed in this way is the ratio of Data Register 2 (or Data Register 2 minus one) to Data Register 1. The choice of compare operators is determined by the MODE[1] bit. The Compare value can be routed to additional analog or digital PSoC blocks or via Global Output lines The auxiliary output signal is the Terminal Count signal which can be routed via Global Output lines. The PSoC block Output Register (DBA00OU-DCA07OU) controls output options.
Interrupts may be generated in either of two ways. First, the PSoC block may optionally generate an interrupt on the rising edge of Terminal Count or the rising edge of the Compare signal. The selection of interrupt source is determined by the MODE[0] bit of the PSoC block Function Register (DBA00FN-DCA07FN). The MODE[1] bit controls whether the comparison operation is less than or less than or equal to.
Data Register 1 establishes the period of the counter. Data Register 0 holds the current state of the down counter. If the function is disabled, writing a period into Data Register 1, will automatically load Data Register 0. It is also automatically reloaded on the clock cycle after it reaches zero, the terminal count value. The value in Data Register 2 (compare value) is continually compared to Data Register 0 (count value) to establish the output pulse-width (duty cycle). Reading Data Register 0 to obtain the current value of the down counter may occur only when the function is disabled. When read, this transfers the value from Data Register 0 to Data Register 2 and returns a 0 on the data bus. The value transferred to Data Register 2 can then be directly read by the CPU. However, reading the count value in this manner will overwrite any previously written compare value in Data
Usage Notes
Enable Input The enable input is synchronous and when low forces the counter into a hold state. Outputs are unaffected by the state of the enable input. If an external source is selected as the enable input, it is synchronized to the 24 MHz clock.
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Disabled State When the Control Register Enable bit is set to 0, the internal block clock is turned off. A write to Data Register 1 (Period) is loaded directly into Data Register 0 (Counter) to initialize or reset the count. All outputs are low and the block interrupt is held low. Disabling a counter does not affect the current count value and it may be read by the CPU. Two reads are required to read each byte of a multi-byte register. One to transfer each Data Register 0 count value to the associated Data Register 2 capture register, then one to read the result in Data Register 2.
Data Register 1 stores the count that controls the elapsed dead time. Data Register 0 holds the current state of the dead-time down counter. If the function is disabled, writing a period into Data Register 1, will automatically load Data Register 0 with the deadband period. This period is automatically re-loaded into the counter on each edge of the input signal. Data Register 2 is unused. Control Register 0 contains one bit to enable/disable the function.
Reading the Count Value A CPU read of Data Register 0 (count value) will overwrite Data Register 2 (compare value). Therefore, when reading the current count, a previously written compare value will be overwritten.
The input controls the period and duty cycle of the deadband generator outputs. This input is fixed to be derived from the primary output of the previous block. If this signal is pulse-width modulated, i.e., if a PWM block is configured as the previous block, the dead-band outputs will be similarly modulated. The F0 output corresponds to the duty cycle of the input (less the dead time) and F1 to the duty cycle of the inverted input (again, less the dead time). The clock input to the dead-band generator controls the rate at which the down counter is decremented. The primary data input is the Kill Signal. When this signal is asserted high, both F0 and F1 outputs will go low. The multiplexers selecting these input are controlled by the PSoC block Input Register (DBA00IN-DCA07IN).
Extra Count In a Counter User Module, the data input is an enable for counting. Normally, when the enable goes low, the counter will hold the current count. However, if the enable happens to go low in the same clock period as Terminal Count (count of all 0's), one additional count will occur that will reload the counter from the Period Register. Once the counter is reloaded from the Period Register, counting will stop.
The Deadband function produces two output waveforms, F0 and F1, with the same frequency as the input, but under-lapped so they are never both high at the same time. An 8-bit down counter controls the length of the dead time during which both output signals are low. When the deadband function detects a rising edge on the input waveform, the F1 output signal goes low and the counter decrements from its initial value to its terminal count. When the down counter reaches zero, the F0 output signal goes high. The process reverses on the falling edge of the input waveform so that after the same dead time, F1 goes high until the input signal transitions again. Dead-band generator PSoC blocks cannot be chained to increase the width of the down counter beyond 8 bits or 256 dead-time ticks.
Both the F0 and F1 outputs can be driven onto the Global Output bus. If the next PSoC block selects Previous PSoC block for its clock input, it only sees the F0 output of the dead-band function. The PSoC block Output Register (DBA00OU-DCA07OU) controls output options.
The rising edge of the F0 signal provides the interrupt for this block.
Usage Notes
Constraints The dead time must not exceed the minimum of the input signals pulse-width high and pulse-width low time, less two CPU clocks. Dead time equals the period of the input clock times one plus the value written to Data Register 1.
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Enabling The data input to the Dead-Band function is hardware to the primary output of the previous block, which is typically programmed to be a PWM. The proper order for enabling these blocks (writing the Control Register 0) is PWM first, then Dead-Band.
PSoC blocks can be chained to increase the width of the numbers and, hence, the length of the sequence. A chain of N PSoC blocks can generate numbers from 2to 8N-bits wide and sequences of up to 28N-1 distinct values.
Disabled State When the Control Register Enable bit is set to 0, the internal block clock is turned off. A write to Data Register 1 (Period) is loaded directly into Data Register 0 (Counter) to initialize or reset the dead-band time. All outputs are low and the block interrupt is held low.
Data Register 0 implements a linear-feedback shift register. Data Register 2 holds the seed value and when the block is disabled, a write to Data Register 2 is loaded directly into Data Register 0 (The block must be disabled when writing this value). Data Register 1 specifies the polynomial and width of the numbers in the sequence (see
Asserting the Kill Signal When the Kill signal is asserted high, both outputs FO and F1 are held low. When the Kill signal is selected from an external source through a Global Input, it is synchronized to the 24 MHz clock and therefore has up to 42 ns of latency.
The clock input determines the rate at which the output sequence is produced. The data input must be set to low for the block to function as a PRS. The multiplexer for selecting these inputs is controlled by the PSoC block Input Register (DBA00IN-DCA07IN).
Negating the Kill Signal The Kill signal may be negated at any time. However, the output may be enabled at an arbitrary time with respect to the F0 and F1 generation. If exact timing is required when re-enabling the F0 and F1 outputs, the following procedure is recommended: 1.Kill is asserted. 2.Write to Control Register 0 to disable the block. 3.Write to Data Register 1 (Deadband time) to initialize the period. 4.Kill is eventually negated. 5.Write to Control Register 0 to enable the block.
The PRS function drives the output serial data stream synchronous with the input clock. The output bits change on the rising edge of the input clock. The output may be driven on the Global Output bus or to the subsequent digital PSoC block. The PSoC block Output Register (DBA00OU-DCA07OU) controls output options.
The PRS function provides an interrupt based on the Compare signal between Data Register 0 and Data Register 2. Data Register 2 is initially loaded with the seed value, and therefore a periodic interrupt will be generated when the PRS count matches the seed value.
The PRS function generates an output waveform corresponding to a sequence of pseudo-random numbers. A linear-feedback shift register generates the sequence according to a user-specified polynomial. The width of the numbers in the sequence is variable and the initial value is determined by a user-defined seed value. PRS
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The PRS function utilizes a different modular architecture with one XOR gate between each bit of the shift register. A maximal sequence equivalent to that produced by the previous realization is generated by the following modular LFSR
A simple linear-feedback shift register, or LFSR, uses an XOR gate to add the values of one or more bits and feed the result back into the least-significant bit. One possible realization of a 6-bit LFSR providing a maximal sequence of 63 six-bit values is shown here:
+ 1 2 3 4 5 6
Usage Notes
Disabled State When the Control Register Enable bit is set to 0, the internal block clock is turned off. A write to Data Register 2 (Seed) is loaded directly into Data Register 0 (LFSR) to initialize or reset the seed value. All outputs are low and the block interrupt is held low.
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The CRC uses a shift register and XOR gates like the PRS function. However, instead of an output bit stream, the CRC function expects an input bit stream. Functionally the CRC block is identical to the PRS with the exception of the selected input data. Input data must be presented synchronously to the clock. A polynomial specification permits the length of the input sequence over which the cyclic redundancy check computes a result to be varied. CRC-configured PSoC blocks can be chained to form longer results.
Data Register 0 implements a linear-feedback shift register. Data Register 2 holds the seed value and when the block is disabled, a write to Data Register 2 is loaded
directly into Data Register 0 (The block must be disabled when writing this value). Data Register 1 specifies the polynomial and width of the numbers in the sequence (see Specifying the Polynomial, below). Once the input bit stream is complete, the result may be read by first reading Data Register 0, which returns 0, then reading Data Register 2, which returns the actual result.
CCIT example, two PSoC blocks must be chained together. Data Register 1 in the high-order PSoC block would take the value 10001000b (88h) and the corresponding register in the low-order PSoC block would take 00010000b (10h).
Usage Notes
Disabled State When the Control Register Enable bit is set to 0, the internal block clock is turned off. A write to Data Register 2 (Seed) is loaded directly into Data Register 0 (LFSR) to initialize or reset the seed value. All outputs are low and the block interrupt is held low.
The clock input determines the rate at which the input sequence is processed. The data input selects the data stream to process. It is assumed that the data is valid on the positive edge of the clock input. The multiplexer for selecting these inputs is controlled by the PSoC block Input Register (DBA00IN-DCA07IN). 2.
Reading the CRC value After the data stream has been processed by the LFSR, the residue is the CRC value. The current LFSR value can only be read when the block is disabled by setting the Control Register bit 0 to low. Each byte of the current LFSR value (in the case of a multi-byte block) must be read individually. The Data Register 0 byte (LFSR) must be read, which returns 0, then the Data Register 2 byte, which returns the actual value.
Like the PRS, the CRC function drives the output serial data stream with the most significant bit of CRC processing synchronous with the input clock. Normally the CRC output is not used. The output may be driven on the Global Output bus or to the subsequent digital PSoC block. The PSoC block Output Register (DBA00OUDCA07OU) controls output options.
The CRC function provides an interrupt based on the Compare signal between Data Register 0 and Data Register 2.
The Universal Asynchronous Receiver implements the input half of a basic 8-bit UART. Start and Stop bits are recognized and stripped. Parity type and parity validation are configurable features. This function requires a Digital Communications Type PSoC block and cannot be chained for longer data words.
Computation of an N-bit result is generally specified by a polynomial with N+1 terms, the last of which is the X0 term, where X0=1. For example, the widely used CRCCCIT 16-bit polynomial is X16+X12+X5+1. The PSoC block CRC function assumes the presence of the X0 term so that the polynomial for an N-bit result can be expressed by an N-bit rather than N+1 bit specification. To obtain the PSoC block register specification, write an N+1 bit binary number corresponding to the full polynomial, with 1s for each term present. The CRC-CCIT polynomial would be 10001000000100001b. Simply drop the right-most bit (the X0 term) to obtain the register specification for the PSoC block. To implement the CRC-
The function shifts incoming data into Data Register 0. Once complete, the byte is transferred to Data Register 2 from which it may be read. Data Register 2 acts as a 1 byte receive buffer. Data Register 1 is not used by this function. Control Register 0 (DCA04CR0-DCA07CR0) enables the function, provides the means to configure parity checking, and a full set of status indications. See the register definition for full details.
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A baud-rate clock running at 8 times the desired input bit rate is selected by the clock-input multiplexer The serial data input and clock input are controlled Register (DCA04IN-DCA07IN). by the Input
When Data Register 0 is empty and a new byte has been written to Data Register 1, the function transfers the byte to Data Register 0 and shifts it out along with a start bit, optionally a parity bit and a stop bit. Once Data Register 0 is loaded with the byte to shift out, Data Register 0 can be immediately loaded with the next byte to transmit, acting as a 1 byte transmit buffer. Data Register 2 is not used by this function. The PSoC blocks Control Register
0 (DCA04CR0-DCA07CR0) configures the parity type and enable. It also provides status information to enable detection of transmission complete.
The function can be configured to generate an interrupt on RXREGFULL (Receive Register Full) status (Data Register 2 is full)
Usage Notes
A baud-rate clock running at 8 times the desired output bit rate is selected by the clock-input multiplexer controlled by the PSoC block Input Register (DCA04INDCA07IN). The Data Input multiplexer is ignored by this function.
Reading the Status Reading Control Register 0, which contains the status bits, automatically resets all status bits to 0 with the exception of RX Reg Full. Reading Data Register 2 (Receive Data Register) clears the RX Reg Full status.
The transmitters serial data output appears at the PSoC 2. Using Interrupts RX Reg Full status generates an interrupt but the Receive Data Register (Data Register 2) must be read to clear the RX Reg Full status. If this registers is not read in the interrupt routine, the status will not be cleared and further interrupts will be suppressed. If the stop bit in a transmitted byte is missing, the receiver will declare a framing error. Once this occurs, this missing stop bit can be interpreted as the start bit of the next byte, which will produce another framing error. block output and may be driven onto one of the Global Output bus lines. The PSoC block Output Register (DCA04OU-DCA07OU) controls output options.
If enabled, the function will generate an interrupt when the TX Reg Empty status is set (Data Register 1 is empty). Optionally, the interrupt can be set to TX Complete status, which indicates all bits of a given byte have been sent, including framing bits. This option is selected based on the Mode[1] bit in the Function Register.
Usage Notes
The Universal Asynchronous Transmitter implements the output half of a basic 8-bit UART. Start and Stop bits are generated. Parity bit generation and type are configurable features. This function requires a Digital Communications Type PSoC block. It cannot be chained for longer data words.
TX Reg Empty Interrupt An initial byte must be written to the TX Data Register (Data Register 1) to enable subsequent TX Reg Empty status interrupts. This does not apply if the TX Complete interrupt source is selected.
Reading the Status Reading Control Register 0, which contains the status bits, automatically resets the status bits to 0,
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except for TX Reg Empty. TX Reg Empty is automatically cleared when a byte is written to the TX Data Register (Data Register 1). 3. Using CPU Interrupts TX Reg Empty status or optionally TX Complete status generates the block interrupt. Executing the interrupt routine does not automatically clear status. If TX Complete is selected as the interrupt source, Control Register 0 (status) must be read in the interrupt routine to clear the status. If TX Reg Empty is selected, a byte must be written to the TX Data Register (Data Register 1) to clear the status. If the status is not cleared, further interrupts will be suppressed.
The SPI Master function provides a full-duplex synchronous data transceiver that also generates a bit clock for the data. This function requires a Digital Communications Type PSoC block. It cannot be chained for longer data words. This Digital Communications Type PSoC block supports SPI modes for 0, 1, 2, and 3. See FigureTitle 15 for waveforms of the Clock Phase modes.
Clock Phase 0 (Mode 0, 1) Data registered on the leading edge of the clock Data output on the trailing edge of the clock SS_ (required f or slav e) Polarity=0, Mode 0 Polarity=1, Mode 1 MOSI/MISO Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Bit7
Clock Phase 1 (Mode 2, 3) Data output on the leading edge of the clock Data registered on the trailing edge of the clock SS_ (optional f or slav e) Polarity=0, Mode 2 SCLK Polarity=1, Mode 3 Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
Data Register 0 provides a shift register for both incoming and outgoing data. Output data is written to Data Register 1 (TX Data Register). When this block is idle, a write to the TX Data Register will initiate a transmission. Input data is read from Data Register 2 (RX Data Register). When Data Register 0 is empty, its value is updated from Data Register 1, if new data is available. As data bits are shifted in, the transmit bits are shifted out. After the 8 bits are transmitted and received by Data Register
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If the SPI Master block is being used to receive data, dummy bytes must be written to the TX Data Register in order to initiate transmission/reception of each byte.
MISO (master-in, slave-out) is selected by the input multiplexer. The clock input multiplexer selects a clock that runs at twice the desired data rate. The SPIM function divides the input clock by 2 to obtain the 50% duty-cycle required for proper timing. The input multiplexer is controlled by the PSoC block Input Register (DCA04INDCA07IN).
interrupt routine does not automatically clear status. If SPI Complete is selected as the interrupt source, Control Register 0 (status) must be read in the interrupt routine to clear the status. If TX Reg Empty status is selected, a byte must be written to the TX Data Register (Data Register 1) to clear the status. If the interrupting status is not cleared further interrupts will be suppressed.
