Cisco CCP Introduction

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Introduction This document describes how to use the Cisco Configuration Professional (Cisco CP) in order to set the

basic configuration of the router. Basic configuration of the router includes configuration of the IP address, default routing, static and dynamic routing, static and dynamic NATing, host name, banner, secret password, user accounts, and other options. Cisco CP allows you to configure your router in several network environments, such as small office home office (SOHO), branch office (BO), regional office, and central site or Enterprise headquarters, with an easy-to-use web-based management interface. For more information about Cisco Configuration Professional, refer to Cisco Configuration Professional Quick Start Guide. Prerequisites Components Used The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions: Cisco 2811 Router with Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(9) Cisco CP Version 2.5 The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command. Install Cisco Configuration Professional Perform these steps in order to install CCP: Download Cisco CP V2.5 from the Cisco Software Center (registered customers only) and install it on your local PC. The latest version of Cisco CP can be found at the CCP website. Launch Cisco CP from your local PC through Start > Programs > Cisco Configuration Professional and choose the Community which has the router you want to configure.

In order to discover the device you want to configure, highlight the router and click the Discover button.

Note: For information on the Cisco router models and IOS releases that are compatible to CCPv2.5, refer to the Compatible Cisco IOS releases section. Note: For information on the PC requirements that runs CCPv2.5, refer to System Requirements section Router Configuration to Run Cisco CP Perform these configuration steps in order to run Cisco CP on a Cisco router: Connect to your router using Telnet, SSH, or through the console. Enter global configuration mode using this command: Router(config)#enable Router(config)# If HTTP and HTTPS are enabled and configured to use nonstandard port numbers, you can skip this step and simply use the port number already configured. Enable the router HTTP or HTTPS server using these Cisco IOS Software commands: Router(config)# ip http server Router(config)# ip http secure-server Router(config)# ip http authentication local Create a user with privilege level 15: Router(config)# username <username> privilege 15 password 0 <password> Note: Replace <username> and <password> with the username and password that you want to configure. Do not use the same password for your user and enable passwords. Configure SSH and Telnet for local login and privilege level 15.

Router(config)# line vty 0 4 Router(config-line)# privilege level 15 Router(config-line)# login local Router(config-line)# transport input telnet Router(config-line)# transport input telnet ssh Router(config-line)# exit (Optional) Enable local logging to support the log monitoring function: Router(config)# logging buffered 51200 warning Requirements This document assumes that the Cisco router is fully operational and configured to allow the Cisco CP to make configuration changes. For complete information on how to start using the Cisco CP, refer to Getting Started with Cisco Configuration Professional. Conventions Refer to the Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions. Configure In this section, you are presented with the information to configure the basic settings for a router in a network. Note: Use the Command Lookup Tool (registered customers only) to obtain more information on the commands used in this section. Network Diagram This document uses this network setup:

Note: The IP addressing schemes used in this configuration are not legally routable on the Internet. They are RFC 1918 addresses which have been used in a lab environment. Interface Configuration Perform these steps in order to configure the interfaces of a Cisco router: Click Home in order to go to the Cisco CP homepage. The Cisco CP homepage provides information such as the hardware and software of the router, feature availability, and a configuration summary.

Choose Configure > Interface Management > Interfaces and Connections > Create Connection in order to configure the WAN connection for the interface. As an example, for FastEthernet 0/1, choose the Ethernet option and click Create New Connection. Note: For other types of interfaces like Ethernet, choose the respective interface type and click Create New Connection to proceed.

Click Next in order to proceed once this interface appears:

Choose FastEthernet 0/1 (desired) from the Available Interfaces option and click Next.

Specify the static IP address with the corresponding subnet mask for the interface and click Next.

Configure the default routing with optional parameters such as the next hop IP address ( as per network diagram) supplied by the ISP and click Next.

This window appears and shows the configuration summary configured by the user. Click Finish. Note: The connectivity of the configuration can be checked by checking the checkbox next to Test the connectivity after configuring. This is an optional feature available.

This window appears and shows the command delivery status to the router. Otherwise, it displays errors if the command delivery fails due to incompatible commands or unsupported features.

Choose Configure > Interface Management > Interfaces and Connections > Edit Interfaces/Connections in order to add/edit/delete the various interfaces.

Highlight the interface with which you want to make changes and click Edit if you want to edit or change the interface configuration. Here, you can change the existing static IP address.

