Sr.Asst professor
Department of Information Technology
PVP Siddhartha Institute of Technology
C/o. Dr.D.V.S.Chowdary
Vijayawada Krishna dt, Andhra Pradesh
E-mail:[email protected]
Phone: 9441309716
Membership in Professional Bodies:
Administrative Works:
A minor research project titled “Applying Graph Mining Techniques for Protein
Structure Analysis” sanctioned by UGC worth Rs:50000/-
Secured top Topper 5% in NPTEL Online Certification for the course
Introduction to Programming in C, Dec, 2018.
Published a paper on “Optimized Candidate Generation for Frequent Subgraphs in
a Single Graph” in International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer
Published a paper on “Protein Structure Analysis using Graph Mining
Techniques” in Journal of Applied Science and Computations, vol-5, Issue-11.
Published a paper on “Mining Specific Content Search Using Clustering
Algorithm” in Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches (GJESR),
ISSN 2348-8034.
Published a paper on “Frequent and Significant Pattern Mining using
Approximate Patterns for Protein Structure Analysis” in International Journal of
Research, vol 5, issue 6, 2018.
Published a paper on “Fast Canonical Labeling for Graph based Data Mining”,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software
Engineering (IJARCSSE), ISSN 2277 128x, Volume 7 Issue 5, 2017.
Published a paper on “Fast graph Isomorphism Testing for Graph based Data
Mining with Improved Canonical Labeling.”, Journal of Engineering and Applied
Sciences, ISSN 1816-949x,Volume:11, Issue:7,pp:1586-1597,2016.
Published a paper on “Finding Frequent Subgraphs in a Single Graph based on
symmetry”, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISSN 0975-8887,
Published a paper on “Significant Subgraph Mining with Representative Set”,
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN 0974-6846, Vol-
9(44),DOI:10.17485/IJST/2016/v9i44/95055, November 2016
Published a paper on “A Novel Loom for Alacrity for Protected lawsuit dealings
using Cloud Computing Environment” in International Journal of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, vol 6, issue 4, pp.1792-1799.
Published a paper on “A Cram on Semantic Web Components” International
Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Vol 6, ISSN :0976-5697
Published a paper on “ A comprehensive Study on generalized search engines
versus semantic search engines” International Journal of Recent and innovative
trends in computing and communications Vol: 2 Issue: 4 ISSn:2321-B169, April
2014 757-761
Presented and Published a paperon“An improved unique canonical labeling for
frequent subgraph mining” inInternational IEEE conference on Advanced
Computing Technologies(ICACT), and IEEE Explorer, 21-22 September 2013, 1-
6, ISBN: 978-1-4678-2816-6, Rajampet, India
Presented a paper on “Brain Tumor Detection from MRI using Segmentation
Techniques” National Conference Recent trends in Information
Technology(NCRTIT) Feb 2013,9-13.
Presented “Cramming of Frequent sub graph mining algorithms” in National
Conference Recent Trends in Information Technology NCRTIT Feb 2013,78-82.
Presented “A Taxonomy of ILP Based Multi Relational Classification” in One
Day National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology on 9th
Published a paper on “A survey on Assorted approaches in Graph Data Mining”
in Internal Journal of Computer Applications, New York, USA, Jan, 2011 edition.
Published a paper on “Mobile Agent Based Routing in MANETS-
attacks&defenses”, Network Protocols and Algorithms, ISSN 1943- 3581 2011,
Vol 3, No 4, pp 108-121.
Published a paper on “A study on Mobile Internet Protocol and Mobile Adhoc
Network Routing Protocols” in International journal of Computer Science and
Communication, Vol 1, no.2, 2010,pp 185-189.
Workshops/Seminars Attended/Conducted :
Attended One week FDP on “Deep Learning and its Applications” organized by
Dept. of IT at PVPSIT in association with E& ICT academy NIT Warangal from
24. 06.219 to 29.06.2019 .
Attended five days Faculty Development Program on “Outcome Based Education
NBA” conducted at PVPSIT, organized by NITTTR from 22nd to 26th April, 2019.
Attended certification course on “Basic Life Support” at Dr.Pinnamaneni Siddhartha
Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Foundation on 27.02.2019.
Attended three day FDP on “Block chain Technology” conducted by IT and CSE
at PVPSIT from 21-3-2018 to 23-3-2018.
Attended one week Faculty Development Program on “Computer Vision, Information
Theory & Analytics” organized by department of CSE form 28th August - 1st September
Attended three day national level workshop on “Big Image Data Processing on Hadoop
Frame work” organized by department of IT from 26th to 28th October 2017
Attended one week short term training program on “Intelligent Computing & Deep
Learning” from 20th to 24th November of 2017
Participated in a two day Faculty Development Program on “Cloud Infrastructure and
Services” organized by department of CSE in collaboration with ICT Academy held
during 18th and 19th August 2017 at VRSEC Vijayawada
Attended two week faculty development program on “Machine Learning” held
during November 16th -27th ,2015 at VR Siddhartha Engineering college.
Attended Two Week Faculty Development Program on “BIG DATA
ANALYTICS” Held during 13th June to 23rd June, 2016 at PVPSIT.
Attended a event “SMAC Technologies and Future” held on 16-2-16 organized
by PVPSIT ACM Student Chapter
Attended a Short team Course on “Soft Computing Techniques using MATLAB”
through ICT conducted by Electrical Engineering Department from 15-02-16 to
19-2-16 (One Week) at PVPSIT
Attended a Faculty Development Program on “Professional Core of IT”
organized by Department of IT held from 21-1-16 to 23-1-16
Attended AICTE recognized short term course on “Open Source Technologies”
through ICT conducted by CSE from 4-1-2016 to 8-1-2016 at PVPSIT
Attended “National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology
(NCRTIT2K15)” held on 25th March,2015 at PVPSIT
Attended two week faculty development program on “Network security and cyber
forensics “ held during April 13th -24th ,2015 at VR Siddhartha Engineering
Actively organized and participated in One week ISTE WORKSHOP on
“Computer Programming “conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay ,
which was held under the National Mission on Education Through
ICT(MHRD),conducted during 16th – 21st June,2014
Attended One Day Workshop on “Open Source Technologies “held on 28th
June,2014 at PVPSIT
Attended Two Day National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Mathematics and
Computer Science-Applications in Technology, Cryptology, Quality and Business
“held on 25th and 26th April ,2014 under TEQIP-II at VR Siddhartha
Engineering college
Attended One Day Seminar on “Oracle Database Administration(Data
Architecture) “held on 12thApril,2014 at PVPSIT
Attended Two Day workshop on “Advanced Trends in Embedded Systems,
ATES-2014” held on 28th February -1st March,2014,at PVPSIT
Attended “Training Program for Resource Persons and Evaluators on Outcome
based Accreditation”
Attended Two Day National Seminar on “Cloud Computing “held on 25th and 26th
November,2013 at PVPSIT.
Subjects Undertaken:
Personal Profile:
Name: D.Kavitha
Date of Birth: 29-08-1974.
Father’s name: D.Subrahmanyeswara Rao
Marital Status: Married
Languages Known: Telugu, English, Hindi
Nationality: Indian
Permanent Address: C/o. Dr.D.V.S. Chowdary
Krishna dt, Andhra Pradesh