The SPI Slave function provides a full-duplex bi-directional synchronous data transceiver that requires an
externally provided bit clock for the data. This function requires a Digital Communications Type PSoC block. It cannot be chained for longer data words. This Digital Communications Type PSoC block supports SPI modes for 0, 1, 2, and 3. See FigureTitle 15 for waveforms of the supported modes.
There are two outputs, both of which can be enabled onto the Global Output bus. The MOSI (master-out, slave-in) data line provides the output serial data. The second output is the bit-clock derived by dividing the input clock by 2 to ensure a 50% duty-cycle. The PSoC block Output Register (DCA04OU-DCA07OU) controls output options.
Data Register 0 provides a shift register for both incomNote: The SPIM function does not provide the SS_ sig-
ing and outgoing data. Output data is written to Data Register 1 (TX Data Register). Input data is read from Data Register 2 (RX Data Register). When Data Register 0 is empty, its value is updated from Data Register 1. As new data bits are shifted in, the transmit bits are shifted out. After the 8 bits are transmitted and received by Data Register 0, the received byte is transferred into Data Register 2 from which it can be read. Simultaneously, the next byte to transmit, if available, is transferred from Data Register 1 into Data Register 0. Control Register 0 (DCA04CR0-DCA07CR0) provides status information and configures the function for one of the four standard modes, which configure the interface based on clock polarity and phase with respect to data.
nal that may be used by a corresponding SPI Slave. However, this can be implemented with a GPIO pin and supporting firmware if desired.
When enabled, the function generates an interrupt on TX Reg Empty status (Data Register 1 empty). If Mode[1] in the Function Register is set, the SPI Master will generate an interrupt on SPI Complete.
Usage Notes
Reading the Status Reading Control Register 0, which contains the status bits, automatically resets the status bits to 0 with the exception of TX Reg Empty, which is cleared when a byte is written to the TX Data Register (Data Register 1), and the RX Reg Full, which is cleared when a byte is read from the RX Data Register (Data Register 2).
The SPIS function has three inputs. The Input Register (DCA04IN-DCA07IN) controls the input multiplexer, which selects the MOSI data stream. It also controls the clock selection multiplexer from which the function obtains the masters bit clock. The AUX-IO bits of the Output Register (DCA04OU-DCA07OU) select a Global Input signal from which the SS_ (Slave Select) signal is obtained. It is important to note that the SS_ signal can
Using Interrupts TX Reg Empty status or optionally SPI Complete status generates the block interrupt. Executing the
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only be input from GPIO input pins (Global Input Bus). There is no way to enable the SS_internally. In SPI modes 2 & 3, where SS is not required between each byte, the external pin may be grounded.
Important: The AUX Out Enable bit (bit 5) of the Output
Register 2) to clear the status. If the interrupting status is not cleared further interrupts will be suppressed. 4. Synchronization of CPU Interaction Because the SPI Slave is clocked asynchronously by the master SCLK, transfer of data between the TX Register to shifter and shifter to RX Register occurs asynchronously. Either polling or interrupts can be used to detect that a byte has been received and is ready to read. However, on the TX side, the user is responsible for implementing a protocol that ensures there is enough set-up time from the TX Data Register write to the first clock (mode 2, 3) or SS_ (mode 0, 1) from the master.
The function output is the MISO (master-in, slave-out) signal, which may be driven on the Global Output bus and is selected by Output Register (DCA04OUDCA07OU).
When enabled, the function generates an interrupt on RX Reg Full status (Data Register 2 full). If Mode[1] of the Function Register is set, the interrupt will be generated on SPI Complete status.
Usage Notes
Reading the Status Reading Control Register 0, which contains the status bits, automatically resets the status bits to 0 with the exception of TX Reg Empty, which is cleared when a byte is written to the TX Data Register (Data Register 1), and the RX Reg Full, which is cleared when a byte is read from the RX Data Register (Data Register 2).
Multi-Slave Environment The SS_ signal does not have any affect on the output from the slave. The output of the slave at the end of a reception/transmission is always the first bit sent (the MSB, unless LSBF option is selected, then its the LSB). To implement a multi-slave environment, a GPIO interrupt may be configured on the SS_ input, and the Slave output strength may be toggled between driving and High Z in firmware.
Using Interrupts RX Reg Full status or SPI Complete status generates an interrupt. Executing the interrupt routine does not automatically clear status. If SPI Complete is selected as the interrupt source, Control Register 0 (status) must be read in the interrupt routine to clear the status. If RX Reg Full status is selected, a byte must be read from the RX Data Register (Data
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10.0 10.1
PSoC blocks are user configurable system resources. On-chip analog PSoC blocks reduce the need for many MCU part types and external peripheral components. Analog PSoC blocks can be configured to provide a wide variety of peripheral functions. PSoC Designer Software Integrated Development Environment provides automated configuration of PSoC blocks by simply selecting the desired functions. PSoC Designer then generates the proper configuration information and can print a device data sheet unique to that configuration. Each of the analog blocks has many potential inputs and several outputs. The inputs to these blocks include analog signals from external sources, intrinsic analog signals driven from neighboring analog blocks or various voltage reference sources. There are three discrete outputs from each analog block (there are an additional two discrete outputs in the Continuous Time blocks), 1) the analog output bus (ABUS), which is an analog bus resource that is shared by all of the analog blocks in a column, 2) the comparator bus (CBUS), which is a digital bus resource that is shared by all of the analog blocks in a column, and 3) the output bus (OUT, (plus GOUT and LOUT in the Continuous Time blocks)), which is an analog bus resource that is shared by all of the analog blocks in a column and connects to one of the analog output buffers, to send a signal externally to the device. There are also intrinsic outputs that connect to neighboring analog blocks. Twelve analog PSoC blocks are available separately or combined with the digital PSoC blocks. A precision internal voltage reference provides accurate analog comparisons. A temperature sensor input is provided to the analog PSoC block array supporting applications like battery chargers and data acquisition without requiring external components. There are three analog PSoC block types: Continuous Time (CT) blocks, and Type A and Type B Switch Capacitor (SC) blocks. CT blocks provide continuous time analog functions. SC blocks provide ADC and DAC analog functions. Currently, supported analog functions are 12-
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A system-clocking signal that is driven by the clock output of a digital PSoC block and can be selected by the user to drive the clocking signal to an analog column. Any of the 8 digital PSoC blocks can be muxed into this line using the ACLK0[2:0] bits in the Analog Clock Select Register (CLK_CR1). A system-clocking signal that is driven by the clock output of a digital PSoC block and can be selected by the user to drive the clocking signal to an analog column. Any of the 8 digital PSoC blocks can be muxed into this line using the ACLK1[2:0] bits in the Analog Clock Select Register (CLK_CR1).
A system-clocking signal that can drive all analog PSoC blocks in Analog Column 0. This signal is derived from the muxed input of the 24V1, 24V2, ACLK0, and ACLK1 system clock signals. The output Acolumn0 of this mux is then passed through a 1:4 divider to reduce the frequency by a factor of 4. The Acolumn0[1:0] bits in the CLK_CR0 Register determine the selected Column Clock. A system-clocking signal that can drive all analog PSoC blocks in Analog Column 1. This signal is derived from the muxed input of the 24V1, 24V2, ACLK0, and ACLK1 system clock signals. The output Acolumn1 of this mux is then passed through a 1:4 divider to reduce the frequency by a factor of 4.The Acolumn1[1:0] bits in the CLK_CR0 Register determine the selected Column Clock. A system-clocking signal that can drive all analog PSoC blocks in Analog Column 2. This signal is derived from the muxed input of the 24V1, 24V2, ACLK0, and ACLK1 system clock signals. The output Acolumn2 of this mux is then passed through a 1:4 divider to reduce the frequency by a factor of 4. The Acolumn2[1:0] bits in the CLK_CR0 Register determine the selected Column Clock. A system-clocking signal that can drive all analog PSoC blocks in Analog Column 3. This signal is derived from the muxed input of the 24V1, 24V2, ACLK0, and ACLK1 system clock signals. The output Acolumn3 of this mux is then passed through a 1:4 divider to reduce the frequency by a factor of 4. The Acolumn3[1:0] bits in the CLK_CR0 Register determine the selected Column Clock.
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The references in the analog array are driven by single op-amps. A single ground referred signal is taken as the reference input and then offset with respect to analog ground. The reference can be input on a pin, it can be taken from the bandgap, or it can be set to be the supplies. A series of op-amps are used to do the level shifting and buffering for driving the array. As more loads are added on the reference lines, the response will slow down. Settling time will be roughly linear with load. A separate bias circuit controls the 3 rows. The first row is to be controlled independently. The second and third rows have their bias control tied together.
Table 62: Bit # POR Read/Write Bit Name Analog Reference Control Register 7 6 5 4
HBE controls the bias level. There is a trade-off in the usage of this bias level. At high bias levels, the op-amp swings are more limited but the op-amp can be faster. At low bias levels, wider swings (and hence lower supply voltages) are possible, but the op-amp is slower. REF denotes Analog Array Reference Control. PWR denotes Analog Array Power Control.
0 RW REF[2]
0 RW REF[1]
0 RW REF[0]
0 RW PWR[2]
0 RW PWR[1]
0 RW PWR[0]
Bit 7: BGT Bandgap Test used for internal reference voltage testing (customer should not alter; must be written as 0) Bit 6: HBE Bias level control for op-amps 0 = Low bias mode for analog array 1 = High bias mode for analog array Bit [5:3]: REF [2:0] Analog Array Reference Control AGND High/Low 0 0 0 = Vcc/2 Bandgap 0 0 1 = P2[4] P2[6] 0 1 0 = Vcc/2 Vcc/2 0 1 1 = 2 Bandgap Bandgap 1 0 0 = 2 Bandgap P2[6] 1 0 1 = P2[4] Bandgap 1 1 0 = Reserved 1 1 1 = Reserved Bit [2:0]: PWR [2:0] Analog Array Power Control 0 0 0 = All Analog Off 0 0 1 = SC Off, REFPWR Low 0 1 0 = SC Off, REFPWR Med 0 1 1 = SC Off, REFPWR High 1 0 0 = SC On, REFPWR Off 1 0 1 = SC On, REFPWR Low 1 1 0 = SC On, REFPWR Med 1 1 1 = SC On, REFPWR High
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All analog PSoC blocks in a particular Analog Column share the same clock signal. Choosing the clocking for an analog PSoC block is a two-step process. 1. First, if the user wants to use the ACLK0 and ACLK1 system-clocking signals, the digital PSoC blocks that serve as the source for these signals must be selected. This selection is made in the Analog Clock Select Register (CLK_CR1).
0 RW Acolumn3 [1]
0 RW Acolumn3 [0]
0 RW Acolumn2 [1]
0 RW Acolumn2 [0]
0 RW Acolumn1 [1]
0 RW Acolumn1 [0]
0 RW Acolumn0 [1]
0 RW Acolumn0 [0]
Bit [7:6]: Acolumn3 [1:0] 0 0 = 24V1 0 1 = 24V2 1 0 = ACLK0 1 1 = ACLK1 Bit [5:4]: Acolumn2 [1:0] 0 0 = 24V1 0 1 = 24V2 1 0 = ACLK0 1 1 = ACLK1 Bit [3:2]: Acolumn1 [1:0] 0 0 = 24V1 0 1 = 24V2 1 0 = ACLK0 1 1 = ACLK1 Bit [1:0]: Acolumn0 [1:0] 0 0 = 24V1 0 1 = 24V2 1 0 = ACLK0 1 1 = ACLK1
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Bit # POR
Table 64:
0 RW Reserved
0 RW ACLK1 [2]
0 RW ACLK1 [1]
0 RW ACLK1 [0]
0 RW ACLK0 [2]
0 RW ACLK0 [1]
0 RW ACLK0 [0]
Bit 7: Reserved Bit 6: SHDIS During normal operation of an SC block for the amplifier of a column enabled to drive the output bus, the connection is only made for the last half of PHI2 (during PHI1 and for the first half of PHI2, the output bus floats at the last voltage to which it was driven). This forms a sample and hold operation using the output bus and its associated capacitance. This design prevents the output bus from being perturbed by the intermediate states of the SC operation (often a reset state for PHI1 and settling to the valid state during PHI2)
Following are the exceptions: 1) If the ClockPhase bit in CR0 (for the SC block in question) is set to 1, then the output is enabled for the whole of PHI2. 2) If the SHDIS signal is set in bit 6 of the Analog Clock Select Register, then sample and hold operation is disabled for all columns and all enabled outputs of SC blocks are connected to their respective output busses for the entire period of their respective PHI2s 0 = Sample and hold function enabled 1 = Sample and hold function disabled
Bit [5:3]: ACLK1 [2:0] 0 0 0 = Digital Basic Type A Block 00 0 0 1 = Digital Basic Type A Block 01 0 1 0 = Digital Basic Type A Block 02 0 1 1 = Digital Basic Type A Block 03 1 0 0 = Digital Communications Type A Block 04 1 0 1 = Digital Communications Type A Block 05 1 1 0 = Digital Communications Type A Block 06 1 1 1 = Digital Communications Type A Block 07 Bit [2:0]: ACLK0 [2:0] Same configurations as ACLK1 [2:0] 0 0 0 = Digital Basic Type A Block 00 0 0 1 = Digital Basic Type A Block 01 0 1 0 = Digital Basic Type A Block 02 0 1 1 = Digital Basic Type A Block 03 1 0 0 = Digital Communications Type A Block 04 1 0 1 = Digital Communications Type A Block 05 1 1 0 = Digital Communications Type A Block 06 1 1 1 = Digital Communications Type A Block 07
Analog Clock Select Register (CLK_CR1, Address = Bank 1, 61h) There are a total of twelve analog PSoC blocks implemented for each of the following types; Analog Continuous Time Type A (ACAxx), Analog Switch Cap Type A (ASAxx), and Analog Switch Cap Type B (ASBxx). These blocks are arranged in an array of three rows by four columns. Each column has one of each type of PSoC block, and the individual PSoC blocks are identified by the row and column in which they reside. There are two primary types of analog PSoC blocks. Both types contain one op-amp but their principles of operation are quite different. Continuous-time PSoC blocks employ three configuration registers and use resistors to condition amplifier response. Switched capacitor blocks have one comparator and four configuration registers and operate as discrete-time sampling operators. In both types, the configuration registers are
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divided into distinct bit fields. Some bit fields set the PSoC block's resistor ratios or capacitor values. Others configure switches and multiplexers that form connections between internal block nodes. Additionally, a block may be connected via local interconnection resources to neighboring analog PSoC blocks, reference voltage sources, input multiplexers and output busses. Specific advantages and applications of each type are treated separately below.
neighbors by means of three multiplexers. (Note that unlike the switched capacitor blocks, the continuous time blocks in the current family of parts only have one subtype.) The three are the non-inverting input multiplexer, "PMux," the inverting input multiplexer, "NMux," and the "RBotMux" which controls the node at the bottom of the resistor string. The bit fields, which control these multiplexers, are named PMux, NMux, and RBotMux, respectively. The following diagrams show how each multiplexer connects its ACA block connect to its neighbors. Each arrow points from an input source, either a PSoC block, bus or reference voltage to the block where it is used. Each arrow is labeled with the value to which the bit-field must be set to select that input source.
