C196e059a Catalogo Hic SP e NP
C196e059a Catalogo Hic SP e NP
C196e059a Catalogo Hic SP e NP
Providing a higher level of sensitivity and expandability Prominence HIC -SP HIC -NS
The quality in every detail indicates the level of reliability and performance possible. Prominence HIC-NS is an ion analysis system configured with closely integrated high-performance modules. Adapting to Suppressor and Non-suppressor Systems
T h e C D D - 1 0 A S P is e q u ip p e d with a su p p r e sso r co ntrol b o a r d . T h i s m a ke s it p o ssible to co n tr o l su p p r e ssors vi a the S C L - 1 0 A V P s y s t em co n tr o lle r. T h e s u p p r e s s o r fu n ctio n ca n b e sto p p e d a s r e q u ir ed, e n a bl i n g s e l e c t i ve o p e ra tio n a s e ith e r a su p p r e ssor system fo r a n a l y z i n g a n io n s o r a n o n - su p p r e sso r syste m for a n a l y z i n g c a t i o n s.
Prominence HIC-SP
Shimadzu's suppressor-type ion chromatograph achieves even greater sensitivity.
Superior Operability
Each module is controlled centrally at the system controller, making it possible to obtain highly reliable analysis results. Using an LCsolution PC workstation can make operation even easier.
HIC-20A Super
The secret of high precision lies in the suppressor package.
The HIC-20A Super suppressor package consists of the CDD-10ASP conductivity detector, a suppressor cartridge, and a column oven. The suppressor cartridge and detector cell are housed in the column oven and are regulated at a constant temperature with dual temperature controls.
The suppressor function can be enabled and disabled by the software. This means that suppressor operation and non-suppressor operation can be performed with the same system.
Suppressor cartridge
S ystem
The table on the right details the configuration of the basic system. The dual flow-line analysis system is an example of a system that uses suppressor operation to analyze anions and non-suppressor operation to analyze cations. Use peripheral devices and parts as required. Refer to the section on the Prominence HIC-NS for details on the analysis of cations.
Part Number
228-45012-XX 228-45060-91 228-45091-XX 228-45018-32 228-45041-31 228-45006-XX 228-45057-XX 228-45013-91 228-45090-XX 228-41305-91 228-41620-91 228-33285-91 228-41302-91
System controller Option box VP Solvent delivery unit Online degasser Reservoir tray Auto-sampler Auto-sampler High-pressure flow-line selection valve Suppressor package Connection-parts kit for dual flow line Connection-parts kit for concentration Connection-parts kit for inert LC Dual kit NS LC workstation
CBM-20A LC-20ADSP DGU-20A3 SIL-20A SIL-10AP FCV-12AH HIC-20A Super
Single Dual Concentration
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
S u p p ressor s
There are suppressors for anion analysis and suppressors for cation analysis. Select a model that is suitable for the type of ions to be analyzed.
C o l u mn s
There are columns for anion analysis and columns for cation analysis. Select a model that is suitable for the type of ions to be analyzed. Shim-pack IC-SA2 is a general-purpose column for anion analysis. Shim-pack IC-SA3 is a high-separation column that can simultaneously analyze chloric-acid, chlorous-acid, and bromicacid ions.
*The columns with "(G)" after the name are guard columns.
Part Number
228-40612-91 228-40613-91
Suppressor cartridge for anion analysis Suppressor cartridge for cation analysis
Part Number
228-38983-91 228-41600-91 228-36605-91 228-38983-92 228-41600-92 228-36605-92
Shim-pack IC-SA2 Shim-pack IC-SA3 Shim-pack IC-SC1 Shim-pack IC-SA2(G) Shim-pack IC-SA3(G) Shim-pack IC-SC1(G)
250mm x 4.0mm i.d. 250mm x 4.0mm i.d. 100mm x 4.6mm i.d. 10mm x 4.6mm i.d. 10mm x 4.6mm i.d. 10mm x 4.6mm i.d.
1 4 3 2 3 1 0 0 5 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
100 1 0 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Shim-pack IC-SA2
Shim-pack IC-SA2
Shim-pack IC-SA3
1F 2 ClO2 3 BrO3 4 Cl 5 NO2 6 Br 7 ClO3 8 NO3 9 PO4 10 SO4 50-L injection 1 mg/L 2 mg/L 4 mg/L 4 mg/L 3 mg/L 2 mg/L 2 mg/L 2 mg/L 10 mg/L 4 mg/L
7 5 1 23 0 5
4 5 6
9 6 7 8
Shim-pack IC-SA2
Peak area
F Cl NO2 Br NO3 PO4 SO4
1 10 100
Concentration (g/L)
50 200 15 100 80 500 200
RSD (%)
0.46 0.23 5.41 0.71 0.54 0.63 2.3
(Reproducibility result at the lower concentration limit for the quantification range specified in Japanese Water Supply Test Methods, 2001 Edition)
Prominence HIC-NS
Shimadzu's non-suppressor-type ion chromatograph offers both simplicity and performance.
