Catalogo GC2010 Plus Gas Chromatograph
Catalogo GC2010 Plus Gas Chromatograph
Catalogo GC2010 Plus Gas Chromatograph
GC-2010 Plus
F o r s p e e d , p r e c i s i o n a n d a c c u r a c y, t h e G C - 2 0 1 0 P l u s h a s j u s t r a i s e d t h e b a r. . . . a g a i n !
GC-2010 Plus
Wi th
The Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus represents a new generation in top end capillary GC analysis, redefining sensitivity limits for trace analysis, fast GC applications, and easy, robust scope of the instrument allowing multidimensional GC, capillary backflush, and other specialized flow applications. AFT additionally enables reduced analysis times, operation. Advanced Flow Technology (AFT) capability further extends the applications
enhanced chromatographic resolution, and application-specific configurations without specifications among the highest in the industry, ensures quality data across a broad range of applications.
Advanced Flow Technology
. Multi-dimensional system . Backflush system . Detector splitting system
compromising key performance features. The new detector line-up, featuring sensitivity
Leading Sensitivity
. Best-in-class*high-sensitivity detectors
Enhanced Productivity
. High-speed analysis . Backflush . Rapid oven heating/ cooling . Gas saver function . Excellent repeatability . Carrier gas constant linear velocity mode . Dual-injection system
Easy Operation
. Large LCD display . Self diagnostic functions
. Thermal decomposition analysis . Liquid Injection/ Headspace/ SPME Analysis system . Pyrolysis system . Simulated distillation analysis . PONA analysis
P 11 - Enhanced Productivity
Adv anced Fl o w Te c h n o l o g y
Ad va n ce d Fl o w Te c h n o l o g y i s S h i madz us s olut ion t o prov ide enhanc ed s eparat io n p o we r a n d o p e r a ti o n a l e ffi c i e n c y f or applic at i ons wit h c ompl ex s ampl e mat ric es. T h is e n h a nc e d c a p a b i l i ty i s b a s e d on t he hi gh prec i s i on A dv anc ed F l ow C ont ro l (AF C) o f the GC - 2 0 1 0 Pl u s .
A multi-dimensional GC/GCMS system performs separations using two columns that have different chromatographic selectivity. When components of interest are insufficiently separated on the first column, they can be selectively introduced ("heart-cut") to a second chromatographic column with different selectivity. This enables enhanced chromatographic separation that cannot be attained in conventional single-column analysis. In addition, the precise flow-switching technology, which is supported by a high-precision digital flow controller, ensures heart-cut analysis with the high level of reproducibility demanded of complex capillary GC separations.
Standby Mode
Cut Mode
Mu l ti -Dean s S w i tch i n g
In the past, multidimensional GC has been accomplished using a switching mechanism known as Deans Switch. However, this system results in such problems as a reduced recovery (sample loss) and fluctuations in retention time after column switching. The MDGC/GCMS-2010 system incorporates multiDeans switching, a new mechanism that significantly reduces the likelihood of fluctuations in the retention times of components eluted after column switching, even when column switching is performed several times.
2nd Column : MEGA DetTBuSililBeta 0.25 x 25 m df=0.25 m Oven temp : 45 C (12.00 min) - 180 C (2 C/min)
: 8 times
1st GC Chromatogram
Without heart-cutting
With heart-cutting
Adv anced Fl o w Te c h n o l o g y
Qualitative analysis by MS
Diethylbenzene (IS)
70 min
Backflushing was started 12 minutes after target substances were eluted. Analysis time, including the time for discharging unwanted substances, could be reduced from 75 minutes to 18.5 minutes.
Leadi ng S ens i t i v i t y
Fl a m e I o n i z a tio n D etec to r
FID-2010 Plus
FID-2010 Plus gives you the worlds highest FID sensitivity with clean detector gas flows and the latest noise reduction technology. Minimum Detected Quantity:1.5 pgC/s*
n-C12 n-C14
FID-2010 Plus
conventional model
High-sensitivity has been achieved by thorough cleaning of detector gas lines and the latest noise-reduction technology. Automatic ignition, re-ignition, and flame extinguishing functions Feedback function reduces gas supply pressure to zero when the hydrogen flame is extinguished. Hydrogen connector joints have reverse threads to prevent incorrect pipe connections. Optional flame monitor can be mounted.