N (Inverting) Input Multiplexer Connections REFLO
(4) (3)
(3) (0) (3) (0)
(4) (3)
(2) (2)
(4) (3)
(3) (0) (3) (0)
(4) (3)
ACA 00
(1) (3)
ACA 01
(1) (5) (1)
ACA 02
ACA 03
(1) (3) (5)
(6) (5)
ASA 10
ASB 11
ASA 12
ASB 13
ASB 20
ASA 21
ASB 22
ASA 23
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ACA 00
ACA 01
ACA 02
ACA 03
ASA 10
ASB 11
ASA 12
ASB 13
ASB 20
ASA 21
ASB 22
ASA 23
ACA 00
(1) (3) (3)
ACA 01
(1) (3)
ACA 02
ACA 03
ASA 10
ASB 11
ASA 12
ASB 13
ASB 20
ASA 21
ASB 22
ASA 23
September 5, 2002
10.8.1 Introduction
The Analog Continuous Time PSoC blocks are built around an operational amplifier. There are several analog muxes that are controlled by register-bit settings in the control registers that determine the signal topology inside the block. There is also a precision resistor matrix that is located in the feedback path for the op-amp, and is controlled by register-bit setting. There is also an analog comparator connected to the output OUT, which converts analog comparisons into digital signals. There are five discrete outputs from this block. These outputs are: 1. The analog output bus (ABUS), which is an analog bus resource that is shared by all of the analog blocks in the analog column for that block. The comparator bus (CBUS), which is a digital bus that is a resource that is shared by all of the analog blocks in a column for that block. The output bus (OUT, GOUT and LOUT), which is an analog bus resource that is shared by all of the analog blocks in a column and connects to one of the analog output buffers, to send a signal externally to the device.
This block supports Programmable Gain or attenuation Op-Amp Circuits, (Differential Gain) Instrumentation Amplifiers (using two CT Blocks), Continuous time high frequency anti-aliasing filters, and modest response-time analog comparators.
September 5, 2002
TestMux REFHI REFLO AGND Gain AnalogBus PMuxOut CompCap Power CBUS CompBus CLatch CPhase GOUT VCC RTopMux OUT ABUS
Block Inputs Port Input ABUS AGND PMux NMux Block Inputs AGND REFHI, LO FB
RTapMux RBotMux
Figure 20: Analog Continuous Time PSoC Blocks 10.8.2 Registers Analog Continuous Time Block xx Control 0 Register
The RTapMux bits control the center tap of the resistor string. Note that only relative weighting of units is given in the table. The Gain and Loss columns correspond to the gain or loss obtained if the RTopMux and Gain bits are set so that the overall amplifier provides gain or loss. The Gain bit controls whether the resistor string is connected around the op-amp as for gain (center tap to
The RTopMux and RBotMux bits control the connection of the two ends of the resistor string. The RTopMux bit controls the top end of the resistor string, which can either be connected to Vcc or to the op-amp output. The RBotMux bits control the connection of the bottom end of the resistor string.
September 5, 2002
inverting op-amp input) or for loss (center tap to output of the block). Note that setting Gain alone does not guarantee a gain or loss block. Routing of the other ends of the resistor determine this.
Note that connections between GIN and GOUT, and LIN and LOUT are automatically resolved by PSoC Designer when they are set in a differential configuration with an adjacent CT block.
0 RW RTapMux[3]
0 RW RTapMux[2]
0 RW RTapMux[1]
0 RW RTapMux[0]
0 RW Gain
0 RW RTopMux
0 RW RBotMux[1]
0 RW RBotMux[0]
Bit [7:4]: RTapMux [3:0] Encoding for selecting 1 of 16 resistor taps 0 0 0 0 = Rf 15 = Ri 01 = Loss .0625 / Gain 16.00 0 0 0 1 = Rf 14 = Ri 02 = Loss .1250 / Gain 8.000 0 0 1 0 = Rf 13 = Ri 03 = Loss .1875 / Gain 5.333 0 0 1 1 = Rf 12 = Ri 04 = Loss .2500 / Gain 4.000 0 1 0 0 = Rf 11 = Ri 05 = Loss .3125 / Gain 3.200 0 1 0 1 = Rf 10 = Ri 06 = Loss .3750 / Gain 2.667 0 1 1 0 = Rf 09 = Ri 07 = Loss .4375 / Gain 2.286 0 1 1 1 = Rf 08 = Ri 08 = Loss .5000 / Gain 2.000 1 0 0 0 = Rf 07 = Ri 09 = Loss .5625 / Gain 1.778 1 0 0 1 = Rf 06 = Ri 10 = Loss .6250 / Gain 1.600 1 0 1 0 = Rf 05 = Ri 11 = Loss .6875 / Gain 1.455 1 0 1 1 = Rf 04 = Ri 12 = Loss .7500 / Gain 1.333 1 1 0 0 = Rf 03 = Ri 13 = Loss .8125 / Gain 1.231 1 1 0 1 = Rf 02 = Ri 14 = Loss .8750 / Gain 1.143 1 1 1 0 = Rf 01 = Ri 15 = Loss .9375 / Gain 1.067 1 1 1 1 = Rf 00 = Ri 16 = Loss 1.000 / Gain 1.000 Bit 3: Gain Select gain or loss configuration for output tap 0 = Loss 1 = Gain Bit 2: RTopMux Encoding for feedback resistor select 0 = Rtop to Vcc 1 = Rtop to op-amps output Bit [1:0]: RBotMux [1:0] Encoding for feedback resistor select ACA00 ACA01 AGND Vss ASA10 ACA01 ACA00 AGND Vss ASB11 ACA02 ACA03 AGND Vss ASA12 ACA03 ACA02 AGND Vss ASB13
Analog Continuous Time Block 00 Control 0 Register (ACA00CR0, Address = Bank 0/1, 71h) Analog Continuous Time Block 01 Control 0 Register (ACA01CR0, Address = Bank 0/1, 75h) Analog Continuous Time Block 02 Control 0 Register (ACA02CR0, Address = Bank 0/1, 79h) Analog Continuous Time Block 03 Control 0 Register (ACA03CR0, Address = Bank 0/1, 7Dh)
September 5, 2002
The PMux bits control the multiplexing of inputs to the non-inverting input of the op-amp. There are physically only 7 inputs. The 8th code (111) will leave the input floating. This is not desirable, and should be avoided. The NMux bits control the multiplexing of inputs to the inverting input of the op-amp. There are physically only 7 inputs.
0 RW AnalogBus
0 RW CompBus
0 RW NMux2
0 RW NMux1
0 RW NMux0
0 RW PMux2
0 RW PMux1
0 RW PMux0
Bit 7: AnalogBus Enable output to the analog bus 0 = Disable analog bus driven by this block 1 = Enable analog bus driven by this block Bit 6: CompBus Enable output to the comparator bus 0 = Disable comparator bus driven by this block 1 = Enable comparator bus driven by this block Bit [5:3]: NMux [2:0] Encoding for negative input select
ACA00 ACA01 AGND REFLO REFHI ACA00 ASA10 ASB11 Reserved ACA00 REFLO Port Inputs ACA01 AGND ASA10 ASB11 ABUS0 Reserved
ACA01 ACA00 AGND REFLO REFHI ACA01 ASB11 ASA10 Reserved ACA01 ACA02 Port Inputs ACA00 AGND ASB11 ASA10 ABUS1 Reserved
ACA02 ACA03 AGND REFLO REFHI ACA02 ASA12 ASB13 Reserved ACA02 ACA01 Port Inputs ACA03 AGND ASA12 ASB13 ABUS2 Reserved
ACA03 ACA02 AGND REFLO REFHI ACA03 ASB13 ASA12 Reserved ACA03 REFLO Port Inputs ACA02 AGND ASB13 ASA12 ABUS3 Reserved
Analog Continuous Time Block 00 Control 1 Register (ACA00CR1, Address = Bank 0/1, 72h) Analog Continuous Time Block 01 Control 1 Register (ACA01CR1, Address = Bank 0/1, 76h) Analog Continuous Time Block 02 Control 1 Register (ACA02CR1, Address = Bank 0/1, 7Ah) Analog Continuous Time Block 03 Control 1 Register (ACA03CR1, Address = Bank 0/1, 7Eh)
September 5, 2002
CPhase controls which internal clock phase the comparator data is latched on. CLatch controls whether the latch is active or if it is always transparent. CompCap controls whether the compensation capacitor is switched in or not in the op-amp. By not switching in the compensation capacitance, a much faster response
Table 67: Bit # POR Read/ Write Bit Name
0 RW CPhase
0 RW CLatch
0 RW CompCap
0 RW
0 RW
0 RW
0 RW Power[1]
0 RW Power[0]
Bit 7: CPhase 0 = Comparator Control latch transparent on PHI1 1 = Comparator Control latch transparent on PHI2 Bit 6: CLatch 0 = Comparator Control latch is always transparent 1 = Comparator Control latch is active Bit 5: CompCap 0 = Comparator Mode 1 = Op-amp Mode Bit [4:2]: TestMux [2:0] Select block bypass mode for testing and characterization purposes ACA00 ACA01 ACA02 ACA03 1 0 0 = Positive Input to ABUS0 ABUS1 ABUS2 ABUS3 1 0 1 = AGND to ABUS0 ABUS1 ABUS2 ABUS3 1 1 0 = REFLO to ABUS0 ABUS1 ABUS2 ABUS3 1 1 1 = REFHI to ABUS0 ABUS1 ABUS2 ABUS3 0 x x = All Paths Off Bit [1:0]: Power [1:0] Encoding for selecting 1 of 4 power levels 0 0 = Off 0 1 = Low (60 A) 1 0 = Med (150 A) 1 1 = High (500 A)
Analog Continuous Time Block 00 Control 2 Register (ACA00CR2, Address = Bank 0/1, 73h) Analog Continuous Time Block 01 Control 2 Register (ACA01CR2, Address = Bank 0/1, 77h) Analog Continuous Time Block 02 Control 2 Register (ACA02CR2, Address = Bank 0/1, 7Bh) Analog Continuous Time Block 03 Control 2 Register (ACA03CR2, Address = Bank 0/1, 7Fh)
September 5, 2002
The Analog Switch Cap Type A PSoC blocks are built around an operational amplifier. There are several analog muxes that are controlled by register-bit settings in the control registers that determine the signal topology inside the block. There are also four arrays of unit value capacitors that are located in the feedback path for the op-amp, and are switched by two phase clocks, PHI1 and PHI2. These four capacitor arrays are labeled A Cap Array, B Cap Array, C Cap Array, and F Cap Array. There is also an analog comparator connected to the output OUT, which converts analog comparisons into digital signals. There are three discrete outputs from this block. These outputs are: 1. The analog output bus (ABUS), which is an analog bus resource that is shared by all of the analog blocks in the analog column for that block. The comparator bus (CBUS), which is a digital bus that is a resource that is shared by all of the analog blocks in a column for that block. The output bus (OUT), which is an analog bus resource that is shared by all of the analog blocks in a column and connects to one of the analog output buffers, to send a signal externally to the device.
SC Integrator Block A supports Delta-Sigma, Successive Approximation and Incremental A/D Conversion, Capacitor DACs, and SC filters. It has three input arrays of binarily-weighted switched capacitors, allowing user programmability of the capacitor weights. This provides summing capability of two (CDAC) scaled inputs, and a non-switched capacitor input. Since the input of SC Block A has this additional switched capacitor, it is configured for the input stage of such a switched capacitor biquad filter. When followed by an SC Block B Integrator, this combination of blocks can be used to provide a full Switched Capacitor Biquad.
September 5, 2002
(2+!AutoZero) * FSW1
1* FSW0 ACMux A Inputs REFHI REFLO AGND ARefMux ASign 2 1 ACap 0..31 C 2+AutoZero 1 * !AutoZero AnalogBus*2B BCap 0..31 C Power CompBus CBUS BMuxSCA 1 ABUS OUT
B Inputs
September 5, 2002
ACA 01
ACA 02
) (5
ACA 03
(4 -7 )
(4 -
ASA 10
(2 )
(1) (2)
ASB 11
) (4
ASA 12 (3)
(1) (2)
ASB 13 (3)
(1) P2.2
) (4
) (4
) (4
(2 )
(2 )
) -7 (4
) -7 (4
(5 )
(2 )
(1) P2.1
ASB 20 (3)
(1) (2)
ASA 21 (3)
(5 )
ASB 22 (3)
(1) (2)
-7 )
ASA 10
ASB 11 (0-3)
ASA 12
-7 )
) -7 (4
ASB 20
) -7 (4
ASA 21
ASB 22
September 5, 2002
The ACMux, as shown in Analog Switch Cap Type A Block xx Control 1 Register, controls the input muxing for both the A and C capacitor branches. The high order bit, ACMux[2], selects one of two inputs for the C branch.
However, when the bit is high, it also overrides the two low order bits, forcing the A and C branches to the same source. The resulting condition is used to construct low pass biquad filters. See the individual AMux and CMux diagrams.
ACA 00
ACA 01
ACA 02
ACA 03
(2) P2.3
ASA 10 (3)
ASB 11
ASA 12 (3)
(1 )
(1 )
ASB 20
ASA 21
ASB 22
(0) ASA 23
(0) ASB 13
Figure 24: BMuxSCA/SCB Connections 10.9.3 Registers Analog Switch Cap Type A Block xx Control 0 Register
AnalogBus bit in Control 2 Register (ASA10CR2, ASA12CR2, ASA21CR2, ASA23CR2). ASign controls the switch phasing of the switches on the bottom plate of the ACap capacitor. The bottom plate samples the input or the reference. The ACap bits set the value of the capacitor in the A path.
FCap controls the size of the switched feedback capacitor in the integrator. ClockPhase controls the internal clock phasing relative to the input clock phasing. ClockPhase affects the output of the analog column bus which is controlled by the
Table 68: Bit # POR Read/ Write Bit Name
0 RW FCap
0 RW ClockPhase
0 RW ASign
0 RW ACap[4]
0 RW ACap[3]
) (1
) (1
(2) P2.0
0 RW ACap[2]
0 RW ACap[1]
0 RW ACap[0]
September 5, 2002
Table 68:
Bit 7: FCap F Capacitor value selection bit 0 = 16 capacitor units 1 = 32 capacitor units Bit 6: ClockPhase Clock phase select, will invert clocks internal to the blocks. During normal operation of an SC block for the amplifier of a column enabled to drive the output bus, the connection is only made for the last half of PHI2 (during PHI1 and for the first half of PHI2, the output bus floats at the last voltage to which it was driven). This forms a sample and hold operation using the output bus and its associated capacitance. This design prevents the output bus from being perturbed by the intermediate states of the SC operation (often a reset state for PHI1 and settling to the valid state during PHI2)
Following are the exceptions: 1) If the ClockPhase bit in CR0 (for the SC block in question) is set to 1, then the output is enabled for the whole of PHI2. 2) If the SHDIS signal is set in bit 6 of the Analog Clock Select Register, then sample and hold operation is disabled for all columns and all enabled outputs of SC blocks are connected to their respective output busses for the entire period of their respective PHI2s 0 = Internal PHI1 = External PHI1 1 = Internal PHI1 = External PHI2 This bit also affects the latching of the comparator output (CBUS). Both clock phases, PHI1 and PHI2, are involved in the output latching mechanism. The capture of the next value to be output from the latch (capture point event) happens during the falling edge of one clock phase, and the rising edge of the other clock phase will cause the value to come out (output point event). This bit determines which clock phase triggers the capture point event, and the other clock will trigger the output point event. The value output to the comparator bus will remain stable between output point events. 0 = Capture Point Event triggered by Falling PHI2, Output Point Event triggered by Rising PHI1 1 = Capture Point Event triggered by Falling PHI1, Output Point Event triggered by Rising PHI2
Bit 5: ASign 0 = Input sampled on Internal PHI1, Reference Input sampled on internal PHI2 1 = Input sampled on Internal PHI2, Reference Input sampled on internal PHI1 Bit [4:0]: ACap [4:0] Binary encoding for 32 possible capacitor sizes for A Capacitor:
0 0 0 0 0 = 0 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 1 0 = 2 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 1 1 = 3 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 0 0 = 4 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 0 1 = 5 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 1 0 = 6 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 1 1 = 7 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 0 0 = 8 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 0 1 = 9 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 1 0 = 10 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 1 1 = 11 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 0 0 = 12 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 0 1 = 13 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 1 0 = 14 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 1 1 = 15 Capacitor units in array
1 0 0 0 0 = 16 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 0 1 = 17 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 1 0 = 18 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 1 1 = 19 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 0 0 = 20 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 0 1 = 21 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 1 0 = 22 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 1 1 = 23 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 0 0 = 24 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 0 1 = 25 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 1 0 = 26 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 1 1 = 27 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 0 0 = 28 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 0 1 = 29 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 1 0 = 30 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 1 1 = 31 Capacitor units in array
Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 10 Control 0 Register (ASA10CR0, Address = Bank 0/1, 80h) Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 12 Control 0 Register (ASA12CR0, Address = Bank 0/1, 88h) Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 21 Control 0 Register (ASA21CR0, Address = Bank 0/1, 94h) Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 23 Control 0 Register (ASA23CR0, Address = Bank 0/1, 9Ch)
September 5, 2002
ACMux controls the input muxing for both the A and C capacitor branches. The high order bit, ACMux[2], selects one of two inputs for the C branch. However, when the bit is high, it also overrides the two low order bits, forcing the A and C branches to the same source.