NAT Configuration Dynamic NAT Configuration Perform these steps in order to configure the dynamic NAT in a Cisco router: Choose Configure > Router > NAT > Basic NAT and click Launch the selected task in order to configure basic NATing.

Click Next.

Choose the interface that connects to the Internet or your ISP and choose the IP address range to which Internet access is to be shared. After choosing this information, click Next as shown here:

This window appears and shows the configuration summary configured by the user. Click Finish.

The Edit NAT Configuration window shows the configured dynamic NAT configuration with the translated IP address overloaded (PATing). If you want to configure the dynamic NATing with address pool, click Address Pool.

Click Add.

Here, information such as the pool name and IP address range with netmask are provided. There can be times when most of the addresses in the pool have been assigned, and the IP address pool is nearly depleted. When this occurs, PAT can be used with a single IP address in order to satisfy additional requests for IP addresses. Check Port Address Translation (PAT) if you want the router to use PAT when the address pool is close to depletion. Click OK.

Click Add.

Click Edit.

Choose Address Pool in the Type field, provide the name to the Address Pool as pool, and click OK.

This window shows the configuration for dynamic NATing with the address pool. Click Designate NAT Interfaces.

Use this window in order to designate the inside and outside interfaces that you want to use in NAT translations. NAT uses the inside and outside designations when it interprets translation rules, because translations are performed from inside to outside, or from outside to inside. Once designated, these interfaces are used in all NAT translation rules. The designated interfaces appear above the Translation Rules list in the main NAT window.

Static NAT Configuration Perform these steps in order to configure static NAT in a Cisco router: Choose Configure > Router > NAT > Edit NAT Configuration and click Add in order to configure static NATing.

Choose the Direction either from inside to outside or from outside to inside, and specify the inside IP address to be translated under Translate from Interface. For the Translate to Interface area, choose the Type: Choose IP Address if you want the Translate from Address to be translated to an IP address defined in the IP Address field. Choose Interface if you want the Translate from Address to use the address of an interface on the router. The Translate from Address is translated to the IP address assigned to the interface that you specify in the Interface field. Check Redirect Port if you want to include port information for the inside device in the translation. This enables you to use the same public IP address for multiple devices, as long as the port specified for each device is different. You must create an entry for each

port mapping for this Translated to address. Click TCP if this is a TCP port number and click UDP if it is a UDP port number. In the Original Port field, enter the port number on the inside device. In the Translated Port field, enter the port number that the router is to use for this translation. Refer to the Allowing the Internet to Access Internal Devices section of Configuring Network Address Translation: Getting Started.

This window shows the static NATing configuration with port redirection enabled:

Routing Configuration Static Routing Configuration Perform these steps in order to configure static routing in a Cisco router: Choose Configure > Router > Static and Dynamic Routing and click Add in order to configure static routing.

Enter the Destination Network address with mask and choose either outgoing interface or next hop IP address.

This window shows the static route configured for the network with as the next hop IP address:

Dynamic Routing Configuration Perform these steps in order to configure the dynamic routing in a Cisco router: Choose Configure > Router > Static and Dynamic Routing. Select the RIP and click Edit.

Check Enable RIP, choose the RIP version, and click Add.

Specify the Network address to be advertised.

Click OK.

Click Deliver in order to transfer the commands to the router.

This window shows the dynamic RIP routing configuration:

Miscellaneous Configuration Perform these steps in order to configure the other basic settings in a Cisco router: Choose Configure > Router > Router Options and click Edit if you want to change the Hostname, Domain Name, Banner, and Enable Secret Password properties for a router.

Choose Configure > Router Access > User Accounts/View in order to add/edit/delete the User Accounts to the router.

Choose Configure > Utilities > Save Running Config to PC in order to save the configuration to the NVRAM of the router as well as the PC and to reset the current configuration to default (factory) settings. Note: In order to use CCP to restore the configuration file stored on a computer to a router or to backup the configuration file from a router to a computer, access the Configuration Editor, and click I agree. In the Configure window, choose Import configuration from PC, and then click the replace running configuration button.

