JCFM News Letter: - Jakarta Comprehensive Flood Management Project

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JCFM News Letter

- Jakarta Comprehensive Flood Management ProjectVolume 1

c / o D i t . S u ng a i d a n P a n t ai , Di r ek t o r at Je n d e r a l S u m b e r D a ya A i r , K e m en t e r i a n P e k e r j a a n Um u m , J l . P at t i m ur a N o . 20 , K e b a y or a n B ar u , J a k ar t a S e l a t an [ e - m a i l ] j i c a f l o o d @ g m a i l . c o m [ P h o ne / F ax ] ] 0 2 1 - 7 2 6 - 4 5 8 2 / 4 5 8 3

1. Introduction
Introduction Kick-off Meeting JCC Meeting and Workshop on Inception Report Introduction of Project Team Members

The Project for Capacity Development of Jakarta Comprehensive Flood Management (JCFM) has started under the cooperation between MPW (Ministry of Public Works) and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). In this newsletter, we will provide you the information about this project.

2. Kick-off Meeting (9th Nov,2010)

At the occasion of starting the Project for Capacity Development of Jakarta Comprehensive Flood Management (JCFM), Directorate General of Water Resources in cooperation with JICA held Kick-off Meeting to share the background, purpose and target of the project on November 9th, 2010. The meeting was chaired by Director of Operation and Maintenance of Water Resources represented by the Head of SubDirectorate Implementation of West Region, Ir. Tri Bayu Adji. The meeting was opened by the leader of the meeting who explained about the background and the target of this project and continued by Mr.Tanaka Takaya, JICA Chief Advisor who explained the outline of this project. And next, the explanation from Mr.Sarwono Sukardi, as the fasilitator of the project explained and shared the experience about the previous project. At the discussion sesion, we received some inputs from the participants. The participants wish the project will run optimally including the structure and non-structure measures, the related insitutions, from planning until implementation from the upstream to downstream Ciliwung. Following were several relevant institutions of 28 meeting participants: Ministry of Public Works: - DG. Water Resources (including BBWS Ciliwung Cisadane) - DG. Spatial Planning - DG. Human Settlement Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta: - Public Works Agency of DKI Jakarta - Spatial Planning Agency of DKI Jakarta Provincial Government of West Java: - Water Resources Management Agency of West Java - Highway and Water Resources Agency of Bogor Regency - Spatial Planning and Settlement Agency of Bogor Regency - Highway and Water Resources Agency of Bogor City - Highway and Water Resources Agency of Depok City

Kick-off meeting on 9th Nov

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3. JCC Meeting and Workshop on Inception Report (14th,Dec,2010)

In the beginning of 1st phase of the project, JCC (Joint Coordination Committee) Meeting and Workshop on Inception Report were held on December 14th, 2010 in Hotel Kartika Chandra, Jakarta. In the JCC Meeting, all the members of the coordination team were asked to give directions or their policies concerning the Inception Report. The coordination team consists of all Heads from relevant Institutions that become counterpart in the project, and chaired by the Dr. Moch. Amron, Director General of Water Resources. Dr,Moch. Amron mentioned In this project there are 30 members of counterparts from various sectors, both from the central and provincial governments. The unity of the counterparts is very important to this project. Cooperation and coordination among these counterparts are expected to bring in development of their respective institutions, so that the concepts of comprehensive flood management can be implemented successfully, We have four flood related projects in Greater Jakarta and the collaboration between these projects, JICA, Dutch Government, Work Bank (IBRD) and Asian Development Bank (ADB) can be performed properly and effectively. Meanwhile, Ir.Pitoyo Subandrio, Director of River and Coast, mentioned that one of the outputs of this project is to formulate the Comprehensive Flood Management Plan (CFMP) and Comprehensive Flood Management Action Plan. Ir.Pitoyo expected that the counterparts should participate and contribute to this project as close partners to produce fruitful results. The following are the presentations delivered in the JCC Meeting: 1. Explanation of Inception Report by Takaya TANAKA, JICA Chief Advisor The key points of CFMP are: 1) All countermeasures are comprehensively formulated in the 1 plan. 2) Especially for river improvement measures and spatial planning, they are well coordinated. The CFMP is a run-off allocation plan between on-stream and offstream. It means we should determine how much we retain the rain in the city, and how much in river channel. For the off-stream allocation, we must regulate land-development in spatial planning and construct retention pond or infiltration facilities. For the on-stream allocation, we must make river improvement and retarding basin. 2. Activity Plan and Schedule by Tamotsu SHINGU, Project Team Leader The Project period is 3years and the project outputs are 1) Roles of organizations related to CFM are clarified.