*For high sensitivity analyses, high purity air (Impurity of hydrocarbons <1 ppm) is required. (Tubing and gas pressure regulator must be compliant with high-purity gas use.)
F l a m e P h o t o m e tric D etec to r
FPD-2010 Plus
A new FPD design featuring improved flame stability and double focusing optics has produced an FPD with the worlds highest sensitivity. This has all been achieved in a compact design that fits within the detector bay. The dual-focus system adds a lens to the interference filter for efficient light collection at the photomultiplier light receptor.
Lens Photomultiplier
Leadi ng S ens i t i v i t y
ECD-2010 Plus
A highly sensitive and selective detector for the analysis of electrophilic compounds. Top class sensitivity results from upgraded cell insulation and a cell/flow line design to reduce contamination. Compact design achieves shorter stabilization times. ECD cell is common with that for GC-2010 (ECD-2010).
*In some countries, registration with the appropriate authority for regulation of radioisotopes is required before purchasing or using this detector. (Contact your Shimadzu representative for details.)
Fl a m e T h e rm io n ic D etec to r (N P D)
FTD-2010 Plus
For analysis of organo nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, such as residual pesticides. Improved collector design reduces negative peaks from impurity components. No tools needed for collector replacement. Alkali source regeneration kit (option) reduces operational costs. Hydrogen connector fittings have reverse threads to prevent pipe connections. Improved Co llector of FTD-2010 Plus Reduces Negative Peaks. Improved collector zoom Standard collector zoom Minimum Detected Quantity:0.1pgN/sec
TCD-2010 Plus
For analysis of gases and concentrated organic compounds. Microvolume cell optimized for capillary column analysis. Short stabilization time. Sensitivity: 20000mV mL/mg (decane)
Enh anced P ro d u c t i v i t y
60 minutes
20 minutes
B a c k f l u sh R e d u c e s A n aly s is Time
The Backflush technique is effective in capillary GC analysis when early-eluting target compounds occur in a sample along with higher boiling components not of interest to the analysis. Analysis of Pesticides in Cabbage
Reduction of
Backflush analysis: 15 min (Cabbage extract + standard sample) Cabbage extract Blank run
E nh anced P r o d u c t i v i t y
R a p i d O ve n H e a tin g */ C o o ling
The GC-2010 Plus incorporates a double-jet cooling system, consisting of an exhaust fan to discharge hot air and an intake fan to draw in cooling air. The system enables the reduction of cooling time from 450C to 50C in 3.4 min.
Double-jet cooling system Large fan rapidly discharges hot air. Small fan added to enhance efficiency of cooling air intake
Time (minutes)
24 min.
Hydrocarbon analysis with GC-2010 Plus high power oven model (230V)
12.5 min.
Cooling To next analysis
*Rapid oven heating is available with the high power oven (230V model) only.
G a s S a v er F u n ctio n R e d u c e s C a rrie r Ga s U sa g e
The GC-2010 Plus features a gas saving function that considerably reduces carrier gas consumption. In the split/ splitless sample injection mode, the split ratio can be reduced after injection and during stand-by.
R e p e a t a b ility R e s e t t i n g th e L imits
All units including the column oven, flow controller, and sample injection unit are comprehensively optimized at the design stage to achieve world-class precision.
The large vaporization capacity ensures excellent precision, even when using solvents that are highly volatile upon injection, such as acetone. Long-term stability of retention time is realized by the new room temperature compensation technology built into each AFC (Advanced Flow Controller).