Superior Operability
In addition to the usual single-flow-line analysis system, the modules can be configured to create a dual-flow-line system that can simultaneously measure anions and cations. Expansion to a dual detection system incorporating post-column derivatization is also possible.
The conductivity detector is at the heart of the system.
With the addition of an optional board, The CDD-10AVP conductivity detector can perform simultaneous 2-channel detection of anions and cations. In other words, the capability of two units is possible in the space required for just one. Adding a suppressor option to the unit enables expansion to a suppressor system.*
*Modification of the CTO-20AC is required.
S ystem
The table on the right details the configuration of the basic system. The dual flow-line analysis system is an example of a system that uses non-suppressor operation to analyze both anions and cations. A printer is required separately. Use peripheral devices and parts as required. Refer to the section on the Prominence HIC-SP for details on the concentration analysis of anions.
Part Number
228-45012-XX 228-45060-91 228-45091-XX 228-45018-32 228-45041-31 228-45006-XX 228-45057-XX 228-45013-91 228-45010-XX 228-45054-XX 228-41305-91 228-41620-91 228-33285-91 228-41302-91
System controller Option box VP Solvent delivery unit Online degasser Reservoir tray Auto-sampler Auto-sampler High-pressure flow-line selection valve Column oven Conductivity detector Connection-parts kit for dual flow line Connection-parts kit for concentration Connection-parts kit for inert LC Dual kit NS LC workstation
Single Dual Concentration
C o l u mn s
The are columns for anion analysis and columns for cation analysis. Select a model that is suitable for the type of ions to be analyzed.
*The columns with "(G)" after the name are guard columns.
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
1 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
Part Number
228-31076-91 228-41616-91 228-36605-91 228-31076-92 228-59900-92 228-36605-92
Shim-pack IC-A3 Shim-pack IC-C4 Shim-pack IC-SC1 Shim-pack IC-A3(G) Shim-pack IC-GC4 Shim-pack IC-SC1(G)
150mm x 4.6mm i.d. 150mm x 4.6mm i.d. 150mm x 4.6mm i.d. 10mm x 4.6mm i.d. 8mm x 3mm i.d. 10mm x 4.6mm i.d.
5 mg/L 0.5 mg/L 2 mg/L 0.3 mg/L 1 mg/L 0.8 mg/L 2 mg/L
1 Li 2 Na 3 NH4 4K 5 Mg 6 Ca
2 5 7
5 3 4 6
0 0 5 10 15 min 0 5 10
F Cl NO2 Br NO3 PO4 SO4
Concentration (g/L)
50 200 15 100 80 500 200
RSD (%)
1.81 0.31 5.75 3.28 3.58 1.92 1.68
Peak area
(Reproducibility result at the lower concentration limit for the quantification range specified in Japanese Water Supply Test Methods, 2001 Edition)
Non-suppressor, NH4
5 4 3 2 1 0 0 5 10 15
Suppressor, NH4 Both methods produce same curve for Na.
Concentration (mg/L)
S pe c i f i c a t i o n s
Detection method Detection system Type Solvent delivery method Flow-rate setting range Flow-rate accuracy Flow-rate precision Sample-injection method Sample-injection volume Oven control method Temperature setting range Control temperature Cell capacity Range Data processing External control Dimensions Weight Power requirements Operating ambient temperature
Prominence HIC-SP
Conductivity Suppressor Modular Parallel-type dual plunger 0.0001 to 10.0000 mL/min (0.0001-mL steps) 1% or 0.5 L 0.3% Variable sample-injection volume 0.1 to 100 L Forced air-circulation 4C to 85C 10C below room temperature to 80C 0.25 L 0.01 to 51,200 S/cm External data processing PC connection supported 520 (W) x 500 (D) x 630 (H) mm 74 kg 100 VAC, 955 VA max. 4C to 35C
Prominence HIC-NS
Conductivity Non-suppressor Modular Parallel-type dual plunger 0.0001 to 10.0000 mL/min (0.0001-mL steps) 1% or 0.5 L 0.3% Variable sample-injection volume 0.1 to 100 L Forced air-circulation 4C to 85C 10C below room temperature to 80C 0.25 L 0.01 to 51,200 S/cm External data processing PC connection supported 520 (W) x 500 (D) x 630 (H) mm 72 kg 100 VAC, 955 VA max. 4C to 35C
Founded in 1875, Shimadzu Corporation, a leader in the development of advanced technologies, has a distinguished history of innovation built on the foundation of contributing to society through science and technology. We maintain a global network of sales, service, technical support and applications centers on six continents, and have established long-term relationships with a host of highly trained distributors located in over 100 countries. For information about Shimadzu, and to contact your local office, please visit our Web site at
URL http://www.shimadzu.com
Printed in Japan 3295-06908-10A-NS