CLI Configuration Router Configuration Router#show run Building configuration... Current configuration : 2525 bytes ! version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption ! hostname Router ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! no logging buffered enable password cisco !

no aaa new-model ! resource policy ! ! ! ip cef ! ! ! !--- RSA certificate generated after you enable the !--- ip http secure-server command. crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-2401602417 enrollment selfsigned subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate2401602417 revocation-check none rsakeypair TP-self-signed-2401602417 crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed2401602417 certificate self-signed 01 30820248 308201B1 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030 31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274 69666963 6174652D 32343031 36303234 3137301E 170D3130 30353139 30393031 31315A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649 4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D32 34303136 30323431 3730819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281 8100CD35 A3A6E322 9B6005DA A0FF26C2 8A0DC5AF 27B38F3B DBF2BF58 D8F2655D 31115681 EC8BC750 03FE3A25 0F79DC74

3A839496 CB9486F1 A1F5BF43 D92BA7AF 3C72A57B D8D37799 50493588 A5A18F7F 27955AB0 AC36B560 3BE9F648 A4F6F41F B9E9C5E6 F9570DEB 5555FDED 9593BD00 5ABB30CD D3B9BDFA F570F987 651652CE 3D310203 010001A3 70306E30 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 301B0603 551D1104 14301282 10526F75 7465722E 70616D6D 692E636F 6D301F06 03551D23 04183016 80146A0A C2100122 EFDA58AB C319820D 98256622 52C5301D 0603551D 0E041604 146A0AC2 100122EF DA58ABC3 19820D98 25662252 C5300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 01040500 03818100 83B0EC8C 6916178F 587E15D6 5485A043 E7BB258D 0C9A63F2 DA18793D CACC026E BC0B9B33 F8A27B34 5BD7DD7F FCECA34F 04662AEC 07FD7677 A90A8D1C 49042963 C2562FEC 4EFFF17C 360BF88A FEDC7CAA AE308F6C A5756C4A F574F5F3 39CE14AE BAAEC655 D5920DD0 DA76E296 B246E36E 16CFBC5A 00974370 170BBDAD C1594013 quit

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !--- Create a user account named ccpccp with all privileges. username ccpccp privilege 15 password 0 cisco123 archive log config hidekeys ! ! !

! ! ! !--- The LAN interface configured with a private IP address. interface FastEthernet0/0 description $ETH-LAN$ ip address !--- Designate that traffic that originates from behind !--- the interface is subject to Network Address Translation (NAT). ip nat inside ip virtual-reassembly duplex auto speed auto ! !--- This is the LAN interface configured with a routable (public) IP address. interface FastEthernet0/1 description $ETH-WAN$ ip address !--- Designate that this interface is the !--- destination for traffic that has undergone NAT. ip nat outside ip virtual-reassembly duplex auto speed auto ! ! !--- RIP version 2 routing is enabled. router rip version 2 network no auto-summary

!--- This is where the commands to enable HTTP and HTTPS are configured. ip http server ip http authentication local ip http secure-server ! !--- This configuration is for dynamic NAT. !

!--- Define a pool of outside IP addresses for NAT. ip nat pool pool netmask !--- In order to enable NAT of the inside source address, !--- specify that traffic from hosts that match access list 1 !--- are NATed to the address pool named pool1. ip nat inside source list 1 pool pool1 ! !--- Access list 1 permits only network to be NATed. access-list 1 remark CCP_ACL Category=2 access-list 1 permit ! !--- This configuration is for static NAT !--- In order to translate the packets between the real IP address with TCP !--- port 80 and the mapped IP address with TCP port 500. ! ip nat outside source static tcp 8080 80 extendable ! !

! ! !--- The default route is configured and points to ip route ! ! ! ! control-plane ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! line con 0 line aux 0 !--- Telnet enabled with password as cisco. line vty 0 4 password cisco transport input all line vty 5 15 password cisco transport input all !

! ! end Verify Choose Configure > Interface & Connections > Edit Interface Connections > Test Connection in order to test the end-to-end connectivity. You can specify the remote end IP address if you click the User-specified radio button.

Troubleshoot The Output Interpreter Tool (registered customers only) (OIT) supports certain show commands. Use the OIT to view an analysis of show command output.

Note: Refer to Important Information on Debug Commands before you issue debug commands. You can use these options in order to troubleshoot: Choose Help > About this Router in order to view the hardware and software details of the router.

The Help option provides information about the various available options in the Cisco CP for the configuration of routers.