Repeatability of Retention Time and Area Average RT CV% RT 0.0043 0.0031 0.0023 0.0045 0.0041 0.0042 0.0017 0.0024 Average Area 23429.8 22252.9 23997.2 29616.6 20563.3 21484.8 28067.3 22759.5 CV% Area 0.1870 0.3020 0.2236 0.2502 0.2262 0.0744 0.1894 0.1638
1. n-Decane 2. n-Octyl Alcohol 3. n- Undecane 4. 2,6-Dimethylaniline 5. Methyl n-Nonanoate 6. Methyl n-Caprate 7. Dicyclohexylamine 8. Methyl Laurate
8 7 6 5
4 3 2 1
For detectors
E nh anced P r o d u c t i v i t y
Sp l i t / S p l i t l e ss In jec to r
SPL-2010 Plus
New design reduces the possibility of carry over. Standard configuration supports high-speed GC with narrow bore capillary columns. Gas saver function reduces split gas consumption. Permits high-pressure injection mode.
Configured for either cool, on-column injection (OCI) or programmed temperature vaporization (PTV) injection mode. Uses inert quartz PTV inserts. An optional OCI insert allows connecting a narrow-bore capillary column directly to the injector without a 0.53mm pre-column. Supports analysis of very high-boiling compounds (alkanes up to C100).
Di r e c t I n j e c t i o n U n it
WBI-2010 Plus
Septum purge flow channel prevents solvent tailing. Uses the same glass inserts as splitless analysis to simplify use. (Patented) * Easily modified for packed column use. SPL-2010 Plus OCI/PTV-2010 WBI-2010 Plus
D u a l I n j ec tio n S ys tem
A dual injector system can be configured with a combination of two AOC-20i injectors and one AOC-20s sample carousel. Two-line simultaneous injection doubles the sample throughput to improve productivity.
Comparison of chromatograms with constant linear velocity (top) and constant column inlet pressure (bottom) (pesticides analysis) Using the same type of column and setting the same carrier gas linear velocity values results in a virtually identical separation profile for GC and GCMS.
Comparison of GC-FID and GC/MS-TIC Chromatograms (Grob Test Mixture Analysis)
Data M anage m e n t
Ea s y O p e ra t i o n
LabSolutions offers both ease of operation and extensive functionality by utilizing a common operating environment shared throughout the LabSolutions series, including such features as an Assistant Bar and Data Explorer, to provide a user interface that can be operated intuitively and learned in a short time. The new data browser is convenient for comparing multiple sets of data by enabling access to chromatograms, peak information, and quantitation results from multiple data files at the same time. Windows for operating the instrument and assistant bar panels for navigating operations can be customized according to the workflow where the system is being used. Handles control and data processing for up to four GC systems (up to 16 GC systems can be registered). (GC-2010 Plus, GC-2010, GC-2014, GC-14B, AOC-20i/s) (Note: Not compatible with distillation GC software, PONAsolution, MDGCsolution, or Advanced Flow Technology software. Please use the previous GCsolution products.) Supports simultaneous processing of two samples on a single instrument and a dual injection system. Automatically controls all phases of operation, from startup and system check, to baseline check, system suitability test, associated automatic pass/fail judgment and action functions, and shutdown, to minimize the work required for analysis. Simultaneously controls GC and LC systems from a single computer. Integrating the operating environment for GC and LC analysis reduces the time required for analyst training. Inherits the popular, proven and robust Chromatopac and GCsolution integration algorithm. Comprehensive functions for peak identification, quantitation, and data comparison. Flexible report generation functions with operation similar to MS Word. Summary report output is possible. Full support of user-management functions and GC-2010 Plus self-diagnostic functions to enhance data reliability. Supports rigorous GLP/GMP requirements, including audit-trail functions for all method parameters. System management functions, such as system policy settings, user management, log browser, and audit trail functions, provide full functionality for compliance with U.S. FDA 21 CFR Part 11 (regulations regarding electronic records and electronic signatures). Enables effective use of a network environment, such as with in-office data analysis and remote access functions. CLASS-Agent enables file sharing and centralized data management.
Be tt e r A n a l y s is P ro d u ctivity
Co m p re h e n s iv e B as ic F u n ctio n s
U s e r I n t erfa c e
The latest Windows technologies, with a user interface that includes drag-and-drop and right-click menus, offer multi-functionality and simple, quick, intuitive operation. Easy-to-Operate Assistant Bar and Data Explorer Navigate operations with Assistant Bar. Even novices can easily conduct analysis or re-analysis simply by sequentially clicking on icons. Data Explorer displays a list of files by type. Intuitively handle file operations by double-clicking or drag-and-drop.