Table 69: Bit # POR Read/ Write Bit Name
0 RW ACMux[2]
0 RW ACMux[1]
0 RW ACMux[0]
0 RW BCap[4]
0 RW BCap[3]
0 RW BCap[2]
0 RW BCap[1]
0 RW BCap[0]
Bit [7:5] ACMux [2:0] Encoding for selecting A and C inputs. (Note that available mux inputs vary by individual PSoC block.) ASA10 A Inputs C Inputs 0 0 0 = ACA00 ACA00 0 0 1 = ASB11 ACA00 0 1 0 = REFHI ACA00 0 1 1 = ASB20 ACA00 1 0 0 = ACA01Reserved 1 0 1 = Reserved Reserved 1 1 0 = Reserved Reserved 1 1 1 = Reserved Reserved ASA21 A Inputs C Inputs ASB11 ASB11 ASB20 ASB11 REFHI ASB11 Vtemp ASB11 ASA10 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved ASA12 A Inputs C Inputs ACA02 ACA02 ASB13 ACA02 REFHI ACA02 ASB22 ACA02 ACA03 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved ASA23 A Inputs C Inputs ASB13 ASB13 ASB22 ASB13 REFHI ASB13 ABUS3 ASB13 ASA12 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
Bit [4:0]: BCap [4:0] Binary encoding for 32 possible capacitor sizes for B Capacitor:
0 0 0 0 0 = 0 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 1 0 = 2 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 1 1 = 3 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 0 0 = 4 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 0 1 = 5 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 1 0 = 6 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 1 1 = 7 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 0 0 = 8 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 0 1 = 9 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 1 0 = 10 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 1 1 = 11 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 0 0 = 12 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 0 1 = 13 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 1 0 = 14 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 1 1 = 15 Capacitor units in array
1 0 0 0 0 = 16 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 0 1 = 17 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 1 0 = 18 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 1 1 = 19 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 0 0 = 20 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 0 1 = 21 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 1 0 = 22 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 1 1 = 23 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 0 0 = 24 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 0 1 = 25 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 1 0 = 26 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 1 1 = 27 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 0 0 = 28 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 0 1 = 29 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 1 0 = 30 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 1 1 = 31 Capacitor units in array
Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 10 Control 1 Register (ASA10CR1, Address = Bank 0/1, 81h) Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 12 Control 1 Register (ASA12CR1, Address = Bank 0/1, 89h) Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 21 Control 1 Register (ASA21CR1, Address = Bank 0/1, 95h) Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 23 Control 1 Register (ASA23CR1, Address = Bank 0/1, 9Dh)
September 5, 2002
AnalogBus gates the output to the analog column bus. The output on the analog column bus is affected by the state of the ClockPhase bit in Control 0 Register (ASA10CR0, ASA12CR0, ASA21CR0, ASA23CR0). If AnalogBus is set to 0, the output to the analog column bus is tri-stated. If AnalogBus is set to 1, the signal that is output to the analog column bus is selected by the ClockPhase bit. If the ClockPhase bit is 0, the block output is gated by sampling clock on last part of PHI2. If the ClockPhase bit is 1, the block output continuously drives the analog column bus. CompBus controls the output to the column comparator bus. Note that if the comparator bus is not driven by anything in the column, it is pulled low. The comparator output is evaluated on the rising edge of internal PHI1 and is latched so it is available during internal PHI2. AutoZero controls the shorting of the output to the inverting input of the op-amp. When shorted, the op-amp is basically a follower. The output is the op-amp offset. By using the feedback capacitor of the integrator, the block can memorize the offset and create an offset cancellation scheme. AutoZero also controls a pair of switches between the A and B branches and the summing node of the op-amp. If AutoZero is enabled, then the pair of switches is active. AutoZero also affects the function of the FSW1 bit in Control 3 Register. The CCap bits set the value of the capacitor in the C path.
September 5, 2002
0 RW AnalogBus
0 RW CompBus
0 RW AutoZero
0 RW CCap[4]
0 RW CCap[3]
0 RW CCap[2]
0 RW CCap[1]
0 RW CCap[0]
Bit 7: AnalogBus Enable output to the analog bus 0 = Disable output to analog column bus 1 = Enable output to analog column bus (The output on the analog column bus is affected by the state of the ClockPhase bit in Control 0 Register (ASA10CR0, ASA12CR0, ASA21CR0, ASA23CR0). If AnalogBus is set to 0, the output to the analog column bus is tri-stated. If AnalogBus is set to 1, the signal that is output to the analog column bus is selected by the ClockPhase bit. If the ClockPhase bit is 0, the block output is gated by sampling clock on last part of PHI2. If the ClockPhase bit is 1, the block output continuously drives the analog column bus.) Bit 6: CompBus Enable output to the comparator bus 0 = Disable output to comparator bus 1 = Enable output to comparator bus Bit 5: AutoZero Bit for controlling gated switches 0 = Shorting switch is not active. Input cap branches shorted to op-amp input 1 = Shorting switch is enabled during internal PHI1. Input cap branches shorted to analog ground during internal PHI1 and to op-amp input during internal PHI2. Bit [4:0]: CCap [4:0] Binary encoding for 32 possible capacitor sizes for C Capacitor:
0 0 0 0 0 = 0 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 1 0 = 2 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 1 1 = 3 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 0 0 = 4 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 0 1 = 5 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 1 0 = 6 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 1 1 = 7 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 0 0 = 8 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 0 1 = 9 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 1 0 = 10 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 1 1 = 11 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 0 0 = 12 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 0 1 = 13 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 1 0 = 14 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 1 1 = 15 Capacitor units in array
1 0 0 0 0 = 16 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 0 1 = 17 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 1 0 = 18 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 1 1 = 19 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 0 0 = 20 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 0 1 = 21 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 1 0 = 22 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 1 1 = 23 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 0 0 = 24 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 0 1 = 25 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 1 0 = 26 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 1 1 = 27 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 0 0 = 28 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 0 1 = 29 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 1 0 = 30 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 1 1 = 31 Capacitor units in array
Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 10 Control 2 Register (ASA10CR2, Address = Bank 0/1, 82h) Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 12 Control 2 Register (ASA12CR2, Address = Bank 0/1, 8Ah) Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 21 Control 2 Register (ASA21CR2, Address = Bank 0/1, 96h) Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 23 Control 2 Register (ASA23CR2, Address = Bank 0/1, 9Eh)
September 5, 2002
ARefMux selects the reference input of the A capacitor branch. FSW1 is used to control a switch in the integrator capacitor path. It connects the output of the op-amp to the integrating cap. The state of the switch is affected by the state of the AutoZero bit in Control 2 Register (ASA10CR2, ASA12CR2, ASA21CR2, ASA23CR2). If the FSW1 bit is set to 0, the switch is always disabled. If the FSW1 bit is set to 1, the AutoZero bit determines the state of the switch. If the AutoZero bit is 0, the switch is
Table 71: Bit # POR Read/ Write Bit Name
0 RW
0 RW
0 RW FSW[1]
0 RW FSW[0]
0 RW BMuxSCA[1]
0 RW BMuxSCA[0]
0 RW Power[1]
0 RW Power[0]
ARefMux[1] ARefMux[0]
Bit [7:6]: ARefMux [1:0] Encoding for selecting reference input 0 0 = Analog ground is selected 0 1 = REFHI input selected (This is usually the high reference) 1 0 = REFLO input selected (This is usually the low reference) 1 1 = Reference selection is driven by the comparator (When output comparator node is set high, the input is set to REFHI. When set low, the input is set to REFLO) Bit 5: FSW1 Bit for controlling gated switches 0 = Switch is disabled 1 = If the FSW1 bit is set to 1, the state of the switch is determined by the AutoZero bit. If the AutoZero bit is 0, the switch is enabled at all times. If the AutoZero bit is 1, the switch is enabled only when the internal PHI2 is high Bit 4: FSW0 Bits for controlling gated switches 0 = Switch is disabled 1 = Switch is enabled when PHI1 is high Bit [3:2] BMuxSCA [1:0] Encoding for selecting B inputs. (Note that the available mux inputs vary by individual PSoC block.) ASA10 ASA21 ASA12 ASA23 0 0 = ACA00 ASB11 ACA02 ASB13 0 1 = ASB11 ASB20 ASB13 ASB22 1 0 = P2.3 ASB22 ASB11 P2.0 1 1 = ASB20 TrefGND ASB22 ABUS3 Bit [1:0]: Power [1:0] Encoding for selecting 1 of 4 power levels 0 0 = Off 0 1 = 10 A, typical 1 0 = 50 A, typical 1 1 = 200 A, typical
Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 10 Control 3 Register (ASA10CR3, Address = Bank 0/1, 83h) Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 12 Control 3 Register (ASA12CR3, Address = Bank 0/1, 8Bh) Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 21 Control 3 Register (ASA21CR3, Address = Bank 0/1, 97h) Analog Switch Cap Type A Block 23 Control 3 Register (ASA23CR3, Address = Bank 0/1, 9Fh)
September 5, 2002
The Analog Switch Cap Type B PSoC blocks are built around an operational amplifier. There are several analog muxes that are controlled by register-bit settings in the control registers that determine the signal topology inside the block. There are also four arrays of unit value capacitors that are located in the feedback path for the op-amp, and are switched by two phase clocks, PHI1 and PHI2. These four capacitor arrays are labeled A Cap Array, B Cap Array, C Cap Array, and F Cap Array. There is also an analog comparator connected to the output OUT, which converts analog comparisons into digital signals. There are three discrete outputs from this block. These outputs are: 1. The analog output bus (ABUS), which is an analog bus resource that is shared by all of the analog blocks in the analog column for that block. The comparator bus (CBUS), which is a digital bus that is a resource that is shared by all of the analog blocks in a column for that block. The output bus (OUT), which is an analog bus resource that is shared by all of the analog blocks in a column and connects to one of the analog output buffers, to send a signal externally to the device.
The SCB block also supports Delta-Sigma, Successive Approximation and Incremental A/D Conversion, Capacitor DACs, and SC filters. It has two input arrays of switched capacitors, and a Non-Switched capacitor feedback array from the output. When preceded by an SC Block A Integrator, the combination can be used to provide a full Switched Capacitor Biquad.
September 5, 2002
FCap 16,32 C
(2+!AutoZero) * FSW1
1* FSW0 A Mux A Inputs REFHI REFLO AGND ARefMux ASign 2 +!BSW 1 ACap 0..31 C 2+AutoZero 1 * !AutoZero AnalogBus*2B BCap 0..31 C 2+!BSW Power CompBus CBUS BMuxSCB 1*BSW 1*BSW ABUS OUT
B Inputs
Figure 25: Analog Switch Cap Type B PSoC Blocks 10.10.2 Registers Analog Switch Cap Type B Block xx Control 0 Register
ASign controls the switch phasing of the switches on the bottom plate of the A capacitor. The bottom plate samples the input or the reference. The ACap bits set the value of the capacitor in the A path.
FCap controls the size of the switched feedback capacitor in the integrator. ClockPhase controls the internal clock phasing relative to the input clock phasing. ClockPhase affects the output of the analog column bus which is controlled by the AnalogBus bit in Control 2 Register (ASB11CR2, ASB13CR2, ASB20CR2, ASB22CR2).
Table 72: Bit # POR Read/ Write Bit Name
0 RW FCap
0 RW ClockPhase
0 RW ASign
0 RW ACap[4]
0 RW ACap[3]
0 RW ACap[2]
0 RW ACap[1]
0 RW ACap[0]
September 5, 2002
Table 72:
Bit 7: FCap F Capacitor value selection bit 0 = 16 capacitor units 1 = 32 capacitor units Bit 6: ClockPhase Clock phase select, will invert clocks internal to the blocks. During normal operation of an SC block for the amplifier of a column enabled to drive the output bus, the connection is only made for the last half of PHI2 (during PHI1 and for the first half of PHI2, the output bus floats at the last voltage to which it was driven). This forms a sample and hold operation using the output bus and its associated capacitance. This design prevents the output bus from being perturbed by the intermediate states of the SC operation (often a reset state for PHI1 and settling to the valid state during PHI2)
Following are the exceptions: 1) If the ClockPhase bit in CR0 (for the SC block in question) is set to 1, then the output is enabled for the whole of PHI2. 2) If the SHDIS signal is set in bit 6 of the Analog Clock Select Register, then sample and hold operation is disabled for all columns and all enabled outputs of SC blocks are connected to their respective output busses for the entire period of their respective PHI2s 0 = Internal PHI1 = External PHI1 1 = Internal PHI1 = External PHI2 This bit also affects the latching of the comparator output (CBUS). Both clock phases, PHI1 and PHI2, are involved in the output latching mechanism. The capture of the next value to be output from the latch (capture point event) happens during the falling edge of one clock phase, and the rising edge of the other clock phase will cause the value to come out (output point event). This bit determines which clock phase triggers the capture point event, and the other clock will trigger the output point event. The value output to the comparator bus will remain stable between output point events. 0 = Capture Point Event triggered by Falling PHI2, Output Point Event triggered by Rising PHI1 1 = Capture Point Event triggered by Falling PHI1, Output Point Event triggered by Rising PHI2
Bit 5: ASign 0 = Input sampled on Internal PHI1, Reference Input sampled on internal PHI2 1 = Input sampled on Internal PHI2, Reference Input sampled on internal PHI1 Bit [4:0]: ACap [4:0] Binary encoding for 32 possible capacitor sizes for A Capacitor:
0 0 0 0 0 = 0 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 1 0 = 2 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 1 1 = 3 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 0 0 = 4 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 0 1 = 5 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 1 0 = 6 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 1 1 = 7 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 0 0 = 8 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 0 1 = 9 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 1 0 = 10 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 1 1 = 11 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 0 0 = 12 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 0 1 = 13 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 1 0 = 14 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 1 1 = 15 Capacitor units in array
1 0 0 0 0 = 16 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 0 1 = 17 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 1 0 = 18 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 1 1 = 19 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 0 0 = 20 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 0 1 = 21 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 1 0 = 22 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 1 1 = 23 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 0 0 = 24 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 0 1 = 25 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 1 0 = 26 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 1 1 = 27 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 0 0 = 28 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 0 1 = 29 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 1 0 = 30 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 1 1 = 31 Capacitor units in array
Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 11 Control 0 Register (ASB11CR0, Address = Bank 0/1, 84h) Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 13 Control 0 Register (ASB13CR0, Address = Bank 0/1, 8Ch) Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 20 Control 0 Register (ASB20CR0, Address = Bank 0/1, 90h) Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 22 Control 0 Register (ASB22CR0, Address = Bank 0/1, 98h)
September 5, 2002
0 RW AMux[2]
0 RW AMux[1]
0 RW AMux[0]
0 RW BCap[4]
0 RW BCap[3]
0 RW BCap[2]
0 RW BCap[1]
0 RW BCap[0]
Bit [7:5]: AMux [2:0] Input muxing select for A capacitor branch. (Note that available mux inputs vary by individual PSoC block.) ASB11 0 0 0 = ACA01 0 0 1 = ASA12 0 1 0 = ASA10 0 1 1 = ASA21 1 0 0 = REFHI 1 0 1 = ACA00 1 1 0 = Reserved 1 1 1 = Reserved ASB13 ACA03 P2.2 ASA12 ASA23 REFHI ACA02 Reserved Reserved ASB20 ASA10 P2.1 ASA21 ABUS0 REFHI ASB11 Reserved Reserved ASB22 ASA12 ASA21 ASA23 ABUS2 REFHI ASB13 Reserved Reserved
Bit [4:0]: BCap [4:0] Binary encoding for 32 possible capacitor sizes for B Capacitor:
0 0 0 0 0 = 0 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 1 0 = 2 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 1 1 = 3 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 0 0 = 4 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 0 1 = 5 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 1 0 = 6 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 1 1 = 7 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 0 0 = 8 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 0 1 = 9 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 1 0 = 10 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 1 1 = 11 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 0 0 = 12 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 0 1 = 13 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 1 0 = 14 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 1 1 = 15 Capacitor units in array
1 0 0 0 0 = 16 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 0 1 = 17 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 1 0 = 18 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 1 1 = 19 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 0 0 = 20 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 0 1 = 21 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 1 0 = 22 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 1 1 = 23 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 0 0 = 24 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 0 1 = 25 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 1 0 = 26 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 1 1 = 27 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 0 0 = 28 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 0 1 = 29 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 1 0 = 30 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 1 1 = 31 Capacitor units in array
Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 11 Control 1 Register (ASB11CR1, Address = Bank 0/1, 85h) Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 13 Control 1 Register (ASB13CR1, Address = Bank 0/1, 8Dh) Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 20 Control 1 Register (ASB20CR1, Address = Bank 0/1, 91h) Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 22 Control 1 Register (ASB22CR1, Address = Bank 0/1, 99h)
September 5, 2002
AnalogBus gates the output to the analog column bus. The output on the analog column bus is affected by the state of the ClockPhase bit in Control 0 Register (ASB11CR0, ASB13CR0, ASB20CR0, ASB22CR0). If AnalogBus is set to 0, the output to the analog column bus is tri-stated. If AnalogBus is set to 1, the ClockPhase bit selects the signal that is output to the analog-column bus. If the ClockPhase bit is 0, the block output is gated by sampling clock on last part of PHI2. If the ClockPhase bit is 1, the block ClockPhase continuously drives the analog column bus. CompBus controls the output to the column comparator bus. Note that if the comparator bus is not driven by anything in the column, it is pulled low. The comparator output is evaluated on the rising edge of internal PHI1 and is latched so it is available during internal PHI2. AutoZero controls the shorting of the output to the inverting input of the op-amp. When shorted, the op-amp is basically a follower. The output is the op-amp offset. By using the feedback capacitor of the integrator, the block can memorize the offset and create an offset cancellation scheme. AutoZero also controls a pair of switches between the A and B branches and the summing node of the op-amp. If AutoZero is enabled, then the pair of switches is active. AutoZero also affects the function of the FSW1 bit in Control 3 Register. The CCap bits set the value of the capacitor in the C path.