How can I change the user name and password for the router? You can change the router user name and password through Cisco CP. Complete these steps in order to change the user name and password: Create a new temporary user account, and then log in to the temporary user account. Change the user name and password of the main user account (that is, the user account of the router on which you want to change the user name and password) in your Cisco CP. Log out from the temporary account, and log in to the main user account. Delete the temporary user account after you change the password for the main account. I receive an internal error when I use Internet Explorer 8 to access Cisco CP. How do I resolve this issue? Problem You might receive this internal error when you use Internet Explorer 8 to configure the 2800 series router using Cisco CP: Internal error: [FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="Send failed" faultCode="Client.Error.MessageSend" faultDetail="Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Status 200: url: 'http://localhost:8600/messagebroker/amf'"] messageId="A08846FF-E7C6-F578-7C3861C6E94899C7" type="fault" bubbles=false cancelable=true eventPhase=2] Downgrading Java does not resolve the issue. Solution This error might be the result of a browser compatibility issue. Internet Explorer 8 changes many fundamental aspects of developing applications for IE. Cisco recommends that you downgrade Internet Explorer to version 7. You should also uninstall and reinstall Cisco CP. I receive this error message when I try to install Cisco CP: "Unable to read the source file. File could be Corrupted. Please re-install Cisco Configuration Professional to resolve the issue." How do I resolve this issue?

Problem When you download the application setup file and attempt to install Cisco CP, you might receive this error: Unable to read the source file. File could be Corrupted. Please re-install Cisco Configuration Professional to resolve the issue Solution Try the following in order to resolve this. Delete all instances of Cisco CP on your PC, and perform a fresh download and install. If the previous step does not work, try to download a different version of Cisco CP. If the previous step does not work, contact Cisco TAC. Note: You must have valid Cisco user credentials in order to contact Cisco TAC. How do I access the Cisco CP technical logs? Click Start > Programs > Cisco Systems > Cisco Configuration Professional > Collect Data for Tech Support. Cisco CP automatically archives the logs in a zip file named Perform a local file system search for this file if it is not saved to your Desktop. You can send these technical logs to Cisco TAC for further troubleshooting. Note: Close all instances of Cisco CP to get rid of any other issues in archiving the logs. Router discovery takes more time than usual. How do I resolve this issue? Problem Once Cisco CP is launched and the community is configured, discovery of the router takes more time than usual. Here are the Cisco CP logs that describe the time elapsed: July 10, 2009 8:29:19 AM EDT Discovering device test-router July 10, 2009 8:29:20 AM EDT Last discovery clean-up elapsed time was 47 milliseconds. July 10, 2009 8:31:13 AM EDT Discovery job allocation elapsed time was 113859 milliseconds. July 10, 2009 8:31:13 AM EDT Authentication completed. July 10, 2009 8:40:28 AM EDT Video feature disabled. Video feature discovery elapsed time=214375 ms July 10, 2009 8:51:15 AM EDT Security feature ready - elapsed time was 860734 milliseconds. July 10, 2009 8:51:16 AM EDT Total device test-router discovery elapsed time was 1316047 milliseconds. This issue occurs with all routers irrespective of their model and platform. In addition, there are no memory or CPU related issues on the routers. Solution Verify the authentication mode. If authentication does not occur locally, then check if there is an issue with the authenticating server. Fix any issue with the authenticating server in order to resolve this issue. I am unable to view the IPS configuration page on Cisco CP. How do I resolve this issue? Problem When a specific feature in the Configuration window does not show anything except a blank page, there might be a incompatibility issues. Solution Verify these items in order to resolve this issue: Verify if that specific feature is supported and enabled on your router model.

Verify if your router version supports that feature. Router version incompatibilities could be resolved with a version upgrade. Verify if the problem is with the current licensing. Cisco Support Community - Featured Conversations Cisco Support Community is a forum for you to ask and answer questions, share suggestions, and collaborate with your peers. Below are just some of the most recent and relevant conversations happening right now. Want to see more? Join us by clicking here Basic Firewall using CCP on 861 routernspen311j1 Reply3 years, 3 months ago After configuring a Basic firewall using Cisco's configuration professional internal hosts are unable to access the internet. Host ipconfig info displays dns servers addresses and domain name; however web browser will not bring up web pages. This is a new 861 router Subscribe Reply Re: Basic Firewall using CCP on 861...mchin3453 years, 3 months ago Verify the initial configuration performed with Cisco CP Express Step 1 Ensure that the IP address of the PC is on the same subnet as the router LAN interface. The steps to follow depend on whether the PC must be configured to obtain an IP address automatically, or whether it must be configured with a static IP address. Step 2 Open a web browser and enter the new IP address that you gave the router LAN interface Step 3 Enter the username... Reply Cisco Configuration Professionalegeorgopoulos1 Reply1 year, 10 months ago Hello, I installed the Cisco Configuration Professional 2.0 but when I try to get connected and discover the device (cisco 877), I get the message: "No valid transport configuration can be used to connect to the device." I went through the below configuration: Router(config)# ip http secure-server Router(config)# line vty 0 4 Router(config-line)# transport input ssh Router(config)# username cisco privilege 15 secret 0 #### Do you have any ideas, what should I look? Thank you. Subscribe Reply Re: Cisco Configuration Professionaljon.marshall1 year, 10 months ago There are more config lines needed than you have added. Please use this doc as a guide scoCPqsg.html#wp135354 If ssh still does not work then try telnet instead temporarily, Also at a more basic level can you ping the router from your PC ? Jon Reply Cisco CP cannot write to startup...scorbett_at_lcb.state.nv.us1 Reply1 year, 3 months ago Not sure if this is the correct area to post this but I cannot get the cisco configuration professional (2.3) to write to startup configuration on my 3925 router. I can do it fine via telnet or directly connected using commands but when I try to do it in the Cisco CP is comes up with Error Write to startup configuration failed. Try again later. Any ideas? thanks Subscribe Reply Re: Cisco CP cannot write to startup...marc.uchniat1 year, 3 months ago Hi, I ran into this problem today. I do all of my configuration from the command prompt and my standard operating procedure is to disable everything but ssh access. One of my

