Curriculum For The Bachelor Programme in Engineering in Information and Communication Technology
Curriculum For The Bachelor Programme in Engineering in Information and Communication Technology
Curriculum For The Bachelor Programme in Engineering in Information and Communication Technology
Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 2 1 Objectives of the Programme ....................................................................................................... 3 2 Programme structure and content ................................................................................................ 4 2.1 General information on programme structure and content ................................................... 4 2.1.1 First semester (Basic system construction) .................................................................... 6 2.1.2 Second semester (Client/server systems) ....................................................................... 6 2.1.3 Third semester (Heterogeneous systems) ...................................................................... 6 2.1.4 Fourth semester (Technical systems control)................................................................. 6 2.1.5 Fifth semester (Practical placement) .............................................................................. 7 2.1.6 Sixth semester (Specialisation) ...................................................................................... 7 2.1.7 Seventh semester (Specialisation and bachelor project) ................................................ 7 2.2 Compulsory courses and semester projects ........................................................................... 7 2.3 Compulsory workshops ......................................................................................................... 7 2.4 Practical placement................................................................................................................ 7 2.5 Specialisation profiles and elective courses .......................................................................... 8 2.6 Bachelor project .................................................................................................................... 9 2.7 Time limits .......................................................................................................................... 10 2.8 Structure of the semester ..................................................................................................... 10 3 Exam types and assessments ...................................................................................................... 10 3.1 Exam types .......................................................................................................................... 10 3.2 Exam regulations ................................................................................................................. 10 3.3 External and internal exams ................................................................................................ 11 3.4 Assessments and criteria for passing ................................................................................... 11 4 Repeating courses, re-exam options, deadlines and complaints ................................................ 12 4.1 Repeating courses ................................................................................................................ 12 4.2 Re-exam options .................................................................................................................. 12 4.2.1 Semester project exams ................................................................................................ 12 4.2.2 Students in their final semester .................................................................................... 13 4.3 Deadlines ............................................................................................................................. 13 4.4 Complaints concerning exams............................................................................................. 13 5 Rules regarding transfer of awarded credits .............................................................................. 14 5.1 Workshop traineeships ........................................................................................................ 14 5.2 Practical placement.............................................................................................................. 14 5.3 AP degree in computer science ........................................................................................... 14 5.4 MSc (engineering) students ................................................................................................. 15 5.5 Studies abroad ..................................................................................................................... 15 5.6 Students from other educational institutions ....................................................................... 15 6 Title and diploma ....................................................................................................................... 15 7 Exemptions................................................................................................................................. 15 8 General advice............................................................................................................................ 15 9 Validity of the curriculum .......................................................................................................... 16
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This curriculum applies to students who commenced studies in August 2008 or later. The curriculum has been prepared in accordance with: Executive Order no. 527 of 21 June 2002 on the Bachelor Programme in Engineering (Bekendtgrelse om diplomingeniruddannelsen) Executive order no. 1016 of 24 August 2010 on tests and examinations in professionallyoriented programmes (Bekendtgrelse om prver og eksamen i erhvervsrettede uddannelser) Executive Order no. 262 of 20 March 2007 on the Marking Scale and Other Forms of Assessment (Bekendtgrelse om karakterskala og anden bedmmelse) Executive Order no. 113 of 19 February 2001 on the Professional Bachelor Degree (Bekendtgrelse om uddannelsen til professionsbachelor) Admission requirements for the programme: Mathematics A, Physics B, Chemistry C and 1) upper-secondary leaving exam or 2) qualifying exam for engineering studies In case of discrepancies between the executive orders in force at any time and this curriculum, the executive orders shall take precedence. Students are personally responsible for understanding the contents of this curriculum, which is accessible on the VIA University College website.
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Software development
Web engineering
ICT Engineer
IT and electronics
The programmes profile also covers a number of main trends in the information and communication technology field, such as embedding information technology in intelligent products for the home, within transport technology and in industrial automation processes as well as the integration of administrative and industrial systems. The goal is to educate Information and Communication Technology Engineers and give them comprehensive insight into software, hardware and technological development as well as to ensure that they can communicate and work with other stakeholders in the industry. Information and Communication Technology Engineers typically find employment in software houses, automation companies, large and medium-sized companies as Software Engineers, Systems Consultants and Project Managers. The objectives of the programme are primarily achieved through: Interaction between theory and project work so as to integrate the professional elements of the programme via a problem-solving approach to form a whole, with focus on application-oriented and practical engineering work. Through the project work, there is also an emphasis on developing the students professional, methodological, communicative and personal skills. Collaboration with businesses and research environments in connection with the development and educational activities. Providing an international study environment, with all courses offered and taught in English for Danish and international students, with the possibility to carry out parts of the programme abroad. Active utilisation of the students practical placement period as a means of exchanging knowledge and experience between the university college and the industry.