September 5, 2002
0 RW AnalogBus
0 RW CompBus
0 RW AutoZero
0 RW CCap[4]
0 RW CCap[3]
0 RW CCap[2]
0 RW CCap[1]
0 RW CCap[0]
Bit 7: AnalogBus Enable output to the analog bus 0 = Disable output to analog column bus 1 = Enable output to analog column bus (The output on the analog column bus is affected by the state of the ClockPhase bit in Control 0 Register (ASB11CR0, ASB13CR0, ASB20CR0, ASB22CR0). If AnalogBus is set to 0, the output to the analog column bus is tri-stated. If AnalogBus is set to 1, the ClockPhase bit selects the signal that is output to the analog column bus. If the ClockPhase bit is 0, the block output is gated by sampling clock on last part of PHI2. If the ClockPhase bit is 1, the block output continuously drives the analog column bus) Bit 6: CompBus Enable output to the comparator bus 0 = Disable output to comparator bus 1 = Enable output to comparator bus Bit 5: AutoZero Bit for controlling gated switches 0 = Shorting switch is not active. Input cap branches shorted to op-amp input 1 = Shorting switch is enabled during internal PHI1. Input cap branches shorted to analog ground during internal PHI1 and to op-amp input during internal PHI2. Bit [4:0]: CCap [4:0] Binary encoding for 32 possible capacitor sizes for C Capacitor:
0 0 0 0 0 = 0 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 0 1 = 1 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 1 0 = 2 Capacitor units in array 0 0 0 1 1 = 3 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 0 0 = 4 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 0 1 = 5 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 1 0 = 6 Capacitor units in array 0 0 1 1 1 = 7 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 0 0 = 8 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 0 1 = 9 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 1 0 = 10 Capacitor units in array 0 1 0 1 1 = 11 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 0 0 = 12 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 0 1 = 13 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 1 0 = 14 Capacitor units in array 0 1 1 1 1 = 15 Capacitor units in array
1 0 0 0 0 = 16 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 0 1 = 17 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 1 0 = 18 Capacitor units in array 1 0 0 1 1 = 19 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 0 0 = 20 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 0 1 = 21 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 1 0 = 22 Capacitor units in array 1 0 1 1 1 = 23 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 0 0 = 24 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 0 1 = 25 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 1 0 = 26 Capacitor units in array 1 1 0 1 1 = 27 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 0 0 = 28 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 0 1 = 29 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 1 0 = 30 Capacitor units in array 1 1 1 1 1 = 31 Capacitor units in array
Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 11 Control 2 Register (ASB11CR2, Address = Bank 0/1, 86h) Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 13 Control 2 Register (ASB13CR2, Address = Bank 0/1, 8Eh) Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 20 Control 2 Register (ASB20CR2, Address = Bank 0/1, 92h) Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 22 Control 2 Register (ASB22CR2, Address = Bank 0/1, 9Ah)
September 5, 2002
ARefMux selects the reference input of the A capacitor branch. FSW1 is used to control a switch in the integrator capacitor path. It connects the output of the op-amp to the integrating cap. The state of the switch is affected by the state of the AutoZero bit in Control 2 Register (ASB11CR2, ASB13CR2, ASB20CR2, ASB22CR2). If the FSW1 bit is set to 0, the switch is always disabled. If the FSW1 bit is set to 1, the AutoZero bit determines the state of the switch. If the AutoZero bit is 0, the switch is enabled at all times. If the AutoZero bit is 1, the switch is enabled only when the internal PHI2 is high.
Table 75: Bit # POR Read/ Write Bit Name
RW Power[1]
RW Power[0]
ARefMux[1] ARefMux[0]
Bit [7:6]: ARefMux [1:0] Encoding for selecting reference input 0 0 = Analog ground is selected 0 1 = REFHI input selected (This is usually the high reference) 1 0 = REFLO input selected (This is usually the low reference) 1 1 = Reference selection is driven by the comparator (When output comparator node is set high, the input is set to REFHI. When set low, the input is set to REFLO) Bit 5: FSW1 Bit for controlling gated switches 0 = Switch is disabled FSW1 bit is set to 1; the state of the switch is determined by the AutoZero bit. If the AutoZero bit is 0, the switch is enabled at all times. If the AutoZero bit is 1, the switch is enabled only when the internal PHI2 is high Bit 4: FSW0 Bits for controlling gated switches 0 = Switch is disabled 1 = Switch is enabled when PHI1 is high Bit 3: BSW Enable switching in branch 0 = B branch is a continuous time path 1 = B branch is switched with internal PHI2 sampling Bit 2: BMuxSCB Encoding for selecting B inputs. (Note that the available mux inputs vary by individual PSoC block) ASB11 ASB13 ASB20 ASB22 0 = ACA00 ACA02 ASA11 ASA13 1 = ACA01 ACA03 ASB10 ASB12 Bit [1:0]: Power [1:0] Encoding for selecting 1 of 4 power levels 0 0 = Off 0 1 = 10 A, typical 1 0 = 50 A, typical 1 1 = 200 A, typical
Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 11 Control 3 Register (ASB11CR3, Address = Bank 0/1, 87h) Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 13 Control 3 Register (ASB13CR3, Address = Bank 0/1, 8Fh) Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 20 Control 3 Register (ASB20CR3, Address = Bank 0/1, 93h) Analog Switch Cap Type B Block 22 Control 3 Register (ASB22CR3, Address = Bank 0/1, 9Bh)
September 5, 2002
The output from the analog block that is actively driving the bus may also be latched internal to the analog block itself. In the Continuous Time analog blocks, the CPhase and CLatch bits inside the Analog Continuous Time Type A Block xx Control Register 2 determine whether the output signal on the comparator bus is latched inside the block, and if it is, which clock phase it is latched on. In the Switched Capacitor analog blocks, the output on the comparator bus is always latched. The ClockPhase bit in the Analog SwitchCap Type A Block xx Control Register 0 or the Analog SwitchCap Type B Block xx Control Register 0 determines the phase on which this data is latched and available.
0 R COMP 3
0 R COMP 2
0 R COMP 1
0 R COMP 0
Bit 7: COMP 3 COMP 3 bit [0] indicates the state of the analog comparator bus for the Analog Column x Bit 6: COMP 2 COMP 2 bit [0] indicates the state of the analog comparator bus for the Analog Column x Bit 5: COMP 1 COMP 1 bit [0] indicates the state of the analog comparator bus for the Analog Column x Bit 4: COMP 0 COMP 0 bit [0] indicates the state of the analog comparator bus for the Analog Column x Bit 3: AINT 3 AINT 3 bit [0] or [1] (as defined below) selects the Analog Interrupt Source for the Analog Column x Bit 2: AINT 2 AINT 2 bit [0] or [1] (as defined below) selects the Analog Interrupt Source for the Analog Column x Bit 1: AINT 1 AINT 1 bit [0] or [1] (as defined below) selects the Analog Interrupt Source for the Analog Column x Bit 0: AINT 0 AINT 0 bit [0] or [1] (as defined below) selects the Analog Interrupt Source for the Analog Column x 0 = Comparator bus 1 = PHI2 (Falling edge of PHI2 causes an interrupt) Analog Comparator Control Register (CMP_CR, Address = Bank 0, 64h)
September 5, 2002
The SAR hardware accelerator is a block of specialized hardware designed to sequence the SAR algorithm for efficient A/D conversion. A SAR ADC is implemented conceptually with a DAC of the desired precision, and a comparator. This functionality can be configured from one or more PSoC blocks. For each conversion, the firmware should initialize the ASY_CR register as defined below, and set the sign bit of the DAC as the first guess in the algorithm. A sequence of OR instructions (Read, Modify, Write) to the DAC (CR0) register is then executed. Each of these OR instructions causes the SAR hardware to read the current state of the comparator, checking the validity of the previous guess. It either clears it or leaves it set, accordingly. The next LSB in the DAC register is also set as the next guess. Six OR instructions will complete the conversion of a 6-bit DAC. The resulting DAC code, which matches the input voltage to within 1 LSB, is then read back from the DAC CR0 register.
ware accelerator. The DAC and SAR User Modules operate in this mode. The analog column clock frequency must not be a power of two multiple (2, 4, 8...) higher than the CPU clock frequency. Under this condition, the CPU will never recover from a stall. See the list of relationships (in MHz) that will fail:
Table 77: Analog Frequency Relationships CPU Clock
1.5, 0.75, .018, 0.093 0.75, 0.18, 0.093 0.18, 0.093 0.18, 0.093 0.093
You can still run the CPU clock slower than the column clock if the relationship is not a power of two multiple. For example, you can run at 0.6 MHz, which is not a power of two multiple of any CPU frequency and therefore any CPU frequency can be selected. If the CPU frequency is greater than or equal to the analog column clock, there is not a problem.
0 --
Bit [6:4]: SARCOUNT [2:0] Initial SAR count. Load this field with the number of bits to process. In a typical 6-bit SAR, the value would be 6 Bit 3: SARSIGN Adjust the SAR comparator based on the type of block addressed. In a DAC configuration with more than one PSoC block (more than 6-bits), this bit would be 0 when processing the most significant block and 1 when processing the least significant block. This is because the least significant block of a DAC is an inverting input to the most significant block Bit [2:1]: SARCOL [1:0] Column select for SAR comparator input. The DAC portion of the SAR can reside in any of the appropriate positions in the analog PSOC block array. However, once the comparator block is positioned (and it is possible to have the DAC and comparator in the same block), this should be the column selected Bit 0: SYNCEN Set to 1, will stall the CPU until the rising edge of PHI1, if a write to a register within an analog Switch Cap block takes place
September 5, 2002
P0[1] ACI0
P0[7] ACI1
ACM1 ACol1Mux
ACM2 ACol2Mux
September 5, 2002
0 RW ACI3 [1]
0 RW ACI3 [0]
0 RW ACI2 [1]
0 RW ACI2 [0]
0 RW ACI1 [1]
0 RW ACI1 [0]
0 RW ACI0 [1]
0 RW ACI0 [0]
Bit [7:6]: ACI3 [1:0] 0 0 = ACM3 P0[0] 0 1 = ACM3 P0[2] 1 0 = ACM3 P0[4] 1 1 = ACM3 P0[6] Bit [5:4]: ACI2 [1:0] 0 0 = ACM2 P0[1] 0 1 = ACM2 P0[3] 1 0 = ACM2 P0[5] 1 1 = ACM2 P0[7] ACol2Mux (ABF_CR, Address = Bank1, 62h) 0 = AC2 = ACM2 1 = AC2 = ACM3 Bit [3:2]: ACI1 [1:0] 0 0 = ACM1 P0[0] 0 1 = ACM1 P0[2] 1 0 = ACM1 P0[4] 1 1 = ACM1 P0[6] ACol1Mux (ABF_CR, Address = Bank1, 62h) 0 = AC1 = ACM1 1 = AC1 = ACM0 Bit [1:0]: ACI0 [1:0] 0 0 = ACM0 P0[1] 0 1 = ACM0 P0[3] 1 0 = ACM0 P0[5] 1 1 = ACM0 P0[7]
September 5, 2002
The user has the option to output up to four analog signals on the pins of the device. This is done by enabling the analog output buffers associated with each Analog
ACA 00
ACA 01
ACA 02
ACA 03
ASA 10
ASB 11
ASA 12
ASB 13
ASB 20
ASA 21
ASB 22
ASA 23
September 5, 2002
0 W ACol1Mux
0 W ACol2Mux
0 -Reserved
Bit 7: ACol1Mux 0 = Set column 1 input to column 1 input mux output 1 = Set column 1 input to column 0 input mux output Bit 6: ACol2Mux 0 = Set column 2 input to column 2 input mux output 1 = Set column 2 input to column 3 input mux output Bit 5: ABUF1EN Enables the analog output buffer for Analog Column 1 (Pin P0[5]) 0 = Disable analog output buffer 1 = Enable analog output buffer Bit 4: ABUF2EN Enables the analog output buffer for Analog Column 2 (Pin P0[4]) 0 = Disable analog output buffer 1 = Enable analog output buffer Bit 3: ABUF0EN Enables the analog output buffer for Analog Column 0 (Pin P0[3]) 0 = Disable analog output buffer 1 = Enable analog output buffer Bit 2: ABUF3EN Enables the analog output buffer for Analog Column 3 (Pin P0[2]) 0 = Disable analog output buffer 1 = Enable analog output buffer Bit [1]: Reserved Must be left as 0 Bit [0]: PWR Determines power level of all output buffers 0 = Low output power 1 = High output power
September 5, 2002
0 RW Reserved
0 RW Reserved
0 RW Reserved
0 RW Reserved
0 RW AMOD2[1]
0 RW AMOD2[0]
0 RW AMOD0[1]
0 RW AMOD0[0]
Bit 7: Reserved Bit 6: Reserved Bit 5: Reserved Bit 4: Reserved Bit [3:2]: AMOD2[1], AMOD2[0] Selects the modulation signal for Analog Column 2 0 0 = No Modulation 0 1 = Global Output [0] 1 0 = Global Output [4] 1 1 = Digital Basic Type A Block 03 Bit [1:0]: AMOD0[1], AMOD0[0] Selects the modulation signal for Analog Column 0 0 0 = No Modulation 0 1 = Global Output [0] 1 0 = Global Output [4] 1 1 = Digital Basic Type A Block 03
Amplitude Modulators Amplitude Demodulators Sine-Wave Generators Sine-Wave Detectors Sideband Detection Sideband Stripping Audio Output Drive DTMF Generator FSK Modulator By modifying registers, as described in this Data Sheet, users can configure PSoC blocks to perform these functions and more.