Assistant Bar
Data Explorer
B atch Table Wizard Simplifies C onsecutive Analyses Easily create batch tables for consecutive analysis of multiple samples using the Wizard. Simply fill in the prompts in the Wizard to create multi-point calibration curves and batch tables for repeated analyses.
Even Confirming Multiple Analytical Results Is Easy with the Quant Browser The quant browser displays the large amounts of analytical data and calculated quantitation results obtained simultaneously from batch analyses to allow more efficient analysis. Since each chromatogram and quantitation result is linked to respective rows in the Quantitative Results Table, the necessary information about each component in the data files can be accessed easily by selecting a row in the table. It is also easy to change peak integration parameters or other parameters to perform post-run analyses or re-plot calibration curves for multiple datasets at the same time.
D ata M anage m e n t
Data Comparison Function Display and compare up to 16 chromatograms. Convenient for comparison of previous data and investigation of changes in time-course data. Select superimposed or split-screen display. Conduct detailed analysis using addition, subtraction, differential, and second-order differential operations.
Flexible Report Generation Functions Highly flexible report generation. Paste and freely edit chromatograms, peak tables, and other report items. Save report formats as templates. LabSolutions includes a PDF output function to allow outputting analytical reports as PDF files, which helps promote a more eco-friendly paperless laboratory.
G L P/ G M P R eg u la to ry C o mp liance
To be compliant with management requirements and regulations such as GLP/GMP, a variety of sophisticated demands related to: analyzer reliability, method development, analysis method validation, and electronic file management must be satisfied to ensure data integrity. LabSolutions strongly supports GLP/GMP with various validation functions, user-management functions and so on. In addition, 21 CFR Part 11 compliance support functions are also available(option).
User Management Functions to Control User Access Limit user access to operations by Test manager and Operator default user groups. Add or edit groups to create security that matches your laboratory workflow.
Validation Support Fully supports the GC-2010 Plus self-diagnostic functions. Periodic checks of the GC status support superior analysis and greater confidence in your results. Includes software validation functions to check for software modifications. Includes QA/QC functions that enable pass/fail judgments based on repeatability of component concentrations, recovery rates, and concentration upper and lower limit checks, and system suitability functions to perform various statistical calculations, such as component concentrations, averages of peak areas and other values, standard deviations, and %RSD values.
Customization Functions Provide an Optimized Operating Environment Tailored to the Workflow Allows customizing the main launcher instrument selection menu, assistant bar, tool bar, and application window. Numerical formats and rounding processes for areas, heights, concentrations, column performance calculation results, and other values can be defined for the entire system.
Data M anage m e n t
N e t w o rk C ap ab ility
Using a network, such as an internal LAN, allows sharing data, analysis methods, and other file information and managing data in a central location. In addition to serving its fundamental role as workstation software, LabSolutions also offers a range of network tools to improve analytical productivity.
Other offices
Internet data browser (CLASS-Agent Web Manager) PC Server DB PC PC server PC GC Automatic data archiving GC GC LabSolutions GC-LAN connection Data acquisition via LAN LAN adapter GC
Analysis laboratory
ern etLA
Software for centralized data management Measured data automatically saved in the database Browsing software easily finds target data Browse data over the Internet Compatible with Oracle, Access, and SQL databases
Install the secondary license software in a separate PC on the LAN to allow data analysis in the office.
