Dipole Antenna2

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Dipole Antenna

Marwan khalil

ID .182072

Dr .Mabruka Mouhamed

Dipole Antennas are the simplest practical antennas

from a theoretical point of view, the current amplitude
on such an antenna decreases uniformly from a
maximum at the center to zero at the ends. The dipole
antenna is simply two wires pointed in opposite
directions arranged either horizontally or vertically,
with one end of each wire connected to the radio and
the other end hanging free in space. Since this is the
simplest practical antenna, it is also used as a reference
model for other antennas; gain concerning a dipole is
labeled as dBd . Generally, the dipole is considered to
be omnidirectional in the plane perpendicular to the
axis of the antenna, but it has deep nulls in the
directions of the axis
This report aims to discover how the FIELD PATTERN,
RESISTANCE of the dipole antenna changes with
changing frequency and length of antenna by MATLAB
Report methods and tools
I In this report, we're going to use Matlab To simulate
and analyze the basic parameters of dipole antenna
Using different electrical length ( L = λ/4 , L = λ/2 , L
= 3λ/4 , L = λ ,L =5λ/4 ,L = 3λ/2, L = 7λ/4, L = 2λ, L
= 3,L=4λ)
,we will use the Matlab code shown below and antenna
designer app to find HPBW , Directivity , Radiation
resistance for each antenna length ,

Then we will present the results separately and compare

them with each other .
Matlab code :-
clear all close all
n=input('enter electrical length(L/lambda): ')
theta=0:0.01:2*pi ;% setting the range of theta to be a complete circle
lambda=0.3 % assigning value of lambda (can be any value)
L=n*lambda ;
k=(2*pi)/lambda ;
E=exp(-j*k*r)*((cos(k*L*cos(theta)/2)-cos(k*L/2))./sin(theta));%Expression for
normalized E-field of a Dipole Antenna
polar(theta, abs(E))% plotting field pattern in polar form
%% obtaining the half power beam width anglk
if (L==3*lambda/2) | (L==4*lambda)
E=exp(-j*k*r)*((cos(k*L*cos(theta)/2)-cos(k*L/2))./sin(theta))%E-field for the
new theta range
else if (L <3*lambda/2)
theta=0:0.0001:pi ;
E=exp(-j*k*r)*((cos(k*L*cos(theta)/2)-cos(k*L/2))./sin(theta));%E-field for the
new theta range
else theta=0:0.0001:pi/2;
for the new theta range end
Erou= roundn(abs(E),-2) ;%rounding the absolute value of E to 2 decimals
hpbw = max(Erou)/sqrt(2);%obtaining the value of half power point
bob = roundn(hpbw,-2);%rounding half power point to 2 decimal, this will help to
find matches of half power point in the absolute E-Field

indexAthp = find(Erou == bob) ; %finding the index of the match

m=max(indexAthp) % the maximum value in the range
mn=min(indexAthp) % the minimum value in the range
hp_m = theta(m)%the corresponding max angle
hp_mn = theta(mn) %the corresponding min angle
hp_f =radtodeg(angle)% calculating the angle between the two half power point
HPBW = roundn(hp_f,-1)
title(['HPBW Angle:' num2str(HPBW)],'Color','r')% the title shows the
corresponding dipole length and HPBW

%% calculating the approximate directivity of dipole antenna

HP_theta=HPBW;% half power elevation angle
HP_phai=HPBW;%half power azimuth angle
D_app=40000/(HP_theta*HP_phai)% calculating the approximate directivity using
the formula
%% calculating the radiation resistance of dipole antenna
cos(k*L/2))/sin(theta)))^2;%setting the formula to be used in numerical
R = quad(f,0,pi,0.0001)%calculating the integral to compute the radiation

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%calculate exact directivity %%%%%%%%%%%

Erou2= roundn(abs(E),-5) ;%rounding the absolute value of E to 5 decimals

hpbw2 = max(Erou2); %obtaining the value of Max power point
bob2 = roundn(hpbw2,-5);
indexAthp2 = find(Erou2 == bob2); %finding the index of the match
Um= (((cos(k*L*cos(theta(m2))/2)-cos(k*L/2))/sin(theta(m2))))^2 %maximum value
for radiation intensity
𝑈𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝐼𝑥𝑅
D=(4*pi)*(30/pi*Um)/R ; %finding exact directivity 4𝜋 𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑑 =
𝑃𝑟𝑎𝑑 2
L = λ/4