September 5, 2002
September 5, 2002
11.0 11.1
A fast, on-chip signed 2s complement MAC (Multiply/ Accumulate) function is provided to assist the main CPU with digital signal processing applications. Multiply results, as well as the lower 2 bytes of the Accumulator, are available immediately after the input registers are written. The upper 2 bytes require a single instruction delay before reading. The MAC function is tied directly on the internal data bus, and is mapped into the register space. The following MAC block diagram provides data flow information. The user has the choice to either cause a multiply/accumulate function to take place, or a multiply only function. The user selects which operation is performed by the choice of input register. The multiply function occurs immediately whenever the MUL_X or the MUL_Y multiplier input registers are written, and the result is available in the MUL_DH and MUL_DL multiplier result registers. The Multiply/Accumulate function is executed whenever there is a write to the MAC_X or the MAC_Y Multiply/Accumulate input registers, and the result is available in the ACC_DR3, ACC_DR2, ACC_DR1, and ACC_DR0 accumulator result registers. A write to MUL_X or MAC_X is input as the X value to both the multiply and Multiply/Accumulate functions. A write to MUL_Y or MAC_Y is input as the Y value to both the multiply and Multiply/Accumulate functions. A write to the MAC_CL0 or MAC_CL1 registers will clear the value in the four accumulate registers. Operation of the Multiply/Accumulate function relies on proper multiplicand input. The first value of each multiplicand must be placed into MUL_X (or MUL_Y) register to avoid causing a Multiply/Accumulate to occur. The second multiplicand must be placed into MAC_Y (or MAC_X) thereby triggering the Multiply/Accumulate function. MUL_X, MUL_Y, MAC_X, and MAC_Y are 8-bit signed input registers. MUL_DL and MUL_DH form a 16-bit signed output. ACC_DR0, ACC_DR1, ACC_DR2 and ACC_DR3 form a 32-bit signed output.
mov reg[MAC_X],a nop //add nop or any other instruction mov reg[MAC_X],a
For sequence a., there is no workaround, the nop or other instruction must be inserted. b. A MAC instruction followed by a read of the most significant Accumulator bytes:
mov reg[MAC_X],a nop //add nop or any other instruction mov a,[ACC_DR2] // or ACC_DR3
For sequence b., the least significant Accumulator bytes (ACC_DR0, ACC_DR1) may be reliably read directly after the MAC instruction. Writing to the multiplier registers (MUL_X, MUL_Y), and reading the result back from the multiplier product registers (MUL_DH, MUL_DL), is not affected by this problem and does not have any restrictions.
September 5, 2002
0 W Data [7]
0 W Data [6]
0 W Data [5]
0 W Data [4]
0 W Data [3]
0 W Data [2]
0 W Data [1]
0 W Data [0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data is the input value for X multiplier
0 W Data [7]
0 W Data [6]
0 W Data [5]
0 W Data [4]
0 W Data [3]
0 W Data [2]
0 W Data [1]
0 W Data [0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data is the input value for Y multiplier
September 5, 2002
0 R Data [7]
0 R Data [6]
0 R Data [5]
0 R Data [4]
0 R Data [3]
0 R Data [2]
0 R Data [1]
0 R Data [0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data value is the high order result of the multiply function
0 R Data [7]
0 R Data [6]
0 R Data [5]
0 R Data [4]
0 R Data [3]
0 R Data [2]
0 R Data [1]
0 R Data [0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data value is the low order result of the multiply function
0 RW Data [7]
0 RW Data [6]
0 RW Data [5]
0 RW Data [4]
0 RW Data [3]
0 RW Data [2]
0 RW Data [1]
0 RW Data [0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data value when read is the next to lowest order result of the multiply/accumulate function 8-bit data value when written is the X multiplier input to the multiply/accumulate function
Accumulator Result 1 / Multiply/Accumulator Input X Register (ACC_DR1 / MAC_X, Address = Bank 0, ECh)
Table 87: Bit # POR Read/Write Bit Name Accumulator Result 0 / Multiply/Accumulator Input Y Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 RW Data [7]
0 RW Data [6]
0 RW Data [5]
0 RW Data [4]
0 RW Data [3]
0 RW Data [2]
0 RW Data [1]
0 RW Data [0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data value when read is the lowest order result of the multiply/accumulate function 8-bit data value when written is the Y multiplier input to the multiply/accumulate function
Accumulator Result 0 / Multiply/Accumulator Input Y Register (ACC_DR0 / MAC_Y, Address = Bank 0, EDh)
September 5, 2002
0 RW Data [7]
0 RW Data [6]
0 RW Data [5]
0 RW Data [4]
0 RW Data [3]
0 RW Data [2]
0 RW Data [1]
0 RW Data [0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data value when read is the highest order result of the multiply/accumulate function Any 8-bit data value when written will cause all four Accumulator result registers to clear
Accumulator Result 3 / Multiply/Accumulator Clear 0 Register (ACC_DR3 / MAC_CL0, Address = Bank 0, EEh)
Table 89: Bit # POR Read/Write Bit Name Accumulator Result 2 / Multiply/Accumulator Clear 1 Register 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 RW Data [7]
0 RW Data [6]
0 RW Data [5]
0 RW Data [4]
0 RW Data [3]
0 RW Data [2]
0 RW Data [1]
0 RW Data [0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data value when read is next to highest order result of the multiply/accumulate function Any 8-bit data value when written will cause all four Accumulator result registers to clear
Accumulator Result 2 / Multiply/Accumulator Clear 1 Register (ACC_DR2 / MAC_CL1, Address = Bank 0, EFh)
A divide by n decimator is a digital filter that takes the single bit data at a fast rate and outputs multiple bits at one nth the speed. For a single stage converter, the optimal filter has a sinc2 response. This filter can be implemented as a finite impulse response (FIR) filter and for a divide by n implementation should have the following coefficients:
The output of a modulator is a high-speed, single bit A/D converter. A single bit A/D converter is of little use to anyone and must be converted to a lower speed multiple bit output. Converting this high-speed single bit data stream to a lower speed multiple bit data stream requires a data decimator.
Coeff n
0 0 n-1 2n-1
September 5, 2002
This filter is implemented using a combination of hardware and software resources. Hardware is used to accumulate the high-speed in-coming data while the software
Table 90: Bit # POR Read/Write Bit Name Decimator/Incremental Control Register 7 6 5 4
is used to process the lower speed, enhanced resolution data for output.
0 RW IGEN [3]
0 RW IGEN [2]
0 RW IGEN [1]
0 RW IGEN [0]
0 RW DCol [1]
0 RW DCol [0]
Bit [7:4]: IGEN [3:0] Individual enables for each analog column that gates the Analog Comparator based on the ICCKSEL input (Bit 3) Bit 3: ICCKSEL Clock select for Incremental gate function 0 = Digital Basic Type A Block 02 1 = Digital Communications Type A Block 06 Bit [2:1]: DCol [1:0] Selects Analog Column Comparator source 0 0 = Analog Column Comparator 0 0 1 = Analog Column Comparator 1 1 0 = Analog Column Comparator 2 1 1 = Analog Column Comparator 3 Bit 0: DCLKSEL Clock select for Decimator latch 0 = Digital Basic Type A Block 02 1 = Digital Communications Type A Block 06
0 RW Data [7]
0 RW Data [6]
0 RW Data [5]
0 RW Data [4]
0 RW Data [3]
0 RW Data [2]
0 RW Data [1]
0 RW Data [0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data value when read is the high order byte within the 16-bit decimator data registers Any 8-bit data value when written will cause both the Decimator Data High (DEC_DH) and Decimator Data Low (DEC_DL) registers to be cleared
0 R Data [7]
0 R Data [6]
0 R Data [5]
0 R Data [4]
0 R Data [3]
0 R Data [2]
0 R Data [1]
0 R Data [0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] 8-bit data value when read is the low order byte within the 16 bit decimator data registers
September 5, 2002
tively. The firmware can interrogate these bits to determine the cause of a reset. The microcontroller resumes execution from ROM address 0x0000 after a reset. The internal clocking mode is active after a reset, until changed by user firmware. In addition, the Sleep / Watchdog Timer is reset to its minimum interval count.
Important: The CPU clock defaults to divide by 8 mode
11.3.1 Overview
The microcontroller supports two types of resets. When reset is initiated, all registers are restored to their default states and all interrupts are disabled.
Reset Types: Power On Reset (POR), External Reset
(Xres), and Watchdog Reset (WDR). The occurrence of a reset is recorded in the Status and Control Register (CPU_SCR). Bits within this register record the occurrence of POR and WDR Reset respec-
at POR to guarantee operation at the low Vcc that might be present during the supply ramp.
0 -Reserved
0 RW Sleep
0 -Reserved
0 -Reserved
0 RW Stop
Bit 7: IES Global interrupt enable status from CPU Flag register 0 = Global interrupts disabled 1 = Global interrupts enabled Bit 6: Reserved Bit 5: WDRS WDRS is set by the CPU to indicate that a Watchdog Reset event has occurred. The user can read this bit to determine the type of reset that has occurred. The user can clear but not set this bit 0 = No WDR 1 = A WDR event has occurred Bit 4: PORS PORS is set by the CPU to indicate that a Power On Reset event has occurred. The user can read this bit to determine the type of reset that has occurred. The user can clear but not set this bit 0 = No POR 1 = A POR event has occurred. (Note that WDR events will not occur until this bit is cleared) Bit 3: Sleep Set by the user to enable CPU sleep state. CPU will remain in sleep mode until any interrupt is pending 0 = Normal operation 1 = Sleep Bit 2: Reserved Bit 1: Reserved Bit 0: Stop Set by the user to halt the CPU. The CPU will remain halted until a reset (WDR or POR) has taken place 0 = Normal CPU operation 1 = CPU is halted (not recommended)
C = Clear
September 5, 2002
Power On Reset (POR) occurs every time the power to the device is switched on. POR is released when the supply is typically 2.2V +/-12% for the upward supply transition, with typically 120mV of hysterisis during the power on transient. Bit 4 of the Status and Control Register (CPU_SCR) is set to record this event (the register contents are set to 00010000 by the POR). After a POR, the microprocessor is suspended for 64 ms. This provides time for the Vcc supply to stabilize after the POR
Execution Reset
the time between beginning boot calibration and reset vector. At reset vector, the boot.asm must execute before user code begins running. (boot.asm contains device configurations from PSoC Designer. The time it takes boot.asm to execute varies depending on device configuration settings such as CPU speed.)
The following diagram illustrates the sequence of events (in time) for execution reset, from voltage stabilization on through execution of users code. Once voltage trips POR and after 64 ms, the CPU starts boot calibration. Boot calibration takes 2,502 cycles, with the CPU running at 3 MHz. This results in approximately 800 s for
POR 2.2V 12%
64 ms 2502 ~ Boot Calibration Start CPU 3 MHz Reset Vector boot.asm User Code
September 5, 2002
The Watchdog Timer period is automatically set to be 3 counts of the Sleep Timer overflows. This represents between two and three sleep intervals depending on the count in the Sleep Timer at the previous WDT clear. When this timer reaches 3, a WDR is generated. The user can either clear the WDT, or the WDT and the Sleep Timer. Whenever the user writes to the Reset WDT Register (RES_WDT), the WDT will be cleared. If the data that is written is the hex value 38H, the Sleep Timer will also be cleared at the same time.
This timer chain is also used to time the startup for the external 32 kHz crystal oscillator. When selecting the external 32 kHz oscillator, a value of 1 second must be selected as the sleep interval. When the sleep interrupt occurs, the 32 kHz oscillator source will switch from internal to the crystal. The device does not have to be put into sleep for this event to occur. Note that if too short of a sleep interval is given, the crystal oscillator will not be stable prior to switch over and the results will be unpredictable.
0 RW Data [7]
0 RW Data [6]
0 RW Data [5]
0 RW Data [4]
0 RW Data [3]
0 RW Data [2]
0 RW Data [1]
0 RW Data [0]
Bit [7:0]: Data [7:0] Any write to this register will clear Watchdog Timer, a write of 38h will also clear the Sleep Timer
Sleep States
enable bits within each analog PSoC block. Setting the Analog Array Power Control bits will restore the function to those analog PSoC blocks that were previously in use. The user should take into account the required settling time after an analog PSoC block is enabled before it will provide the maximum precision. For greatest power savings, the user should put the device in the Full Sleep state. This is accomplished by first transitioning to the Analog Sleep state, and then setting the Sleep Bit in the CPU_SCR Register to the Full Sleep state. The CPU will be stopped at this point, and either an interrupt or reset event is required to transition back to the Analog Sleep state. The Voltage Reference and Supply Voltage Monitor drop into (fully functional) power-reduced states. All interrupts remain active. The Internal Low Speed Oscillator remains running (it will however drop into a less accurate, low-power state). If enabled, the External Crystal Oscillator will continue running throughout sleep (the Internal Low Speed Oscillator is disabled if the External Crystal Oscillator is selected). Only the occurrence of an
There are three sleep states that can be used to lower the overall power consumption on the device. The three states are CPU Sleep, Analog Sleep, and Full Sleep. The CPU can only be put to sleep by the firmware. This is accomplished by setting the Sleep Bit in the Status and Control Register (CPU_SCR). This stops the CPU from executing instructions, and the CPU will remain asleep until an interrupt comes pending, or there is a reset event (either a Power On Reset, or a Watchdog Timer Reset). While in the CPU Sleep state, all clocking signals derived from the Internal Main Oscillator are inactivated, including the 48M, 24M, 24V1, and 24V2 system clocking signals. The Internal Low Speed Oscillator will continue to operate during the CPU Sleep state. The function of any analog or digital PSoC block that is clocked from these system-clocking signals will stop during the CPU Sleep state. The user can also put all the analog PSoC block circuits to sleep. This is accomplished by resetting the Analog Array Power Control bits in the Analog Reference Control Register (ARF_CR), which overrides the individual
September 5, 2002
interrupt will wake the part from sleep. The Stop bit in the Status and Control Register (CPU_SCR) must be cleared for a part to resume out of sleep. Any digital PSoC block that is clocked by a System Clock other than the 32K system-clocking signal or external pins will be stopped, as these clocks do not run in sleep mode. The Internal Main Oscillator restarts immediately on exiting either the Full Sleep or CPU Sleep modes. Analog functions must be re-enabled by firmware. If the External Crystal Oscillator is used and the internal PLL is enabled, the PLL will take many cycles to change from its initial 2.5% accuracy to track that of the External Crystal Oscillator. If the PLL is enabled, there will be a 30s (one full 32K cycle) delay hold-off time for the CPU to let the VCO and PLL stabilize. If the PLL is not enabled, the hold-off time is one half of the 32K cycle. For further details on PLL, see 7.0. The Sleep interrupt allows the microcontroller to wake up periodically and poll system components while maintaining very low average power consumption. The sleep interrupt may also be used to provide periodic interrupts during non-sleep modes. In System Sleep State, GPIO Pins P2[4] and P2[6] should be held to a logic low or a false Low Voltage Detect interrupt may be triggered. The cause is in the System Sleep State, the internal Bandgap reference generator is turned off and the reference voltage is maintained on a capacitor. The circumstances are that during sleep, the reference voltage on the capacitor is refreshed periodically at the sleep system duty cycle. Between refresh cycles, this voltage may leak slightly to either the positive supply or ground. If pins P2[4] or P2[6] are in a high state, the leakage to the positive supply is accelerated (especially at high temperature). Since the reference voltage is compared to the supply to detect a low voltage condition, this accelerated leakage to the positive supply voltage will cause that voltage to appear lower than it actually is, leading to the generation of a false Low Voltage Detect interrupt. CPU Sleep Full Sleep
September 5, 2002
The Supply Voltage Monitor detector generates an interrupt whenever Vcc drops below a pre-programmed value. There are eight voltage trip points that are selectable by setting the VM [2:0] bit in the Voltage Monitor
Table 95: Bit # POR Read/ Write Bit Name Voltage Monitor Control Register 7 6 5 4
0 RW Reserved
0 -Reserved
0 -Reserved
0 -Reserved
0 W VM [2]
0 W VM [1]
0 W VM [0]
Bit 7: SMP Disables SMP function 0 = Switch Mode Pump enabled, default 1 = Switch Mode Pump disabled Bit 6: Reserved Bit 5: Reserved Bit 4: Reserved Bit 3: Reserved Bit [2:0]: VM [2:0] Low Voltage Detection 0 0 0 = 2.95 Trip Voltage1 0 0 1 = 3.02 Trip Voltage 0 1 0 = 3.17 Trip Voltage 0 1 1 = 3.71 Trip Voltage 1 0 0 = 4.00 Trip Voltage 1 0 1 = 4.48 Trip Voltage 1 1 0 = 4.56 Trip Voltage 1 1 1 = 4.64 Trip Voltage
Switch Mode Pump 0 0 0 = 3.17 Trip Voltage 0 0 1 = 3.25 Trip Voltage 0 1 0 = 3.42 Trip Voltage 0 1 1 = 3.94 Trip Voltage 1 0 0 = 4.19 Trip Voltage 1 0 1 = 4.64 Trip Voltage 1 1 0 = 4.82 Trip Voltage 1 1 1 = 5.00 Trip Voltage
Voltages are ideal typical values. Tolerances are in Table 103 on page 127.