Offers remote GC control and data acquisition in a LAN environment Connects the GC to PCs over a LAN using a LAN adaptor
Instrument Control
Compatible with Windows XP Professional (SP2 or SP3) / Vista Business (SP1 or later) 32-bit application (capable of long filenames) Graphical user interface (assistant bar, etc.) Controls GC-2010 Plus, GC-2010, GC-2014,GC-14B (A), AOC-20i/s. Simultaneously controls a maximum of four GC or LC units (multi-license version permits registering up to 16 units). Supports dual-injection system and a maximum of four GC-2010 detectors or two non-GC-2010 detectors. Offers minimum sampling time of 4 ms, snapshot function, single analysis and batch analysis capability, Batch Table Wizard, analysis add or insert function, extended analysis time function, automatic data file name creation, QA/QC (statistical) functions, batch auto-stop function, user program launcher function, pre-run program support, and OLE automation compatibility (for batch analysis, etc.). Automatic and manual peak integration, manipulation, identification (supports multiple relative retention times and grouping), quantitation (area normalization method, corrected area normalization method, internal standard method, external standard method, standard addition method, index calculation, manual coefficient input), calibration points and levels (16 levels 10 points), manual calibration curve creation, column performance calibration, data comparison functions, relative retention time (RRT) display, retention time correction (AART) Over ten types of report items (sample information, configuration settings, methods, chromatograms, peak tables, calibration curves, grouping results, diagrams, text, etc.), layout customization and preview functions, summary report Data Explorer for file management, All-In-One file structure, file conversion (CLASS-GC10 format, AIA ANDI format, and text format), GC/LCsolution file loading, file searching, template functions Shutdown/startup functions, system check (GC self-diagnosis), status log, system suitability test (SST) functions Audit trail, software validation, security, Part 11 compliance functions GC-LAN connectivity (optional LAN adapter) Maintenance guide (GC-2010 Plus, GC-2010, GC-2014, GC-17A/1700, GC-14A/B, AOC-20i)
Data Acquisition
Hardware Functions
Operating Software
CPU:Intel Pentium processor E5300 2.60 GHz, RAM: 2 GB, HDD: 160 GB Super multi-drive, OADG keyboard, 1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-T LAN interface Windows XP Professional SP2 LabSolutions Ver. 5.3 CLASS-Agent Manager Ver.2.32 SU1 Adobe Acrobat Reader (Read only. Cannot create PDF files)
Liquid Crystal Display: 17-inch TFT LCD RS232C Cable 2 m (228-35397-92): 1 (Single GC) or 2 (Multi GC)
LabSolutions Single GC can control one GC unit. To control two or more GC units, use LabSolutios Multi GC. To control GC-14B(A) units, one CBM-102 interface is required for each GC unit.
App l i cati on Sy s t e m s
A p p l i c a t io n S ys tems
Used to analyze gas sample tubes organic vapors are collected on sample tubes at a sample site by drawing a large volume of air thru the tube over a long period of time. Sample tubes are thermally desorbed on the Thermal Desorption System to introduce the organic vapors into the GC.
Measurement of air pollutants Measurement of gases generated from parts or materials (outgassing) Measurement of fragrance components
Pyrolysis System
Decomposes samples at high temperatures and analyzes the pyrolytic decomposition products. Used to analyze high molecular weight compounds such as polymers, forensic samples etc. GC-2010 Plus + PY-2020iD Autosampler and cryotrap accessories available.
Characterization of high molecular weight compounds Measurement of outgassing from inorganic samples, such as ceramics
Distillation GC System
System Configuration (Distillation GC)
Measures the boiling point distribution of petroleum fractions using the relationship between retention time and boiling point. Prints formatted reports after analysis of distillation characteristics. GC-2010 Plus + WBI-2010, or OCI-2010 + GCsolution + distillation GC software (Select sample injection unit and column to suit the target sample.) Petroleum fractions
Analysis Applications
GC-2010 Plus + CRG-2010 + GCsolution + PONAsolution + MS Excel (Select sample injection unit and column to suit the target sample.)
OCI and high-power oven (230V) are required for high-boiling point component analysis.
Categorization of naphtha, gasoline and gasoline-based materials by carbon number and quantitation by type. (Also offers calculation of mean specific gravity, mean molecular weight, and octane value.)
Founded in 1875, Shimadzu Corporation, a leader in the development of advanced technologies, has a distinguished history of innovation built on the foundation of contributing to society through science and technology. We maintain a global network of sales, service, technical support and applications centers on six continents, and have established long-term relationships with a host of highly trained distributors located in over 100 countries. For information about Shimadzu, and to contact your local office, please visit our Web site at