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The programme includes: Compulsory courses and projects Compulsory workshops Elective courses Practical placement A bachelor project
The first four semesters are compulsory, which means class attendance is required. If a student fails to comply with the required level of study activity and have no legal excuse, such as medical documentation in case of sickness, etc., the student will be withdrawn from the programme. If a student does not attend the examinations of the first semester, he/she will be withdrawn from the programme and may apply for admission at the next ordinary intake. The course of study is illustrated in the following table:
Courses have a scope of between 4 and 12 ECTS points, and projects have a scope of between 6 and 22 ECTS points. See appendix 1: Study plan for Bachelor Programme in Engineering in Information and Communication Technology for students who commenced studies in 2008 or later. For each course or project, a description has been prepared with information on purpose, topics, prerequisites, assessment criteria, etc. Course descriptions for each course are available on the VIA University College website. Project guidelines have also been prepared along with course descriptions for the projects. Page 5 of 17
The first four semesters of the programme must be passed before commencing the practical placement. However, one failed course from either the 3rd or 4th semester is permitted. Furthermore, all workshop courses must have been assessed as passed or awarded by credit transfer. The objective of the practical placement is for the student to obtain insight into real-life engineering work and to apply the concepts, methodologies and techniques acquired in the specialist disciplines of the first four semesters. Students organise their own practical placements, which must be approved by VIA University College, cf. Criteria for approval of practical placements.... The company assigns an employee as supervisor for the student. This employee is also the contact person vis--vis the university college. The practical placement must include a number of practical elements corresponding to the assignments of a new graduate in ICT Engineering. The placement student is assigned a supervisor from VIA University College. Students on practical placements in Denmark can expect one visit from the supervisor. The student must develop a plan for the practical placement period in cooperation with the company including assignment formulation(s), which must be approved by the students supervisor at VIA University College. During the practical placement, the student must be in regular contact with the university college to report on the practical placement, including contributing to knowledge sharing between the university college and the company hosting the practical placement. The practical placement is assessed as Pass/Fail. The assessment of the practical placement is based on regular reports, feedback from the company and a lecture, where the supervisor, fellow students and an examiner may ask questions. A No pass must be accompanied by a written assessment by the supervisor and the examiner. A course description containing the objectives, contents, prerequisites, assessment type etc. has been prepared for the practical placement. The course description also refers to the Guidelines for practical placements.... 2.5 Specialisation profiles and elective courses Specialisation profiles are offered in three areas: 1) Embedded Engineering, 2) Enterprise Engineering and 3) Web Engineering. The objectives of each profile are: 1) Embedded Engineering: Training ICT Engineers with special qualifications to develop intelligent solutions between electronics and computer science.
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The profile covers information technology as well as disciplines such as electronic engineering, automatic control engineering, advanced mechanics and dynamics. The main emphasis is on the integration of IT and mechanical solutions. 2) Enterprise Engineering: Training ICT Engineers with special qualifications to develop IT based solutions within production, sales and financial management systems for companies. The profile primarily covers disciplines such as database systems, networks, ERP systems, Manufacturing Execution Systems, value chain management and finance. 3) Web Engineering: Training ICT engineers with special qualifications to develop web applications. The profile primarily covers disciplines such as database systems, web engineering, digital multi-media, digital media tools and networks. On completion of one of these specialisation programmes the student earns the right to have the specialisation title printed on his/her diploma. In order to earn a specialisation title, the bachelor project must be relevant to the specialisation in question, and 16 ECTS points of elective courses must be taken within the field of specialisation. Courses that are relevant to the specialisation profiles are listed in appendix 4. Elective courses may be taken in the 6th and 7th semesters. In addition to the elective courses within the fields of specialisation, a number of other elective courses are offered as part of the Bachelor Programme in Engineering in Information and Communication Technology. Descriptions of the elective courses can be found in the course catalogue. Students are free to follow elective courses offered by other programmes at VIA University College; however, this does not include courses which focus mainly on topics from the students previous studies. Any courses offered by other programmes must be approved by the Head of Department, Information and Communication Technology Engineering, in order to ensure that the courses selected represent an increase in academic level. 2.6 Bachelor project The preliminary work for the bachelor project commences in the 6th semester (4 ECTS points) and the actual project is carried out in the 7th semester (18 ECTS points), i.e. 22 ECTS points in total. For the bachelor project, the student must solve a major assignment in the field of ICT Engineering and document that he or she has the skills to apply engineering theories and methodologies, cf. the objectives for the Bachelor Programme in Engineering in Information and Communication Technology stated in s. 1. Before commencing work on the bachelor project, the student must pass all courses and projects in the first four semesters as well as the practical placement period.
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2.7 Time limits The exams in the first two semesters of the programme must be passed no later than two years after the commencement of studies. The exams in the first four semesters of the programme must be passed no later than four years after the commencement of studies. The entire programme must be completed no later than seven years after the commencement of studies as stipulated in s. 2(1) and s. 3 of Executive Order no. 527. The university college may, in special cases, grant exemption from the above time limits. 2.8 Structure of the semester A semester normally covers a total of 19 weeks, with a 15-week teaching period and a 4-week exam period. The teaching period includes the teaching of courses and work on a semester project. The number of courses may vary, depending on the semester.
3. If a student attends courses in a single semester that total more than 30 ECTS points, the student must also attend the exams for all extra courses. 4. Elective courses offered by other programmes must be completed with an exam if that is the assessment type required for the course in question.