September 5, 2002
This feature is available on the CY8C26xxx versions within this family. During the time Vcc is ramping from 0 Volts to POR Vtrip (2.2V +/- 12%), IC operation is held off by the POR circuit and the Switch Mode Pump is enabled. The pump is realized by connecting an external inductor between the battery voltage and SMP, with an external diode pointing from SMP to the Vcc pin (which must have a bypass capacitance of at least 0.1uF connected to Vcc). This circuitry will pump Vcc to the Switch Mode Pump value specified in the Voltage Monitor Control Register (VLT_CR), shown above. Battery voltage values down to 0.9 V during operation are supported, but this circuitry is not guaranteed to start for battery voltages below 1.2 V. Once the IC is enabled after its power
Battery Voltage
SMP Reset X
To Rest Of Circuitry
September 5, 2002
An internal bandgap voltage reference source is provided on-chip. This reference is used for the Supply Voltage Monitor, and can also be accessed by the user as a reference voltage for analog operations. There is a Bandgap Oscillator Trim Register (BDG_TR) used to calibrate this reference into specified tolerance. Factoryprogrammed trim values are available for 5.0V and 3.3V
Table 96: Bit # POR Read/Write Bit Name Bandgap Trim Register 7 6 5 4
FS1 W BGT[2]
FS1 W BGT[1]
FS1 W BGT[0]
FS1 W BGO[3]
FS1 W BGO[2]
FS1 W BGO[1]
FS1 W BGO[0]
Bit 7: FMRD 0 = Enable voltage divider between BG and Flash (User must not use other than this setting) 1 = Disable voltage divider between BG and Flash (Test purposes only) Bit [6:4]: BGT [2:0] Provides Temperature Curve compensation Bit [3:0]: BGO [3:0] Provides +/- 5% Offset Trim to center Vbg to 1.30V
The parts in this family have a Supervisor ROM to manage the programming, erasure, and protection of the onchip Flash user program space. The Supervisor ROM also gives the user the capability to read the internal product ID, access factory trim values, as well as calculate checksums on blocks of the Flash memory space. The System Supervisor Call instruction (SSC, opcode/ byte 00h) provides the method for the user to access the pre-existing routines in the Supervisor ROM to implement these functions. This instruction sets the Flags Register (CPU_F) bit 3 to 1 and performs an interrupt to address 0000 into the Supervisory ROM. The flag and old PC are pushed onto the Stack. The fact that the flag pushed has F[3] = 1 is irrelevant as the RETI instruction always clears F[3]. The Supervisory code at 0000 does a
JACC table lookup based on the Accumulator value,
which is effectively another level of instruction encoding. This service table implements the vectors to the various supervisory functions. The user must set several param-
September 5, 2002
Table 97:
CY8C25122, CY8C26233, CY8C26443, CY8C26643 (256 Bytes of SRAM) Input SRAM Data Output SRAM Data Accumulator
1 Reset
Calibrates then sets PC and SP values to 0 Move block of 64 bytes of FLASH data into SRAM Program block of FLASH with data from SRAM Erase block of FLASH Set memory protection bits4 Erase all FLASH data Read device type code Calculate FLASH checksum for data range specified Sets userwritable registers to default
Read Block
SP +3
Blk ID
Write Block2
SP +3 SP +3 SP +3 SP +3 SP +3
Blk ID Blk ID NA
Erase Block
05 06
3Ah 3Ah
Clock NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 NA
0 TV (0)
0 TV (1)
* TV (2)
* TV (3)
* TV (4)
* TV (5)
* TV (6)
* TV (7)
SP +3
SP +3
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
This is a software-only reset. This operation should only be invoked by calling a function in the FlashBlock library. Device specifications are no longer guaranteed if this function is directly called by the users code. This function can only be invoked by the device programmer, not by users code. The address is hard coded by algorithm. User-writeable registers include Main Oscillator Trim (IMO_TR), Internal Low Speed Oscillator Trim (ILO_TR), and Bandgap Trim (BDG_TR).
NA: Not applicable *: Indeterminate Blk ID: Number of 64-byte block within FLASH memory space Clock: CPU system clocking signal value Pointer: Address of first byte of 64-byte block within SRAM memory space TV: Table value
September 5, 2002
register is modified during the Table Read Supervisory Call, and must be saved and restored if needed after the call completes. A[7:4]: Major silicon revisions. A[3:0]: Minor silicon revisions.
Production Silicon ID Provides trim value for Internal Main Oscillator and Internal Voltage Reference
Silicon ID 1
Silicon ID 0
Flash Program Memory Protection 11.10 Programming Requirements and Step Descriptions
The pins in the following table are critical for the programmer:
Table 100: Pin Name Programmer Requirements Function Programmer HW Pin Requirements
The user has the option to define the access to the Flash memory. A flexible system allows the user to select one of four protection modes for each 64-byte block within the Flash, based on the particular application. The protection mechanism is implemented by a device programmer using the System Supervisor Call. When this command is executed, two bits within the data programmed into the Flash will select the protection mode. It is not intended that the protection byte will be modified by the users code. The following table lists the available protection options:
Table 99:
Mode Bits 00 01 10 11
Serial Data In/Out Serial Clock Power Supply Ground Connection Power Supply Positive Voltage
Drive TTL Levels, Read TTL, High Z Drive TTL levEl Clock Signal Low Resistance Ground Connection 0V, 3.0V, 5V, & 5.4V. 0.1V Accuracy. 20mA Current Capability
September 5, 2002
The Flash is programmed with the contents of the users programming file. This is accomplished by the following sequence:
For num_block = 0 to max_data_block For address =0 to 63 WRITE-BYTE(address,data): End for address loop SET-CLK-FREQ(num_MHz_times_5) SET-BLOCK-NUM(num_block) PROGRAM-BLOCK WAIT-AND-POLL End for num_block loop Verify (at Low Vcc and High Vcc)
Verify Silicon ID
The silicon ID is read and verified against the expected value. If it is not the expected value, then the device is failed and an error message is sent to the device programmers operator. This test will detect a bad connection to the programmer or an incorrect device selection on the programmer. The silicon ID test is required to be first in the flow and cannot be bypassed. The sequence is as follows:
The device data is read out to compare to the data in the users programming file. This is accomplished by the following sequence:
Set Vcc=0V Set SDATA=HighZ Set SCLK=VILP Set Vcc=Vccp Start the programmers SCLK driver free running WAIT-AND-POLL ID-SETUP WAIT-AND-POLL READ-ID-WORD
Notes: See DC Specifications table in section 13 for
For num_block = 0 to max_data_block SET-BLOCK-NUM (num_block) VERIFY-SETUP Wait & POLL the SDATA for a high to low transition For address =0 to max_byte_per_block READ-BYTE(address,data) End for address loop End for num_block loop
Note: This should be done 2 times; once at Vcc=Vcclv
Set Security
The security operation protects certain blocks from being read or changed. This is done at the end of the flow so that the security does not interfere with the verify step. Security is set with the following sequence:
value of Vccp and VILP. See AC Specifications table in section 13 for value of frequency for the SCLK driver (Fsclk).
For address =0 to 63 WRITE-SECURITY-BYTE(address,data): End for address loop SET-CLK-FREQ(num_MHz_times_5) SECURE WAIT-AND-POLL
Note: This sequence is done at Vcc=Vccp.
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The device checksum is retrieved from the device and compared to the Device Checksum from the users file (Note that this is NOT the same thing as the Record Checksum.) The checksum is retrieved from the device with the following sequence:
Power Down
The last step is to power down the device. This is accomplished by the following sequence:
Set SDATA=HighZ (float pin P1[0]) Set SCLK=0V (Vin on pin P1[1]=Vilp) Set Vcc = 0V
Figure 33: Programming Wave Forms
1 2
Vcc is only turned off (0V) at the very beginning and the very end of the flow - not within the programming flow. When the programmer puts the driver on SDATA in a High Z (floating) state, the SDATA pin will float to a low due to an internal device pull down circuit. SCLK is set to VILP during the power up and power down; at other times the SCLK is free running. The frequency of the hardwares SCLK signal must be known by the software because the value (entered in the number of MegaHertz multiplied by the number 5) must be passed into the device with the SET-CLK-FREQ() mnemonic.
September 5, 2002
Development Tools
Development Tools
Graphical Designer Interface
Device Database
Application Database
Project Database
Emulation Pod
In-Circuit Emulator
Device Programmer
Emulator, in-system programming support, and the CYASM macro assembler for the CPUs. PSoC Designer also supports a high-level C language compiler developed specifically for the devices in the family.
The Cypress MicroSystems PSoC Designer is a Microsoft Windows-based, integrated development environment for the Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC) devices. The PSoC Designer runs on Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium (Me), or Windows XP. PSoC Designer helps the customer to select an operating configuration for the microcontroller, write application code that uses the microcontroller, and debug the application. This system provides design database management by project, an integrated debugger with In-Circuit
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12.2.5 Debugger
The PSoC Designer Debugger subsystem provides hardware in-circuit emulation, allowing the designer to test the program in a physical system while providing an internal view of the PSoC device. Debugger commands allow the designer to read and write program and data memory, read and write I/O registers, read and write CPU registers, set and clear breakpoints, and provide program run, halt, and step control. The debugger also allows the designer to create a trace buffer of registers and memory locations of interest.
Hardware Tools
12.2.3 Assembler
The included CYASM macro assembler supports the M8C microcontroller instruction set and generates a load file ready for device programming or system debugging using the ICE hardware.
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DC and AC Characteristics
DC and AC Characteristics
Specifications are valid for -40 oC = TA = 85 oC and TJ = 100 oC as specified, except where noted.
Storage Temperature Ambient Temperature with Power Applied Supply Voltage on VCC Relative to Vss DC Input Voltage DC Voltage Applied to Tri-state Maximum Current into any Port Pin Maximum Current into any Port Pin Configured as Analog Driver Junction Temperature Static Discharge Voltage Latch-up Current 1. 2.
V V V mA mA
V mA
Higher storage temperatures will reduce data retention time. The temperature rise from junction to ambient is package specific. (See Table 121 on page 146 for thermal impedances of available packages.) User must limit power consumption to comply with this requirement.
September 5, 2002
-40 -40
+85 100
September 5, 2002
DC and AC Characteristics
DC Characteristics
DC Operating Specifications DC Operating Specifications Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Vcc Icc Isb Isbxtl Vref Vil Vih Vh Vol Voh Rpu Rpd Iil Cin Cout VLVD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Supply Voltage Supply Current Sleep (Mode) Current Sleep (Mode) Current with Crystal Oscillator Reference Voltage (Bandgap) Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Hysterisis Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage Pull Up Resistor Value Pull Down Resistor Value Input Leakage (Absolute Value) Capacitive Load on Pins as Input Capacitive Load on Pins as Output LVD and SMP Tolerance8
5.25 81 52 53 1.3254 0.8 Vss+0.755 8000 8000 5 107 107 1.05 x Ideal8
V mA
V V V mV V V
A pF pF V
Conditions are 5.0V, 25 oC, 3 MHz. Without Crystal Oscillator, Vcc = 3.3 V, TA <= 85 oC. Conditions are 3.0V <= Vcc <= 3.6V, -40 oC <= TA <= 85 oC. Correct operation assumes a properly loaded, 1 uW maximum drive level, 32.768 kHz crystal. Trimmed for appropriate Vcc. Isink = 25 mA, Vcc = 4.5 V (maximum of 8 IO sinking, 4 on each side of the IC). Isource =10 mA, Vcc = 4.5 V (maximum of 8 IO sourcing, 4 on each side of the IC). Package dependent. Ideal values are +/- 5% absolute tolerance and +/- 1% tolerance relative to each other (for adjacent levels).
September 5, 2002
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges, 5V +/- 5% and -40C <= TA <= 85C. The Operational Amplifier is a component of both the Analog Continuous Time PSoC blocks and the Analog Switch Cap
5V DC Operational Amplifier Specifications 5V DC Operational Amplifier Specifications Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Input Offset Voltage (Absolute Value) Average Input Offset Voltage Drift Input Leakage Current1 Input Capacitance2 Common Mode Voltage Range3 Common Mode Rejection Ratio Open Loop Gain High Output Voltage Swing (Worst Case Internal Load) Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Low Output Voltage Swing (Worst Case Internal Load) Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Supply Current (Including Associated AGND Buffer) Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio 1. 2. 3.
30 1000 .40 Vcc - 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 300 600 1500 -
mV V/C nA pF VDC dB dB V V V V V V A A A dB
The leakage current includes the Analog Continuous Time PSoC block mux and the analog input mux. The leakage related to the General Purpose I/O pins is not included here. The Input Capacitance includes the Analog Continuous Time PSoC block mux and the analog input mux. The capacitance of the General Purpose I/O pins is not included here. The common-mode input voltage range is measured through an analog output buffer. The specification includes the limitations imposed by the characteristics of the analog output buffer.
September 5, 2002
DC and AC Characteristics
3.3V Specifications
Cap PSoC blocks. The guaranteed specifications are measured in the Analog Continuous Time PSoC block. Typical parameters apply to 5V at 25C and are for design guidance only. For 5V operation, see Table 104 on page 128.
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges, 3.3V +/- 10% and -40C <= TA <= 85C. The Operational Amplifier is a component of both the Analog Continuous Time PSoC blocks and the Analog Switch
3.3V DC Operational Amplifier Specifications 3.3V DC Operational Amplifier Specifications Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Input Offset Voltage (Absolute Value) Average Input Offset Voltage Drift Input Leakage Current1 Input Capacitance2 Common Mode Voltage Range3 Common Mode Rejection Ratio Open Loop Gain High Output Voltage Swing (Worst Case Internal Load) Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Low Output Voltage Swing (Worst Case Internal Load) Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Supply Current (Including Associated AGND Buffer) Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio 1. 2. 3.