The unity of 30 counterparts is very important for this project. by Dr.Moch. Amron Dir.Gen.Water Resources.

Opening Address by Ir.Pitoyo, Dir. of River and Coast,and Dr.Baba, JICA mission team leader

JCFM Newsletter
CFMP consisting of the Comprehensive Flood Management Action Plan (CFMAP) of all related organizations is formulated, and legalization process of the CFM approach for urban flood management has been started. 3) Mechanism for monitoring, evaluation and feedback for CFMP is established and monitoring activities are performed. 4) Sustainable coordination and collaboration mechanism among river basin stakeholders (public, private and resident) is established. The target area is Ciliwung river basin. Technology transfer will be conducted while sharing experiences through OJT in order to give the C/Ps the capacity to autonomously formulate and implement the CFMP. After the JCC Meeting, the workshop was held with the attendance of all counterparts of the project and the representatives from other projects related with the flood in JABODETABEK (Netherland, Word Bank and ADB) ,which was chaired by Ir. Widagdo, Dipl. HE, the former Director of River and Coast. 1st Session Introduction to JICA-CFM Project by Takaya TANAKA Grouping of Counterparts and Training Schedule by Tamotsu SHINGU 2nd Session: Introduction of other flood mitigation projects in JABODETABEK such as: Jakarta Coastal Defense Strategy Project, by Jan Jaap Brinkman, Netherland Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management in 6 Cs River Basin Territory, package B, by Hendarti, ADB Flood Management in Selected Basin, by M. Napitupulu, ADB Jakarta Urgent Flood Mitigation Project , Jakarta Emergency Dredging Initiative, by Bambang Sigit, World Bank After the discussion regarding the role of the concerned authorities for CFM and the coordination among relevant projects, many of counterparts shared their ideas and opinions. The conclusion and the closing were given by Ir. Widagdo, Dipl. HE representing the Director of River and Coast. 2)

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CFMP should be well coordinated between river improvement and spatial planning. by Mr.Tanaka, JICA Chief Advisor

The project outputs are to formulate CFMP and establish monitoring and feedback mechanisms. by Mr.Shingu,JICA Team Leader

Question and discussion (Maryana,DPU DKI Jakarta Province /Sumaji, Water Resources Agency of West Java Province /Linda Al Amin, BAPPEDA of West Java Province/Kenji TANAKA, member of JICA Mission)

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Discussion with all the presenters as resource persons

Closing by Ir. Widagdo

4. Introduction of Project Team Member

Mr.Takaya TANAKA Chief Advisor Mr.Tamotsu SHINGU Team Leader / Comprehensive Flood Management Mr.Hiroshi SHIMOOSAKO Storage&Infiltration Facilities Mr.Makoto YONEKURA Run-off Analyst

Mr.Shigeki TAKASHIMA Spatial Planner

Mr.Tadafumi SATO Hydaulics & Hydrology/Climate Change Mr.Nobuyuki IIJIMA Land Subsidence Analyst

Mr.Naoki UEHATA River Basin Management Organization Mr.Sarwono Sukardi Project Facilitator

Ms.Maiko TAKAHASHI Coordinator/Assistant Integrated Flood Control Planner Mr.Laode M. Syamsul (Acu) CAD/GIS

Ms.Novita Nababan Project Secretary

Ms. Dwi Ismar Pennie Project Secretary

Ms. Lulu Annisa Project Accountant

Ms. Lulu Diani Siwi Project Secretary

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