Assignment 3: HCMC University of Technology Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Assignment 3: HCMC University of Technology Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Assignment 3: HCMC University of Technology Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering
Assignment 3
Static Checker
2 Static Checker 2
2.1 Redeclared Variable/Function/Parameter: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Undeclared Identifier/Function: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Type Cannot Be Inferred: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.4 Type Mismatch In Statement: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.5 Type Mismatch In Expression: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.6 No Entry Point: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Submissions 5
4 Plagiarism 5
5 Change Log 6
Assignment 3
version 1.0
• explain the principles how a compiler can check some semantic constraints such as
type compatibility, scope constraints,... and
1 Specification
In this assignment, you are required to write a static checker for a program written in
BKIT. To complete this assignment, you need to:
• Read carefully the specification of BKIT language
• If you are confident on your Assignment 2, copy your BKIT.g4 into src/main/bkit/parser
and your into src/main/bkit/astgen and you can test your Assign-
ment 3 using BKIT input like the first three tests (400-402).
• Otherwise (if you did not complete Assignment 2 or you are not confident on your
Assignment 2), don’t worry, just input AST as your input of your test (like test
2 Static Checker
A static checker plays an important role in modern compilers. It checks in the compiling
time if a program conforms to the semantic constraints according to the language specifica-
tion. In this assignment, you are required to implement a static checker for BKIT language.
The input of the checker is in the AST of a BKIT program, i.e. the output of the assignment
2. The output of the checker is nothing if the checked input is correct, otherwise, an error
message is released and the static checker will stop immediately
For each semantics error, students should throw corresponding exception given in Stat- inside folder src/main/bkit/checker/ to make sure that it will be printed out the
same as expected. Every test-case has at most one kind of error. The semantics constraints
required to check in this assignment are as follows.
• When a variable is initialized in its declaration, the type of the variable is also the
type of the initialized literal.
• If an expression can be inferred to some type but some of its components cannot be
inferred to any type, the innermost statement containing the type-unresolved compo-
nent will be associated with the exception. For example, the expression in the right
hand side of the statement y = a + foo(x) can be inferred to type int as the result
of + is in type int and y, a and the return type of foo can also be inferred to type int,
but we cannot infer the type of x, then the exception is raised with the assignment
• A call statement to a type-unresolved function is valid when all its parameter types
can be inferred by the corresponding argument types and its return type can be
inferred to VoidType. If there exists at least one type-unresolved parameter, the
exception is raised with the call statement. Note that if the number of the arguments
is not the same as the number of the arguments, the exception concerned in Section
2.4 is raised.
• A function call to a type-unresolved type function is valid if all its parameter types and
the return type can be resolved. Otherwise, the innermost statement containing the
function call is associated to the exception. Note that if the number of the arguments
is not the same as the number of the arguments, the exception concerned in Section
2.5 is raised.
• The types of both sides of an assignment must be the same (i.e. same scalar type
or same element type and same list of dimensions for array type) so that if one side
has resolved its type, the other side can be inferred to the same type. If both sides
cannot be resolved their types, the exception is raised with the assignment.
• For each statement, all variables appear in the statement must have type resolved
otherwise the innermost statement containing the type-unresolved variable will be
associated with the raised exception.
- The type of index variable, expression 1 and expression 3 in a for statement must be
integer while the type of expression 2 is boolean.
- The type of condition expression in do while and while statements must be boolean.
- For an assignment, the left-hand side (LHS) can be in any type except VoidType.
The right- hand side (RHS) is the same type as that of the LHS.
- For a call statement <method name>(<args>), the callee must have VoidType as
return type. The number of arguments and the number of parameters must be the
same. In addition, the type of each argument must be the same as the corresponding
- For a return statement, if the return type of the enclosed function is VoidType, the
expression in the return statement must be empty. Otherwise, the type of the return
expression must be the same as the return type of the function.
- For an array indexing E[E1]...[En], E must be in array type with n dimensions and
E1...En must be integer.
- For a binary and unary expression, the type rules are described in the BKIT specifi-
- For a function call <function name>(<args>), the number of the actual parameters
must be the same as that of the formal parameters of the corresponding function.
The type of each argument must be same as the type of the corresponding parameter.
3 Submissions
This assignment requires you submit 2 files: containing class Static-
Checker with the entry method check, and containing 100 (200 for gifted
students) testcases.
File and must be submitted in "Assignment 3
The deadline is announced in course website and that is also the place where you MUST
submit your code.
4 Plagiarism
• You must complete the assignment by yourself and do not let your work seen by
someone else.
If you violate any requirement, you will be punished by the university rule for plagiarism.
5 Change Log