30 700 .42 Vcc - 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 200 300 800 -
mV V/C nA pF VDC dB dB V V V V V V A A A dB
The leakage current includes the Analog Continuous Time PSoC block mux and the analog input mux. The leakage related to the General Purpose I/O pins is not included here. The Input Capacitance includes the Analog Continuous Time PSoC block mux and the analog input mux. The capacitance of the General Purpose I/O pins is not included here. The common-mode input voltage range is measured through an analog output buffer. The specification includes the limitations imposed by the characteristics of the analog output buffer
September 5, 2002
Table 106: Symbol
Input Leakage (Absolute Value) Input Capacitance Bandwidth Input Voltage Range
0.5 0
0.1 1.7 10 -
5 8 Vcc
A pF MHz V
Table 107: Symbol
Effective input resistance = 1/(f x c) Input Capacitance Bandwidth Input Voltage Range 1. 2.
0.5 0
51 -
10 1002 Vcc
M pF kHz V
Assumes 2 pF cap selected and 100 kHz sample frequency. This is a sampled input. Recommendation is Fs/Fin > 10 and for Fs = 1 MHz Fin < 100 kHz.
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges, 5V +/- 5% and -40C <= TA <= 85C. Typical
Table 108: Symbol 5V DC Analog Output Buffer Specifications
Input Offset Voltage (Absolute Value) Average Input Offset Voltage Drift Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Output Resistance Bias = Low Bias = High
.5 -
3 +6 1 1 1.1 2.6 -
12 Vcc - 1.0 -
mV V/C V
High Output Voltage Swing (Load = 32 ohms to Vcc/2) .5 x Vcc + 1.3 Bias = Low .5 x Vcc + 1.3 Bias = High Low Output Voltage Swing (Load = 32 ohms to Vcc/2) Bias = Low Bias = High Supply Current Including Bias Cell (No Load) Bias = Low Bias = High Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio 80
September 5, 2002
DC and AC Characteristics
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges, 3.3V +/- 10% and -40C <= TA <= 85C. Typical parameters apply to 5V at 25C and are for design guidance only. For 5V operation, see Table 108 on page 130.
3.3V DC Analog Output Buffer Specifications 3.3V DC Analog Output Buffer Specifications Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Input Offset Voltage (Absolute Value) Average Input Offset Voltage Drift Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Output Resistance Bias = Low Bias = High High Output Voltage Swing (Load = 32 ohms to Vcc/2) Bias = Low Bias = High Low Output Voltage Swing (Load = 32 ohms to Vcc/2) Bias = Low Bias = High Supply Current Including Bias Cell (No Load) Bias = Low Bias = High Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio
3 +6 1 1 0.8 2.0 -
mV V/C V
V V V V mA mA dB
September 5, 2002
Table 110: Symbol
Output Voltage1 Available Output Current Vi = 1.5 V, Vo = 3.25 V Vi = 1.5 V, Vo = 5.0 V Short Circuit Current (Vi = 3.3 V) Input Voltage Range (During sustained operation) Minimum Input Voltage to Start Pump Output Voltage Tolerance (Over Vi Range) Line Regulation (Over Vi Range) Load Regulation Output Voltage Ripple (Depends on capacitor and load) Transient Response 50% Load Change to 5% error envelope Vo Over/Undershoot for 50% Load Change Efficiency Switching Frequency Switching Duty Cycle 1. 2.
5.15 3.3 -
3. 4.
Average, neglecting ripple. For implementation, which includes 2 H inductor, 1 F capacitor, and Schottkey diode. Performance is significantly a function of external components. Specifications guaranteed for inductors with series resistance less than 0.1 W, with a current rating of > 250 mA, a capacitor with less than 1A leakage at 5V, and Schottkey diode with less than 0.6V of drop at 50 mA. Configuration of note 2. Load is 5 mA. Configuration of note 2. Load is 5 mA. Vout is 3.25V.
September 5, 2002
DC and AC Characteristics
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges, 5V +/- 5% and -40C <= TA <= 85C. The guaranteed specifications are measured through the Analog Continuous Time PSoC blocks. The bias levels for AGND refer to the bias of the Analog Continuous Time PSoC block. The bias levels for RefHi and RefLo refer to
Table 111: Symbol 5V DC Analog Reference Specifications 5V DC Analog Reference Specifications
Vcc/2 - 0.010
Vcc/2 - 0.004
Vcc/2 + 0.003
AGND = CT Block Bias = High AGND = 2*BandGap1 CT Block Bias = High AGND = P2[4] (P2[4] = Vcc/2)1 CT Block Bias = High AGND Column to Column Variation (AGND=Vcc/ 2)1 CT Block Bias = High REFHI = Vcc/2 + BandGap Ref Control Bias = High REFHI = 3*BandGap Ref Control Bias = High REFHI = 2*BandGap + P2[6] (P2[6] = 1.3V) Ref Control Bias = High REFHI = P2[4] + BandGap (P2[4] = Vcc/2) Ref Control Bias = High REFHI = P2[4] + P2[6] (P2[4] = Vcc/2, P2[6] = 1.3V) Ref Control Bias = High REFLO = Vcc/2 BandGap Ref Control Bias = High REFLO = BandGap Ref Control Bias = High REFLO = 2*BandGap - P2[6] (P2[6] = 1.3V) Ref Control Bias = High REFLO = P2[4] BandGap (P2[4] = Vcc/2) Ref Control Bias = High REFLO = P2[4]-P2[6] (P2[4] = Vcc/2, P2[6] = 1.3V) Ref Control Bias = High
Vcc/2+BG - 0.140
Vcc/2+BG - 0.018
Vcc/2+BG + 0.103
September 5, 2002
3.3V DC Analog Reference Specifications 3.3V DC Analog Reference Specifications Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
AGND = Vcc/2 CT Block Bias = High AGND = CT Block Bias = High AGND = P2[4] (P2[4] = Vcc/2) CT Block Bias = High AGND Column to Column Variation (AGND=Vcc/ 2)1 CT Block Bias = High REFHI = Vcc/2 + BandGap Ref Control Bias = High REFHI = 3*BandGap Ref Control Bias = High REFHI = 2*BandGap + P2[6] (P2[6] = 0.5V) Ref Control Bias = High REFHI = P2[4] + BandGap (P2[4] = Vcc/2) Ref Control Bias = High REFHI = P2[4] + P2[6] (P2[4] = Vcc/2, P2[6] = 0.5V) Ref Control Bias = High REFLO = Vcc/2 - BandGap Ref Control Bias = High REFLO = BandGap Ref Control Bias = High REFLO = 2*BandGap - P2[6] (P2[6] = 0.5V) Ref Control Bias = High REFLO = P2[4] BandGap (P2[4] = Vcc/2) Ref Control Bias = High REFLO = P2[4]-P2[6] (P2[4] = Vcc/2, P2[6] = 0.5V) Ref Control Bias = High 1. 2*BandGap1
Vcc/2 - 0.007
Vcc/2 - 0.003
Vcc/2 + 0.002
Not Allowed P24 - 0.008 -0.034 P24 + 0.001 0.000 P24 + 0.009 0.034 V mV
Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed P2[4]+P2[6] 0.075 P2[4]+P2[6] 0.009 P2[4]+P2[6]+ 0.057
Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed P2[4]-P2[6] 0.048 P24-P26 + 0.022 P2[4]-P2[6] + 0.092
AGND tolerance includes the offsets of the local buffer in the PSoC block. Bandgap voltage is 1.3V 2%
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications include both voltage ranges, 5V +/5% and 3.3V +/- 10% and the temperature range -40C
Table 113: Symbol DC Analog PSoC Block Specifications
Resistor Unit Value (Continuous Time) Capacitor Unit Value (Switch Cap)
45 70
K fF
September 5, 2002
DC and AC Characteristics
Table 114: Symbol
DC Programming Specifications
DC Programming Specifications DC Programming Specifications Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Iccp Vilp Vihp Iilp Iihp Volv Vohv Flashenpb Flashent Flashdr 1. 2.
Supply Current During Programming or Verify Input Low Voltage During Programming or Verify Input High Voltage During Programming or Verify Input Current when Applying Vilp to P1[0] or P1[1] During Programming or Verify Input Current when Applying Vihp to P1[0] or P1[1] During Programming or Verify Output High Voltage During Programming or Verify Flash Endurance (Per Block) Flash Endurance (Total)2 Flash Data Retention (After Cycling)
2.2 -
5 -
mA V V mA mA
Output Low Voltage During Programming or Verify Vcc - 1.0 50,000 1,800,000 10
Driving internal pull-down resistor. A maximum of 36 x 50,000 block endurance cycles is allowed. This may be balanced between operations on 36x1 blocks of 50,000 maximum cycles each, 36x2 blocks of 25,000 maximum cycles each, or 36x4 blocks of 12,500 maximum cycles each (and so forth to limit the total number of cycles to 36x50,000 and that no single block ever sees more than 50,000 cycles). The CY8C25xxx/26xxx family of PSoC devices uses an adaptive algorithm to enhance endurance over the industrial temperature range (-40C to +85C ambient). Any temperature range within a 50C span between 0C and 85C is considered constant with respect to endurance enhancements. For instance, if room temperature (25C) is the nominal operating temperature, then the range from 0C to 50C can be approximated by the constant value 25 and a temperature sensor is not needed. For the full industrial range, the user must employ a temperature sensor User Module (FlashTemp) and feed the result to the temperature argument before writing. Refer to the Flash APIs Application Note AN2015 at http:// under Support or Active Design Support for more information.
September 5, 2002
AC Characteristics
AC Operating Specifications AC Operating Specifications Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
FCPU1 FCPU2 F48M F24M FGPIO FIMO FIMOC F32K1 F32K2 F32K3 Fpll Tf Tr Tpllslew SVdd Tos Tosacc Txrst 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
CPU Frequency (5 V
Nominal)1,2,3 Nominal)4,3
91.35 91.35
2,400 1,200 48 24 12
2,460 1,230
49.21,5 24.62,4
Digital PSoC Block Frequency Digital PSoC Block Frequency GPIO Operating Frequency Internal Main Oscillator Frequency (0oC to +85oC) Internal Main Oscillator Frequency Cold (-40oC to 0oC) Internal Low Speed Oscillator Frequency (Non Sleep) Internal Low Speed Oscillator Frequency (Sleep or Halt) External Crystal Oscillator PLL Frequency Output Fall Time Output Rise Time PLL Lock Time 23.4 22.44 156 157 210 39 0.5 .08011 1
4.75V < Vcc < 5.25V. Accuracy derived from Internal Main Oscillator with appropriate trim for Vcc range. 0oC to +85oC. 3.0V < Vcc < 3.6V. See Application Note AN2012 Adjusting PSoC Microcontroller Trims for Dual Voltage-Range Operation for information on maximum frequency for User Modules. Limits are valid only when not in sleep mode. Limits are valid only when in sleep mode. Accuracy is capacitor and crystal dependent. Is a multiple (x732) of crystal frequency. Load capacitance = 50 pF. To minimum allowable voltage for desired frequency. The crystal oscillator frequency is guaranteed to be within 1% of its final value by the end of the 1s startup timer period. Timer period may be as short as 640 ms for the case where F32K1 is 50 kHz. Correct operation assumes a properly loaded 1uW maximum drive level 32.768 kHz crystal. The crystal oscillator frequency is within 100 ppm of its final value by the end of the Tosacc period. Correct operation assumes a properly loaded 1 uW maximum drive level 32.768 kHz crystal. 3.0V <= Vcc <= 5.5V, -40 oC <= TA <= 85 oC.
September 5, 2002
DC and AC Characteristics
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges, 5V +/- 5% and 40C <= TA <= 85C. Typical parameters are provided for design guidance only. Typical parameters apply to 5V and 25C. Settling times and slew rates are based on the Analog Switch Cap PSoC
Table 116: Symbol 5V AC Operational Amplifier Specifications
Rising Settling Time to 0.1% Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Falling Settling Time to 0.1% Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Rising Slew Rate (20% to 80%) Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Falling Slew Rate (80% to 20%) Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Gain Bandwidth Product Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High
September 5, 2002
3.3V AC Operational Amplifier Specifications 3.3V AC Operational Amplifier Specifications Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Rising Settling Time to 0.1% Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Falling Settling Time to 0.1% Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Rising Slew Rate (20% to 80%) Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Falling Slew Rate (80% to 20%) Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High Gain Bandwidth Product Bias = Low Bias = Medium Bias = High
September 5, 2002
DC and AC Characteristics
The following table lists guaranteed maximum and minimum specifications for the voltage and temperature ranges, 5V +/- 5% and 40C <= TA <= 85C. Typical
Table 118: Symbol 5V AC Analog Output Buffer Specifications
Rising Settling Time to 0.1%, 1V Step, 100pF Load Bias = Low Bias = High Falling Settling Time to 0.1%, 1V Step, 100pF Load Bias = Low Bias = High Rising Slew Rate (20% to 80%), 1V Step, 100pF Load Bias = Low Bias = High Falling Slew Rate (80% to 20%), 1V Step, 100pF Load Bias = Low Bias = High Small Signal Bandwidth, 20mVpp, 3dB BW, 100pF Load Bias = Low Bias = High Large Signal Bandwidth, 1Vpp, 3dB BW, 100pF Load Bias = Low Bias = High
3.3V AC Analog Output Buffer Specifications 3.3V AC Analog Output Buffer Specifications Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Rising Settling Time to 0.1%, 1V Step, 100pF Load Bias = Low Bias = High Falling Settling Time to 0.1%, 1V Step, 100pF Load Bias = Low Bias = High Rising Slew Rate (20% to 80%), 1V Step, 100pF Load Bias = Low Bias = High Falling Slew Rate (80% to 20%), 1V Step, 100pF Load Bias = Low Bias = High Small Signal Bandwidth, 20mVpp, 3dB BW, 100pF Load Bias = Low Bias = High Large Signal Bandwidth, 1Vpp, 3dB BW, 100pF Load Bias = Low Bias = High
September 5, 2002
Table 120: Symbol
AC Programming Specifications
AC Programming Specifications AC Programming Specifications Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Rise Time of SCLK Fall Time of SCLK Data Set up Time to Rising Edge of SCLK Data Hold Time from Rising Edge of SCLK Frequency of SCLK Flash Erase Time (Block) Flash Erase Time (Full) Flash Block Write Time
1 1 25 25 2 2
10 40 10
20 20 20 20
ns ns ns ns MHz ms ms ms
September 5, 2002
Packaging Information
Packaging Information
September 5, 2002
September 5, 2002
Packaging Information
September 5, 2002
September 5, 2002
Packaging Information
September 5, 2002
Table 121:
86 C/W 72 C/W 78 C/W 102 C/W 57 C/W 61 C/W 101 C/W 50 C/W 56 C/W 57 C/W
September 5, 2002
Ordering Guide
Ordering Guide
Ordering Guide Type Ordering Code Flash (KBytes) RAM (Bytes) SMP Temperature Range
Table 122:
8 Pin (300 Mil) Molded DIP 20 Pin (300 Mil) Molded DIP 20 Pin (300 Mil) Molded SOIC 20 Pin (210 Mil) Shrunk Small Outline Package 28 Pin (300 Mil) Molded DIP 28 Pin (300 Mil) Molded SOIC 28 Pin (210 Mil) Shrunk Small Outline Package 48 Pin (600 Mil) Molded DIP 48 Pin (300 Mil) Shrunk Small Outline Package 44 Pin Thin Plastic Quad Flatpack
CY8C25122-24PI CY8C26233-24PI CY8C26233-24SI CY8C26233-24PVI CY8C26443-24PI CY8C26443-24SI CY8C26443-24PVI CY8C26643-24PI CY8C26643-24PVI CY8C26643-24AI
4 8 8 8 16 16 16 16 16 16
256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256 256
Ind. -40C to +85C Ind. -40C to +85C Ind. -40C to +85C Ind. -40C to +85C Ind. -40C to +85C Ind. -40C to +85C Ind. -40C to +85C Ind. -40C to +85C Ind. -40C to +85C Ind. -40C to +85C
September 5, 2002
Table 123:
Document Title: CY8C25122, CY8C26233, CY8C26443, CY8C26643 Device Data Sheet for Silicon Revision D Document Number: 38-12010 Revision ECN # Issue Date Origin of Change Description of Change
New document to CY Document Control (Revision **). Revision 3.20 for CMS customers.
September 5, 2002