Suyogduttjain CV

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SUYOG DUTT JAIN 20/291, Shanti Niketan,

Plaza Road, Ajmer

Email: [email protected] India - 305001
Website: +91-9870963140

Bachelor of Engineering - CSE 2004-2008
Manipal Institute of Technology,
Manipal U niversity, Manipal, India
Cumulative GPA : 9.46/10
Major GPA : 9.89/10
Constantly ranked in top 3 out of 135 students in the department.


Junior Research Fellow, August 2008-present

Department of Aerospace Enginee ring
Indian Institute of Technology, B ombay, India

Advisor : Dr. Prabhu Ramachandran

[Assistant Professor, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay]
Proje ct : Mesoscale Modeling of Weather Data and Pre dictions using Mayavi2

Development of Mayavi2, a popul ar open source 3D visualization tool by Dr Prabhu.

• Test dri ven development usi ng Python and V TK.
• Addition of new features e.g. new V TK sources, V TK file readers support i n Mayavi2 and writi ng
unit tests for the existing API.
• Customization of Mayavi2 for 3D modeling of weather data.

Research Associate Sept. 2007-July 2008

Advisor : Dr. Niranjan U C, Director R & D MDN LABS, Manipal

Proje ct : Distributed Diagnosis and Healthcare using Content Based Image Retrieval

Development of w eb based Content Based Image Retri eval System for remote clini cal diagnosis.
• Web based remote clinical di agnosis system using CBIR techniques to ai d doctors and healthcare
professionals to review a case i n hand against the similar past cases based on visual similarity.
• Global availability of the system through a simple i nternet connection.
• Secured access and user authorization.
• Accessing past medical cases from distributed databases spread at different remote locations.
• Developed an image comparison al gorithm using intensity (histogram normalization and line
fitting techni ques), shape ( edge histograms using sobel edge detectors) and texture (statistical
measures suggested by Haralick et al using GLCM) features.
• Retrieval of entire case information incl udi ng case history, diagnosis, relevant medi cal images,
results etc.
• Response time and System accuracy eval uation.
Research Trainee , Jan 2008-July 2008
Center for Soft Computing Research
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India

Advisor : Dr. D.P. Mandal [Associate Professor, CSCR, ISI Kolkata]

Proje ct : De cision Tree Based Approach for Medical Image Retrieval of Chest Radiographs

Identification of suitable image features for classifying a medical image i nto a suitabl e class of
disease and retrieval of similar images.
• Classification of a frontal Chest X-ray into correct class of disease. The study involved
identifying discriminating features for Pneumonia, Pneumothorax, Tuberculosis and Cystic
Fibrosis radiographs.
• Retrieval of similar radiograph images for a particular class of disease.

Summe r Inte rn, June 2007-July 2007

Innovation Ce ntre , MIT Manipal

Advisor : Mr. A Vadakkan, Adjunct Faculty, MIT, Manipal

Proje ct : Portable and se cure encryption syste m for transfer of files ove r Bluetooth

Development of an encryption algorithm usi ng Primitively Irreducibl e Polynomials (PIPs)

• Generation of 32 bit Primitive Irreducibl e Polynomi al usi ng a secret pi n code.
• Using the 32 bit PIP generated to simulate a 31 stage Li near Feedback Shift Register which in
turn produces random bits of data conti nuousl y and encrypt a file using XOR mechanism.

Audio Classification and Retrieval Using Pitch Variations Sept 2006-Mar 2007

Content Based Retrieval of audio files from a database

• Query by Hummi ng.
• Algorithm developed using Dynamic Time Warpi ng Techniques.


Suyog Dutt Jai n, Dr Niranjan U C, “ Distributed Framework for Remote Clinical Diagnosis with
Visual Query Support”, Appears in Proc. of 5th IEEE International Conf erence on Information
Technology and Application in Biomedi cine, China, May 2008, pp 560-563.

Suyog Dutt Jain, Harishchandra Hebbar, Manjunath K N, Dr Niranjan U C, “Large Scale Distributed
Framework f or Remote Clinical Diagnosis with Visual Que ry Support” accepted to be the part
of a book titled “ Distributed Diagnosis and Home Healthcare” to be pri nted by Ameri can Scientific

Suyog Dutt Jain, Aninoy Mahapatra, “Audio Classification & Retrieval using Pitch Variations ”,
Proc. of 5 th International Conference on Information Science, Technology and Management [CISTM
2007], Hyderabad, India , July 2007.

Head, National Liaison Team, International Association f or Aug 2006-Feb 2007

Exchange of Stude nts f or Technical Experie nce - India (IAESTE-
This global organization generates internships worldwide and promotes exchange
of students from one country to another thus providing student with an international
exposure and also encourages learni ng of new culture along with technical work.

Vice P resident , RED-X , a socio adventure club of Manipal July 2006-June 2007
Universit y
Have been acti vel y invol ved i n organizing events like wall rappelling, parasailing,
kayaki ng, river crossing etc. on and off the campus as a part of the cl ub. The major
event w as to organize a trek to Himalayas for students of Manipal Uni versity.

Founder Chairman, DISHA an organization working e xclusively Sept 2006-Mar 2007

for child education & welfare
The body conducts regular E nglish and computer classes for the underpri vileged
children in nearby government schools. Recent acti vities i nvolve installing up new
computers i n govt. schools to support computer education and also consolidating
some basi c facilities like water, electricity etc.

Squad Leader, Student Care Cell (Anti Raggi ng Squad) of the college

Instructor, C/C++ workshop conducted by IEEE student chapter MIT, Manipal


Second International Conference on Patte rn Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PRe MI'07)
held at Indian Statistical Institute, Kol kata during December 18-22, 2007.

13 th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computi ng – HIP C 2006 held at Bangalore
duri ng December 18-21, 2006.

INTE L- CDAC Supported High Performance Computing Workshop during 14 th International

Conference on Advanced Computi ng & Communication – ADCOM 2006 hel d at NITK, Surathkal duri ng
December 22-23 Dec 2006.

Attended a workshop on “Model Rocketry” duri ng Techf est 2007 held at IIT, Bombay. During the
workshop a rocket model was designed which was later constructed using basic materi als and was
successfull y launched.

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