clients uses the CP product and had this issue. Turns out, it's because I disallowed telnet access. I permitted telnet to the local network and it worked just fine. line vty 0 4 transport input ssh line vty 5 9 transport input ssh line vty 10 15 access-class... Reply Cisco configuration Replies1 year, 11 months ago Hi Guys how to preapare ur router for Cisco configuration professional when this software is fully installed in ur workstation? Thanks Subscribe Reply About cisco configuration professionalmachiasiaweb3 Replies1 year, 1 month ago Hi, Did cisco configuration professional support free to use for those 2900 series router with IP base and IP adv security license? Thx! Subscribe Reply Re: About cisco configuration...p.bevilacqua1 year, 1 month ago CCP doesn't care about the router model. Reply Re: About cisco configuration...machiasiaweb1 year, 1 month ago Hi, Mainly is I want to know is that free download and using it for configuration router. It is because usually I use CLI to config router rather than GUI. Thx! Reply Re: About cisco configuration...p.bevilacqua1 year, 1 month ago Keep using CLI, you will have much better results. Reply Cisco 881 vlan isolation, unknown...jconklin995 Replies11 months, 6 days ago Hello, I've configured my router as needed and everything is working. However I have a few questions. First at cli if I issue the show vlans command it returns No Virtual LANs configured. If I check through CCP I see them.. Why is that I can't see them via the show vlans command? Second I have two random random interfaces called NVI0 Null0. NVI0 is shown at cli but it doesn't shown through the CCP. The other interface Null0 is shown through the CCP but not through the cli. What are those two interfaces and their purposes? I believe NVI0 is a virtual NAT interface, but I couldn't be sure and I didn't understand the purpose. The Null0 interface I believe is used to prevent routing loops when you run a routing protocol but I have yet to issue or deploy EIGRP, RIP, or other. Third how do I disable CCP-Exp so it won't run through a web browser? I am using the CCP not the CCP Exp and I don't want the CCP EXP to be accessible. Can I just delete the file or file(s) from flash and accomplish what I want? -#- --length-- -----date/time-----path 1 28461436 Mar 01 1984 00:01:00 c880data-universalk9-mz.150-1.M4.bin 2 3331 Feb 05 2011 17:19:36 cpconfig-8xx.cfg 3 2941440 Feb 05 2011 17:19:54 cpexpress.tar 4 1038 Feb 05 2011 17:20:04 home.shtml 5 115712 Feb 05 2011 17:20:12 home.tar 6 1697952 Feb 05 2011 17:20:30 securedesktop-ios- 7 415956 Feb 05 2011 17:20:42 sslclient-win- 8 720 Feb 27 2011 06:29:06 vlan.dat And last I want to backup my IOS. I'm confused as to which file is my IOS. c880data-universalk9-mz.150-1.M4.bin looks like it by the size, but I couldn't understand what securedesktop-ios- was. Also when I checked out the current IOS releases they are at version 12.4 or about, so how is it my router runs a version 15 IOS? Subscribe Reply