Aproximate EXACT
Directivity 𝐷 = 5.14 = 7.11𝑑𝐵𝑖 = 1.5 = 1.83𝑑𝐵

Radiation resistance Rr = 6.73 Ω


HPBW 78.4o
Aproximate EXACT
Directivity = 6.5077 = 8.13𝑑𝐵𝑖 = 1.88 = 2.74𝑑𝐵

Radiation resistance Rr = 73.1318 Ω



HPBW 64.2

Aproximate EXACT
Directivity = 17.146
9.7049 = 12.3𝑑𝐵𝑖
9.87𝑑𝐵𝑖 = 2.48
1.91 = 3.94

Radiation resistance Rr = 199.1150Ω

185.8153 Ω
L = 5λ/4
HPBW 32.7

Aproximate EXACT
Directivity = 32.7 = 15.1𝑑𝐵 = 2.94 = 4.68 𝑑𝐵

Radiation resistance Rr = 106.5898 Ω

L = 3λ/2
L = 7λ/4

Aproximate EXACT
Directivity = 36.7 = 15.6𝑑𝐵 = 2.24 = 3.59 𝑑𝐵

Radiation resistance Rr = 105.3438 Ω

L = 2λ

Aproximate EXACT
Directivity = 39 = 15.9𝑑𝐵 = 2.34 = 3.61 𝑑𝐵

Radiation resistance Rr = 230 Ω

L = 3λ
HPBW 26.9

Aproximate EXACT
Directivity = 55.278 = 17.4𝑑𝐵 = 2.51 = 3.98 𝑑𝐵

Radiation resistance Rr = 259.64 Ω

HPBW 53.2

Aproximate EXACT
Directivity = 14.1331 = 3.092 = 4.57 𝑑𝐵

Radiation resistance Rr = 295.51Ω

L = 4λ

HPBW 17.8

Aproximate EXACT
Directivity = 126.46 = 17.4𝑑𝐵 = 3.28 = 5.15 𝑑𝐵

Radiation resistance Rr = 321.51Ω

Comparison and Discussion.
Based on the results we get, we will compare between the
different lengths of the antenna and then choosing the most
suitable for use from a point of view.

In all cases we have tow plots of radiation pattern 3D and 2D

, we can see the radiation is Broadside from the antenna outward
in X ,Y plane and no radiation is going upward or downward of
a antenna,

note that the radiation depends on theta the angle from the z
axis but not on phi that's because the directivity of a dipole is
symmetric about the z axis so the phi value doesn't matter .

Here we have an approximate curve showing the relationship

between Directivity and electrical length based on the results
in the report
It is clear to see from the curve that direction of maximum
directivity varies with frequency as does the value of the
maximum directivity and the number of lobes .

In frequency range as the antenna goes from 0.2 wavelengths

up to one wavelength notice the antenna has only one lobe
broadside and symmetric about the z-axis , and As we move to
higher wavelengths, the HPBW decreases and the directivity

but at above this range (L> λ)there are more lobes than one
and more member of nulls Compared to Previous Range and
the radiated power is no longer focused broadside, I think This
is due to the distribution of the current in l L> λ.

This lobe called side lobe ,We can define it as transmit or

receive signals from unwanted direction ,it is wasted of power
in transmitter and source of noise in receiver, In general side
lobe increases the Noise level of Receiving signal.

If we look at the curve, we will find that the maximum

directivity approximately 3.3 Occurs at electrical wavelength
around 1.2 . now you might be think that this means the
antenna is working optimally at this frequency, but it is not
true , we have other factors that must be taken into
consideration, that directivity is a measure of how well an
antenna focuses its radiated power in particular direction , to
the exclusion of other directions it does not give you a
complete picture of how well an antenna converts input power
into radiation in a particular direction because it ignores
antenna losses . Now we must look at Radiation resistance or
(input impedance),

Like the directivity , the input impedance It varies with

electrical wavelength,

input impedance is a critical consideration when evaluating

various antenna designs to achieve a perfect impedance match
, If we choose an antenna with a different impedance on the
transmitter line impedance it will require complex and
expensive technologies to avoid impedance mismatch and
achieve high antenna efficiency .

Consider that the most commonly feed line used in our case is
coaxial cable, coaxial cable have impedance between 50 and 75
ohm, and Looking at the results that we obtained, we find that
the best result to achieve impedance matching when we use
half wavelength. Add to that half-wave dipole antenna have a
respectable value of directivity and just main lobe without side
lobe and minimum number of nulls

These reasons make the length L= λ/2 most Length used

Compared to the other ,

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