) If a student attends courses in a single semester that total more than 30 ECTS points, the student must also attend the exams for all extra courses. 3.3 External and internal exams Exams are conducted with either an external or internal examiner. For internal exams, the examiner is appointed by the institution (usually from among the teaching staff at the university college). For external exams, the examiner is appointed by the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education. The assessment type for each course varies between internal and external exams. As a whole, at least half of the courses taken must be documented by external exams. 3.4 Assessments and criteria for passing The following assessment types are used: 1) Marks according to the 7-point grading scale 2) Pass/Fail 3) Approved/Not approved In general, each course must be passed separately. Courses may not be repeated if the student has earned the assessment 02 or higher on the 7-point grading scale, Pass or Approved. Appendix 2 specifies which assessment types that apply to each course. 1) Marks according to the 7-point grading scale This grading scale is used for courses or projects if a mark is required. 2) Pass/Fail The Pass/Fail assessment is used for workshop traineeships, practical placements and elective courses that are not drawn for exams. 3) Approved/Not approved
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The Approved/Not approved assessment is used for courses in which the exam type is the lecturers approval of the students class participation. The criteria for approval are stated in the course description for each course, and may include: Active involvement throughout the course Timely submission and approval of course work Exercises to be carried out, and timely submission and approval of reports Submission of home assignments, assessed to have an overall satisfactory level Results of internal exams
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4.2.2 Students in their final semester Students who only need to pass one of the exams listed in the curriculum as offered in the final exam semester may choose to resit the exam approx. 14 days after the commencement of the next semester. Registration for resits and make-up exams must be submitted to the Student Administration no later than two days after the end of the semester. A student has maximum three attempts to pass the exam for a course or project. These three exam attempts must be in succession, i.e. in three consecutive semesters. In special cases, VIA University College may grant permission for a fourth and possibly a fifth attempt. A re-examination for a course that is normally assessed at a written exam may take the form of an oral exam. A student may attend a course with the Approved/Not Approved assessment type no more than three times. In special cases, VIA University College may give permission for a fourth attempt to attend a course. VIA University College may allow a student who has not achieved the assessment approved to attend an exam (written or oral) instead of the second and third attempts to attend the course. In such cases, VIA University College will appoint an examiner from among the teaching staff. Obtaining permission to attend an exam rather than attend a course which is normally assessed with Approved/Not approved counts as one of the three permitted attempts, regardless of whether the student shows up for the exam or not. Furthermore, the students may not cancel their registration for an exam which they have received special permission to attend. 4.3 Deadlines Completion of the programme is subject to the following deadlines: - 1st and 2nd semester courses and projects must be passed no later than two years after commencement of studies. - 3rd and 4th semester courses and projects must be passed no later than four years after commencement of studies. - The entire programme must be passed no later than seven years after commencement of studies. 4.4 Complaints concerning exams The student must submit complaints about decisions made by VIA University College concerning exams to the Head of Department within two weeks after the exam in question. Decisions concerning legal issues may be brought to the attention of the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education. The deadline for submission of complaints is two weeks from the day the complainant was informed of the decision. Page 13 of 17
5 Leave of absence
It is possible to apply for leave of absence from the study programme in accordance with order no. 87 of 7th February 2011 on admission to bachelor programmes. All applications must be forwarded in writing to the Head of Department and will be assessed individually. The following is applicable: Leave of absence cannot be granted until the exams of the first year have been passed (at least 60 ECTS credits) Leave of absence is usually granted for the entire semester (e.g. maternity leave and leave of illness may be exceptions) and one full year is recommended if the leave of absence is awarded within the first two years of study. During leave of absence, the students are considered non-active as regards SU and the calculation of the study period Leave of absence may be granted for up to two semesters without reason In case of unusual circumstances, leave of absence may be granted for up to four semesters After completed leave of absence, the students will be admitted under the curriculum in effect.
6.4 MSc (engineering) students Students who have completed the first two years of an MSc (engineering) programme with relevant academic content may be awarded credit transfer for those years of study equalling the first four semesters of the Bachelor Programme in Engineering in Information and Communication Technology, excluding the workshops. Students with other relevant study units from MSc (engineering) studies may be awarded credit transfer for these according to an assessment on an individual basis. 6.5 Studies abroad Students who, according to agreement with VIA University College, have studied at an institution abroad, may be awarded a credit transfer for passed study units according to an individual assessment. 6.6 Students from other educational institutions Students who have passed study elements at other Danish institutions of higher education may, according to individual application to the institution, transfer credit for those study elements that are relevant to the course of study followed at VIA University College.
8 Exemptions
VIA University College may grant exemptions from any of the rules stated in this curriculum, which are set out solely by VIA University College, if the student can document any relevant special circumstances.
9 General advice
Courses are offered in a relevant order, which means that some courses must be passed in order for the student to attend subsequent courses. If a student has not passed the required courses, he/she must take the courses again and pass the exam in order to attend the later courses, cf. appendix 3. Page 15 of 17
If a student has to attend a course again due failure at the ordinary exam, the Head of Department may determine special provisions for the students attendance, e.g. compulsory attendance.
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