Re: Cisco 881 vlan isolation, unknown...sharifimr11 months, 6 days ago Hi Joe, Since I don't know what CCP and CCP-Exp is, I only answer your last question. c880data-universalk9-mz.150-1.M4.bin is your current IOS you are running and you should be able to see the same name if you issue command "sh ver" You can use TFTP to back up your IOS. Also, Cisco directly went from IOS 12 to 15. There is no IOS !3 and 14, so you are running the latest main line image HTH Reza Reply Re: Cisco 881 vlan isolation, unknown...jconklin9911 months, 6 days ago Thats helpful for the last question, thanks. I'll still need help with the others if anyone can answer those. The CCP is the Cisco Configuration Professional. It is the replacement for the Security Device Manager. The CCP Express is a very scalled down version of the Cisco Configuration Profession which is basically the equivalent of a Linksys web gui for an IOS router. It is pitiful. Hence I want to remove access to it, and don't plan on... Reply Re: Cisco 881 vlan isolation, unknown...cadetalain11 months, 6 days ago Hi, To see the VLANS on a router with a switch module you must issue sh sw-vlan command. You can delete CCP express without any problem. The NVI is indeed created when you issue nat command on interface and for Null0 just do a sh run to see if it is in the running and if not post the screenshot where you this interface. Regards. Alain. Reply Re: Cisco 881 vlan isolation, unknown...jconklin9911 months, 6 days ago show sw-vlans doesn't work, and in fact on the Cisco 881 Router below are the show commands available that begin with the letter S fw881#show s? sampler sasl scp sctp secure sessions smf snapshot snmp sntp sockets spanning-tree ssh ssm sss stacks standby startup-config storm-control subscriber... Reply Re: Cisco 881 vlan isolation, unknown...cadetalain11 months, 6 days ago Hi, Sorry I did a typo for the command , this is sh vlan-switch and not what I told you before. For Null0, I don't see why CCP put it here if it doesn't appear in the routing table. Regards. Alain. Reply IOS version for Cisco Configuration...dwagner_at_max-boegl.de10 Replies2 years, 3 months ago Hi, What IOS version do i need for using the Cisco Configuration Professional on a 1861? I want to use a gui for this device Subscribe Reply Re: IOS version for Cisco Configuration...leolaohoo2 years, 4 months ago You need Secure Device Management or SDM. Reply Re: IOS version for Cisco Configuration... referring_site=kapi2 years, 4 months ago thanks, but please look at the following site: 6c4def.html The SDM is not supported for the 1861

Reply Re: IOS version for Cisco Configuration...mark.yeates2 years, 4 months ago David, You are correct and CCP is supported on the 1861 router. It requires 124-11.XW6 or 12.4(20)T and later IOS versions. HTH, Mark Reply Re: IOS version for Cisco Configuration... referring_site=kapi2 years, 4 months ago Thanks Mark, we've tried this with xw6 and 20t but the ccp gives a error message something like "hardware platform not supported" Reply Re: IOS version for Cisco Configuration...mark.yeates2 years, 4 months ago What version of CCP are you using? This guide references version 1.4. Mark Reply Re: IOS version for Cisco Configuration... referring_site=kapi2 years, 4 months ago 1.4 Reply Re: IOS version for Cisco Configuration...lavramov2 years, 4 months ago There an issue on CCP 1.4 for vlan interfaces on 1861. This will be fixed in CCP 2.0, that one is coming out soon. Reply Re: IOS version for Cisco Configuration... referring_site=kapi2 years, 4 months ago ok, thanks for the answer. So, what is the workaround? Do i have to use a static ip? Reply Re: IOS version for Cisco Configuration...lavramov2 years, 4 months ago Workaround is to use the CLI in the meantime. 2.0 should be released in a few weeks. Reply Re: IOS version for Cisco Configuration... referring_site=kapi2 years, 3 months ago Hi, so, after installing configuration professional 2.0 - same problem. "unsupported platform". we have "C1861W-SRST-B/K9" (note - with wlan). when i look at the supported hardware document - every device is supported but not the "C1861W-SRSTb/K9". Could it be, that this platform is totally not supported? Reply More Replies Can Cisco Work join in with Cisco...suriya_at_cisco1 Reply1 year, 1 week ago Can Cisco Work join in with Cisco Configuration Professional ? Information Customer following : Originally System : Cisco Work LMS Version 3.12 New System : Router 2901 Cisco Configuration Professional I have question Cisco Work join in with Cisco

Configuration Professional If use Cisco Work Discovery Cicso 2901 by SNMP therefore topology router Cisco 2901 but the customer want config router Cisco 2901 by Cisco Configuration Professional when click icon (Router Cisco 2901) Can it above feature ? Subscribe Reply

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